Short Welcome Speech for Students

Last Updated: October 11, 2024

Short Welcome Speech for Students

Good [morning/afternoon/evening] everyone,

Thank you all for being here to celebrate this special occasion as we honor [retiree’s name] and their incredible journey with us. Today, we gather not only to say goodbye but also to celebrate the remarkable career and lasting contributions [he/she/they] has made over the years.

[Retiree’s name] has been a wonderful colleague, a mentor to many, and a true friend. While we will miss [him/her/them] dearly, we are also excited for [him/her/them] as [he/she/they] embarks on this new chapter of life.

So let’s make this a memorable send-off! Thank you once again for joining us, and let’s raise a glass to [retiree’s name] and the wonderful years ahead. Welcome, everyone!

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