Student Council Speech for 5th Grade

Team English -
Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: May 21, 2024

Student Council Speech for 5th Grade

ello, fellow students and teachers!

My name is [Your Name], and I am excited to run for student council representative. I believe I can make a positive difference at our school. Today, I want to share with you why I am the right choice for student council and what I hope to achieve if elected.

Why Vote for Me?

1. I Listen to Everyone: I promise to listen to your ideas and concerns. Whether it’s about school events, the playground, or classroom activities, I want to hear what you think and make sure your voice is heard.

2. I’m Responsible: I always complete my assignments on time and help my classmates when they need it. Being responsible means you can count on me to follow through with my promises and take my role seriously.

3. I’m Friendly and Approachable: I enjoy making new friends and helping others. If you have any questions or need someone to talk to, I will always be there for you.

My Goals

1. More Fun Activities: I want to organize more fun events like spirit days, talent shows, and themed parties. These activities will make school even more enjoyable for everyone.

2. Improved Facilities: I will work on getting new equipment for our playground and more books for our library. A better environment helps us learn and play more effectively.

3. Community Service Projects: I believe in giving back to our community. I will set up projects like food drives and clean-up days to help those in need and keep our school and neighborhood clean.

4. Student Suggestions Box: I will create a suggestions box where you can share your ideas and feedback. This way, we can work together to make our school a better place.


In conclusion, I am dedicated to making our school a better place for everyone. I am ready to listen, act responsibly, and be your friend. With your vote, we can achieve great things together. Let’s make this school year the best one yet!

Thank you for your time, and I hope to earn your vote for student council representative.


[Your Name]

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