Student Questionnaire for Stuttering
Part 1: General Information
- What is your name (or initials)?
- How old are you?
- What grade are you in?
- How long have you been aware of your stuttering?
- Who have you talked to about your stuttering (e.g., family, friends, teacher, therapist)?
Part 2: Stuttering Experience
- How often do you notice yourself stuttering?
- A. Rarely
- B. Sometimes
- C. Often
- D. Almost Always
- Are there specific words or sounds that you find harder to say?
- A. Yes
- B. No
- Do you feel that your stuttering changes depending on the situation?
- A. Yes
- B. No
- Do you avoid certain words or speaking situations because of your stuttering?
- A. Yes
- B. No
Part 3: Emotional Impact
- How do you feel when you stutter?
- A. Confident
- B. Frustrated
- C. Embarrassed
- D. Other (please explain): ____________________________
- Do you feel that others treat you differently because of your stuttering?
- A. Yes
- B. No
- What would you like people to understand about your stuttering?
Part 4: Support and Goals
- Have you received support for your stuttering (e.g., speech therapy, support groups)?
- A. Yes
- B. No
- What has helped you the most so far in managing your stuttering?
- What are your goals for your speech? (e.g., feeling more confident, speaking more fluently, not avoiding situations): ____________________________
- How can teachers or classmates support you better in school?
- Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience with stuttering?