Student Questionnaire for Transition Planning

Last Updated: December 24, 2024

Student Questionnaire for Transition Planning

Part 1: General Information

  1. What is your name (or initials)?
  2. How old are you?
  3. What grade are you in?
  4. Who are the key people supporting you in your transition planning (e.g., parents, teachers, counselors)?

Part 2: Self-Awareness

  1. What are your strengths and skills?
    • Examples: organization, communication, teamwork, creativity.
  2. What activities or subjects do you enjoy the most?
  3. What activities or tasks do you find challenging?
  4. How would you describe your learning style?
    • A. Visual (seeing pictures, diagrams, or charts)
    • B. Auditory (listening to explanations)
    • C. Kinesthetic (hands-on activities)

Part 3: Goals and Interests

  1. What are your career interests or job goals after graduation?
  2. What type of education or training would you like to pursue after high school?
    • A. College or university
    • B. Vocational or technical school
    • C. Apprenticeship
    • D. Directly entering the workforce
    • E. Other (please specify): ____________________________
  3. What hobbies, clubs, or extracurricular activities do you participate in or want to explore?
  4. What are your long-term personal goals (e.g., living independently, owning a home, traveling)?

Part 4: Skills and Preparation

  1. Do you feel prepared for life after high school?
    • A. Yes
    • B. No
  2. Which life skills do you want to improve?
    • A. Managing money
    • B. Cooking and meal planning
    • C. Time management
    • D. Transportation (e.g., driving, using public transit)
    • E. Other: ____________________________
  3. Have you taken any steps toward your future goals (e.g., internships, part-time jobs, college applications)?
    • A. Yes
    • B. No
    If yes, what steps have you taken? ____________________________

Part 5: Support and Resources

  1. What support or resources would help you in achieving your goals?
    • Examples: mentoring, tutoring, career counseling, financial aid.
  2. Who do you feel comfortable talking to about your future plans?
  3. Are there any barriers or challenges you face in planning for your future?
  4. What accommodations or support systems have been most helpful to you in school or life?

Part 6: Reflection and Next Steps

  1. What does a successful transition after high school look like to you?
  2. What are the next steps you’d like to take in your transition planning?
  3. Is there anything else you’d like to share about your plans, concerns, or goals?

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