Student Questionnaire for Transition Planning
Part 1: General Information
- What is your name (or initials)?
- How old are you?
- What grade are you in?
- Who are the key people supporting you in your transition planning (e.g., parents, teachers, counselors)?
Part 2: Self-Awareness
- What are your strengths and skills?
- Examples: organization, communication, teamwork, creativity.
- What activities or subjects do you enjoy the most?
- What activities or tasks do you find challenging?
- How would you describe your learning style?
- A. Visual (seeing pictures, diagrams, or charts)
- B. Auditory (listening to explanations)
- C. Kinesthetic (hands-on activities)
Part 3: Goals and Interests
- What are your career interests or job goals after graduation?
- What type of education or training would you like to pursue after high school?
- A. College or university
- B. Vocational or technical school
- C. Apprenticeship
- D. Directly entering the workforce
- E. Other (please specify): ____________________________
- What hobbies, clubs, or extracurricular activities do you participate in or want to explore?
- What are your long-term personal goals (e.g., living independently, owning a home, traveling)?
Part 4: Skills and Preparation
- Do you feel prepared for life after high school?
- A. Yes
- B. No
- Which life skills do you want to improve?
- A. Managing money
- B. Cooking and meal planning
- C. Time management
- D. Transportation (e.g., driving, using public transit)
- E. Other: ____________________________
- Have you taken any steps toward your future goals (e.g., internships, part-time jobs, college applications)?
- A. Yes
- B. No
Part 5: Support and Resources
- What support or resources would help you in achieving your goals?
- Examples: mentoring, tutoring, career counseling, financial aid.
- Who do you feel comfortable talking to about your future plans?
- Are there any barriers or challenges you face in planning for your future?
- What accommodations or support systems have been most helpful to you in school or life?
Part 6: Reflection and Next Steps
- What does a successful transition after high school look like to you?
- What are the next steps you’d like to take in your transition planning?
- Is there anything else you’d like to share about your plans, concerns, or goals?