38+ To-Do List Examples to Download
Have you tried having a lot of things to do in a day to the point that you have no idea what should be accomplished first? Don’t worry because we’ve all been there. It is fairly easy to get confused on what tasks that you should be doing first due to its quantity that it gets to the point that you would forget to do the most important things first. You may also see blank checklist examples & samples.
When that time comes, you should no longer be worrying about not having accomplished anything because all you have to do is secure a to-do list that can put all of the things you have to do in one place so there will be lesser chances of forgetting the tasks that you are ought to do. You may also like task checklist examples.
To-Do List Template

To- Do List for Student Template

To DO List Template Example

To Do List Template Example

To Do List Planner Template

To Do List Checklist Template

Aesthetic To-Do List Template

Weekly To-Do List Template Example

Project To-Do List Template Example

Personal To-Do List Template

Business To-Do List Template Example

Homework To-Do List Template Example

Event To-Do List Template Example

Monthly To-Do List Template Example

Family To-Do List Template Example

Daily To-Do List Template Example

Team To Do List Template Example

Minimal To Do List Template Example

Wedding To Do List Template Example

Example To-Do List for Projects
To-Do List Template Example
How to Create a Simple Daily To-Do List
A simple daily to-do list can create a big difference when it comes to organizing all of the tasks that needed to be done within the day. Even if having a daily to-do list does not guarantee that it would increase your productivity or even stop your bad habit of procrastinating, it is helpful enough to keep you reminded of the things that you should be doing. It is not a guarantee because there have been a lot of people who are already making use of to-do lists; however, they are still ineffective. How come this happens? It’s because they have created ineffective checklists that complicate their lives rather than making it a breeze. You may also see quality checklist examples & samples.
With that here are some tips that could help you in improving or creating your own to-do list that can actually be of help for you if you would want to increase your productivity rate and get rid of your habit of procrastination. You may also like to do checklist examples.
1. On a separate sheet of paper, write down every single thing that you have to do the next day. And by every single thing, it means everything, even the simplest things like errands and phone calls. You may also see start-up business checklist examples.
2. After doing so, scrutinize every item and if it’s definitely overwhelming, you should break each of it down into smaller chunks or categories or according to the time that you should be doing it. For example, you wrote down “clean the house”.
Now, cleaning the house is a very broad task. It would all still boil down to you not knowing which part of your house that you should be cleaning first. In order to make it easier, break the task down into smaller chunks. You could start cleaning the living room first, then the kitchen, followed by the bathroom, and then finally your bedroom. By having each of your divided into smaller chunks, you can now already accomplish a lot of things without getting overwhelmed. You may also like maintenance checklist examples & samples.
Example of a To-Do List
Excel Time Management To-Do Priority List
3. Right after diving your tasks into smaller chunks or into categories, you should now decide which tasks should you prioritize. You may also check out registry checklist examples & samples.
Take note of this simple legend that you can make use of your to-do list:
- A – Highest priority.
These items are of great importance that you should immediately get these done immediately as soon as your day will start. - B – Medium priority.
These are the items that you should or like to finish or accomplish; however, if time does not permit you to do so, it can wait for a later time. - C – Lowest priority.
These are the items that can be done only if you would have still time after getting your high and medium priorities done. And if you no longer have free time, you can put it off for another day.
4. Observe a time limit for each of the tasks. Let’s say, for example, you are to clean each part of your house for one hour with a fifteen break in between each of the tasks so you can still have time to rest. Make sure you get on with tasks that are labeled as A or that has a high priority. You may also see audit checklist examples & samples.
Be sure to practice creating a daily to-do list daily s that it will soon become your habit and it’s definitely a good habit to have. You may also like checklist examples for students.
Student Learning Development To-Do List
Things To-Do List Example
Stubby To-Do List Example
Medical Center To-Do List Example
Weekly To-Do List Template Example
Graduate Student To-Do List Example
Tips in Keeping Up With Your Daily To-Do List
Here are the steps on how to create a comprehensive daily to-do list that would definitely not make your overwhelmed with all of the tasks that you are ought to do:
1. Pick the perfect medium for your to-do list
With the advancements of technology, you can fit your to-do list in the palm of your hands. You can download any from the wide array of to-do list applications on your phone so you can bring your to-do list anytime and anywhere. However, if you are more on the pen and paper side, you can always make use of a pen and paper. Whatever your medium may be, make sure that it would be perfect and suitable for you and that it helps you in getting things done. You may also see cleaning checklist examples & samples.
2. Keep your to-do list simple.
If you keep you to-do list complicated than your actual tasks, you will certainly not get anything done. You have to be realistic; you only have 24 hours in your day and if you would be cramming your two days-worth of tasks in one single day, you really have to wake up from the reality and the fact that it simply is impossible. You may also like checklist examples in pdf.
3. Always keep in mind to meet the MITs.
Miss doing everything but definitely not your MITs or your “most important tasks”. Start off your to-do list with at least two or three things that you definitely should accomplish within the day. Also, give yourself a little bit of a scare; already imagine what will happen as a result of missing your MIT. Think of the worst thing that could possibly happen. But do not scare yourself to the point that you will already be cramming and doing a poor, half-baked job. You may also like printable checklist examples.
4. Start easy.
Sure, you have to make sure you will be accomplishing your MITs but it is also important that you should do the simple items on your list. It could be doing your chores first or checking your emails first. This gives you the feeling of fulfilment and the feeling of being a super-productive person throughout the day and this makes it possible for you to stay motivated within the rest of the day because if you have managed to cross off some items on the list, you surely can with the other items. You may also check out construction checklist examples.
5. Break items into small, manageable chunks.
Broad goals such as “deep clean the house” is too vague and intimidating because even if you know you’ are just going to clean up your own space, there is a great chance that you would not know where you should start cleaning. You will still be wary when you are to start tackling them.
To reduce this overwhelming feeling, you have to break your tasks into small and manageable chunks so that it will be more feasible and realistic for you to accomplish your to-dos. Instead of stating that you will “deep clean the house”, state something that will make the task easier such as “wash all the sheets first” or “dust everything after removing all cloth items”. In that way, you would know how exactly you are going to clean the house. You may also check out registry checklist examples & samples.
6. Always keep items specific.
Making your items sound too specific will only lose your drive to accomplish your task. Always make sure that you have specified your items well. If you do not, then you will be at the losing end because you will only lost your precious time into thinking how you are going to accomplish a broad special project or task such as “write a novel”. You should always make your to-dos specific especially if it’s a general project that would obviously take up a lot of time and would even require a helping hand from others. You might be interested in training checklist examples & samples.
7. Include every single thing.
By including every single thing in your to-do list, this means that you should make sure that you have included all the necessary information of the task that you have written on your to-do list. This is important so you would not find any excuses for not getting the task accomplished. Take for example, one of your tasks is to contact your client for further discussions on your ongoing transactions; you should include the contact number of the person on your list as well as the reason why you are calling him or her.
Do not spend precious time on looking and searching for the contact number of your client. You may also see performance management checklist examples.
8. Set a time limit.
Right after having a list of all the things that you should do, you should now set a time limit for each of the tasks. Keep in mind that you only have 24 hours in your day and if you take too much time in every task, chances are, you will not accomplish so much in your day. It can also be helpful if you would transform your to-do list into a schedule which could give room for other information such as the time and the place of when and where the task should be done. You may also like vehicle checklist examples & samples.
9. Don’t stress and overthink too much.
There are tasks that just could not be accomplished in a day– and that’s okay. Do not stress too much and overthink too much because it would only result to disappointment. And what worse after getting disappointed? You would no longer feel motivated to accomplish all of your other tasks because you were already down even when you were just getting started. You may also see safety checklist examples & samples.
10. Be flexible.
To-do lists have this reputation that it would make you act like a robot who could not insert any new task unless it will be recorded in its system. However, you can change this by inserting some cushion time in between two tasks on your to-do list.
This will make you flexible enough that you are capable of any surprise circumstances such as meeting someone in the midst of you canvassing for the perfect location of your upcoming event. By having at least 15 minutes allowance for every tasks, you will have the capacity to be flexible enough that you can still have some spare time where you can stop for a bit and maybe even rest for a bit. You may also like hr checklist examples & samples.
Simple Weekly To-Do List Template Example
New Student To-Do List Template Example
Financial Aid To-Do List Example
University To-Do List Example
Benefits of Having a To-Do List
If you are still not convinced to finally start having a to-do list for yourself, here are some benefits of having a to-do list that can surely give you some drive to finally have one for yourself:
1. A to-do list creates order
Amidst your chaotic minds and hectic schedules, a to-do list can definitely help you in creating order. It gives a definite order of all of your to-do things together in a way that you would effectively accomplish it within the day. A to-do list can also help you a strategy that you can get things done as soon as possible because you can order it in a way that you can easily get things done such as ordering it from the most difficult task to do down to the easiest task to do. You may also see event planning checklist examples.
2. A to-do list sets your priorities
As mentioned above, in order to create a simple to-do list, one of the things you have to do is to set your priorities from the highest down to the least important task. You will immediately know what you should prioritize first even in just a glance of your to-do list. You may also see resignation checklist examples & templates.
3. A to-do list gives you the sense of accountability
To-do list gives the sense of accountability because this to-do list is your to-do list and no one else is responsible to accomplish it on your behalf. By just writing your article down, it also means that you have given your tasks the power to become alive, and what does it mean to when we give things to life? It means that you should be responsible for whatever happens to it. You may also like hotel checklist examples.
4. A to-do list can help you reschedule and organize your time.
For example, you encounter a canceled meeting, the first thing you might ask your own self is what to do to fill in the sudden extra time. With a to-do list, you can easily identify whether what productive thing you can do to make up for your canceled meeting. Let’s say, for example, you have a task at a later time that you can easily insert anywhere within your schedule. You can use that task to make up for your canceled meeting. You may also check out wedding checklist examples & samples.
5. A to-do list can make you feel productive.
Even though there is no guarantee that a to-do list can definitely make you productive, it will surely give you the feeling of being one and that will definitely be the reason why you would want to do more in your day. The act of crossing items off your to-do list is a very great feeling that makes you feel positive enough to keep going and accomplish more tasks in your day.
By having a to-do list, you will be able to easily review the list and prioritize the most important tasks and it will also motivate you not to waste your precious time on trivial activities that do not really matter. ONe factor of being a productive individual is that he or she knows what he or she is ought to do within his or her day. How can you be productive then when you do not know what to do? You may also see hr checklist examples.
New School Nurse To-Do List Example
The Ultimate To-Do List Example
Template for Weekly To-Do List Example
Daily To-Do List Example
Prioritized To-Do List Example
Your To Do List Template Example
6. A to-do list helps you focus and avoid unimportant distractions.
Given that there are a lot of distractions, your attention can be easily diverted and swayed. Have you ever found yourself thinking of doing what your next task is or wondering what tasks have you forgotten while you are still working on your current one? With a to-do list, you will be able to know what those forgotten and next tasks are, which also enable you to focus on the current task at hand.
You do not have to worry about the past and the future tasks you have because your to-do list will remind you what those are. With the absence of your to-do list, you will be easily distracted, which means that that you will become inefficient. You will work poorly which will also result to your lack of productivity. You will not be able to enjoy having a free time because you will be spending more time on a task that could have been done in a short span of time only if you have not wasted your time being unfocused. You may also like Home-Based Employee Checklist Examples.
7. A to-do list can help you delegate tasks.
With a to-do list, you will be able to delegate the tasks that you should make other people do. For example, you are to give a surprise party to your sister; however, your shift ends the same with your sister, meaning it will be too late to prepare the necessary decorations and the necessary surprise supplies. With that, you can always ask your family members to help decorate the house, you can also ask your most trusted mutual friends to get the surprise supplies and party food. You do not have to put the entire weight of your tasks on your shoulders if others can be of help. You may also see vacation checklist examples and samples.
8. A to-do list helps you relieve stress.
Even if a to-do list contains the list of all the causes of your stress, your to-do list can actually help you relieve all of your stress. As you would check off items from your list and notice that you have been moving forward to the next tasks efficiently, it gives you the feeling of assurance. It’s the kind of feeling that seemingly says “you’re doing great, keep going, you can do it” and this allows you to relax and feel more calm. You will also have more room for breaks because you will notice that you have been doing pretty good so you deserve a break and we all know that breaks from tasks can definitely relieve you all of the stress. You may also like checklist examples in excel.
9. A to-do list helps you improve your memory
Not everyone has the capacity to remember a lot of things all at once. But with a to-do list, you will have something as your external memory that can aid you whenever you would forget a lot of things. Do you know that every time you would look at your to-do list, it also reinforces the information that is stored in your short-term memory? It does and it makes it less likely for you to forget your MITs or your most important tasks of the day.
Even if to-do lists has the reputation that it would only make an individual dependent on it, it all depends on you if you would allow your to-do list to become something you cannot live without or become something that can help you in improving your memory. You may also check out registry checklist examples & samples.
10. A to-do list helps you keep motivated
If you want to stay motivated at being productive, your to-do list is a useful motivational tool. It can also be a tool used to clarify and intensify your desire and passion to reach all of your goals in life. You can easily say “I want to get that promotion” but the steps in reaching that dream and goal of yours is the most difficult part. With your to-do list, you will be able to insert the necessary activities and projects or your short-term goals that can help you in achieving your major one.
As you keep on crossing off those tasks, you will have a boost of confidence and reassurance that you can go on and check off more items on your to-do list that will bring you closer to your dreams and goals.
We hope that you have gained so much about to-do list in this article and the to-do list templates have effectively help you in accomplishing all of your tasks. Get a job well done!
38+ To-Do List Examples to Download
Have you tried having a lot of things to do in a day to the point that you have no idea what should be accomplished first? Don’t worry because we’ve all been there. It is fairly easy to get confused on what tasks that you should be doing first due to its quantity that it gets to the point that you would forget to do the most important things first. You may also see blank checklist examples & samples.
When that time comes, you should no longer be worrying about not having accomplished anything because all you have to do is secure a to-do list that can put all of the things you have to do in one place so there will be lesser chances of forgetting the tasks that you are ought to do. You may also like task checklist examples.
To-Do List Template
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Google Docs
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To- Do List for Student Template
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Apple Pages
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To DO List Template Example
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Google Docs
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To Do List Template Example
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Google Sheets
Apple Numbers
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To Do List Planner Template
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To Do List Checklist Template
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Aesthetic To-Do List Template
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Weekly To-Do List Template Example
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Project To-Do List Template Example
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Personal To-Do List Template
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Business To-Do List Template Example
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Homework To-Do List Template Example
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Event To-Do List Template Example
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Monthly To-Do List Template Example
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Family To-Do List Template Example
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Daily To-Do List Template Example
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Team To Do List Template Example
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Minimal To Do List Template Example
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Wedding To Do List Template Example
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Example To-Do List for Projects
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To-Do List Template Example
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How to Create a Simple Daily To-Do List
A simple daily to-do list can create a big difference when it comes to organizing all of the tasks that needed to be done within the day. Even if having a daily to-do list does not guarantee that it would increase your productivity or even stop your bad habit of procrastinating, it is helpful enough to keep you reminded of the things that you should be doing. It is not a guarantee because there have been a lot of people who are already making use of to-do lists; however, they are still ineffective. How come this happens? It’s because they have created ineffective checklists that complicate their lives rather than making it a breeze. You may also see quality checklist examples & samples.
With that here are some tips that could help you in improving or creating your own to-do list that can actually be of help for you if you would want to increase your productivity rate and get rid of your habit of procrastination. You may also like to do checklist examples.
1. On a separate sheet of paper, write down every single thing that you have to do the next day. And by every single thing, it means everything, even the simplest things like errands and phone calls. You may also see start-up business checklist examples.
2. After doing so, scrutinize every item and if it’s definitely overwhelming, you should break each of it down into smaller chunks or categories or according to the time that you should be doing it. For example, you wrote down “clean the house”.
Now, cleaning the house is a very broad task. It would all still boil down to you not knowing which part of your house that you should be cleaning first. In order to make it easier, break the task down into smaller chunks. You could start cleaning the living room first, then the kitchen, followed by the bathroom, and then finally your bedroom. By having each of your divided into smaller chunks, you can now already accomplish a lot of things without getting overwhelmed. You may also like maintenance checklist examples & samples.
Example of a To-Do List
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Excel Time Management To-Do Priority List
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Size: 15 KB
3. Right after diving your tasks into smaller chunks or into categories, you should now decide which tasks should you prioritize. You may also check out registry checklist examples & samples.
Take note of this simple legend that you can make use of your to-do list:
A – Highest priority.
These items are of great importance that you should immediately get these done immediately as soon as your day will start.B – Medium priority.
These are the items that you should or like to finish or accomplish; however, if time does not permit you to do so, it can wait for a later time.C – Lowest priority.
These are the items that can be done only if you would have still time after getting your high and medium priorities done. And if you no longer have free time, you can put it off for another day.
4. Observe a time limit for each of the tasks. Let’s say, for example, you are to clean each part of your house for one hour with a fifteen break in between each of the tasks so you can still have time to rest. Make sure you get on with tasks that are labeled as A or that has a high priority. You may also see audit checklist examples & samples.
Be sure to practice creating a daily to-do list daily s that it will soon become your habit and it’s definitely a good habit to have. You may also like checklist examples for students.
Student Learning Development To-Do List
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Size: 73 KB
Things To-Do List Example
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Size: 340 KB
Stubby To-Do List Example
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Size: 14 KB
Medical Center To-Do List Example
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Size: 25 KB
Weekly To-Do List Template Example
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Size: 262 KB
Graduate Student To-Do List Example
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Size: 75 KB
Tips in Keeping Up With Your Daily To-Do List
Here are the steps on how to create a comprehensive daily to-do list that would definitely not make your overwhelmed with all of the tasks that you are ought to do:
1. Pick the perfect medium for your to-do list
With the advancements of technology, you can fit your to-do list in the palm of your hands. You can download any from the wide array of to-do list applications on your phone so you can bring your to-do list anytime and anywhere. However, if you are more on the pen and paper side, you can always make use of a pen and paper. Whatever your medium may be, make sure that it would be perfect and suitable for you and that it helps you in getting things done. You may also see cleaning checklist examples & samples.
2. Keep your to-do list simple.
If you keep you to-do list complicated than your actual tasks, you will certainly not get anything done. You have to be realistic; you only have 24 hours in your day and if you would be cramming your two days-worth of tasks in one single day, you really have to wake up from the reality and the fact that it simply is impossible. You may also like checklist examples in pdf.
3. Always keep in mind to meet the MITs.
Miss doing everything but definitely not your MITs or your “most important tasks”. Start off your to-do list with at least two or three things that you definitely should accomplish within the day. Also, give yourself a little bit of a scare; already imagine what will happen as a result of missing your MIT. Think of the worst thing that could possibly happen. But do not scare yourself to the point that you will already be cramming and doing a poor, half-baked job. You may also like printable checklist examples.
4. Start easy.
Sure, you have to make sure you will be accomplishing your MITs but it is also important that you should do the simple items on your list. It could be doing your chores first or checking your emails first. This gives you the feeling of fulfilment and the feeling of being a super-productive person throughout the day and this makes it possible for you to stay motivated within the rest of the day because if you have managed to cross off some items on the list, you surely can with the other items. You may also check out construction checklist examples.
5. Break items into small, manageable chunks.
Broad goals such as “deep clean the house” is too vague and intimidating because even if you know you’ are just going to clean up your own space, there is a great chance that you would not know where you should start cleaning. You will still be wary when you are to start tackling them.
To reduce this overwhelming feeling, you have to break your tasks into small and manageable chunks so that it will be more feasible and realistic for you to accomplish your to-dos. Instead of stating that you will “deep clean the house”, state something that will make the task easier such as “wash all the sheets first” or “dust everything after removing all cloth items”. In that way, you would know how exactly you are going to clean the house. You may also check out registry checklist examples & samples.
6. Always keep items specific.
Making your items sound too specific will only lose your drive to accomplish your task. Always make sure that you have specified your items well. If you do not, then you will be at the losing end because you will only lost your precious time into thinking how you are going to accomplish a broad special project or task such as “write a novel”. You should always make your to-dos specific especially if it’s a general project that would obviously take up a lot of time and would even require a helping hand from others. You might be interested in training checklist examples & samples.
7. Include every single thing.
By including every single thing in your to-do list, this means that you should make sure that you have included all the necessary information of the task that you have written on your to-do list. This is important so you would not find any excuses for not getting the task accomplished. Take for example, one of your tasks is to contact your client for further discussions on your ongoing transactions; you should include the contact number of the person on your list as well as the reason why you are calling him or her.
Do not spend precious time on looking and searching for the contact number of your client. You may also see performance management checklist examples.
8. Set a time limit.
Right after having a list of all the things that you should do, you should now set a time limit for each of the tasks. Keep in mind that you only have 24 hours in your day and if you take too much time in every task, chances are, you will not accomplish so much in your day. It can also be helpful if you would transform your to-do list into a schedule which could give room for other information such as the time and the place of when and where the task should be done. You may also like vehicle checklist examples & samples.
9. Don’t stress and overthink too much.
There are tasks that just could not be accomplished in a day– and that’s okay. Do not stress too much and overthink too much because it would only result to disappointment. And what worse after getting disappointed? You would no longer feel motivated to accomplish all of your other tasks because you were already down even when you were just getting started. You may also see safety checklist examples & samples.
10. Be flexible.
To-do lists have this reputation that it would make you act like a robot who could not insert any new task unless it will be recorded in its system. However, you can change this by inserting some cushion time in between two tasks on your to-do list.
This will make you flexible enough that you are capable of any surprise circumstances such as meeting someone in the midst of you canvassing for the perfect location of your upcoming event. By having at least 15 minutes allowance for every tasks, you will have the capacity to be flexible enough that you can still have some spare time where you can stop for a bit and maybe even rest for a bit. You may also like hr checklist examples & samples.
Simple Weekly To-Do List Template Example
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New Student To-Do List Template Example
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Financial Aid To-Do List Example
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Size: 219 KB
University To-Do List Example
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Size: 191 KB
Benefits of Having a To-Do List
If you are still not convinced to finally start having a to-do list for yourself, here are some benefits of having a to-do list that can surely give you some drive to finally have one for yourself:
1. A to-do list creates order
Amidst your chaotic minds and hectic schedules, a to-do list can definitely help you in creating order. It gives a definite order of all of your to-do things together in a way that you would effectively accomplish it within the day. A to-do list can also help you a strategy that you can get things done as soon as possible because you can order it in a way that you can easily get things done such as ordering it from the most difficult task to do down to the easiest task to do. You may also see event planning checklist examples.
2. A to-do list sets your priorities
As mentioned above, in order to create a simple to-do list, one of the things you have to do is to set your priorities from the highest down to the least important task. You will immediately know what you should prioritize first even in just a glance of your to-do list. You may also see resignation checklist examples & templates.
3. A to-do list gives you the sense of accountability
To-do list gives the sense of accountability because this to-do list is your to-do list and no one else is responsible to accomplish it on your behalf. By just writing your article down, it also means that you have given your tasks the power to become alive, and what does it mean to when we give things to life? It means that you should be responsible for whatever happens to it. You may also like hotel checklist examples.
4. A to-do list can help you reschedule and organize your time.
For example, you encounter a canceled meeting, the first thing you might ask your own self is what to do to fill in the sudden extra time. With a to-do list, you can easily identify whether what productive thing you can do to make up for your canceled meeting. Let’s say, for example, you have a task at a later time that you can easily insert anywhere within your schedule. You can use that task to make up for your canceled meeting. You may also check out wedding checklist examples & samples.
5. A to-do list can make you feel productive.
Even though there is no guarantee that a to-do list can definitely make you productive, it will surely give you the feeling of being one and that will definitely be the reason why you would want to do more in your day. The act of crossing items off your to-do list is a very great feeling that makes you feel positive enough to keep going and accomplish more tasks in your day.
By having a to-do list, you will be able to easily review the list and prioritize the most important tasks and it will also motivate you not to waste your precious time on trivial activities that do not really matter. ONe factor of being a productive individual is that he or she knows what he or she is ought to do within his or her day. How can you be productive then when you do not know what to do? You may also see hr checklist examples.
New School Nurse To-Do List Example
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The Ultimate To-Do List Example
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Template for Weekly To-Do List Example
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Daily To-Do List Example
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Prioritized To-Do List Example
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Size: 79 KB
Your To Do List Template Example
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6. A to-do list helps you focus and avoid unimportant distractions.
Given that there are a lot of distractions, your attention can be easily diverted and swayed. Have you ever found yourself thinking of doing what your next task is or wondering what tasks have you forgotten while you are still working on your current one? With a to-do list, you will be able to know what those forgotten and next tasks are, which also enable you to focus on the current task at hand.
You do not have to worry about the past and the future tasks you have because your to-do list will remind you what those are. With the absence of your to-do list, you will be easily distracted, which means that that you will become inefficient. You will work poorly which will also result to your lack of productivity. You will not be able to enjoy having a free time because you will be spending more time on a task that could have been done in a short span of time only if you have not wasted your time being unfocused. You may also like Home-Based Employee Checklist Examples.
7. A to-do list can help you delegate tasks.
With a to-do list, you will be able to delegate the tasks that you should make other people do. For example, you are to give a surprise party to your sister; however, your shift ends the same with your sister, meaning it will be too late to prepare the necessary decorations and the necessary surprise supplies. With that, you can always ask your family members to help decorate the house, you can also ask your most trusted mutual friends to get the surprise supplies and party food. You do not have to put the entire weight of your tasks on your shoulders if others can be of help. You may also see vacation checklist examples and samples.
8. A to-do list helps you relieve stress.
Even if a to-do list contains the list of all the causes of your stress, your to-do list can actually help you relieve all of your stress. As you would check off items from your list and notice that you have been moving forward to the next tasks efficiently, it gives you the feeling of assurance. It’s the kind of feeling that seemingly says “you’re doing great, keep going, you can do it” and this allows you to relax and feel more calm. You will also have more room for breaks because you will notice that you have been doing pretty good so you deserve a break and we all know that breaks from tasks can definitely relieve you all of the stress. You may also like checklist examples in excel.
9. A to-do list helps you improve your memory
Not everyone has the capacity to remember a lot of things all at once. But with a to-do list, you will have something as your external memory that can aid you whenever you would forget a lot of things. Do you know that every time you would look at your to-do list, it also reinforces the information that is stored in your short-term memory? It does and it makes it less likely for you to forget your MITs or your most important tasks of the day.
Even if to-do lists has the reputation that it would only make an individual dependent on it, it all depends on you if you would allow your to-do list to become something you cannot live without or become something that can help you in improving your memory. You may also check out registry checklist examples & samples.
10. A to-do list helps you keep motivated
If you want to stay motivated at being productive, your to-do list is a useful motivational tool. It can also be a tool used to clarify and intensify your desire and passion to reach all of your goals in life. You can easily say “I want to get that promotion” but the steps in reaching that dream and goal of yours is the most difficult part. With your to-do list, you will be able to insert the necessary activities and projects or your short-term goals that can help you in achieving your major one.
As you keep on crossing off those tasks, you will have a boost of confidence and reassurance that you can go on and check off more items on your to-do list that will bring you closer to your dreams and goals.
We hope that you have gained so much about to-do list in this article and the to-do list templates have effectively help you in accomplishing all of your tasks. Get a job well done!