Career Goals for Fresh Graduates

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Career Goals for Fresh Graduates

Are you fresh out of college and don’t know what to do next? Well then, you are reading the right article at the right website.

You might be pressured to apply for jobs that are in line with your college degree which took you around four to five years to accomplish. And if you couldn’t find one, you probably just settle for any job opening. And if still you can’t find any job, you feel like the most depressed person on this planet. So you think it’s right to just accept whatever job that is being thrown your way, right?

Wrong. Remember all the grand career plans you envisioned when you were in college or even as a young grade school kid when being asked what your dream job is? Are you willing to let those dreams go just because you are pressured by people or some business environment changes? Sure, career shifts happen but how will you be able to realize if you have stepped on the wrong pedal since the beginning?

If you are seeking for ideal career goals that are challenging yet achievable, you are in the right place. This article lists the ten achievable career goals for fresh graduates as well as career-shifters.

We will be dividing career goal ideas into two: short term and long term career goals. Each goal type has five career goal ideas which will aid you in your own career.

Short Term Career Goal Ideas for Fresh Graduates

Create a Personal Website

If your dream job is the one which requires a portfolio, then creating a personal website is a priority. You do not have to go to the potential employer’s address with some bulky envelopes and folders, just impress and give them a link to your own personal website. This will definitely give you a competitive advantage against other applicants. You may also see 6 Mentoring Goals Examples.

Build Networks

At some point of your life, you really have to go out there, socialize, and make connections with the people from different industries. Aside from the fact that they can introduce you to some job opportunities, they will also give you relevant information and feedback about the industry you are going to get into. If you are lucky enough, they can share some industry do’s and dont’s as well confidential industry secrets. You may also see 8 Examples of Job Goals.

Improve Your Communication Skills

No one can beat a person who possesses excellent communication skills. Communication can be done in four possible ways: writing, listening, reading, and speaking. Working on your communication skills is essential in whatever field you will be working. For example, if you want to become a doctor, you need to effectively communicate with nurses and other nursing assistants especially during procedures.

You do not need to become a mass communications graduate to become a good communicator. You can always find ways to improve your own skills. You can rely on the internet for free communication seminars/trainings, enroll yourself in government sponsored communication programs, or sign up for social groups that teach and develop communication skills. In this fast-paced world, professionals have become easily dispensable so one way to stay relevant and competitive is to have great communication skills. You may also see 18 Personal Goals in 2018.

Productivity and Efficiency

Productivity and efficiency is what keeps you employed. It’s not how excellent your grades were in college or the number of school organizations you were affiliated with. It’s being a valuable employee or employer that will make you stay in the career that you are trying to build. These two are the probably the most crucial factors when it comes to career progression. You may also see Long-Term Company Goal Examples.

Personal Development

Always keep in mind that personal development is essential for career success. This is a continuing process that you should never ignore. Your development as an individual is as important as the skills you’ve learned in school or at home. Having personal development as a short term goal will highly assist you in achieving long term goals. You may also see 6 Mentoring Goals Examples.

Long Term Career Goal Ideas for Fresh Graduates

Get a Promotion

If you don’t get a promotion early on in your career, set it as a long-term goal. This can be achieved if you display all the qualities that are being valued in the workplace. Do not also be afraid to tell your employer about your intentions of getting promoted.

Change Careers

This is risky but it is not a rare occurrence for individuals to change careers. Maybe they have expected a bigger salary range, faster promotions, and an easier workload, but whatever their reasons are, you might join these career shifters sooner than you think. Keep an open mind an don’t forget to do a thorough analysis on the industry you will be working on in the future. The last thing you want to do is have a third career shift which will cost you not only money, but also time. The next thing you know you are already 50 years old and you haven’t achieved anything significant in your career.

Become Known as an Expert in Your Field

If stand out from the rest of the pack, take advantage of that and become a known expert in your field. Aim to become someone whose name says it all, whose name can be associated immediately to a particular career, or whose name does need anymore introductions and additional information. It’s not just popularity but it’s also becoming an influencer who can encourage other aspirants to continue aspiring until they will reach their dreams.

Work and Life Balance

Do not be that person who works tirelessly 24/7. Keep in mind that you only have one life and you have to live it to the fullest. Give yourself a break every now and then. This goal idea may not be entirely about your career, but having a work and life balance will help you achieve your dreams faster than expected as you will be having the support of family and friends.

Be Happy at Work

It sounds pretty easy to become happy at work but keep in mind that maintaining a positive attitude will help you go a long way. Get close with your co-workers and hang out with them after you finish your respective jobs for the day to relieve some office stress. Never bring your work at home as it creates an office atmosphere in your own house; a problem for your parents, wife/husband, or children. You may also see Organizational Goals Examples : Steps to Achieve Organizational Goals.

Tips to Make Your Career Goals Achievable

Here are some tips that can make your career goals, or any kind of goal you have, attainable:

1. Write it down!

The best way to remember your goals is to write them all down. In this way that you will be able to see it everyday and it will remind that you have goals to achieve. So, get up and start hustling. You may also see Young Adult Goals – 20 Goals to Achieve on Your 20’s.

2. Set personal deadlines

Setting personal deadlines is a great way to keep you motivated and inspired. Also, having a personal deadline will encourage you to do more than what is expected. You may also see Examples of Corporate Goals.

3. Reward yourself for every short-term goal achieved

Have you ever received recognition or a reward for a job well done? Rewarding yourself after each short-term goal achieved (treating yourself to a hamburger, massage, clothes shopping, mini-vacation, etc.) is beneficial for your career in the long-run as it keeps your focus steady on the end-goal.

4. Have a goal partner

Ever heard of a buddy system? Having a goal partner is another way to motivate yourself to achieve your goals. This is effective especially if you share the same goals. It can either be a friend or a girlfriend/boyfriend as long as you get inspiration from him/her on a daily basis. You may also see 7+ Goals of Content Marketing.

We hope you were guided by these career goal ideas we have provided. You may also see Career Goals to Help You Achieve Your Dream Job to help you more in your path to achieving a great career.

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