Job Interview Essay – 7+ Examples, Format, Pdf
As one would expect during a job interview, your employer may be asking you to write something. This would be in the form of an essay. This is usually about your experiences, your skills and all the basic information they need to know more about you. They do this to see and to understand you as a person. Here are some 7+ job interview essay examples you can check out for some tips on what to write and what to avoid.
7+ Job Interview Essay Examples
1. Job Interview Essay Template
2. Sample Job Interview Essay
3. Basic Job Interview Essay
4. Job Interview Question Database Essay
5. Job Interview Essay in PDF
6. Printable Job Interview Essay
7. Job Interview Strategy Essay
8. Formal Job Interview Essay
Define Interview
An interview is a meeting face to face. It is usually a conventional conference. A conversation or a questioning for the purpose of getting information from the interviewee.
Define Job Interview
A job interview is a dialogue between an employer and the applicant. In a job interview, the employer asks questions about the applicant’s work history, educational history, and skills.
Things to Avoid in Writing a Job Interview Essay
Some of us get so excited when writing essays, like that of a job interview, but one thing we must remember is to summarize the job interview essay We often forget that an essay is nothing but a short summary of what we wish to write. But that’s okay. It’s nothing different. But unlike some of the essays you may be used to, there are some things to avoid when writing for a job interview essay. Here are some of the things you need to avoid at all cost.
- Lying about your answers – when writing about what is asked, be careful. Interview questions in an essay may be tricky. Do not make up anything to make your essay sound nice. The interviewer would not be amazed one bit if you lied in your essay. Rather, there is a bigger chance they will not accept you.
- Flowery words – Most of us are guilty with this when writing the essay. It is best to avoid putting flowery words to make it sound like we did these things. Again, your employer has a way of knowing you are being truthful or lying. Avoid this at all costs.
- Too proud – this is often taken for granted but I want to put it right here. Do not boast about the experiences you may not have and write it off as yours. Do not boast about the experiences you have in your essay. You have to remain open and humble.
Things You Should Remember When Writing an Essay
- Voice – keep it professional. The tone in your essay has to be in a professional setting. If you write in a childish manner or as if you are angry at someone, your employer or anyone reading it will surely see that you are not fit for the job.
- Information – write what is asked in the essay. Do not put any other information that is not required nor needed. Example for this information is through a question that goes like this “why should we hire you?” This may sound easy but be very careful as to what you are going to write or say. Do not forget to introduce yourself in your essay.
- Explaining – In some questions in an essay, you are required to explain. Like the sample question above, you must give an explanation in your own words as to why they should hire you. However, avoid saying explanations like “because I am the best”, “I am better than anyone.” This will not only make you lose your opportunity, it is also very rude to tell that to your employer.
- Descriptive – keep your essay as descriptive as possible. When you are to general in your writing, you are making the person reading confused. Put a little effort to what you are writing.
- Be prepared – when you are going to a job interview, always expect the unexpected. Answer questions as honest as possible.
- Reflect – reflect on what you have written. Understand what you have learned and done. A job interview essay is simply one of many essays you are going to go through.
I want to write about my experiences related to the job, should I write down everything?
Yes you may. As long as you remember that what you are writing is true and correct. As well as be careful on how you word it. Your tone in writing should be professional.
Why am I not allowed to show off my skills in my essay?
Employers are interested in what you have, but they are not interested in the way you talk about it. They prefer to see someone professional talking about their experiences in the same professional tone. Rather than being too cocky.
Is it necessary to know your skills? What if I don’t?
It is better to know what you are good at. When your employer may state you need to write your skills in the essay, you have to be prepared to do so. Ask yourself what you are good at and write it down.
Is there a time limit to writing the essay?
Most companies give a certain amount of time for the applicant to finish the job interview essay. This is so that neither of the two parties are wasting time. Be prepared to write a good essay within a limited amount of time.
Writing a job interview essay can be difficult. It can also be rewarding knowing you did a good job and you have done what you were told to do. Though a job interview essay may not give you the outcome of getting that job, but it is good practice on showing off your skills. Once you find out how to write a good essay for a job interview, all you need to do is to remember the guidelines.
To remember not to be too cocky when writing about your experiences. Do not be too shy either, rather be professional about it. Employers do read your essay, so be careful what you write. Watch your grammar and how you word things as well. This can affect the opportunity of getting that job. With all that being said, I wish you luck.