Writing Short Speech

Last Updated: June 18, 2024

Writing Short Speech

Speeches are normally given in a classroom setting when the teacher will give it as some sort of project for the students in the middle of the school year. But not everyone is a huge fan of public speaking. Research shows that people would rather die than speak in front of a crowd. But as crazy as it is, it is perfectly understandable. Why you may ask? There are many reasons for this unexplained behavior. However, it can be boiled down to just one factor: preparation. In death, there is absolutely nothing to prepare for. But in public speaking, preparation is everything. From the tone that you use to the emphasis on some of the words that you need to the timing the precision, the research and etc… You may also see examples of writing a short speech

The list just goes on and on from there. But what happens after you deliver that speech up front? Your hard work and effort will not go unrecognized, after all. Not only will you be praised with a roaring round of applause from the audience, but you will also feel a sense of pride and relief that the worst is over and that all the effort and dedication that you put into has finally paid off. And so your mission begins to improve all the aspects about your speech in order to become better at it. There are people who get jittery even after delivering their speeches more than once. But the key to all great speeches is to simply rise above it. You may also see student speech examples to give you a better idea.

Tips in Writing a Great Speech

Speeches are given when there is an occasion: graduation ceremonies, awarding ceremonies, welcome remarks, topics assigned for you to talk on stage, and many other various events. But it is important to learn a few tips on how they are typically written to give you an idea in order to make you speech more meaningful and impacting. You may also check out informative speech writing and analyze what its differences and similarities are from that of a short speech.

1. Be Memorable. Keep in mind that the audience loves a good opening. They say that the opening of your speech will determine as to whether you will be boring or interesting. Even if the topic is considered old and common knowledge, people would normally lend their undivided attention when the speaker would give an unexplored angle which the public does not know about or makes an opening that is interesting enough to get their attention piqued. Tell a story. Share a joke. Look back at one of your experiences that you had in relation to the topic. Quote a quote. Once you have managed to hook the attention of your audience, then you are ready to to continue your speech. You may also see appreciation speech examples & samples

2. Have a Structure. It is very common for speakers to get sidetracked all the time on what they are trying to convey to the audience. But how can one avoid this? Well, it starts by making an outline. An outline serves as your guide as to the order and sequence on how your speech is going to go. Your outline does not have to be too detailed or complicated, it is just your guide after all. What is important that there should be an introduction, a body and a conclusion– the basic structure of every good speech. If ever there are main points that are found in the body of your speech, then it is best to arrange them in order to avoid confusion. Here is a sample speech outline:

  1. Introduction

    1. It should contain the opening statements of the speech 

    2. Every speech introduction must also include the thesis of the speech

    3. The introduction part would normally take up at least 20 percent of the speech

    4. The best way to start your speech would be adding an “attention-getter” (often the best way to start)

Transition from the introduction should also be placed that serves as a marker to let the audience know that the body of the speech will be talked about next. You may also like special occasion speech examples & samples

  1. Body

    1. The body of the speech can contain 3-4 main points about the central idea being presented.

      1. Though main points are already encompassed in the speech, it is possible to add sub-points within the main points that allows a more organized and detailed speech.  You may also check out introduction speech examples & samples

      2. Make sure that when stating your speech, the content must be original and not copied from other speeches elsewhere. Should you decide to borrow some quotes or lines from other transcripts or speeches not your own, do not forget to give them the proper due credit it deserves. Otherwise, it would be an act of plagiarism. You may also see presentation speech examples & samples


    1. It is important to know that the time allotted to deliver the said speech will be centered on your on the body. 

      1. Thus typically comprising 70% of the delivery time for the speech. So make sure when delivering your short speech, there will be enough time to state your conclusion. Otherwise, you just have to wing it.  You may also see wedding speech examples & samples

      2. If you are planning to make use of visual aids, try practicing the timing of your speech with your visual aids so that you are able to adjust the timing of it.


    1. Ensure that you still have the audience’s undivided and full attention and cooperation. 

      1. Other than visual aids, you can also show some video presentations or other source material to keep the speech interesting. Keep your audience hooked to the very end, otherwise, they may just get bored of you. You may also like tribute speech examples & samples

***At this point there should be a transition from the Body to the Conclusion.

  1. Conclusion

    1. At this stage, it is important to reiterate the main points that you have told the audience so that they may be able to remember.  You may also check out dedication speech examples

    2. Only 10 percent of the speech delivery time must be used at the conclusion stage. 

3. Strike the Right Tone. Learn your audience. Who are they and where do they come from? And what are they expecting out of the message that you will be delivering? Sometimes, saying the same speech twice with a different audience may not have the same impact as before. You may also see self-introduction speech examples & samples

4. Humanize Yourself. You and your message are one-and-the-same. If your audience doesn’t buy into you, they’ll resist your message too. It’s that simple. No doubt, your body language and delivery will leave the biggest impression. Still, there are ways you can use words to connect. It is crucial that the audience can relate to you. Not only that, it also determines on the kind of content that you place in your speech. Because there might be times that the audience cannot understand the point you are trying to give across if they do not really understand where it’s coming from. You may also like declamation speech examples

5. Repeat Yourself. In writing a speech, repetition is the key to leaving an impression. Hammer home key words, phrases, and themes. Always be looking for places to tie back and reinforce earlier points. And repeat critical points as if they were a musical refrain. The more you repeat your points to the audience, the better their retention towards these main points that will serve as their take-away pointers if they forget everything else. You may also check out leadership speech examples & samples

6. Use Transitions. Sometimes, audiences won’t recognize what’s important. That’s why you use transitional phrases to signal intent. For example, take a rhetorical question like “What does this mean” – and follow it with a pause. Silence gets attention – and this tactic creates anticipation (along with awakening those who’ve drifted off). Similarly, a phrase like “So here’s the lesson” also captures an audience’s interest. It alerts them that something important is about to be shared. Even if they weren’t paying attention before, they can tune in now and catch up. You may also see orientation speech examples & samples

7. Include Theatrics. It’s good to add a little bit of finesse in your speech, especially when you bring props to the scene. If your speech is about how technology is currently destroying the creativity of the youth, there are many ways to demonstrate this to the crowd: such as volunteering themselves to the speaker in order to prove his or her point towards the audience. Theatrics act as an icebreaker that give the audience a chance for themselves to be entertained while learning something all the while. You may also like farewell speech examples

8. End Strong. They say it is important to start strong and end strong. That is very much true. There are many ways to accomplish this. If ever the audience completely forgets about the main points in your speech, at least you can give them a strong takeaway if they forget everything else. It can be a story, and it can even be a quote. However you see fit, it is entirely up to your discretion. You may also check out speech templates and examples

9. Keep it Short. It is important to apply the keep it short and simple (KISS) rule whenever you are asked to make a speech. There’s not really a problem when you make the speech too short as long as you are able to get your points across. But make it too long and lengthy, you might just drag out the whole thing altogether, losing the audience interest instead if you beat around the bush too much. The shorter the speech, the better. Discern and ask yourself if this part is really needed to make your speech better. If you don’t think it’s needed, omit it. You may also see how to conclude a speech

Remember, that there is no right or wrong in drafting your short speech. Just as creativity and imagination is important in giving your speech more color, structure and organization is also critical in making sure you do not go sideways with the speech. Limit your speech to only 5 to 7 minutes and you should be fine. You may also like youth speech examples

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