Orientation Speech

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Orientation Speech

Employee and student handbook are not sufficient anymore when it comes to introducing and welcoming them on their new environment. It needs to have a good and effective orientation speech to make them on board. Orientation speech is not made by a speech writer, It is the organization that manages these speeches.

An orientation speech is just as important as persuasive speech. It needs to be clear and informative so that the audience will not lose track of the things the speaker said. Anyone can give an orientation speech but it is best when the speaker has good and effective speech skills.

Orientation Speech for Freshers

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  • PDF

Size: 363 KB


Speech for Parents

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  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Principal Orientation Speech Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


Speech for New Batch

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  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


What Is an Orientation Speech?

An orientation speech is a speech given to a group of people, usually, employee and students who are the first timer in that particular setting or the environment are new to them.

The reason for this is to give them a heads up of the things and what needs to be familiarized in order for them to adjust more quickly. An orientation speech in word is also the time to set out all the rules and regulation that needs to be followed in that environment.

How to Write an Orientation Speech

Writing an orientation speech is based on individual interpretation. However, there are some basic guidelines on writing an orientation speech.

  • Start off by creating a speech outline or speech template that will guide you through.
  • Determine who your audience are. It varies whether it is business orientation or school orientation.
  • Identify what areas or topics you need to discuss.
  • Write a compelling and attention-getter introduction.
  • Focused on the main ideas and expand it by providing supporting details.
  • End it with the summary of your whole speech.

Our welcome speech examples can also give you guidelines for writing an orientation speech since these two are much more alike.

Orientation Speech for New Students

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


Speech for Teachers

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  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Short Orientation Speech

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Tips on Preparing an Orientation Speech

The problems encountered by most keynote speech is that it is too boring and overwhelming. That is because of inadequate preparation and neglecting its importance. So, if you are given a task to deliver an orientation speech, be sure to follow these basic guidelines to prevent those unwanted circumstances.

  • Prepare in advance. As always, it is very important that you prepare your speech and your materials ahead of time. So that when the time comes, you are now ready and you are in control of your speech.
  • Know your audience. It is also very important to know who you are giving your orientation speech to as this will determine your entire speech.
  • Create a speech outline. Speech outline will make everything easy for you. It will organize and group your main ideas and guide you logically in your speech.
  • Make your orientation speech conversational. Do not talk the entire time. Allow your audience to connect and talk with you.
  • Be humorous. Orientations are not that formal. You can make funny side notes to ensure that your audience will have a good time in your orientation speech.

You can also get more ideas on how to prepare a good speech with our self-introduction speech examples and other speech examples in PDF and Word format here.

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Create an orientation speech for new university students

2. Help me write an orientation speech for a corporate training program