10+ Monthly Lesson Plan Examples to Download
The drop in an average person’s attention span was correlated with the onset of the mobile revolution since the early 2000s. As more and more people subscribe to content that continuously bombards their brains, the act of focusing on things that visually stimulating is a tad challenging. A short attention span in itself is problematic for people who suffer from it as it impedes their productivity and task performance, especially in classroom settings. If you are responsible for educating such people within an educational system, make sure to prepare a lesson plan that would ensure as much learning as students and their development requires.
10+ best monthly lesson plan examples & templates
The challenge for educators is to come up with an effective method of instruction that delivers informative and up-to-date material following a prescribed curriculum while also keeping the students’ attention fixated on the lesson. An effective teacher can successfully integrate both elements to create a healthy learning ecosystem. You are, after all, a defining influence on your students. Such a significant undertaking requires extensive preparation that you can already start practicing today, beginning with coming to your classroom prepared.
1. Preschool Lesson Plan Template

As a pre-school teacher, you are one of the first few adults that the children interact with besides their parents and family. With so many things that can go wrong, you wouldn’t want to come to school unequipped with a sturdy plan on how to come about the day. Be prepared with the help of this Pre-school Lesson Plan Template made available for easy download. Even with distractions brought about by the unpredictable nature of your job, you will not stray far from your teaching goals. Having a pre-school lesson plan will save you a lot of time and stress from not knowing what to do next.
2. Elementary Lesson Plan Template

Having a strong foundation in communication, scientific thinking, and mathematics is vital for a child’s smooth transition into higher education. Even though some institutions introduce a refresher before proceeding into the challenging parts of the lessons, it is still expected that the students have already understood the fundamentals of the subject. It is, therefore, a goal for teachers in elementary schools to build the students’ basics right. However, this isn’t easy. A 2016 study by Godwin et al. note that the propensity of elementary students to be less focused on their work increases the further they are in the school year. Have a simple lesson plan like this Elementary Lesson Plan Template at arm’s reach so you will be guided despite your students’ challenged attention spans.
3. Middle School Lesson Plan Template

Middle-school students are children undergoing early adolescence. With so many changes going on, it can be tough to keep these kids under control. There could be so many things that can go wrong during a class, distracting you from the lesson. To maintain an orderly flow of the discussion, you can benefit from this Middle School Lesson Plan Template. It features a printable guide that allows you to manage your goals and progress. You can create a lecture outline in your planner so you would have an idea of where to steer your class next.
4. High School Lesson Plan Template

Smartphones have become pervasive in schools that anyone admitting to not using one seems odd. In fact, a good 72% of high school graduates declared that they own a smartphone. The effect isn’t debilitating to learning just yet, but a change in the method of instruction has been considered by schools. You have to have an action plan to address this issue. With this pre-formatted lesson plan template, you will be able to keep track of your and your class’s progress, as well as gauge the effectivity of a teaching style.
5. Math Lesson Plan Template

Climbing to higher Math means the concepts get more abstract. And to a student, Math is already complicated. The students would likely lose interest in a discussion that they cannot comprehend. If only there were a way to transfer what you know directly to each of your students’ heads. Plan each lecture ahead of time so that each lesson will point to the future discussion. With this lesson plan, you can steer your students in the right direction, one part of the concept at a time. You can also map out exercises and activities that will help them understand the discussion more.
6. Physical Education Lesson Plan Template

As a Physical Education teacher, do you prefer to have your classes center on physical activities, or do you want the students to learn the why’s of each activity as well? A task is given depth when the students understand the reason as to why they are being made to do it. Make your PE classes more informative by complementing the class activities with intermittent discussions on the importance of sports, dances, and other recreational pursuits. Outline your entire term in a handy Physical Education lesson plan so you can schedule events that would make your class more fruitful. By treating PE as more than a strenuous requirement for schools, your students will come to enjoy it.
7. Art Lesson Plan Template

There are different techniques that art teachers can employ to engage with their students to keep them interested in the class. Some teachers stand by traditional classroom lectures. Some teachers prefer a more-participative nature of classes through activities and synthesis at the end of the period. From the start of the term, you should already have a vision of how the class will be. Keep a teaching schedule. That isn’t the image you would want you to be associated with. This lesson plan template would help you avoid such a possibility.
8. Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan Template

According to its core principle, through practice until mastery of a concept, the student will less likely get the lesson wrong. If your class benefits from this teaching style, you should consider this approach. To get you started, here is a pre-formatted Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan Template that provides a detailed guide on how to practice the method as well as assess its effect in the classroom.
9. Free Blank Lesson Plan Template

In case you are a veteran at teaching and has been benefiting from organizing your classes by keeping and sticking to a plan, you would understand that a lesson plan is more than a to-do list book. It is your professional planner that orients you with your goals and briefs you of your progress. It is invaluable to keep a spare lesson plan, like this free downloadable blank template, especially when you will be in situations that starting from scratch would take so much of your time. Instead of stressing on formats and organization, you can fill up this template with the necessary details. The amount of time you just saved by being strategic can be allotted for more important tasks.
10. Sample Lesson Plan Template
Knowing that you have a limited time before your students’ minds will wander off, what are the essential points of a lesson that should be highlighted? It is likely that the students do not remember everything that is discussed. One way you can go around this issue is deconstructing your entire discussion into bits. Arrange your discussion to highlight the main ideas of the concept you are trying to teach. By using a lesson plan as an outline, you are more likely to come up with a better way to present a subject, and your students would be able to understand what you are discussing.
11. Sample Lesson Plan Template

A good teacher comes to school with a plan ready. In his or her lesson plan, the lesson for the day has already been mapped out. By doing that, you can have an idea if the method of teaching is appropriate for the discussion. You would also have established what the key information are so that the discussion will be smooth. There isn’t a downside to being prepared. With this free Sample School Lesson Plan Template, good classroom management will be ticked off your checklist on being an effective teacher.