Fundraising Speech

Last Updated: May 24, 2024

Fundraising Speech

People who have a knack for making a campaign speech or two are usually good at persuading people to participate in fundraising activities. You can find them in events where making speeches is second nature to them. Whether it may be at a social event, a school, or at a church program. These types of people are also key to a very good fundraising event. Since a fundraising speech needs a lot of successful persuading. So this article here will help you, make a good fundraising speech to wow your listeners. 

5+ Fundraising Speech Examples

1. Society Fundraising Speech

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Size: 375 KB


2. Charitable Fundraising Speech

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Size: 325 KB


3. Fundraising Dinner Speech

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Size: 120 KB


4. Simple Fundraising Speech

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Size: 81 KB


5. Fundraising Organization Speech

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Size: 50 KB


6. Church Fundraising Speech

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Size: 26 KB


What Is Fundraising All About?

By definition, fundraising means the act or deed of collecting money for a specific purpose. This purpose could vary but the most common one is for charity. Speaking of the purpose of a fundraising plan, many seek to raise money for a non-profit organization, a cause, a charity, or an event. This also helps any type of organization (it can be for a high school or church) to work together to achieve the monetary goal they are trying to achieve. The importance of making fundraising speeches is to tug into the hearts of people.

When asking for donations for charity, non-profit organizations, or for events for school or the church, a good fundraising speech is able to make that happen. Moving on to another kind of speech that’s also common in fundraisers, thank you speech comes after every fundraising event and the speech is to thank the people who donated to your cause. This is also a good example of being grateful for what you have received from different charities that were willing to help out. Lastly, those who are looking for the different kinds of fundraising events may want to look into the following: 

  • Bake sale
  • Church concert
  • Run for a cause
  • Garage Sale
  • Auctions

Tips to Making a Touching Fundraising Speech

Let’s be honest here, if you heard someone make an emotional speech, it would surely pull on your heartstrings. It would make you want to help out with whatever you can. Here are some ways to make a touching speech to ask for some donations from people.

Work on the Tone

The tone of your speech should be filled with emotion. Observe how people tend to ask for help in the sweetest way possible. They often ask people for help by making their voices sound sweet and caring. Also in your speech, do the same thing. You can also add a short experience you had for a greater effect.

Add Quotes

Add a quote to base your speech on. This is also one way of convincing people to donate to your fundraising event.

Tell a Story

In addition to the first two tips, you can tell a story or an event in your life that was so emotional. Share that story and how you want to make a difference to someone else who is also going through the same situation.

Know Your Audience

To make the speech a success, know your audience. Understand what makes them want to help you with your fundraising event. Give them something they did not expect.

Get Straight to the Point

As much as you may want to say some good points about your event, avoid as much as possible. You may give out a few, just not a lot as it would get too boring. Your audience may lose interest and think that this is just another generic fundraising event. Show them see how different yours is.


Is it okay to mention the amount of money needed in the speech?

You may mention the goal you are hoping to achieve, but do not guilt trip your audience to donating to achieve that goal.

Do I need to end my speech with a quote or a thank you?

End your speech with a simple thank you. You may add a quote at the beginning of your speech.

How many stories can I share to convince my audience to donate?

One will do. But make it very convincing. The way you tell your story will also affect the way your audience would react.

How many paragraphs do I need to make a good speech?

Your speech could be as long as a page or as short as three paragraphs. As long as the message is there.

“Tis better to give than to receive” is such a common and overly used quote when people want to pull on someone’s heartstrings. The best way to do so without making it sound like you are begging or forcing others to give is to tell a story and make it convincing. Tell a few good points about your fundraising event and hope for the best. Good Luck with your speech. Follow the tips and you’ll do fine.

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