10+ Opening Speech Examples to Download
Whether you are opening for a small gathering such as minor events or a big one like global conferences, public speaking always gives people stage fright. If you are nervous, you have all the reasons to feel that way. You must already know it since you are here, but one helpful tip to combat nervousness is preparation. That said, turn on your gears and practice your speech writing skills as you compose your opening speech.
10+ Opening Speech Examples
1. General Opening Speech
2. Energy Agency Opening Speech
3. Global Citizenship Opening Speech
4. Global Conference Opening Speech
5. Opening Speech Template
6. Opening Speech for Workshop
7. Opening Speech Format
8. Opening Speech on Cultural Management
9. Opening Speech by the Honorable Minister
10. Opening Speech in PDF
11. Chairman’s Opening Speech
What Is an Opening Speech?
An opening speech is a talk that people give to welcome guests and give a brief overview of what will happen in an event. People give this type of speech during formal and informal gatherings. Just as the name states, the purpose of an opening speech is to open programs.
How to Compose an Impressive Opening Speech
Giving an opening statement means giving the people something to measure for their first impression. When you get on that stage and give your speech, you are doing the first performance of the event itinerary. It is your responsibility to set the vibe for the entirety of the gathering. That said, you should ensure to give a grand opening speech.
1. Start With a Compelling Introduction
The first words that come out of your mouth when you hold the microphone are a defining factor in the quality of your speech. In writing this segment, ensure to incorporate a hook. It should be effective enough to captivate and retain the attention of your audience throughout your whole speech. One method that will help you to devise your introduction is by conducting an audience analysis. Doing this will give you an idea of how to catch the attention of your listeners.
2. Acknowledge The Guests
Of course, one of the purposes of giving an opening speech at every event is to welcome the guests. Convey how thankful the organizers are for their acceptance of the event invitation. Also, do not forget to thank them for sparing time for the program. If there are important people on your attendance list, you should show them your appreciation by giving them a special mention.
3. State the Purpose of the Event
The next step is to write the part where you explain the reason for holding the event. To make things interesting, you can give a very brief history or a fascinating fact about the program. Ensure to compose this segment properly. This part is what will give the audience an idea of what to expect for the ceremony.
4. Conclude Your Speech
In giving a welcome speech for guests, you should not consume too much of the people’s time. That said, after the previous steps, you should now start coming up with a conclusion. In concluding your speech, you should once again thank the guests. After that, you should introduce the next speaker or performer.
What makes a good opening speech?
Good speech openings are those that can rouse the emotions of the audience. Despite that, you should tailor your introduction based on the formality of the gathering you are attending. For example, giving an opening speech for an event should be something that would brighten the atmosphere. On the other hand, when giving a welcome speech for conference, you should try a more formal approach and include essential meeting details.
How do you give a self-introduction speech?
Aside from mentioning your name, there are other things you should include in your self-introduction speech. Before deciding what details to add to what you will say, you should first consider your audience and the formality of the setting. Despite that, one universal tip that is appropriate for multiple circumstances is to give a brief background of yourself and your accomplishments.
What are essential things to remember when giving a speech?
In giving a speech, it is always advisable to compose a speech outline and practice what you will say. Another necessary thing that you should consider is how you will establish a connection with your listeners. One way to do this is by maintaining eye contact with your audience. Also, during your speech, you should use appropriate hand gestures.
Giving opening speeches are a heavy responsibility. Knowing that you would be the first person to go up the podium can make a person’s heartbeat twice as fast as it usually would. That said, you should prepare ahead and secure to write a killer opening speech. That way, you can walk towards the mic with confident steps.