Welcome Speech for Kids

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Welcome Speech for Kids

Imagine this, a fun playhouse, children everywhere, new beginnings, and a welcome speech to make to parents and children. Making speeches for children is both fun and exciting to do. Welcoming children to a new place like a school, a class and to welcome their parents as well can also be considered fun. Now, here are some 5+ welcome speeches for kids, kindergarten, class and parents. 

5+ Welcome Speech for Kids Examples

1. Welcome Speech for Parents & Kids

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Size: 120 KB


2. Kindergarten Welcome Speech for Kids

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Size: 894 KB


3. Welcome School Speech for Kids

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Size: 68 KB


4. Class President Welcome Speech for Kids

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Size: 195 KB


5. Welcome Speech for Kids

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  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


6. Welcome Speech for Kids in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 297 KB


The Definition of Welcome Speech

A welcome speech is a type of speech given by the presenter at the start of an event or a ceremony. To show thankfulness towards the people present who have taken pains to come to the said ceremony.

The Use of Welcome Speech for Children

You may wonder why a welcome speech should be useful for children. Since a child’s attention span is shorter than adults. The use for a welcome speech for children is not just to welcome them but to welcome their parents as well. It is to show that they are also important.

Tips to Make a Fun Welcome Speech for Children

As we all know children have a short attention span. So it is difficult to keep them still to listen and interact during an event. But what if you found a way to draw your little audiences in, would you use those tips to do so? So here we have some tips on how to make a fun welcoming speech for children followed by how to present your speech to your young audiences. Let’s take a look shall we?

  • Get creative – Think about when writing your speech, your main audience are children and their parents. How are you going to welcome them if your speech is too mature or too difficult to understand for your younger audience. Simply get creative
  • Tone of writing – This is also important to remember. When writing your welcome speech, watch the tone of your speech. By doing this, you are going to read it out loud and let someone else listen to see if it fits your little audience. 
  • Think like a child – To get to their level of understanding, think like one. If you were in their shoes, would you have enjoyed a long and boring speech? Children would prefer to listen to a speech where it’s short and fun to listen too. 
  • Short and simple – Don’t make the speech too long nor too short. Try to get their attention with something short and simple. But at the same time being creative. 
  • Practice your speech – Ask someone to help you see if your speech is appropriate for your little audience, if it is not, revise the speech and try again. 
  • Make eye contact – This is the part where you are going to be making the speech, remember to make eye contact, especially at the parents. This way, you are telling them you value their attendance. 


Can I make the speech in a letter format?

If you want to be as creative and make it as easy as possible, you may make your speech in the form of a letter. Present it to your audience with a smile and some gestures. Remember you are dealing with children.

How creative do I need to be when presenting the speech?

Use facial and hand gestures. Your audience are children after all. Make them laugh, make them smile whatever needs to be done. As long as you are able to capture their attention even for 5 minutes.

How long can I make the speech before the children would stop paying attention?

Longer than a minute but shorter than five minutes. Within those minutes are perfect enough to grab their undivided attention.

Making children speeches can be a challenge. Since it is really that difficult to make them pay attention with words that they may not be able to comprehend. To do this, use simple words and simple hand gestures. Don’t forget to smile when you present your speech. Make eye contact to make them feel welcome.


Welcome Speech Generator for Kids

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