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Teacher Goals Examples

Teacher Goals

It is a fact we can never deny how we all need other people for us to be the products of our greatest desires. The people referred by the latter can be our parents, friends, best buddies, mentors, strangers, and teachers, most notably. A passionate practitioner of teaching statement can build one of the most active foundations in the life of an individual. This foundation is something that keeps the individual rooted in his or her dreams to weather the relentless storms in the far future.

A teacher is considered as one of the most significant contributors to the society’s future by means of molding the young ones into better individuals; thereby, saving different communities of the country from the threat of impending adversaries. No matter how much we acclaim the profession of teaching, there are still going to be individuals who despise the thought of forcing themselves to enroll in schools for their future is determined by how well they are all their courses. There are ways for you to stop these infamous derision directed towards school by showing your students that school is not a place of nightmares or countless hours of boredom.

Yes, attaining this is not at all impossible. By setting your teacher goals right, countless accomplishments will be met throughout the school year, which enables you to grow as a professional and individual. If you happen to be unsure of what teacher goals are, you will significantly benefit reading this article. We have provided you ten teacher goals examples which you can use as guidelines for when you are in the process of setting one right now.

Why Set Up Teacher Goals

One may ask why is there a need for teachers to set up goals when they can impose something to the class and be satisfied with it. But not setting your goals as a teacher can create the tendency that you’ll lose your passion for teaching. For a person to be successful and happy in life, it is necessary to write down your life goals. This act can help you track better on how well you have improved over the years and, too, distinguish the negative factors that could impede your progress. Having this stated, there will only be mild difficulties in overcoming your failures.

The act of teaching knowledge to students is a thing not worthy of being ridiculed, and that is why there is a great need for you to map out your actions. This is for you to close all loops of possible faults that may happen in the future. Also, one of the reasons why you need to set your goals as a teacher is that you will not lose your purpose in being a teacher. You have to remember that teaching is not merely reading and understanding what’s in the textbook each day and give exams. Teaching is molding the young generations to become the ultimate weapon in eradicating all the contrary practices that are considered factors in the are dooming the world. Effective teachers are also the youths’ most excellent guide in realizing their dreams. The effects of setting your goals as a passionate teacher decreases the rate of students despising scholastic activities. In fact, they become encouraged to go to school knowing that their teachers are not merely there to ramble on anything or complain why each of the student’s performances does not meet the school standards.

5 Examples of Teacher Goals

Happy teacher looking at camera with her students on background

If you think you have the perfect mixture of dedication and passion in the field of teaching, then it’s about time you make a list of teacher goals for this school year. Listed below are ten examples of teacher goals that you surely would not want to forget when setting your goals:

  1. Educate properly

    When you were still a student who’s had encountered teachers that were unreasonably strict and demands respect when they were not deserving of it, then you probably know how your students would feel like, that is if you decide to be that kind of teacher. As a teacher, you are tasked to teach your learning to your students by discussing the concepts of any topic and how they can apply the teaching in mundane activities. For you to accurately gauge the performance of your students, there are times where you call out their names. Students may give you answers you are not expecting that makes your thinning patience run even thinner. There are times where this can really be frustrating that you imagine yourself rolling your eyes at the back of your head, harshly react that boils inside you, or fancy yourself becoming the teacher you dreaded when you were still a student. You have to keep in mind that it is only by adequately educating your students will their will to listen and learn about what’s being discussed increases. Scolding your student in front of the whole class for not getting the right answer only discourages him or her to learn; thereby, playing a part in his or her future’s destruction. Properly educating them about some issues is encouraged for your students to be invited to learn rather than despising the concept of education and school for a lifetime.

  2. Be an inspiration to your students

    This doesn’t mean that you have to force your students to follow your footsteps. Instead, show them the attitude of a determined and passionate teacher. This can inspire your students to keep their heads held high despite all the spirit-breaking impediments that will be met in the future. You might be too familiar with students who are on the verge of quitting because of personal reasons. You can actually change their mindset and breed hope by inspiring them to take on the challenges. Be the role model when it comes to overcoming the challenges and failures in your life for the students to know the values and traits they need to have in their pursuits of greatness. Teach them how to think and not just commit to mind what is written in the book and on the board.

  3. Learn

    Teachers can learn so much from their students and fellow teachers. If you notice that your style of teaching is not making so much an impact on your class, ask teachers who are experienced in the field for advice or watch tutorial videos on Youtube. Learning also means adapting to changes that will be implemented during the school year for your growth not to be hampered down, rather than be stagnant. Learning can also be obtained from your students. You get to meet individuals with different personalities, and by spending some quality time with your students, your understanding of different kinds of lifestyles widens. You have to maintain the balance of your personal and individual growth rather than investing too much on one of these growths wholly and only forget the other.

  4. Patience

    Being a teacher requires an awful lot of patience, which could be a real challenge for you if you consider yourself as short-tempered. Since you will be dealing with numerous students with personalities, you cannot tolerate, patience comes in vital. You don’t want to scare your students out by shouting profanities and obscenities for this will stain your reputation as a professional. You have to be patient in dealing with your students, for they still have so much to learn. Even on the verge of a breakdown, shouting at your naughty students will do you nothing good– especially to the student. This may damage the child psychologically, and that is not a very good way of molding our future’s hope. Exercise the virtue of patience and come up with resolutions hastily in the occurrence of an issue to alleviate the gravity of the problem. If you find being patient close to being impossible, try meditating to grant yourself an inner peace that will never waver despite the physical chaos created by your students.

  5. Always strive to become better

    Satiating the insatiable hunger of bettering ourselves can only become possible if you resort yourself to thoughts of pessimism. Always strive to give your best shot in educating your students about course discussions and life lessons. Think of this as your most significant investment for worldly progress. If you think that you have so much still to learn, do not be discouraged if you are not doing well in the early phases of your career as a teacher. Just promise yourself that you will become better tomorrow than the current you.

How to Accomplish Personal Goals as a Teacher

Teaching indeed is a time-consuming occupation. You educate students all day long and make the necessary deliverables at home. In fact, according to the National Education Association, teachers work more than their contracted working hours. Considering these matters, it is evident that as an educator, achieving your personal goals could be a tremendous challenge. In this segment, we are going to discuss the step on how to make your own goals as a teacher.

1. Know what you exactly want.

Achieving your personal goals requires motivation. Thus, the first thing you need to do is to identify the specific item that you certainly want to accomplish. It could be related to your job, such as conducting an event for the youth, helping your pupils to achieve their student goals, cooperate goals, or getting a higher degree in education. It could also be apart from your occupation, such as to go abroad, to be slimmer, or to save money. The options are limitless. The key action here is to be true to yourself and be firm on what interests you. Moreover, the more specific your goals are, the more lenient you can identify whether they are completed or not.

2. Take note.

In considering your personal goals, there could be an enormous probability that you want to achieve several kinds of stuff. Thus, make a note of all of them. There is actually no need to professional and strict in doing this step. You just need to write them down. The primary purpose of this act is to have a reference and avoid forgetting about the most specific details. Doing this with a pen and paper is also found to be better than using a computer or phone. You can do revisions as many as you can, too.

3. Evaluate your goals.

Examine your note and see whether the personal goals you have written are realistic and doable. This step is essential because we may tend to overwhelm ourselves and list silly things. You may ask yourself some questions such as:
• How much will this goal cost?
• Is my budget sufficient?
• Where can I do this goal?
• What will I gain after this experience?
• How will this experience help me?
By doing this, you may deduct some useless items in your list and have a cleaner and more understandable note. Also, you must evaluate each of your goals if they are a long-term or short-term goal.

4. Plan all of your personal goals.

You may have several realistic personal goals in your list; however, there is no way you can do everything at once. Thus, plan your personal goals wisely. Make a schedule or a personal goals calendar that would help you organize your own goals and set the respective dates and times well. Considering that teachers commonly do not have sufficient time in regular working days and often have several deadlines to consider, determining the particular years’ dates, time and location of your personal goals could help you in achieving them without interfering with your job’s schedule. For short-term goals that you want to do regularly, specify the exact time and duration. For long-term goals, mention the particular dates with its prospective duration, too. Also, be firm to your set schedules or else, they could never happen. If unexpected severe events come in the way, you must also weigh whether you should or not edit your schedule.

5. Do the necessary preparations.

Let’s assume that one of your goals is to go to the beach this weekend with your friends. You may notify them this Thursday or see if the swimming attire that you want to use is already suitable to be worn. Preparing enough days before the time you are planned to realize your personal goal is indeed helpful. It gives you sufficient time to check whether everything is going smoothly, and if not, you will also have enough moments to do necessary changes of plan. This measure can also help you get rid of the factors that would hinder you from enjoying the experience.

6. Experience and enjoy it.

Supposing that it is already Sunday, and everything went fine. You went to the beach as planned with your friends, and what you need to do next is nothing but to enjoy and experience the awaited moment. Though it does need to be perfect, as long as it satisfies you and improves you as a person, that personal goal is deemed successful. Consider that moment like these is bizarre for general teachers; the experience that you waited for a period should be worthwhile.

Exemplary teachers don’t simply become exemplary because of relying on the randomness of the events that could happen in a school year. They have goals which they strive hardest to attain every single day. But with an unwavering passion and determination, these goals can be easily met. Don’t let adversities that come along the way dishearten you in achieving these goals; challenges are only as natural as their solutions.


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