19+ Travel Journal Writing Examples
Who does not like to travel? At some point in our short lives, we would like to get out of the house or out of work and see the world with your own two eyes. Because in reality, taking pictures is just never enough. Sometimes, you just have to write about them in order to relive the memories and experiences to the places that you have been to before. You may also see book journal examples.
It may seem like a drag, but in due time, you will learn to appreciate it even more when you want to sit back and do some recollecting of your own.
Just like e-books, digital pictures are able to save money as you do not exactly need to print them anymore, but there is actually a good reason on why Polaroids are still the trendiest camera that everyone wants to buy.
For starters, they are cheap and they do not need a lot of adjusting unlike digital singles lens resolution (DSLR) cameras. But it is perhaps the printed picture that comes out of the Polaroid camera that people still dig (and it is not just because of 13 Reasons Why Season 2). You may also like writing templates & examples.
So the next time you decide to travel, whether domestic or local, you should remember to make a travel journal that stores all the precious and irreplaceable moments spent. You may also see reflective writing examples if you happen to explore other kinds of writing.
Why Write a Journal When Traveling?
1. Remember More
Let us admit it: memory is fleeting. At some point in our lives, we will grow old and will eventually succumb to sickness and die. It is not an easy thing to admit. But we all have to face that reality.
So while you are still physically and mentally able to remember and jot down what you can, do so. Because you might just regret about it as soon as you forget it. So at the very least, you can always have something to look back to when you can no longer recall your timeless vacation. You may also check out bullet journal examples.
2. Learn More
Learning never stops. Even when you are not schooling anymore, that does not mean learning will officially come to an end. After all, learning is often best done outside the four corners of the school. As you travel, you may also learn other people’s culture and practices, their holidays, their world views. You might be interested in student writing examples.
CNN’s very own Anthony Bourdain in his show Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown is a travel and food show in which the TV personality/chef travels the world uncovering lesser-known places and exploring their cultures and cuisine. His untimely death has left a hole in the hearts of many as he was considered to be an inspiration not only to his viewers but perhaps to people on all walks of life. You may also see summary writing examples.
3. Reflect More
Other than learning about other people and their culture, their practices, you get to learn more about yourself too in the process. These can be valuable life lessons that can be useful in the process of becoming a better person.
Black and White Travel Journal
Printed Travel Journal
Picture Travel Journal
Good Book with Ship Cruise Itinerary
Colorful Travel Journal
How to Write Travel Journals: 5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Journaling
1. Use your journal to plan your trip
People do not often realize that even a travel journal can be used to plan trips to other than writing them. Although thanks to the Internet, booking trips has never been easier, but sometimes it is just as good to write them in your travel diary too. You may also see fitness journal examples.
What plans and activities do you have for Day 1? Which hotel are you planning to stay in? Because let’s face it: writing down on your travel journal is much more creative and is aesthetically beautiful than printing out a colored or a black-and-white copy of your personal travel itinerary. You may also like debate report writing examples.
The best part? You get to decide how it looks, decide what kind of drawings you would want to add there. Personally, sky is the limit. Whether you want it a minimalist kind of theme or artsy, it is entirely up to your discretion. You may also proforma invoice examples for more information and details.
2. Write about what you imagine it will be like
Now that you have your itinerary worked out for your vacation, it is high time to put on your thinking caps on and turn on the imagination switch. Think of the country or place that you are going to visit and start imagining on what it is going to be like once you visit there. You may also check out free writing examples.
Is it as what you have expected over time? Is it as magical and wonderful as you thought it would be? Or is it something so horrible that you would not recommend it again? Whatever activities that you have planned for your vacation, list down your hopes and your expectations for that. So that when you are done doing the activity, you may do a comparison and find out whether or not they have been realized. You may also check out on how a daily agenda is being written.
3. Write during your trip
Sometimes, the thing about travel journals is that people forget they bring them in the first place since they want to pay close attention to everything that is unfolding right before their very eyes. At most, people would often write them at night when they reach the hotel room as they are still busy as to whatever activities they are engaging or simply taking too many pictures on the attractions and the tourist spots. You may also see what is writing used for?
But here is a piece of advice: whenever you have vacant time on your hands no matter where you are (i.e., taking lunch, riding the bus, or just standing by at a museum), write down all that you have seen, all that you have felt, all that you have smelled, all that you have tasted, and all that you have heard down in the travel diary right away. You may also like writing examples in pdf.
List it down while the memory is still fresh and accurate. Sometimes, it is often the littlest of details and actions that make the travel experience so real: the locals you talk to while asking for directions, the street food that you consume, the architectural marvel of a certain tourist spot, etc. You may also check out formal writing examples & samples.
Everything and anything you can gather. In one way or another, it will serve as a great way to remember more from your trip, but will also help you reflect and grow from what you encountered. Here are some examples of cash receipts in case you find yourself writing one.
4. Add pictures to your journal
No travel journal could ever be complete without taking pictures. Adding pictures to the journal would serve as proof that you actually went to the area and not just make stories up so that they can just make other people jealous. When you add pictures to your journal, it is also to make it more colorful and meaningful so that when you forget in your head, you were still there on that place and captured that beautiful moment. You may also see application writing examples.
Pictures, after all, are still worth a thousand words. Combining pictures with your firsthand accounts of what they represent, or what happened when they were taken, will make for an even more comprehensive narrative of your travels. You may also check out reflective essay examples for more reference.
5. Write about your trip after you leave
Considering that you have written your own personal hopes and aspirations before your trip began, it is just only right that you try to make an account of your experiences after your trip. If there is one good trait about the Japanese, it is their open-mindedness that allows them to become a very progressive country. You may also like writing examples in doc.
Every time there is an opportunity to study outside, the Japanese government would normally send out their most enthusiastic students abroad not only to learn from them, but to use their newfound knowledge to share what they have learned to give back to society that helped them grow as proper citizens. You may also check out script writing examples.
People who come from third-world countries would be culture shocked when they visit first-world countries for the first time such as Singapore or Japan. The moment you return back to your hometown, you could never easily forget, which is why you should write it down all your thoughts. You might be interested in article writing examples.
Here are some questions that can help you get started:
- What was it like?
- What did you learn?
- What surprised you?
- What disappointed you?
It is important to reflect on your travels, so you can retain new understandings and apply them to future adventures. This is also a great way to learn about yourself, other people you may have traveled with, and how you can grow. Step back from all the things you did and try to see the big picture. It may surprise you. Here are some examples of printable logs that might give you an insight on how people would normally write logs.
Handwritten Travel Journal with Polaroid Pictures
Scrapbook Travel Journal
Simple Travel Journal
Travel Itinerary Example with Stamps
Travel Journal Ideas to Inspire You
1. Why are you going?
Before even planning out your vacation, ask yourself as to why you are going in the first place.
The reason can be anything: a business trip, personal vacation, visiting family members, for diplomatic purposes, for occupational purposes, for health reasons, or is it one of those out-of-the-blue moments? Whatever reason you have, try not to think too much about it. If you need to go, then just go. No one is going to get in your way and has no intention to interfere with your plans. Here are some self-introduction speech examples if you need to write one.
2. Write about your expectations.
Your expectations of a certain place can either be the same reality that you are looking for in a country even more or it may turn out to be something disappointing that you might not want to go back and go through the entire process again. No matter what the case may turn out to be, simply write them anyway. It just shows another aspect to your personal travels. Memo writing is often very common in businesses and companies. When the time comes that you will be asked to write one, you need to be ready.
3. Write about the people.
Other than the sites and the food that you can look forward to, another highlight of another country would be the locals you meet. If you are like most people who like to play it safe, you would be mostly set up with your local tour guide. You may also see summary writing examples.
Take this opportunity to ask your local tour guide about what makes this place so great, the history embedded in this island, why this is a must-go for tourists, the holidays and the festivals that the locals would often celebrate, the sites to see, etc. But never forget about the people who live there. You may also like script writing examples.
After all, it is not the tourist attractions nor the food that comprises a place, but the people too. Were they very hospitable? Were they welcoming and accommodating? Did you meet anyone new? Did you make a new friend? Did you learn something new from a stranger? Did you learn something new from a friend? Here are some food log examples for further reference.
Tokyo Travel Journal
Moleskine Travel Journal
Japanese Expense Notes
Japanese Travel Journal Blog Sketch
Chocolate Travel Journal
4. Write about the food.
Food. Are you familiar with the name Anthony Bourdain? You should not remember him as the man who committed suicide because of depression, but as the man who traveled around the world exploring new and diverse cultures and their lifestyles along with the local cuisine. You may also see tips for writing an effective essay.
When you find yourself in another country, would you go looking for a Burger King or a McDonald’s store nearby, or would you go out of your own comfort zone and explore different kinds of cuisine that is sure to rock your taste buds. I have to admit, the reason why people would not normally wish to go beyond what they normally eat is simply because they are already satisfied with their current simple menu. It is actually understandable. I mean, could you imagine yourself eating a fried spider from Cambodia?
Or how about a developing duck embryo from the Philippines (which is actually boiled alive while still in the shell. This is normally eaten with a little seasoning of chili, garlic, and vinegar. The baby embryo is edible, including the visible wings and beak.)? Care for some fried brain sandwiches from the U.S.A.? You may also like essay writing examples.
Look, this does not mean that you have to eat whatever weird food local countries serve you. But at the very least, you can try experimenting your palette to the local dishes. Most travel diaries already incorporate the element of food in them. Here are some examples of marketing reports that you can write down if you find the time.
5. The ups and the downs.
Let’s face it. Even in a trip, there are some things that you do not find so enjoyable. You do not hate them, you just do not like them. It can be anything in particular, really: the food, the locals, some of the tourist attractions, the economy of the country, and even the state of the country as it is. You may also see informative writing examples.
For instance, if you intend to visit India in the near future, one of the things you will probably not like about the area is the traffic there. It is just terrible. And another thing you might need to note: curry is a constant staple everywhere in India. So, do not be surprised when all the food that you eat will mostly be curry-based. At some point, you just get tired of eating that all the time that you would eventually crave for something not curry. You may also like minutes writing examples.
In mainland China, some of the locals can be pretty rude or non-hospitable, especially when you are bargaining with them at a bargain market. Pros and cons. You may also see winter travel goals in 2018 should you decide to have your vacation during winter time.
Crayola Travel Journal
Stamps Travel Journal
Australia Ship Crew Travel Log
Queenstown Travel Picture Journal
Georgetown Travel Journal
Sagdas Cave Connection: Lumiang Sumaging Caves
6. Write about yourself.
Reflect on the new experiences you had, what made you uncomfortable and what enticed you. Did you learn anything new about yourself on the trip? Did being somewhere else expose something you hadn’t seen in yourself before? Traveling can help people grow. Think about your journey and if it helped you grow in any way. Here are some examples of personal goals that can make you grow as an individual to society for a better life.
7. Write a travel guide.
Let us say that you just got back from your travels. Perhaps one of the best things you can do after your trip is to come up with a travel guide for people who share the same interest in traveling to the same place as you in the near future. In a manner of speaking, you can help them make better choices for their itinerary. You may also see european travel goals for your next trip.
For instance, you can first recommend the places that you have already been to if you find those certain tourist spots worth visiting again.
If there are specific areas that you failed to go to because of the lack of time, you can also mark those attractions in your journal so that people who can spend a longer duration than you in that place can go check it out. For must-eats, you can list down the food stalls that sell them and where they happen to be located. You may also like summer travel goals for the free-spirited you.
Vloggers would usually inform their viewers on what to bring and what not bring for this certain country as every country has their own rules and regulations that must be followed by all, including tourists. Certain tourist spots will not allow flash photography or will ask the tourists to wear appropriate clothing since it is a religious building. Taboos can also be noted in your travel diary, even scams too. You may also check out winter travel goals in 2018.
Although the point of tourists visiting other countries would be to boost tourism, there are some locals who will try to exploit visitors to pay more than what is needed of them. List those down too for future reference. Here are some reflective writing tips that you might find useful in case you are asked to write a reflective piece.
8. Where do you want to go next?
It is never too soon to start planning your next vacation. If that would mean working extra hard, putting in the extra hours, minimizing your spending habits, and going out less on weekends, then do so. Because there are people who are committed to visiting that place next when they have the budget and the time and the resources. Because in life, we all have bucket lists that we would want to see filled up before we pass away. You may also see travel essay examples & samples.
Look for cheap travel sales, budget out your next vacation, book hotels at their lowest price, and most importantly, coordinate with your family and loved ones. Here are some examples of expense vouchers that you might need to refer to.
19+ Travel Journal Writing Examples
Who does not like to travel? At some point in our short lives, we would like to get out of the house or out of work and see the world with your own two eyes. Because in reality, taking pictures is just never enough. Sometimes, you just have to write about them in order to relive the memories and experiences to the places that you have been to before. You may also see book journal examples.
It may seem like a drag, but in due time, you will learn to appreciate it even more when you want to sit back and do some recollecting of your own.
Just like e-books, digital pictures are able to save money as you do not exactly need to print them anymore, but there is actually a good reason on why Polaroids are still the trendiest camera that everyone wants to buy.
For starters, they are cheap and they do not need a lot of adjusting unlike digital singles lens resolution (DSLR) cameras. But it is perhaps the printed picture that comes out of the Polaroid camera that people still dig (and it is not just because of 13 Reasons Why Season 2). You may also like writing templates & examples.
So the next time you decide to travel, whether domestic or local, you should remember to make a travel journal that stores all the precious and irreplaceable moments spent. You may also see reflective writing examples if you happen to explore other kinds of writing.
Why Write a Journal When Traveling?
1. Remember More
Let us admit it: memory is fleeting. At some point in our lives, we will grow old and will eventually succumb to sickness and die. It is not an easy thing to admit. But we all have to face that reality.
So while you are still physically and mentally able to remember and jot down what you can, do so. Because you might just regret about it as soon as you forget it. So at the very least, you can always have something to look back to when you can no longer recall your timeless vacation. You may also check out bullet journal examples.
2. Learn More
Learning never stops. Even when you are not schooling anymore, that does not mean learning will officially come to an end. After all, learning is often best done outside the four corners of the school. As you travel, you may also learn other people’s culture and practices, their holidays, their world views. You might be interested in student writing examples.
CNN’s very own Anthony Bourdain in his show Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown is a travel and food show in which the TV personality/chef travels the world uncovering lesser-known places and exploring their cultures and cuisine. His untimely death has left a hole in the hearts of many as he was considered to be an inspiration not only to his viewers but perhaps to people on all walks of life. You may also see summary writing examples.
3. Reflect More
Other than learning about other people and their culture, their practices, you get to learn more about yourself too in the process. These can be valuable life lessons that can be useful in the process of becoming a better person.
Black and White Travel Journal
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Size: 119 KB
Printed Travel Journal
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Size: 56 KB
Picture Travel Journal
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Size: 51 KB
Good Book with Ship Cruise Itinerary
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Size: 55 KB
Colorful Travel Journal
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Size: 113 KB
How to Write Travel Journals: 5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Journaling
1. Use your journal to plan your trip
People do not often realize that even a travel journal can be used to plan trips to other than writing them. Although thanks to the Internet, booking trips has never been easier, but sometimes it is just as good to write them in your travel diary too. You may also see fitness journal examples.
What plans and activities do you have for Day 1? Which hotel are you planning to stay in? Because let’s face it: writing down on your travel journal is much more creative and is aesthetically beautiful than printing out a colored or a black-and-white copy of your personal travel itinerary. You may also like debate report writing examples.
The best part? You get to decide how it looks, decide what kind of drawings you would want to add there. Personally, sky is the limit. Whether you want it a minimalist kind of theme or artsy, it is entirely up to your discretion. You may also proforma invoice examples for more information and details.
2. Write about what you imagine it will be like
Now that you have your itinerary worked out for your vacation, it is high time to put on your thinking caps on and turn on the imagination switch. Think of the country or place that you are going to visit and start imagining on what it is going to be like once you visit there. You may also check out free writing examples.
Is it as what you have expected over time? Is it as magical and wonderful as you thought it would be? Or is it something so horrible that you would not recommend it again? Whatever activities that you have planned for your vacation, list down your hopes and your expectations for that. So that when you are done doing the activity, you may do a comparison and find out whether or not they have been realized. You may also check out on how a daily agenda is being written.
3. Write during your trip
Sometimes, the thing about travel journals is that people forget they bring them in the first place since they want to pay close attention to everything that is unfolding right before their very eyes. At most, people would often write them at night when they reach the hotel room as they are still busy as to whatever activities they are engaging or simply taking too many pictures on the attractions and the tourist spots. You may also see what is writing used for?
But here is a piece of advice: whenever you have vacant time on your hands no matter where you are (i.e., taking lunch, riding the bus, or just standing by at a museum), write down all that you have seen, all that you have felt, all that you have smelled, all that you have tasted, and all that you have heard down in the travel diary right away. You may also like writing examples in pdf.
List it down while the memory is still fresh and accurate. Sometimes, it is often the littlest of details and actions that make the travel experience so real: the locals you talk to while asking for directions, the street food that you consume, the architectural marvel of a certain tourist spot, etc. You may also check out formal writing examples & samples.
Everything and anything you can gather. In one way or another, it will serve as a great way to remember more from your trip, but will also help you reflect and grow from what you encountered. Here are some examples of cash receipts in case you find yourself writing one.
4. Add pictures to your journal
No travel journal could ever be complete without taking pictures. Adding pictures to the journal would serve as proof that you actually went to the area and not just make stories up so that they can just make other people jealous. When you add pictures to your journal, it is also to make it more colorful and meaningful so that when you forget in your head, you were still there on that place and captured that beautiful moment. You may also see application writing examples.
Pictures, after all, are still worth a thousand words. Combining pictures with your firsthand accounts of what they represent, or what happened when they were taken, will make for an even more comprehensive narrative of your travels. You may also check out reflective essay examples for more reference.
5. Write about your trip after you leave
Considering that you have written your own personal hopes and aspirations before your trip began, it is just only right that you try to make an account of your experiences after your trip. If there is one good trait about the Japanese, it is their open-mindedness that allows them to become a very progressive country. You may also like writing examples in doc.
Every time there is an opportunity to study outside, the Japanese government would normally send out their most enthusiastic students abroad not only to learn from them, but to use their newfound knowledge to share what they have learned to give back to society that helped them grow as proper citizens. You may also check out script writing examples.
People who come from third-world countries would be culture shocked when they visit first-world countries for the first time such as Singapore or Japan. The moment you return back to your hometown, you could never easily forget, which is why you should write it down all your thoughts. You might be interested in article writing examples.
Here are some questions that can help you get started:
What was it like?
What did you learn?
What surprised you?
What disappointed you?
It is important to reflect on your travels, so you can retain new understandings and apply them to future adventures. This is also a great way to learn about yourself, other people you may have traveled with, and how you can grow. Step back from all the things you did and try to see the big picture. It may surprise you. Here are some examples of printable logs that might give you an insight on how people would normally write logs.
Handwritten Travel Journal with Polaroid Pictures
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Size: 44 KB
Scrapbook Travel Journal
File Format
Size: 81 KB
Simple Travel Journal
File Format
Size: 45 KB
Travel Itinerary Example with Stamps
File Format
Size: 284 KB
Travel Journal Ideas to Inspire You
1. Why are you going?
Before even planning out your vacation, ask yourself as to why you are going in the first place.
The reason can be anything: a business trip, personal vacation, visiting family members, for diplomatic purposes, for occupational purposes, for health reasons, or is it one of those out-of-the-blue moments? Whatever reason you have, try not to think too much about it. If you need to go, then just go. No one is going to get in your way and has no intention to interfere with your plans. Here are some self-introduction speech examples if you need to write one.
2. Write about your expectations.
Your expectations of a certain place can either be the same reality that you are looking for in a country even more or it may turn out to be something disappointing that you might not want to go back and go through the entire process again. No matter what the case may turn out to be, simply write them anyway. It just shows another aspect to your personal travels. Memo writing is often very common in businesses and companies. When the time comes that you will be asked to write one, you need to be ready.
3. Write about the people.
Other than the sites and the food that you can look forward to, another highlight of another country would be the locals you meet. If you are like most people who like to play it safe, you would be mostly set up with your local tour guide. You may also see summary writing examples.
Take this opportunity to ask your local tour guide about what makes this place so great, the history embedded in this island, why this is a must-go for tourists, the holidays and the festivals that the locals would often celebrate, the sites to see, etc. But never forget about the people who live there. You may also like script writing examples.
After all, it is not the tourist attractions nor the food that comprises a place, but the people too. Were they very hospitable? Were they welcoming and accommodating? Did you meet anyone new? Did you make a new friend? Did you learn something new from a stranger? Did you learn something new from a friend? Here are some food log examples for further reference.
Tokyo Travel Journal
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Size: 76 KB
Moleskine Travel Journal
File Format
Size: 42 KB
Japanese Expense Notes
File Format
Size: 145 KB
Japanese Travel Journal Blog Sketch
File Format
Size: 115 KB
Chocolate Travel Journal
File Format
Size: 43 KB
4. Write about the food.
Food. Are you familiar with the name Anthony Bourdain? You should not remember him as the man who committed suicide because of depression, but as the man who traveled around the world exploring new and diverse cultures and their lifestyles along with the local cuisine. You may also see tips for writing an effective essay.
When you find yourself in another country, would you go looking for a Burger King or a McDonald’s store nearby, or would you go out of your own comfort zone and explore different kinds of cuisine that is sure to rock your taste buds. I have to admit, the reason why people would not normally wish to go beyond what they normally eat is simply because they are already satisfied with their current simple menu. It is actually understandable. I mean, could you imagine yourself eating a fried spider from Cambodia?
Or how about a developing duck embryo from the Philippines (which is actually boiled alive while still in the shell. This is normally eaten with a little seasoning of chili, garlic, and vinegar. The baby embryo is edible, including the visible wings and beak.)? Care for some fried brain sandwiches from the U.S.A.? You may also like essay writing examples.
Look, this does not mean that you have to eat whatever weird food local countries serve you. But at the very least, you can try experimenting your palette to the local dishes. Most travel diaries already incorporate the element of food in them. Here are some examples of marketing reports that you can write down if you find the time.
5. The ups and the downs.
Let’s face it. Even in a trip, there are some things that you do not find so enjoyable. You do not hate them, you just do not like them. It can be anything in particular, really: the food, the locals, some of the tourist attractions, the economy of the country, and even the state of the country as it is. You may also see informative writing examples.
For instance, if you intend to visit India in the near future, one of the things you will probably not like about the area is the traffic there. It is just terrible. And another thing you might need to note: curry is a constant staple everywhere in India. So, do not be surprised when all the food that you eat will mostly be curry-based. At some point, you just get tired of eating that all the time that you would eventually crave for something not curry. You may also like minutes writing examples.
In mainland China, some of the locals can be pretty rude or non-hospitable, especially when you are bargaining with them at a bargain market. Pros and cons. You may also see winter travel goals in 2018 should you decide to have your vacation during winter time.
Crayola Travel Journal
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Size: 85 KB
Stamps Travel Journal
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Size: 81 KB
Australia Ship Crew Travel Log
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Size: 90 KB
Queenstown Travel Picture Journal
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Size: 60 KB
Georgetown Travel Journal
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Size: 253 KB
Sagdas Cave Connection: Lumiang Sumaging Caves
File Format
Size: 208 KB
6. Write about yourself.
Reflect on the new experiences you had, what made you uncomfortable and what enticed you. Did you learn anything new about yourself on the trip? Did being somewhere else expose something you hadn’t seen in yourself before? Traveling can help people grow. Think about your journey and if it helped you grow in any way. Here are some examples of personal goals that can make you grow as an individual to society for a better life.
7. Write a travel guide.
Let us say that you just got back from your travels. Perhaps one of the best things you can do after your trip is to come up with a travel guide for people who share the same interest in traveling to the same place as you in the near future. In a manner of speaking, you can help them make better choices for their itinerary. You may also see european travel goals for your next trip.
For instance, you can first recommend the places that you have already been to if you find those certain tourist spots worth visiting again.
If there are specific areas that you failed to go to because of the lack of time, you can also mark those attractions in your journal so that people who can spend a longer duration than you in that place can go check it out. For must-eats, you can list down the food stalls that sell them and where they happen to be located. You may also like summer travel goals for the free-spirited you.
Vloggers would usually inform their viewers on what to bring and what not bring for this certain country as every country has their own rules and regulations that must be followed by all, including tourists. Certain tourist spots will not allow flash photography or will ask the tourists to wear appropriate clothing since it is a religious building. Taboos can also be noted in your travel diary, even scams too. You may also check out winter travel goals in 2018.
Although the point of tourists visiting other countries would be to boost tourism, there are some locals who will try to exploit visitors to pay more than what is needed of them. List those down too for future reference. Here are some reflective writing tips that you might find useful in case you are asked to write a reflective piece.
8. Where do you want to go next?
It is never too soon to start planning your next vacation. If that would mean working extra hard, putting in the extra hours, minimizing your spending habits, and going out less on weekends, then do so. Because there are people who are committed to visiting that place next when they have the budget and the time and the resources. Because in life, we all have bucket lists that we would want to see filled up before we pass away. You may also see travel essay examples & samples.
Look for cheap travel sales, budget out your next vacation, book hotels at their lowest price, and most importantly, coordinate with your family and loved ones. Here are some examples of expense vouchers that you might need to refer to.