Efficiently compute the volume of an ellipsoid using our Ellipsoid Volume Calculator on examples.com. Get fast, precise results with our easy-to-use interface.

Formula: Elliposid Volume (V) = 4/3 Ο€abc




Volume in Meter4.1887902047863905 Meter3
Volume in Meter4.1887902047863905 Meter3
Volume in Meter4.1887902047863905 Meter3

How to Find Ellipsoid Volume Calculator

To calculate the volume of an ellipsoid using an online calculator, follow these steps:

Step 1: Input the lengths of the ellipsoid’s semi-principal axes into the calculator fields labeled Axis(a), Axis(b), and Axis(c).

Step 2: Select the appropriate unit of measurement for each axis from the available options (e.g., meters, centimeters).

Step 3: Click the ‘Calculate’ button. The calculator will apply the ellipsoid volume formula:


where 𝑉 is the volume, and π‘Ž, 𝑏, and 𝑐 are the lengths of the semi-principal axes.

Step 4: Review the calculated volume, which will be displayed in the unit of measurement you selected.

These steps will help you efficiently determine the volume of an ellipsoid using an online volume calculator.

Ellipsoid Volume Calculator Formula

The formula to calculate the volume of an ellipsoid is derived from the geometrical properties of the shape. An ellipsoid, which is a three-dimensional analog of an ellipse, can be considered as being formed by the rotation of an ellipse around one of its principal axes.

Here is the formula used to calculate the volume of an ellipsoid:


  • 𝑉 is the volume of the ellipsoid.
  • π‘Ž, 𝑏, and 𝑐 are the lengths of the semi-principal axes of the ellipsoid along the X, Y, and Z dimensions, respectively.

Examples of Ellipsoid Volume Calculator

Example 1:

  • Axes Lengths: a = 3 meters, b = 4 meters, c = 5 meters
  • Calculation: 𝑉=4/3πœ‹Γ—3Γ—4Γ—5=251.33Β cubicΒ meters

Example 2:

  • Axes Lengths: a = 2 meters, b = 2 meters, c = 3 meters
  • Calculation: 𝑉=4/3πœ‹Γ—2Γ—2Γ—3=50.27Β cubicΒ meters

Example 3:

  • Axes Lengths: a = 1 meter, b = 1 meter, c = 1 meter
  • Calculation: 𝑉=4/3πœ‹Γ—1Γ—1Γ—1=4.19Β cubicΒ meters

Example 4:

  • Axes Lengths: a = 6 feet, b = 8 feet, c = 10 feet
  • Calculation: 𝑉=4/3πœ‹Γ—6Γ—8Γ—10=1601.76Β cubicΒ feet

Example 5:

  • Axes Lengths: a = 0.5 meters, b = 0.5 meters, c = 1.5 meters
  • Calculation: 𝑉=4/3πœ‹Γ—0.5Γ—0.5Γ—1.5=0.59Β cubicΒ meters

How many faces, edges and vertices are there in an ellipsoid

An ellipsoid is a type of quadric surface in three-dimensional space, resembling a deformed sphere. Unlike polyhedra such as cubes or pyramids, an ellipsoid does not have flat faces, straight edges, or sharp vertices. Instead, it has:

  • Faces: An ellipsoid has one continuous, curved surface.
  • Edges: There are no edges on an ellipsoid as it lacks any sharp boundaries or intersections.
  • Vertices: There are no vertices on an ellipsoid; it has no corners or distinct points where edges meet.

The ellipsoid is entirely smooth and uniformly curved, which differentiates it from geometric solids that are composed of flat faces and linear edges.

What are the units used in the ellipsoid volume calculation?

The units for π‘Ž, 𝑏, and 𝑐 can be any unit of length (e.g., meters, inches, feet) as long as all three are in the same unit. The resulting volume will be in cubic units of whatever length unit was used (e.g., cubic meters, cubic feet).

Is there an error margin in ellipsoid volume calculations using online calculators?

Online calculators are typically very accurate if the input values are correct. However, measurement errors in determining the axes lengths can lead to inaccuracies in the calculated volume.

Can I calculate the volume of a partial ellipsoid?

Yes, but not with the standard ellipsoid volume formula. Calculating the volume of a partial ellipsoid, like a hemi-ellipsoid, requires integrating the appropriate section of the ellipsoid.

What is the difference between an ellipsoid and an ellipse?

An ellipse is a two-dimensional shape, often described as a flattened circle, whereas an ellipsoid is a three-dimensional shape, similar to a stretched or compressed sphere. An ellipse can be thought of as a cross-section of an ellipsoid.

How accurate are the results from an ellipsoid volume calculator?

The accuracy of an ellipsoid volume calculator depends on the precision of the input values. The calculations themselves are mathematically precise based on the formula used.

Are online ellipsoid volume calculators free to use?

Most online ellipsoid volume calculators are free. They are provided as tools for educational purposes, professional work, or personal projects.

Are there different types of ellipsoids?

Yes, depending on the relative lengths of the axes π‘Ža, 𝑏b, and 𝑐c, an ellipsoid can be prolate (longer along one axis), oblate (flattened), or scalene (all axes different).

Is there an error margin in ellipsoid volume calculations using online calculators?

Online calculators are typically very accurate if the input values are correct. However, measurement errors in determining the axes lengths can lead to inaccuracies in the calculated volume.