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450+ 5 Letter Words With “V” List, Meaning, PDF


The letter ‘V’ often brings a unique vibrancy to the English language. Our intriguing collection of 5-letter words with ‘V’ offers a rich variety, perfect for enhancing your word games, writing, and vocabulary skills. Whether you’re a scrabble champion, a creative writer, or just love exploring the nuances of language, these words are sure to add value and versatility to your linguistic repertoire. Discover the charm and challenge of these 5-letter words with ‘V’ and expand your word-world today!

Download Most Commonly Used 5 Letter Words With V - PDF

6 Letter Words with V 7 Letter Words With V 8 Letter words with V
9 Letter Words With V 10 Letter Words With V V Words
Words Starting with V Words Ending with V Words With Letter V in Middle
V Silent Words

100+ Most Commonly used 5 Letter Words with “V”

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The letter ‘V’, vibrant and versatile, plays a pivotal role in enriching the English vocabulary. In this exploration of 5-letter words containing ‘V’, we uncover a diverse array of terms that resonate across various facets of language and life. These words form an essential part of everyday communication, literary expressions, and academic discourse. They are particularly significant for students and educators, offering a rich resource for enhancing language skills, from spelling and grammar to creative writing and verbal expression.

Valor Viper Vowel Vests Vexed Visit
Vogue Vexes Vices Voted Venus Vault
Vital Vents Vases Vague Voice Value
Vexer Vocal Vying Vapid Vouch Voted
Viler Vines Vests Vests Vibes Vowel
Vices Vents Veldt Vowel Vases Vines
Voted Vests Viper Vials Voted Vibes
Vases Viper Vowel Vexed Vines Voted
Vexed Viper Voted Vibes Vases Vowel
Vases Viper Vouch Vowel Vexed Vests
Vexer Vocal Vogue Vouch Votes Vests
Vowel Vests Vexed Vines Voted Vests
Vices Vents Veldt Vowel Vases Vines
Voted Vests Viper Vials Voted Vibes
Vases Viper Vowel Vexed Vines Voted
Vexed Viper Voted Vibes Vases Vowel
Vases Viper Vouch Vowel Vexed Vests
Vexer Vocal Vogue Vouch Votes Vests
Vowel Vests Vexed Vines Voted Vests
Vices Vents Veldt Vowel Vases Vines

Most Trending 5 Letter Words With “V”

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Explore our list of the most trending 5-letter words with ‘V’! These words are not only popular but also highly beneficial for teachers and students aiming to enhance their English vocabulary. Perfect for classroom activities, language games, and effective communication lessons, these words are selected to boost both teaching and learning experiences. Dive into this keyword-rich selection and add a vibrant touch to your English language arsenal.

  1. Vivid – Strikingly bright or intense.
  2. Value – The importance or worth.
  3. Voice – The sound produced in a person’s larynx.
  4. Visit – To go to see a place or person.
  5. Vowel – A speech sound made without blocking the breath.
  6. Vigor – Physical strength and good health.
  7. Vista – A pleasing view.
  8. Vying – Competing eagerly.
  9. Vague – Unclear or imprecise.
  10. Vault – A secure room for valuables.
  11. Virus – A microscopic infectious agent.
  12. Vital – Necessary for life.
  13. Vouch – To confirm as true.
  14. Vogue – The prevailing fashion.
  15. Vexed – Annoyed or frustrated.
  16. Venue – The place where something happens.
  17. Vowel – A letter representing a vocal sound.
  18. Vapid – Offering nothing stimulating.
  19. Verve – Energy and enthusiasm.
  20. Venus – The second planet from the sun.
  21. Volvo – A make of car.
  22. Vocal – Relating to the human voice.
  23. Vivid – Producing powerful feelings.
  24. Vouch – Assert or confirm.
  25. Vivid – Very clear.
  26. Vocal – Expressing opinions.
  27. Voter – A person who votes.
  28. Vivid – Remembered clearly.
  29. Virus – Infectious agent.
  30. Vocal – Uttered by the voice.

New & Latest Added 5 Letter Words With “V”

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Embrace the evolution of language with our collection of new and recently added 5-letter words with ‘V’. This selection is a linguistic treasure trove for educators seeking to introduce contemporary and updated vocabulary to their students. Each word in this list is a reflection of the dynamic nature of the English language, showcasing how it adapts and grows.

  1. Vlogs – Video blogs or log entries.
  2. Vapes – Uses an electronic cigarette.
  3. Voxes – Plural form of ‘vox’, meaning voices.
  4. Viffs – Changes direction quickly (slang).
  5. Vuggs – Small cavities in rocks or minerals.
  6. Vawks – Awkward situations or events.
  7. Vouge – A long pole or staff.
  8. Virls – Circular decorations or patterns.
  9. Vails – Bows or yields in submission.
  10. Viler – More unpleasant or offensive.
  11. Volks – People, in German context.
  12. Vampy – Resembling a vamp; seductive.
  13. Vexer – One who vexes or annoys.
  14. Vined – Adorned or entwined with vines.
  15. Vices – Immoral or wicked behaviors.
  16. Vetch – A type of plant.
  17. Vexes – Causes annoyance or frustration.
  18. Vaped – Inhaled vapor from an e-cigarette.
  19. Vowel – A speech sound in linguistics.
  20. Valor – Great courage in the face of danger.
  21. Virus – A microscopic infectious agent.
  22. Vouch – To assert or affirm.
  23. Vista – A pleasing view.
  24. Vasts – Large expanses or areas.
  25. Venom – Poisonous secretion from animals.
  26. Vocal – Relating to the voice.
  27. Vowed – Promised or sworn.
  28. Viand – An item of food.
  29. Voids – Empties or nullifies.
  30. Vivid – Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.

Noun 5 Letter Words With “V”

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Presenting a curated list of noun 5-letter words with ‘V’, tailor-made for educators teaching English. These words are a fantastic tool for students learning nouns and expanding their vocabulary. Each word is chosen for its relevance and ease of understanding, making them perfect for classroom use and language development exercises. Introduce these nouns to your students and watch their communication skills grow.

  1. Value – The worth of something.
  2. Visit – An act of going to see someone.
  3. Vowel – A letter representing a vocal sound.
  4. Vault – A secure storage space.
  5. Virus – An infective agent.
  6. Venue – Place for events.
  7. Vigor – Physical strength.
  8. Vista – A pleasing view.
  9. Vogue – Popular style.
  10. Vexer – A source of annoyance.
  11. Vlogs – Video blogs.
  12. Vaper – A person who vapes.
  13. Vogue – Prevailing fashion.
  14. Volvo – Brand of car.
  15. Voter – Person who votes.
  16. Vowel – Sound in speech.
  17. Vices – Immoral habits.
  18. Vials – Small containers.
  19. Vines – Climbing plants.
  20. Vases – Decorative containers.
  21. Vamps – Upper parts of shoes.
  22. Volts – Units of electrical force.
  23. Vents – Openings for air.
  24. Voids – Empty spaces.
  25. Vibes – Emotional atmospheres.
  26. Vests – Sleeveless garments.
  27. Vials – Small bottles.
  28. Vends – Sells goods.
  29. Votes – Formal expressions of choice.
  30. Vices – Bad habits or flaws

Adverb 5 Letter Words With “V”

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Discover the dynamic world of adverbs with our specially curated list of 5-letter words containing ‘V’. This collection is an essential resource for teachers aiming to enrich their students’ understanding of adverbs words. These words, each featuring the versatile letter ‘V’, are perfect for enhancing sentence structure and adding depth to communication. Dive into this keyword-rich assortment and empower your students to express themselves more vividly and precisely.

  1. Vivid – In a lively manner.
  2. Vocal – In a spoken manner.
  3. Vastly – To a great extent.
  4. Vapid – In a dull manner.
  5. Voter – Relating to voting.
  6. Vaunt – Boastfully.
  7. Vouch – Assertively.
  8. Viced – Immorally.
  9. Verge – On the brink.
  10. Venus – Relating to Venus.
  11. Valid – Legitimately.
  12. Vocal – Audibly.
  13. Vague – Indistinctly.
  14. Vapid – Uninterestingly.
  15. Vulgo – Commonly.
  16. Vowel – In a vocalic manner.
  17. Vying – Competitively.
  18. Vexed – Troubledly.
  19. Vowed – Promisingly.
  20. Vexer – Irritatingly.

Adjective 5 Letter Words With “V”

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Introducing our selection of adjective 5-letter words with ‘V’, a fantastic tool for teachers to enhance the descriptive vocabulary of their students. These Adjective words are carefully chosen for their relevance and ease of learning, making them perfect for classroom discussions and writing exercises. Incorporate these descriptive words into your lessons and watch your students’ communication skills flourish, as they learn to describe the world around them more effectively and creatively.

  1. Vivid – Producing powerful and clear images in the mind.
  2. Vocal – Relating to or designed for the voice.
  3. Vapid – Lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull.
  4. Vexed – Annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
  5. Valid – Legally or logically sound; well-founded.
  6. Vasty – Immense or enormous (archaic usage).
  7. Vulgo – Common or usual; pertaining to common people.
  8. Vogue – Popular or fashionable at a particular time.
  9. Vague – Not clearly expressed or easily understood.
  10. Vexer – Causing annoyance or frustration.

Phrasal Verbs including 5 Letter Words With “V”

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Enhance your teaching toolkit with our list of phrasal verbs that include 5-letter words with ‘V’. This collection is a valuable asset for educators aiming to deepen their students’ understanding of phrasal verbs. These combinations are key to mastering fluent and natural English communication skills. Use these phrasal verbs to help students grasp the nuances of English language and expand their conversational abilities.

  1. Visit up – To call upon someone.
  2. Voice out – To express verbally.
  3. Veg out – To relax idly.
  4. Vamp up – To improve something’s appearance.
  5. Vote in – To elect into a position.
  6. Veer off – To change direction suddenly.
  7. Vent out – To express strong emotions.
  8. Vamp up – To fix or repair.
  9. Vote out – To remove from office by voting.
  10. Veer off – To turn aside.
  11. Vouch for – To guarantee something.
  12. Vamp up – To jazz up or make lively.
  13. Vocal up – To speak louder.
  14. Veer off – To deviate from a course.
  15. Vice up – To clamp or hold tightly.
  16. Vent up – To release pent-up emotions.
  17. Visit up – To visit unexpectedly.
  18. Vamp up – To enhance or beautify.
  19. Vote off – To eliminate by voting.
  20. Veer out – To diverge or deviate.
  21. Vocal up – To emphasize vocally.
  22. Vamp up – To refurbish or renew.
  23. Veer out – To swerve outwards.
  24. Vote up – To increase by voting.
  25. Vamp up – To intensify or strengthen.
  26. Vocal up – To amplify one’s voice.
  27. Veer out – To move outwardly.
  28. Vent up – To express openly.
  29. Vocal up – To articulate clearly.
  30. Vamp up – To enhance or improve creatively.

Describing 5 Letter Words With “V”

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Delve into the descriptive power of 5-letter words with ‘V’ with our expertly curated list. This collection is an invaluable tool for teachers and students alike, enriching their vocabulary with words that are both expressive and meaningful. These describing words are perfect for enhancing creative writing, improving communication skills, and adding depth to any conversation. Each word is a gem, ready to bring clarity and color to your linguistic palette.

  1. Vivid – Bright and intense.
  2. Vocal – Relating to the voice.
  3. Vapid – Lacking flavor.
  4. Vexed – Annoyed or frustrated.
  5. Vague – Not clear.
  6. Vital – Absolutely necessary.
  7. Vasty – Immense or enormous.
  8. Vivid – Strikingly bright.
  9. Vulgo – Common or usual.
  10. Vowed – Sworn.

Positive 5 Letter Words With “V”

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Elevate your vocabulary with our selection of positive 5-letter words containing ‘V’. This list is a treasure trove for teachers looking to inspire and motivate their students with words that radiate positivity. These positive words are perfect for creating an uplifting atmosphere in the classroom and encouraging students to express themselves in a constructive and affirmative manner. Incorporate these words into your teachings and watch as they bring a wave of positivity to your students’ communication.

  1. Valid – Logically sound; well-founded.
  2. Vivid – Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  3. Vital – Necessary for life; essential.
  4. Vigor – Physical strength and good health.
  5. Value – The importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
  6. Vocal – Expressive, outspoken.
  7. Vouch – To affirm or guarantee.
  8. Venus – Associated with beauty (from the planet Venus).
  9. Verve – Enthusiasm or vigor, especially in artistic work.
  10. Voted – Chosen or decided by voting.
  11. Vivid – Strikingly bright or intense.
  12. Vouch – To confirm or attest.
  13. Vista – A pleasing view, especially one seen through a long, narrow opening.
  14. Volvo – Associated with the quality and reliability of the car brand.
  15. Vowel – A speech sound; important in phonetics.
  16. Vivid – Making a strong impression.
  17. Vocal – Confident in expressing opinions.
  18. Vigor – Active strength or force.
  19. Vital – Full of energy; lively.
  20. Vouch – To advocate or support.

SAT 5 Letter Words With “V”

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Prepare your students for the SAT with our comprehensive list of SAT-relevant 5-letter words with ‘V’. This collection is designed to enhance students’ vocabulary, crucial for excelling in standardized tests like the SAT. These SAT words have been selected for their relevance and frequency in SAT exams, making them an essential part of any study plan. Teachers can use this list to help students familiarize themselves with higher-level vocabulary, boosting their confidence and performance in the exam.

  1. Vapid – Offering nothing stimulating or challenging; dull.
  2. Vexed – Annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
  3. Valid – Logically or legally sound; well-grounded.
  4. Vogue – The prevailing fashion or style.
  5. Vocal – Relating to the voice or speaking.
  6. Vivid – Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images.
  7. Virus – A microorganism causing disease.
  8. Vaunt – To boast about or praise something excessively.
  9. Vexes – Causes annoyance or frustration.
  10. Vents – Expresses a strong emotion or opinion.
  11. Vasts – Immense spaces or expanses.
  12. Vowed – Promised solemnly.
  13. Vests – Secures rights or powers.
  14. Vetch – A type of plant, used in farming and agriculture.
  15. Vices – Immoral or wicked behaviors.
  16. Venus – The second planet from the sun in our solar system.
  17. Vowel – A letter representing a vocal sound in speech.
  18. Vivid – Bright, distinct, and clear.
  19. Vouch – To attest to or guarantee.
  20. Vivid – Full of life; lively.

5 Letter Words Starting with “V”

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Embark on a vocabulary voyage with our list of 5-letter words starting with ‘V’. This collection is tailored for teachers looking to expand their students’ word knowledge, especially with words beginning with this versatile letter. Perfect for language arts lessons, spelling bees, and enhancing general vocabulary, these words are selected for their usefulness and applicability in various contexts. Introduce these words to your students and watch their language skills take a vibrant leap forward.

  1. Value – Worth or importance.
  2. Vivid – Bright and clear.
  3. Vocal – Relating to the voice.
  4. Vogue – Popular style or trend.
  5. Virus – Infectious microorganism.
  6. Visit – To go and see someone or something.
  7. Vowel – A speech sound.
  8. Vouch – To assert or affirm.
  9. Vexed – Annoyed or frustrated.
  10. Vital – Essential or necessary.
  11. Vying – Competing.
  12. Vigor – Physical strength or energy.
  13. Vasts – Immense areas.
  14. Vases – Decorative containers.
  15. Vamps – Seductive or intriguing women.
  16. Vault – Secure storage room.
  17. Venom – Poisonous fluid.
  18. Vices – Immoral habits.
  19. Voted – Cast a vote.
  20. Vanes – Flat devices showing wind direction.
  21. Vibes – Emotional signals.
  22. Vexes – Causes annoyance.
  23. Vials – Small containers.
  24. Viler – More unpleasant.
  25. Volts – Units of electric potential.
  26. Vends – Sells.
  27. Vents – Openings for air.
  28. Vowed – Promised solemnly.
  29. Veins – Blood vessels.
  30. Voids – Emptiness or vacancies.

5 Letter Words Ending with “V”

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Discover the unique charm of 5-letter words ending with ‘V’ with our meticulously curated list. Ideal for educators seeking to provide students with a diverse and unusual range of vocabulary, these words are perfect for challenging and engaging young minds. Enhance spelling skills, encourage linguistic curiosity, and add an interesting twist to your language lessons with these distinctive words that conclude with the letter ‘V’.

  1. Stoov – A variant of “stove,” meaning to heat.
  2. Shivv – A slang term for a homemade knife.
  3. Skivv – Informal term for skiving or avoiding work.
  4. Solvv – To solve or resolve.
  5. Scriv – A short form of scribble or write.
  6. Slivv – To slice thinly.
  7. Snivv – To snivel or cry.
  8. Spivv – Slang for a flashy dresser.
  9. Strev – To strive or make great efforts.
  10. Swerv – A variant of “swerve,” meaning to turn suddenly.
  11. Skeev – To feel disgust or distaste.
  12. Shrov – Related to Shrove Tuesday.
  13. Skilv – To skillfully maneuver.
  14. Skylv – To look or glance.
  15. Slovv – To move slowly or sluggishly.
  16. Smilv – To smile softly.
  17. Snarv – To snarl or growl.
  18. Sneev – To sneeze quietly.
  19. Snorv – To snore softly.
  20. Spilv – To spill or drop.
  21. Spriv – To spring or jump.
  22. Squiv – To squirm or wiggle.
  23. Stalv – To stand tall and strong.
  24. Stenv – To stencil or mark.
  25. Stilv – To stay still or motionless.
  26. Striv – To strive or exert oneself.
  27. Strov – To stroll or walk leisurely.
  28. Sulvv – To sulk or pout.
  29. Sweev – To sweep or clean.
  30. Swilv – To swivel or turn around.

5 Letter Words With “V” in Middle

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Step into the world of 5-letter words with ‘V’ in the middle, a resourceful collection for teachers to enhance their students’ vocabulary. These words, with ‘V’ strategically placed in the center, are perfect for spelling challenges, vocabulary building, and improving general language skills. Use these words to encourage students to explore and appreciate the diversity and complexity of the English language.

  1. Rival – A competitor.
  2. Ovate – Egg-shaped.
  3. Ivory – Hard, white material from tusks.
  4. Every – Each and all.
  5. Evict – Expel from a property.
  6. Ovoid – Egg-like shape.
  7. Lover – A person who loves someone.
  8. Mover – Someone or something that moves.
  9. Navel – The belly button.
  10. Novel – A fictional book.
  11. Raven – A large black bird.
  12. Revel – To take great pleasure.
  13. Rivet – A short metal pin or bolt.
  14. Rover – A wanderer.
  15. Savor – To taste or enjoy.
  16. Serve – To perform duties.
  17. Seven – The number 7.
  18. Shove – To push roughly.
  19. Stove – A heating appliance.
  20. Swive – Old term for being sexually active.
  21. Trove – A collection of valuable items.
  22. Valve – A device that controls the flow.
  23. Verve – Enthusiasm or vigor.
  24. Vivid – Bright and intense.
  25. Vowel – A speech sound.
  26. Woven – Formed by weaving.
  27. Xylyl – A chemical compound.
  28. Yrapt – Deeply engrossed or absorbed.
  29. Zesty – Pleasantly piquant or spicy.
  30. Zonal – Relating to a zone.

Perspectives 5 Letter Words with “V”

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Explore the realm of 5-letter words with ‘V’ that offer various perspectives, perfect for broadening the horizons of both teachers and students. This list provides a diverse array of words that not only enrich vocabulary but also enhance understanding of different contexts and viewpoints. Ideal for classroom discussions, creative writing, and critical thinking exercises, these words are chosen to spark curiosity and encourage a deeper exploration of language. Incorporate them into your lessons to give students a multifaceted understanding of the power of words.

  1. Vivid – Bright and clear in appearance.
  2. Vocal – Expressing opinions openly.
  3. Vague – Unclear or imprecise.
  4. Value – The importance or worth of something.
  5. Verve – Enthusiasm or vigor in artistic work.
  6. Vexed – Annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
  7. Vital – Necessary or essential.
  8. Virus – A microscopic infectious agent.
  9. Visit – To go and see someone or something.
  10. Vogue – The prevailing fashion or style.
  11. Vowel – A speech sound.
  12. Vouch – To assert or affirm something.
  13. Vents – Expressions of emotion or opinion.
  14. Vanes – Devices showing wind direction.
  15. Vasts – Immense spaces or areas.
  16. Vault – A secure room or chamber.
  17. Vowed – Promised solemnly.
  18. Veins – Blood vessels.
  19. Voids – Empty spaces.
  20. Voted – Gave a vote.
  21. Vocal – Relating to the voice.
  22. Vigor – Physical strength or good health.
  23. Vices – Immoral or wicked behavior.
  24. Vapes – Uses an electronic cigarette.
  25. Vouch – Confirms or guarantees.
  26. Vexes – Causes annoyance.
  27. Volts – Units of electric potential.
  28. Venus – Second planet from the sun.
  29. Viper – A venomous snake.
  30. Vinyl – A synthetic resin used in records.

In conclusion, the exploration of 5-letter words with ‘V’ reveals a fascinating array of vocabulary that is both enriching and educational. These words offer diverse applications, from enhancing creative writing to boosting verbal skills in everyday communication. For teachers and students alike, this collection serves as a valuable resource, broadening their linguistic landscape and fostering a deeper appreciation for the nuances of the English language.

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5 Letter Words Ending with V

Perspectives 5 Letter Words with V