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450+ 6 Letter Words with E, Meaning, PDF

6 Letter Words with E

Embark on a linguistic journey with our collection of 6-letter words containing the letter ‘E’. This assortment is a treasure trove for educators seeking to enhance their teaching strategies and for students striving to enrich their vocabulary. These words not only broaden linguistic understanding but also serve as key tools in mastering the nuances of the English language. From creative writing to advanced comprehension, these words are instrumental in elevating communication skills, making them essential in both educational and personal growth.

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300+ Most Commonly Used 6 Letter Words with “E”

Most Commonly Used 6 Letter Words with E

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The list of “Most Commonly Used 6 Letter Words with ‘E'” comprises words integral to English communication, emphasizing their versatility and frequency in daily usage. These words span various categories, including action verbs (e.g., “become,” “extend”), descriptive adjectives (e.g., “entire,” “expert”), and concrete nouns (e.g., “effect,” “estate”). They are fundamental in constructing meaningful sentences, offering a rich palette for expressing ideas, emotions, and actions, thus playing a crucial role in both written and spoken English.

Eagles Eaglet Earing Earner Earned Earthy Easels Easier Easily
Easter Eating Ebbets Ebbing Ebooks Echard Echoed Echoes Echoic
Eclair Eclats Ecology Econom Ecrued Ecstasy Edemas Edenic Edgers
Edgier Edging Edible Edicts Edited Editor Educes Educts Eelery
Eelier Eerily Efface Effect Effete Effigy Efflux Effort Effuse
Egesta Egoism Egoist Egress Egrets Eiders Eidola Eights Eighty
Eikons Ejects Ekuele Elains Elapse Elated Elates Elbows Elders
Eldest Elects Elegit Elegy Element Elench Eleven Elevon Elfins
Elfish Elides Elints Elites Elixed Elodea Eloins Eloped Eloper
Elopes Eluant Eluate Eludes Eluent Eluted Elutes Elvers Elvish
Elytra Emails Embalm Embank Embark Embar Embays Embeds Embell
Ember Beaded Beagle Beamed Beanie Beanos Beards Beardy Beaten
Beater Beauts Beauty Beaver Ceased Ceases Cedars Cedary Cedar
Ceders Ceiled Ceiler Ceiling Celery Celiac Cellar Celled Censer
Censes Center Centos Centra Centre Cereal Cerias Ceriph Cerise
Cerium Cermet Cerous Certes Cervid Cesium Cessed Cesses Cestas
Cestoi Cestos Cestus Fetial Fetish Fetors Fetter Getter Getups
Healed Healer Health Heaped Heaper Hearse Hearst Hearts Hearty
Heater Heaths Heathy Heaved Heaver Heaves Heavys Heckle Hectic
Hector Hedged Hedger Hedges Heeded Heeder Heeled Heeler Hefted
Hefter Hegari Hegira Heifer Heiled Heiled Heired Heists Hejira
Hejira Helios Helium Helixs Helmed Helmet Helots Helped Helper
Hemmed Hemmer Abduce Ablaze Ablude Aboide Abrade Abwite Acnode
Adjure Admire Adnate Adnexe Adnote Advok Advice Advise Aerobe
Affine Agname Agnate Agnize Aisles Alegge Alkane Alkene Alkine
Alkose Almude Alpine Altare Alvine Amende Ammine Ampere Ancone
Anlace Ansate Antiae Antire Anyone Apache Aplite Apnoea Appose
Arcade Arcked Argyle Arkite Arkose Arline Armine Arouse Arsine
Artibe Aslake  Before  Extend  Except  Employ  Emerge  Expose  Engine

Most Trending 6 Letter Words with “E”

Most Trending 6 Letter Words with E

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In today’s dynamic linguistic landscape, certain 6-letter words with ‘E’ have gained popularity, becoming trending in various contexts. This collection is invaluable for teachers looking to keep their teaching material up-to-date and engaging for students. These words not only reflect current language trends but also enhance vocabulary, making communication more relevant and contemporary. Here are the most trending 6-letter words with ‘E’, categorized by their position in the word, perfect for modern and engaging language lessons.

  1. Emerge – To come into view or become apparent
  2. Empire – A group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor or other powerful sovereign
  3. Enable – To give the means or opportunity
  4. Encode – To convert into coded form
  5. Energy – The strength and vitality required for physical or mental activity
  6. Enrich – To improve or enhance the quality or value of
  7. Ensure – To make certain that something will occur
  8. Entail – To involve something as a necessary part or consequence
  9. Entity – Something that exists as a particular and discrete unit
  10. Envied – Felt envious towards; wished to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to someone else
  11. Breeze – A gentle wind
  12. Crease – A line made by folding or wrinkling
  13. Freeze – Turn to ice; solidify by cold
  14. Greedy – Having an excessive desire or appetite for food
  15. Please – Cause to feel happy and satisfied
  16. Scheme – A large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object
  17. Sphere – A round solid figure, or its surface, with every point on its surface equidistant from its center
  18. Street – A public road in a city or town
  19. Threat – A statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action
  20. Wheeze – Breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest
  21. Advice – Guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action
  22. Device – A thing made for a particular purpose, especially a mechanical or electronic contrivance
  23. Efface – Erase from a surface
  24. Facade – The face of a building, especially the principal front that looks onto a street or open space
  25. Fierce – Having or displaying a violent or ferocious aggressiveness
  26. Office – A room, set of rooms, or building used for commercial, professional, or bureaucratic work
  27. Police – The civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime
  28. Rescue – Save from a dangerous or distressing situation
  29. Revise – Re-examine and make alterations to
  30. Unique – Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else

New & Latest Added 6 Letter Words with “E”

New & Latest 6 Letter Words with E

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The English language continuously evolves, with new words being added frequently. This list of new and latest added 6-letter words with ‘E’ is designed for educators who want to keep their teaching resources fresh and in tune with current linguistic trends. These words are not only novel additions to the lexicon but also serve as a window into how language adapts to contemporary contexts. Ideal for making lessons more engaging, these words help students stay abreast of the latest in language development.

  1. Evince – To show clearly.
  2. Ejects – Throws out.
  3. Elapse – To pass or go by (time).
  4. Empire – A group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor.
  5. Effuse – To pour out.
  6. Elders – People who are older.
  7. Encode – To convert into a coded form.
  8. Ergots – A type of fungus.
  9. Evince – To indicate.
  10. Exhale – To breathe out.
  11. Befits – Is appropriate for.
  12. Decamp – To leave suddenly.
  13. Defend – To protect.
  14. Legato – In a smooth, flowing manner, without breaks between notes.
  15. Rebuke – To express sharp disapproval.
  16. Refuge – A condition of being safe or sheltered.
  17. Regale – To entertain.
  18. Rehash – To rework old material.
  19. Relish – Great enjoyment.
  20. Remind – To cause to remember.
  21. Abduce – Lead away.
  22. Acnode – A point where a curve intersects itself.
  23. Advise – To offer suggestions.
  24. Argyle – A pattern of diamonds.
  25. Awhile – For a short time.
  26. Bespoke – Custom made.
  27. Beware – Be cautious.
  28. Breeze – A gentle wind.
  29. Canape – A small, decorative piece of bread.
  30. Cinque – The number five.

Noun 6 Letter Words with “E”

Noun 6 Letter Words with E

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Nouns form the backbone of the English language, representing people, places, things, or ideas. Understanding and utilizing 6-letter nouns with “E” can significantly enhance a student’s vocabulary and comprehension skills. This list of nouns, categorized by the position of ‘E’, offers a variety of words that can be incorporated into language lessons, creative writing, and everyday communication. It’s a useful resource for teachers aiming to broaden their students’ lexical range and deepen their understanding of word usage.

  1. Effect – A change that is a result or consequence of an action.
  2. Effort – A vigorous or determined attempt.
  3. Elders – Older people, often with wisdom.
  4. Emboss – To carve, mold, or stamp a design on a surface.
  5. Empire – A group of countries under a single authority.
  6. Enamel – A glossy substance used for coating.
  7. Entity – A thing with distinct and independent existence.
  8. Epochs – Periods of time in history.
  9. Equate – To consider equal.
  10. Exodus – A mass departure.
  11. Belief – An acceptance that something exists or is true.
  12. Decade – A period of ten years.
  13. Degree – An academic award.
  14. Genome – The complete set of genes.
  15. Legume – A plant that bears seeds in pods.
  16. Mettle – A person’s ability to cope well.
  17. Nephew – A son of one’s sibling.
  18. Recess – A break period.
  19. Refuge – Protection or shelter.
  20. Treaty – A formally concluded agreement.
  21. Abscise – To cut off.
  22. Breeze – A gentle wind.
  23. Cheese – A dairy product.
  24. Crease – A line or ridge produced by folding.
  25. Fleece – Woolen coat of a sheep.
  26. Glance – A quick look.
  27. Groove – A long, narrow cut.
  28. Phrase – A small group of words.
  29. Rescue – An act of saving.
  30. Sphere – A round solid figure.

Adverb 6 Letter Words with “E”

Adverb 6 Letter Words with E

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Adverbs, often used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, are essential for creating nuance and precision in language. This list of 6-letter adverbs with “E” is tailored for teachers and students to explore and incorporate into their linguistic repertoire. Understanding these adverbs and their usage can greatly enhance both written and spoken communication. They are particularly useful in creative writing and in developing a more sophisticated understanding of English.

  1. Easily – Without difficulty.
  2. Equity – Fairness or justice in the way people are treated.
  3. Eerily – In a strange and frightening manner.
  4. Effort – A vigorous or determined attempt.
  5. Elapse – (of time) pass or go by.
  6. Either – One or the other of two.
  7. Enough – As much or as many as required.
  8. Expert – Having or showing special skill or knowledge.
  9. Exceed – Be greater in number or size.
  10. Ethics – Moral principles.
  11. Before – Earlier than.
  12. Beneath – Under; below.
  13. Beside – At the side of; next to.
  14. Beyond – At or to the further side of.
  15. Defend – To protect from harm or danger.
  16. Deluge – A severe flood.
  17. Depose – Remove from office suddenly.
  18. Deride – Express contempt for.
  19. Desire – A strong feeling of wanting.
  20. Detest – Dislike intensely.
  21. Ashore – Towards or onto land from an area of water.
  22. Before – During the period of time preceding a particular event.
  23. Bespoke – Made for a particular customer.
  24. Herein – In this document or book.
  25. Legale – Relating to the law.
  26. Lestes – A genus of damselflies.
  27. Police – The civil force of a state.
  28. Presto – Quickly, immediately.
  29. Reside – Have one’s permanent home in a particular place.
  30. Revise – Re-examine and make alterations.

Adjective 6 Letter Words with “E”

Adjective 6 Letter Words with E

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Expanding your vocabulary with adjectives is a fantastic way to enhance both writing and communication skills. This selection of 6-letter adjectives, categorized by the position of the letter “E,” is specifically tailored to help teachers provide students with diverse and engaging language tools. Understanding and using these adjectives can significantly improve students’ descriptive abilities in their writing and daily conversations.

  1. Eager – Showing keen interest or enthusiasm.
  2. Earned – Gained as a result of effort or achievement.
  3. Earthy – Resembling or characteristic of earth or soil.
  4. Easier – Less difficult; more comfortable or straightforward.
  5. Edible – Fit or suitable to be eaten; not poisonous.
  6. Effete – Lacking in wholesome vigor; degenerate.
  7. Elated – Very happy or proud; jubilant.
  8. Elder – Higher in rank; older.
  9. Erect – Rigidly upright or straight.
  10. Exotic – Originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.
  11. Bemuse – To puzzle or confuse someone.
  12. Defile – To spoil or desecrate.
  13. Demure – Reserved, modest, and shy.
  14. Denote – To be a sign of; indicate.
  15. Depute – To appoint or delegate.
  16. Deride – To ridicule or mock.
  17. Desire – A strong feeling of wanting.
  18. Feline – Relating to or affecting cats.
  19. Refine – To improve by making small changes.
  20. Remote – Distant; far apart.
  21. Acute – Sharp or severe in effect.
  22. Aloofe – Not friendly or forthcoming.
  23. Bravoe – Used to express approval.
  24. Chaste – Abstaining from extramarital, or all, sexual intercourse.
  25. Cliche – A phrase or opinion that is overused.
  26. Demure – Reserved, modest, and shy.
  27. Mature – Fully developed physically; ripe.
  28. Polite – Showing good manners toward others.
  29. Remote – Far away in distance.
  30. Secure – Fixed or fastened firmly.

Phrasal Verbs 6 Letter Words with “E”

Phrasal Verbs 6 Letter Words with E

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Phrasal verbs are an essential part of English language learning, adding depth and nuance to communication. This collection of 6-letter phrasal verbs, with the inclusion of “E,” is designed to enhance teachers’ resources for language instruction. Understanding these phrasal verbs can significantly elevate students’ conversational and writing skills, making their communication more effective and varied.

  1. Emerge – To come into view or become apparent.
  2. Empath – To understand and share the feelings of another.
  3. Empire – A group of countries under a single authority.
  4. Enable – To give someone the means or ability.
  5. Enacts – To make a law or other rule.
  6. Endure – To suffer something difficult, patiently.
  7. Enfold – To wrap or surround in.
  8. Engage – To participate or become involved in.
  9. Enjoys – To take delight or pleasure in.
  10. Entail – To involve something as a necessary part.
  11. Debate – To argue about a subject.
  12. Define – To state the precise meaning.
  13. Delete – To remove or erase text.
  14. Depose – To remove from office suddenly.
  15. Derive – To obtain something from a source.
  16. Desire – To wish or want something.
  17. Detest – To dislike intensely.
  18. Evolve – To develop gradually.
  19. Recite – To repeat aloud from memory.
  20. Refuse – To indicate unwillingness to do something.
  21. Abide – To accept or act according to a rule.
  22. Advise – To offer suggestions about a decision.
  23. Arouse – To evoke or awaken a feeling.
  24. Beware – To be cautious and alert
  25. Concise – Giving a lot of information clearly.
  26. Excise – To remove by cutting.
  27. Impose – To forcibly put a rule in place.
  28. Incise – To mark or decorate with cuts.
  29. Repose – To be lying, situated, or kept in a place.
  30. Revise – To reconsider and alter something.

Describing 6 Letter Words with “E”

Describing 6 Letter Words with E

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Descriptive words play a pivotal role in the English language, particularly in creative and academic writing. This compilation of 6-letter describing words, categorized by the location of the letter “E,” is an excellent resource for teachers. Incorporating these words into lessons can enhance students’ ability to express themselves more vividly and accurately.

  1. Easily – Without difficulty or effort.
  2. Eccent – Deviating from conventional patterns.
  3. Effuse – To give off; to emit.
  4. Elapse – To pass or go by (of time).
  5. Elicit – To draw out a response or reaction.
  6. Embark – To start a venture.
  7. Emerge – To come into view.
  8. Empath – Showing an ability to understand others’ feelings.
  9. Enable – Giving ability or means to do something.
  10. Enrich – To improve the quality of something.
  11. Befall – To happen to someone.
  12. Belief – An acceptance that something exists.
  13. Bereft – Deprived of or lacking something.
  14. Defend – To protect from harm.
  15. Depend – To rely on for support.
  16. Derive – To obtain something from a source.
  17. Desert – To abandon in a way considered disloyal.
  18. Feline – Having qualities of a cat.
  19. Refute – To prove a statement to be wrong.
  20. Relate – To make a connection.
  21. Ablaze – Burning fiercely; brightly lit.
  22. Advice – Guidance or recommendations.
  23. Affine – Closely related or connected.
  24. Agile – Able to move quickly and easily.
  25. Alcove – A small recessed section of a room.
  26. Aloofe – Not friendly or forthcoming.
  27. Ample – Enough or more than enough.
  28. Averse – Having a strong dislike.
  29. Awake – Not sleeping.
  30. Azur – Bright blue in color like a cloudless sky.

Positive 6 Letter Words with “E”

Positive 6 Letter Words with E

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Expanding your vocabulary with positive 6-letter words containing the letter “E” can be an enlightening experience. These words are not only essential for enhancing language skills but also play a crucial role in promoting positivity. For teachers aiming to inspire and educate, these words are perfect for engaging students in language learning. Whether it’s for creative writing, daily communication, or classroom activities, incorporating these words can make a significant difference. Here’s a carefully curated list:

  1. Eager – Enthusiastic and keen.
  2. Elated – Extremely happy and excited.
  3. Empath – Someone who understands others’ feelings.
  4. Enrich – Improve or enhance the quality.
  5. Exceed – To go beyond expectations.
  6. Excite – To cause strong feelings of enthusiasm.
  7. Extend – To stretch out; prolong.
  8. Effuse – To give off; radiate.
  9. Evince – To reveal the presence of.
  10. Entice – To attract or tempt.
  11. Breeze – A gentle wind.
  12. Cheery – Happy and optimistic.
  13. Please – To give enjoyment or satisfaction.
  14. Rescue – Save from danger.
  15. Adhere – Stick firmly to.
  16. Crease – A line made by folding.
  17. Sphere – A round object.
  18. Thrive – To grow or develop well.
  19. Rewire – Adjust or modify.
  20. Refine – To improve by making small changes.
  21. Advice – Guidance or recommendations.
  22. Arouse – To evoke or awaken feelings.
  23. Rescue – Save from a dangerous situation.
  24. Unique – Being the only one of its kind.
  25. Revive – Regain life, consciousness, or strength.
  26. Excuse – A reason or explanation.
  27. Affine – Mathematically connected or related.
  28. Absolve – Set or declare free from blame.
  29. Amuse – To entertain or make laugh.
  30. Ablaze – Burning fiercely; on fire.

SAT 6 Letter Words with “E”

SAT 6 Letter Words with E

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For students preparing for the SAT, mastering a diverse vocabulary is crucial. Understanding and using 6-letter words with “E” can significantly boost verbal skills. These words are not only useful for the SAT but are also beneficial for general language enhancement. Teachers can introduce these words to students to aid in their test preparation and overall language development.

  1. Evince – To show clearly; manifest.
  2. Elapse – To pass or go by (time).
  3. Elicit – To draw out a response.
  4. Enigma – Something mysterious or puzzling.
  5. Entity – Something that exists as a single and complete unit.
  6. Effigy – A sculpture or model of a person.
  7. Eroded – Worn away gradually.
  8. Ethics – Moral principles.
  9. Exempt – Free from an obligation.
  10. Exhume – To dig out from the ground.
  11. Defend – To protect from harm.
  12. Befall – To happen to.
  13. Decree – An official order.
  14. Deride – To ridicule or mock.
  15. Recede – To go or move back.
  16. Refute – To prove wrong.
  17. Remedy – A cure or solution.
  18. Resume – To begin again.
  19. Revere – To feel deep respect.
  20. Secede – To withdraw formally.
  21. Absorb – To take in or soak up.
  22. Advice – Guidance or recommendations.
  23. Avenge – To inflict harm in return.
  24. Beside – Next to or at the side of.
  25. Concise – Giving a lot of information clearly.
  26. Deluge – A severe flood.
  27. Device – A thing made for a particular purpose.
  28. Empire – An extensive group of states.
  29. Evolve – To develop gradually.
  30. Excise – A tax on certain goods.

6-letter words with “E” are a versatile and valuable addition to any vocabulary. Whether for positive expression or SAT preparation, these words offer a range of meanings and uses. For teachers, incorporating these words into lessons can greatly assist students in expanding their language skills, enhancing communication, and excelling in standardized tests like the SAT. Remember, a rich vocabulary is a powerful tool for effective communication and academic success.

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