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7 Letter Words With V – 450+ List, Meaning, PDF


Welcome to the fascinating world of 7 Letter Words With V! This guide is a must-have for teachers looking to enrich their vocabulary lessons and for students eager to broaden their word knowledge. We delve into a variety of captivating words, each with the letter ‘V’, providing an enriching and educational experience. Our tips and examples are designed to make learning and teaching these words not only effective but also enjoyable. Let’s embark on this lexical journey and discover the versatility and beauty of these seven-letter treasures. Incorporating Rhyming Words, Daily Use English Words, and Singular & Plural Words can make the learning process even more engaging.

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150+ Most Commonly Used 7-Letter Words with “V”

7 Letter Words with V

Seven-letter words with the letter “V” offer a rich tapestry of language, showcasing the versatility and vibrancy of the English vocabulary. These words range from everyday terms to more obscure ones, each carrying its unique nuance and usage. This collection serves as an invaluable resource for educators, students, and language enthusiasts, enhancing vocabulary, aiding in literacy, and enriching creative writing. Whether for academic purposes, word games, or personal interest, these words open doors to linguistic exploration and mastery, embodying the dynamic nature of English. Including Positive Words, Action Words, and Adverbs Words in your lessons will further enhance the educational value.

Most Trending 7 Letter Words With V

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Exploring the realm of 7-letter words containing the letter “V” unveils a vibrant collection perfect for enhancing vocabulary. These words, rich in variety and utility, are excellent resources for teachers and students alike. Delving into these words not only broadens linguistic horizons but also adds depth to communication skills. Ideal for classroom discussions, creative writing, and vocabulary quizzes, these trending words with “V” are both engaging and educational. Incorporating Compound Words, Consonant Words, and Describing Words will make the learning experience even richer.

  1. Archive – A collection of historical documents or records.
  2. Adviser – Someone who gives advice, especially professionally.
  3. Averted – Turned away or aside.
  4. Behaved – Acted in a particular way.
  5. Captive – Held imprisoned or confined.
  6. Devised – Planned or invented by careful thought.
  7. Evolved – Developed gradually, especially from a simpler form.
  8. Gravity – The force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth.
  9. Halving – Dividing something into two equal parts.
  10. Involve – To include as a necessary part or result.
  11. Jervine – A toxic alkaloid found in certain plants.
  12. Knavery – Unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest dealing.
  13. Leaving – Going away from a place.
  14. Movable – Capable of being moved.
  15. Nervily – In a nervous or agitated manner.
  16. Obvious – Easily perceived or understood; clear.
  17. Paviser – A large shield used in the medieval period.
  18. Quivery – Shaking or trembling.
  19. Revoked – Took back or withdrew.
  20. Savvier – Well informed and perceptive.
  21. Thieved – Stolen.
  22. Unlived – Not having been lived or experienced.
  23. Valiant – Possessing or showing courage or determination.
  24. Visibly – In a way that can be seen.
  25. Waviest – Having the most waves; not straight or smooth.
  26. Verotik – Comic Book
  27. Yeshiva – A Jewish institution for studying the Torah and Talmud.
  28. Zelkova – A type of tree found in Eastern Asia.
  29. Viewing – Looking at or inspecting.
  30. Voyaged – Traveled, especially over water.

New & Latest Added 7 Letter Words With “V”

New & Latest 7 Letter Word With V

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Discover the richness of the English language with these latest and unique 7-letter words containing the letter “V”. This curated list is perfect for teachers and educators looking to expand their vocabulary and offer fresh examples to their students. Each word is accompanied by its meaning, making it easier to understand and teach. Enhance your language skills and enrich your lessons with these intriguing words, all containing the versatile letter “V”. Including Dictation Words, Difficult Words, and Encouraging Words can provide additional support and motivation for students.

  1. Vivific – Giving life; enlivening.
  2. Revoked – Taken back or withdrawn.
  3. Avowals – Open acknowledgments or declarations.
  4. Voyages – Long journeys involving travel by sea or in space.
  5. Valuers – Professionals who assess the value of something.
  6. Vetoing – Exercising the right to reject or forbid something.
  7. Varmint – A troublesome wild animal.
  8. Vibrato – A rapid, slight variation in pitch in singing or playing some musical instruments.
  9. Vervain – A herbaceous plant.
  10. Villose – Covered with soft hairs.
  11. Velvety – Resembling velvet in smoothness.
  12. Voyager – A person who goes on a long and sometimes dangerous journey.
  13. Vexedly – In a manner showing irritation or annoyance.
  14. Voucher – A small printed piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount, or that may be exchanged for goods or services.
  15. Vibrant – Full of energy and life.
  16. Valiant – Possessing or showing courage or determination.
  17. Vaquero – A cowboy; a cattle herder.
  18. Vitrine – A glass display case.
  19. Vestige – A trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
  20. Vagrant – A person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place.
  21. Vivider – More lively and bright; more intense.
  22. Venture – A risky or daring journey or undertaking.
  23. Verbose – Using more words than needed.
  24. Voyeurs – People who gain sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.
  25. Vitrify – Convert something into glass or a glass-like substance.
  26. Variole – A small blister or pustule; used especially in reference to the disease smallpox.
  27. Vicarly – Pertaining to the duties or position of a vicar.
  28. Vitally – In a way that is absolutely necessary or essential.
  29. Volcano – A mountain or hill having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth’s crust.

Noun 7 Letter Words With “V”

Noun 7 Letter Words with V

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Discovering the richness of the English language becomes exciting with specific vocabulary explorations, like focusing on 7-letter nouns containing the letter “V”. This particular list is tailored for teachers and educators, who aim to expand their students’ vocabulary in a structured and engaging way. Each word, embedded with the versatile letter “V”, opens a new window of understanding and linguistic curiosity. These nouns can be vital tools in various subjects, offering a broad range of usage from scientific terms to everyday objects. Enhance your teaching resources with this curated collection, ideal for classroom activities, vocabulary drills, and creative writing exercises. Including Funny Words, Transition Words, and Vowel Words will add variety and fun to your vocabulary building activities.

  1. Valence – The combining power of an element, especially as measured by the number of hydrogen atoms it can displace or combine with.
  2. Voyager – A person who goes on a long journey to a faraway lands.
  3. Vaccine – A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against a disease.
  4. Veneers – Thin layers of wood or other material applied to the surface of furniture or walls for decoration.
  5. Venture – A risky or daring journey or undertaking.
  6. Vulture – A large bird of prey, feeding chiefly on carrion.
  7. Verbose – Using or expressed in more words than are needed (typically used as a noun in literary contexts).
  8. Vervain – A herbaceous plant used in herbal medicine and magical rituals.
  9. Vicar – A representative or deputy of a bishop, or a parish priest in the Anglican Church.
  10. Vikings – Norse explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided and colonized wide areas of Europe.
  11. Viruses – Microscopic organisms that can infect animals, plants, and bacteria, causing disease.
  12. Vividly – In a way that produces powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind (typically used as an adverb, but can function as a noun in creative contexts).
  13. Volumes – A book forming part of a work or series.
  14. Voucher – A small printed piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount, or that can be exchanged for goods or services.
  15. Voyages – Long journeys involving travel by sea or in space.
  16. Vulcans – Mythological Roman god of fire and metalworking; also used to refer to volcanoes or fire-related items in certain contexts.
  17. Varmint – A troublesome wild animal.
  18. Vintage – The year or place in which wine, especially wine of high quality, was produced.
  19. Visages – A person’s face or facial expression.
  20. Valleys – Low areas of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through them.
  21. Vetoing – The exercise of a veto against a decision or proposal.
  22. Vaquero – A cowboy; a cattle driver.
  23. Velvets – A closely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or nylon, that has a thick short pile on one side.
  24. Violets – Small plants with purplish-blue flowers, which are often fragrant.
  25. Vitrine – A glass display case.
  26. Vessels – A ship or large boat; a hollow container for holding liquids.
  27. Viscera – The internal organs in the main cavities of the body, especially those in the abdomen.
  28. Viators – Travelers or wayfarers.
  29. Vaulter – An athlete who performs the vault in gymnastics.

Adverb 7 Letter Words With “V”

Adverb 7 Letter Words With V

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Exploring the English language can be a fascinating journey, especially when delving into specific categories like adverbs. In this guide, we focus on 7-letter adverbs containing the letter “V”. This unique collection is an invaluable tool for teachers aiming to expand their students’ vocabulary and understanding of adverbial usage. Each word is accompanied by its definition, aiding in comprehension and practical application in various contexts. Enhance your teaching resources with these distinctive and useful adverbs.

  1. Bravely – In a courageous or valiant manner.
  2. Civelly – In a polite and courteous way.
  3. Gravely – In a serious or solemn manner.
  4. Heavily – In a weighty, burdensome, or intense way.
  5. Invisiv – In a manner that cannot be seen.
  6. Knively – In a cunning or sly way.
  7. Lividly – With intense anger or rage.
  8. Movably – In a manner capable of being moved.
  9. Nervily – In a nervous or anxious way.
  10. Peevily – In a manner showing irritation or annoyance.
  11. Quavily – In a trembling or shaking manner.
  12. Ravenly – In a greedy or voracious manner.
  13. Savvily – With shrewdness or informed knowledge.
  14. Tentivl – In a hesitant or cautious manner.
  15. Unlivel – In a manner lacking liveliness or spirit.
  16. Vividly – In a clear, graphic, or detailed manner.
  17. Xenovly – In a manner relating to foreign or strange things.
  18. Yonvely – In a manner indicating something at a distance.
  19. Zestivl – With great energy or enthusiasm.
  20. Blovily – In a manner showing off or boasting.
  21. Creativ – In a creative or imaginative way.
  22. Drivily – In a persistent and determined manner.

Adjective 7 Letter Words With “V”

Adjective 7 Letter Word With V

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Dive into the realm of English vocabulary with our curated list of seven-letter adjectives containing the letter “V”. This collection is specially designed for educators and teachers who aim to enhance their teaching methods and expand the vocabulary of their students. Each word is accompanied by its definition, making it a valuable resource for classroom activities, vocabulary lessons, and creative writing exercises. Enhance your language skills and discover the richness of English adjectives with these vivid and varied terms.

  1. Valiant – Showing courage or determination.
  2. Vividly – Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  3. Verbose – Using more words than needed; wordy.
  4. Vacuous – Lacking in ideas or intelligence.
  5. Vagrant – Wandering; erratic.
  6. Various – Different from one another; of different kinds or sorts.
  7. Virtued – Having or showing high moral standards.
  8. Vitriol – Filled with bitter criticism or malice.
  9. Voluble – Speaking or spoken incessantly and fluently.
  10. Valvate – Resembling or functioning as a valve.
  11. Vanward – At or towards the front.
  12. Vapored – Filled with or resembling vapor.
  13. Vapours – Referring to something that is illusory or insubstantial.
  14. Varsity – Principal; leading.
  15. Vastest – Of very great extent or size; immense.
  16. Vaunted – Praised or boasted about, especially in an excessive way.
  17. Veering – Changing direction suddenly.
  18. Velvety – Resembling velvet in being soft, smooth, thick, or luxurious.
  19. Vendees – Pertaining to the buyer in a sales transaction.
  20. Vending – Offering goods for sale, especially from a machine.
  21. Vendors – A person or company offering something for sale.
  22. Veneers – A thin decorative covering of fine wood applied to a coarser wood or other material.
  23. Venting – Expressing strong emotion or opinion.
  24. Verdant – Green with grass or other rich vegetation.
  25. Veriest – Used for emphasis, often to qualify a metaphor.
  26. Versing – Composing, speaking, or writing verses.

Describing 7 Letter Words With “V”

Describing 7 Letter Words with V

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Exploring seven-letter words containing the letter ‘V’ enriches vocabulary, vital for teachers and students alike. This compilation offers a fascinating dive into the English language, unveiling words that are not only educational but also intriguing. Understanding these words enhances teaching methods, supports lesson planning, and stimulates students’ linguistic curiosity. Each word is a gateway to new meanings and applications, perfect for classroom discussions and language development.

  1. Aviator – A person who flies an aircraft.
  2. Bravest – Showing great courage.
  3. Captive – Someone imprisoned or confined.
  4. Deviant – Differing from a norm or accepted standards.
  5. Evasive – Tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation.
  6. Gravest – Most serious or solemn.
  7. Halving – Dividing something into two equal parts.
  8. Invader – A person or group that invades a country or region.
  9. Jervine – A toxic alkaloid found in certain plants.
  10. Knavery – Unprincipled, untrustworthy behavior or dealings.
  11. Leaving – The act of going away from somewhere.
  12. Movable – Capable of being moved or changed.
  13. Nervily – In a nervous or agitated manner.
  14. Ovulate – Discharge ova or ovules from the ovary.
  15. Pavings – Materials used for paving.
  16. Quivers – Shakes with a slight, rapid motion.
  17. Ravelly – Prone to unraveling or becoming tangled.
  18. Savingy – Pertaining to saving or economical.
  19. Serving – The act of providing food or drink.
  20. Taverns – Establishments providing food and drink, especially alcohol.
  21. Unloved – Not loved or cherished.
  22. Valuers – Professionals who assess the value of something.
  23. Verdict – A decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case.
  24. Waivode – An alternative spelling of ‘voivode’, a Slavic title.
  25. Wavelet – A small wave or series of waves.
  26. Waviest – Having the most waves or curves.
  27. Weevily – Infested with weevils.
  28. Xerotic – Relating to or suffering from dryness.
  29. Yeshiva – A traditional Jewish school focusing on the study of sacred texts.
  30. Zelkova – A type of tree in the elm family.

SAT 7 Letter Words With “V”

SAT 7 Letter Words With V

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Enhance your SAT vocabulary with this curated list of  SAT-level 7-letter words containing ‘V’. Each word is accompanied by its definition, making it an ideal resource for teachers and students aiming to excel in SAT preparations. This list is specifically designed to broaden vocabulary, improve understanding, and assist in effective SAT preparation. Dive into this selection to grasp the nuances of each word, an essential step towards achieving a higher SAT score.

  1. Archive – A collection of historical documents or records.
  2. Aviator – A person who flies an aircraft.
  3. Bravado – A show of boldness intended to impress.
  4. Captive – Someone who is confined or imprisoned.
  5. Devious – Showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics.
  6. Evolved – Developed gradually from a simpler to a more complex form.
  7. Gravity – Seriousness or importance.
  8. Harvest – The process of gathering mature crops.
  9. Invoker – Someone who calls on (a deity or spirit) for assistance.
  10. Obvious – Easily perceived or understood; clear.
  11. Pervade – Spread through and be perceived in every part of.
  12. Thrived – Grew or developed well or vigorously.
  13. Vagrant – A person without a settled home or regular work.
  14. Valiant – Possessing or showing courage or determination.
  15. Wavered – Shake with a quivering motion.
  16. Yielded – Produced or provided.
  17. Zealots – A person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their ideals.

Perspective 7 Letter Words With “V”

Perspectives 7 Letter Words with V

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Delving into the realm of language, specifically seven-letter words containing the letter ‘V’, is an enlightening journey for teachers and students alike. This list not only enriches vocabulary but also enhances understanding and usage in various contexts. Each word, infused with ‘V’, presents a unique blend of sounds and meanings, offering a robust linguistic tool for educators to enrich their teaching methods and for students to broaden their linguistic skills.

  1. Valiant – Showing courage or determination.
  2. Vibrant – Full of energy and life.
  3. Vintage – Denoting something of high quality from a past era.
  4. Visitor – A person visiting someone or a place.
  5. Voyager – A person who goes on a long journey.
  6. Venture – A risky or daring journey or undertaking.
  7. Verbose – Using more words than needed.
  8. Vagrant – A person without a settled home.
  9. Varnish – A liquid that is applied to wood or other materials to give a hard, clear, shiny surface.
  10. Vaulted – Built or made in the form of a vault.
  11. Vetoing – Exercising a right to reject a decision or proposal.
  12. Vibrato – A rapid, slight variation in pitch in singing or playing some musical instruments.
  13. Victual – Food or provisions.
  14. Village – A small settlement larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town.
  15. Villose – Covered with soft hairs.
  16. Vinegar – A sour liquid used as a condiment or preservative.
  17. Violate – Break or fail to comply with a rule or formal agreement.
  18. Virally – In a manner that relates to or is caused by a virus.
  19. Virtual – Almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition.
  20. Viscous – Having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid.
  21. Visible – Able to be seen.
  22. Vitamin – A group of organic compounds essential for normal growth and nutrition.
  23. Vividly – In a way that produces powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  24. Vocally – In a way relating to the voice.
  25. Voiding – Discharge or eject (urine or feces).
  26. Volcano – A mountain with a crater that lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted.
  27. Voltage – The force of an electrical current, measured in volts.
  28. Vorlage – A position in skiing in which the body is bent forward.
  29. Voyages – Long journeys involving travel by sea or in space.

Starting 7 Letter Words With “V”

Starting 7 Letters Words with V

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Venturing into the world of vocabulary can be an exciting journey, especially when exploring seven-letter words starting with “V.” This collection is tailored for teachers seeking to enhance their students’ language skills. Each word, rich in meaning, is a stepping stone towards a broader vocabulary. These words are not just linguistic elements; they embody various contexts and applications, making them ideal for educational purposes. Let’s dive into this curated list, unlocking new realms of expression and comprehension.

  1. Valiant – Showing courage or determination.
  2. Vanilla – A basic or unexciting quality.
  3. Venture – A risky or daring journey or undertaking.
  4. Verbose – Using more words than needed.
  5. Vermont – A state in the northeastern United States.
  6. Vicinity – The area near or surrounding a particular place.
  7. Vicious – Deliberately cruel or violent.
  8. Victory – An act of defeating an enemy or opponent.
  9. Vikings – Norse explorers, merchants, and warriors.
  10. Village – A group of houses and associated buildings.

Middle 7 Letter Words With “V”

Middle 7 Letter Words with V

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Exploring seven-letter words with the letter “V” is a fascinating journey through the English language. These words, often rich in meaning, can significantly enhance vocabulary, especially useful for teachers and students. Understanding these words and their meanings not only enriches one’s language skills but also boosts comprehension and communication abilities. This curated list of unique seven-letter words with ‘V’ in the middle offers a diverse range of vocabulary, perfect for educational purposes and linguistic enrichment.

  1. Savvied: Informed or well aware.
  2. Havarti: A type of Danish cheese, creamy and semi-soft.
  3. Pivotal: Crucially important or central.
  4. Grivets: A type of African green monkey.
  5. Levulin: A chemical compound derived from cellulose.
  6. Civisms: Practices or principles of good citizenship.
  7. Jovials: Cheerful and friendly in nature.
  8. Rivulet: A small stream or brook.
  9. Gavotte: A French dance, usually in quick time.
  10. Divulge: To reveal or make known private information.

In conclusion, crafting 7-letter words with the letter ‘V’ can be a challenging yet rewarding linguistic exercise. To excel at this, remember to expand your vocabulary, use word lists as references, and practice regularly. Utilize word games and puzzles as fun training tools, and don’t shy away from experimenting with different combinations. With patience and dedication, you’ll master the art of creating 7-letter words featuring the letter ‘V’ in no time.

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New & Latest Added 7 Letter Words With V