8 Letter Words with V

Team English - Examples.com
Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: June 17, 2024

8 Letter Words with V

8 Le_tter Words with “V“

Embark on a linguistic adventure with our intriguing collection of 8-letter words containing the letter ‘V’. This unique compilation is a treasure trove for language lovers, puzzle enthusiasts, and creative minds alike. Each word, carefully selected for its relevance and rarity, showcases the versatility and vibrancy of the English language. From Rhyming Words and Daily Use English Words to Singular & Plural Words, these words will enhance your communication, enrich your writing, and challenge your word-game skills. Dive in and discover the vivid world of ‘V’!

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7 Letter words with V

9 Letter Words With V

10 Letter Words With V

V Words

Words Starting with V

Words Ending with V

Words With Letter V in Middle

V Silent Words


90+ Most Commonly Used 8 Letter Words with “V”

Snowshoe Wireless Waterski Wrestler Volatile Vocative
Windowed Wildness Windpipe Writhing Vibrancy Virtuous
Waxwings Wardrobe Wisehead Weighted Vocalist Valedict
Warranty Waltzing Watering Wriggled Velocity Vignette
Whipping Watchful Woodwork Wretched Vegetate Venomous
Wildlife Wanderer Watchdog Wheezing Vocalize Vibrator
Waterway Wiseacre Wildcard Whacking Vacation Virtuoso
Windmill Worthily Warmness Weirdest Vivacity Vicinity
Wrinkled Waiflike Wordplay Wrinkles Vigilant Vastness
Workshop Wayfarer Waitress Wobbling Vexation Validate
Wildfire Washable Wondrous Valuable Vitality Vaulting
Whiplash Wrathful Whitener Vanished Visceral Vaporize
Wrangler Workable Windfall Variance Vagabond Vehement
Wasteful Windward Whirring Vertical Villager Viewable
Weakness Weighing Wriggler Vigorous Validity Voyaging

Most Trending 8 Letter Words with “V”

Most Trending 8 Letter Words with V

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Delving into the world of 8-letter words with ‘V’ opens up a vibrant lexicon that is both contemporary and impactful. These words, often trending in various fields like technology, culture, and academia, hold significant value in modern communication. Each word in this list, prominently displayed in bold, comes with a clear definition, enhancing comprehension and practical application. Ideal for writers, students, and language enthusiasts, these words serve as powerful tools in crafting compelling narratives, academic papers, and engaging content. Incorporating Positive Words, Action Words, and Adverbs Words adds an extra layer of effectiveness to your vocabulary. Their relevance in today’s digital age makes them a must-know for professionals aiming to stay ahead in their fields. From vocabulary enhancement to word game dominance, this collection is a key resource for anyone keen on refining their linguistic prowess.

  1. Invasive: Tending to spread prolifically and undesirably or harmfully.
  2. Creative: Relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas.
  3. Revising: Reconsidering and altering something in the light of further evidence.
  4. Devotion: Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.
  5. Evasive: Tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation.
  6. Nerviest: Showing or having courage or confidence.
  7. Overcome: Succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty.
  8. Overcook: Cook food for too long or at too high a temperature.
  9. Overkill: Excessive use, treatment, or action.
  10. Overlaps: Extend over so as to cover partly.
  11. Overlays: Cover the surface of with a coating.
  12. Overlies: (Of a stratum or formation) lie or be situated over.
  13. Overlive: Live longer than.
  14. Overload: Load with too great a burden or cargo.
  15. Overlong: Excessively long.
  16. Overlook: Fail to notice something.
  17. Overlord: A person who has general authority over others.
  18. Overpaid: Paid too much for something.
  19. Overpart: Play a role excessively.
  20. Overpass: A road or railway that crosses over another.
  21. Overplay: Give too much importance to.
  22. Overplus: An excess or surplus.
  23. Overrate: Have a higher opinion of than is deserved.
  24. Overruns: Extend beyond or past a set limit.
  25. Oversale: Sale beyond a certain limit.
  26. Overseas: In or to a foreign country, especially across the sea.
  27. Overseer: A person who supervises others, especially workers.
  28. Oversell: Sell more of a product or service than can be supplied.
  29. Overshot: Exceed an intended limit.
  30. Oversize: Larger than the usual or expected size.

New & Latest Added 8 Letter Words with “V”

New & Latest Added 8 Letter Words with V

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Stay ahead in the evolving landscape of the English language with our latest collection of 8-letter words featuring the letter ‘V’. This assortment is a goldmine for vocabulary enthusiasts, writers, and language learners, showcasing the dynamic nature of English. Each word in this list is not only unique but also enriched with current linguistic trends, making it a perfect tool for enhancing SEO and NLP applications. Dive into these new additions and discover how they can invigorate your writing and communication. Learn, adapt, and incorporate these fresh ‘V’ words, including Compound Words, Consonant Words, and Describing Words, to stay contemporary and relevant in your linguistic expression.

  1. Valvemen: Operators of mechanical valves.
  2. Vambracy: A piece of armor for the forearm.
  3. Vampiric: Relating to vampires.
  4. Vanadous: Containing pentavalent vanadium.
  5. Vandyked: Decorated with a zigzag pattern.
  6. Vanitied: Filled with vanity.
  7. Vaporize: To convert into vapor.
  8. Vapulous: Full of vapor; foggy or misty.
  9. Varactor: A variable reactance device.
  10. Varioles: Smallpox lesions.
  11. Vasiform: Shaped like a vessel or tube.
  12. Vastiest: Superlative of vasty, meaning very vast.
  13. Vaticide: The act of killing a prophet.
  14. Vauntful: Full of boasting.
  15. Vehement: Showing strong feeling or passion.
  16. Velarium: A type of awning in ancient Roman theaters.
  17. Vellumy: Resembling vellum.
  18. Venalize: To make venal or purchasable.
  19. Vendible: Marketable; capable of being sold.
  20. Venenate: To poison.
  21. Venomers: Those who use or deal with venom.
  22. Venosity: The quality of being venous.
  23. Ventails: Pieces of armor to protect the throat.
  24. Verdancy: The state of being green and lush.
  25. Verjuice: A sour juice obtained from unripe grapes.
  26. Vernicle: A small representation of the face of Jesus.
  27. Versicle: A short verse said or sung in liturgical use.
  28. Vervains: Plants of the genus Verbena.
  29. Vestured: Clothed, especially in ceremonial robes.
  30. Vexillum: A flag or standard, especially in ancient Rome.

Noun 8 Letter Words with “V”

Noun 8 Letter Words with V

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Delve into the world of 8-letter nouns containing the letter ‘V’, a collection that not only enriches vocabulary but also adds flair to your language use. These nouns are gems in the lexicon, often used in various fields such as technology, science, literature, and daily conversation. Perfect for writers, educators, and word enthusiasts, this list offers a diverse range of nouns, each with its unique application and context. Presented in bold for emphasis, every word comes with a definition, enhancing understanding and usage. Whether you’re crafting engaging content, solving crossword puzzles, or playing word games like Scrabble, these Dictation Words, Difficult Words, and Encouraging Words are invaluable. Embrace the versatility and richness of these nouns to elevate your linguistic skills.

  1. Overkill: Excessive use, treatment, or action; more than what is necessary.
  2. Overhead: Something located or placed overhead, especially expenses.
  3. Overlaps: Areas where one thing covers a part of another.
  4. Overlord: A person who has general authority over others.
  5. Overtime: Time worked beyond the usual hours.
  6. Overturn: An act of turning something over or upside down.
  7. Overview: A general summary or survey.
  8. Overwork: Excessive work.
  9. Vampires: Mythical creatures said to consume human blood.
  10. Valances: Short decorative drapes for concealing curtain fixtures.
  11. Valiants: People who show courage or determination.
  12. Vanillas: Flavors derived from orchids of the genus Vanilla.
  13. Varmints: Troublesome wild animals.
  14. Vehicles: Means of transporting people or goods.
  15. Venison: Meat from a deer.
  16. Verdicts: Decisions made by a jury in a trial.
  17. Vermouth: A type of fortified wine flavored with aromatic herbs.
  18. Vertices: The highest points; plural of vertex.
  19. Vestiges: Traces of something that no longer exists.
  20. Vexation: The state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
  21. Vibrancy: Full of energy and enthusiasm.
  22. Vicinity: The area near or surrounding a particular place.
  23. Viceroys: A ruler exercising authority in a colony on behalf of a sovereign.
  24. Victims: People harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event.
  25. Vigilant: Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
  26. Villains: Characters in a story or play who oppose the hero.
  27. Vintages: The year or place in which wine, especially wine of high quality, was produced.
  28. Virginal: Unmarried or pure.
  29. Virtuoso: A person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
  30. Viscount: A British nobleman ranking above a baron and below an earl.

Adverb 8 Letter Words with “V”

Adverb 8 Letter Words with V

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Dive into the dynamic realm of adverbs with our exclusive list of 30 new and latest 8-letter adverbs featuring the letter ‘V’. These carefully curated words are not just unique but are brimming with linguistic flair. Ideal for enhancing your writing style and expanding your vocabulary, each word is presented in bold for quick identification. This compilation is perfect for word enthusiasts, writers, and anyone looking to add a creative twist to their language use. From Funny Words and Transition Words to Vowel Words, these adverbs provide a fresh perspective on how the letter ‘V’ can influence the tone and rhythm of your sentences. Explore this list and discover the power of ‘V’ in adverbial form!

  1. Valianty: The quality or state of being valiant, characterized by courage, bravery, and determination.
  2. Vibratly: In a manner that involves rapid, oscillating back-and-forth movements or vibrations.
  3. Verbosly: Using an excessive number of words, often in a tedious or long-winded manner; wordy.
  4. Vigilnty: The state of being watchful, alert, and attentive, especially to detect potential danger or threats.
  5. Violntly: In a manner characterized by extreme force, aggression, or intensity, often resulting in physical harm or damage.
  6. Viscidly: In a sticky or adhesive manner, often describing substances that have a thick and gluey texture.
  7. Visually: Pertaining to the sense of sight or the act of perceiving through sight; related to visual perception.
  8. Vulgarly: In a manner that lacks refinement, taste, or propriety; crudely or coarsely.
  9. Variedly: In various or diverse ways, indicating a range of differences or variations.
  10. Virently: In a manner characterized by greenness, freshness, or vigorous growth, often referring to lush plant life.
  11. Virulity: The quality of being highly infectious, toxic, or harmful, typically used to describe diseases or viruses.
  12. Votively: In a manner related to making vows or dedications, often in a religious or ceremonial context.
  13. Vengefly: In a vengeful or retaliatory manner, indicating a desire for revenge or retribution.
  14. Vilifyly: In a manner of defaming or disparaging someone’s character, often using false or malicious statements

Adjective 8 Letter Words with “V”

Adjective 8 Letter Words with 'V'

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Dive into the world of 8-letter adjectives containing the letter ‘V’, a category rich in descriptive power and versatility. These words are pivotal for crafting vivid and impactful sentences in both spoken and written English. Ideal for authors, educators, and language enthusiasts, this collection showcases the diversity and expressive potential of the English language. Each adjective, presented in bold for emphasis, comes with its definition, enhancing comprehension and usage. These words are perfect for enriching vocabulary, improving writing style, and elevating language skills. They are also beneficial for those engaged in creative writing, academic assignments, and professional communications. Explore these adjectives to add depth and color to your linguistic palette.

  1. Reverent: Showing deep and solemn respect.
  2. Creative: Relating to or involving the use of imagination to create something.
  3. Negative: Consisting in or characterized by the absence rather than the presence of distinguishing features.
  4. Invasive: Tending to intrude on a person’s thoughts or privacy; encroaching.
  5. Relative: Considered in relation or in proportion to something else.
  6. Positive: Constructive, optimistic, or confident.
  7. Massive: Large and heavy or solid.
  8. Nervous: Easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung.
  9. Inventive: Having the ability to create or design new things or to think originally.
  10. Adaptive: Able to adjust to new conditions.
  11. Evasive: Tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially by responding only indirectly.
  12. Depraved: Morally corrupt; wicked.
  13. Inverted: Put upside down or in the opposite position, order, or arrangement.
  14. Reserved: Slow to reveal emotion or opinions.
  15. Pervasive: Spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people.
  16. Aggravate: Make (a problem, injury, or offense) worse or more serious.
  17. Serviced: Maintained or supplied with services.
  18. Improved: Made better.
  19. Reactive: Showing a response to a stimulus.
  20. Observed: Noticed or perceived.
  21. Involved: Complicated, and difficult to comprehend.
  22. Deceived: Tricked or misled.
  23. Reproved: Reprimanded or censured.
  24. Received: Given, sent, or handed over.
  25. Observed: Noticed or registered.
  26. Savviest: Shrewd and knowledgeable; having common sense and good judgment.
  27. Devolved: Transferred or delegated (power) to a lower level, especially from central government to local or regional administration.
  28. Revolved: Moved in a circle on a central axis.
  29. Survived: Continued to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.
  30. Engraved: Cut or carved a text or design on the surface of a hard object.

Phrasal Verbs With 8 Letter Words with “V”

Phrasal Verbs With 8 Letter Words with V

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Delve into the dynamic realm of phrasal verbs with this specialized collection of 8-letter words that incorporate the letter ‘V’. This handpicked selection is tailored for language enthusiasts, educators, and learners aiming to deepen their understanding of English verb phrases. Each phrasal verb, highlighted in bold for easy identification, brings a unique flavor to conversational and formal English. Understanding these phrases enriches your communication skills, making your language more vivid and expressive. From enhancing your writing to boosting verbal interactions, these phrasal verbs are essential tools in your linguistic toolkit.

  1. Overveto: To veto something excessively.
  2. Revivify: To bring back to life or renew.
  3. Overveil: To cover or conceal excessively.
  4. Inveigle: To persuade someone through deception or flattery.
  5. Depraver: To corrupt morally.
  6. Envizage: To consider or contemplate.
  7. Outvalue: To surpass in value.
  8. Oversave: To save more than necessary.
  9. Revolute: To roll backward or reverse.
  10. Outvoice: To surpass in vocal expression.
  11. Outvalue: To exceed in value or importance.
  12. Overveer: To change direction excessively.
  13. Vivisect: To dissect the living body of an animal.
  14. Outvoted: To be defeated in a vote.
  15. Overvote: To vote in overwhelming numbers.
  16. Invocate: To call upon or invoke.
  17. Overvape: To overwhelm with vapor.
  18. Outvaunt: To surpass in boasting.
  19. Revenged: To exact revenge.
  20. Overvoid: To empty or deplete completely.
  21. Invigour: To give strength or energy.
  22. Reverent: To regard with respect and awe.
  23. Overvied: To surpass in a competition.
  24. Overveiw: To review or inspect excessively.
  25. Unvailed: To reveal or disclose.
  26. Unvalued: To consider as without value.
  27. Revalued: To reassess the value of.
  28. Outvalue: To exceed in worth or significance.
  29. Outvieed: To surpass or outdo.
  30. Invirile: To weaken or emasculate.

Describing 8 Letter Words with “V”

Describing 8 Letter Words with “V”

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The English language is replete with 8-letter words containing the letter ‘V’, offering a rich palette for expression. These words, vital in various contexts, enhance communication, enrich vocabulary, and are particularly useful in academic and creative writing. Each word in this curated list, emphasized in bold, comes with a definition, aiding understanding and proper usage. This collection is invaluable for educators, students, writers, and word game aficionados. Ideal for enhancing word-based strategies in games like Scrabble and Boggle, these words also contribute to more vibrant and precise writing. The presence of ‘V’ in these words adds a unique flavor, making them stand out in both spoken and written English.

  1. Vagabond: A person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.
  2. Valorous: Showing great courage in the face of danger.
  3. Vamooses: Departs hurriedly or abruptly.
  4. Vanished: Disappeared suddenly and completely.
  5. Vanisher: One who disappears suddenly and completely.
  6. Vanishes: Disappears suddenly and completely.
  7. Vaporous: Full of or resembling vapor; gaseous.
  8. Variable: Not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change.
  9. Variance: The state of being different or inconsistent.
  10. Variants: Forms or versions of something that differ in some respect.
  11. Varicose: Affected by or associated with varicose veins.
  12. Variedly: In a varied manner.
  13. Varietal: Relating to or characteristic of a variety.
  14. Variety: The quality or state of being different or diverse.
  15. Variform: Having various forms or shapes.
  16. Varmints: Troublesome wild animals.
  17. Varnishy: Resembling varnish.
  18. Vasectom: Surgical procedure for male sterilization or permanent contraception.
  19. Vasiform: Shaped like a vessel or duct.
  20. Vastness: The quality of being very large or immense.
  21. Vaulting: Arching, leaping, or jumping.
  22. Vaulters: People who perform a vault in gymnastics or athletics.
  23. Vaultier: More resembling a vault or arched structure.
  24. Vaunting: Boasting or bragging.
  25. Vehement: Showing strong feeling; passionate, or intensely emotional.
  26. Velocity: The speed of something in a given direction.
  27. Venalize: To make venal or capable of being bribed.
  28. Vendable: Suitable for being sold or vended.
  29. Vendetta: A prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone.
  30. Vendibly: In a manner that is capable of being sold

Positive 8 Letter Words with “V”

Positive 8 Letter Words with V

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Discover the power of positivity with our exclusive selection of 8-letter words that include the letter ‘V’. This list is carefully curated to bring a touch of optimism and inspiration to your vocabulary. Each word, presented in bold for emphasis, is accompanied by its meaning, making it easier to understand and incorporate into your daily language. Ideal for enriching your writing, enhancing your communication skills, or boosting your word game strategies, these words resonate with positivity. Dive into this vibrant collection of 8-letter words and let them elevate your linguistic expression with their encouraging and affirmative connotations.

  1. Valiant – Showing courage or determination.
  2. Valorous – Possessing great bravery.
  3. Venerate – Regard with great respect.
  4. Vibrant – Full of energy and life.
  5. Victuals – Food or provisions.
  6. Vigorous – Strong, healthy, and full of energy.
  7. Virtuous – Having high moral standards.
  8. Visually – In a way that is pleasing to the eye.
  9. Vitalize – Give strength and energy to.
  10. Vividly – In a way that produces powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  11. Volitive – Relating to the use of one’s will.
  12. Voluptas – Pleasure or delight.
  13. Votarist – A devoted supporter or advocate.
  14. Venerate – To regard with respect or admiration.
  15. Venustas – Beauty or attractiveness.
  16. Vernally – Relating to spring.
  17. Vesperal – Relating to the evening.
  18. Vestured – Clothed or robed.
  19. Vigilant – Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
  20. Villatic – Pertaining to a farm or village.
  21. Vinicola – Pertaining to wine or vineyards.
  22. Virtuose – A person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
  23. Virtuosi – Plural of virtuoso, persons highly skilled in artistic pursuits.
  24. Visceral – Relating to deep inward feelings rather than intellect.
  25. Visional – Of or relating to visions or sight.
  26. Vitalise – Variant of vitalize, to give strength and energy.
  27. Vividest – Superlative of vivid, producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images.
  28. Vocative – Relating to or denoting an address or invocation.
  29. Volitant – Engaged in or having the power of flight.
  30. Voluting – Moving in a rolling or spiraling manner.

SAT 8 Letter Words with “V”

SAT 8 Letter Words with V

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For students preparing for the SAT, mastering a diverse vocabulary is crucial. This list of 8-letter words with ‘V’ is specifically curated to enhance your SAT preparation. Each word, presented in bold, is an essential part of a comprehensive SAT vocabulary. These words are not only common in SAT exams but are also frequently used in advanced English literature and academic texts. Understanding these words will not only boost your SAT scores but also improve your overall language proficiency. The inclusion of their meanings aids in grasping the context and usage, making it easier to remember and apply them in various scenarios. This list is an invaluable resource for students, educators, and anyone looking to expand their command of sophisticated English vocabulary.

  1. Invasive: Tending to spread prolifically and undesirably or harmfully.
  2. Vigilant: Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
  3. Reverent: Feeling or showing deep and solemn respect.
  4. Aviation: The flying or operating of aircraft.
  5. Covenant: An agreement, typically a formal one.
  6. Evasive: Tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially by responding only indirectly.
  7. Inventor: A person who creates something that has never before been created.
  8. Revising: Rereading work done previously to improve one’s knowledge of a subject.
  9. Voracity: Excessive desire to eat, or greediness.
  10. Vividness: The quality of being powerfully detailed and clear in description or image.
  11. Inverted: Put upside down or in the opposite position, order, or arrangement.
  12. Serviced: Maintained or repaired.
  13. Devotion: Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.
  14. Revolved: Moved in a circle on a central axis.
  15. Survival: The state of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an ordeal or difficult circumstances.
  16. Vagabond: A person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.
  17. Vocalist: A singer, typically one who regularly performs with a jazz or pop group.
  18. Variance: The fact or quality of being different, divergent, or inconsistent.
  19. Advocate: A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
  20. Overcome: Succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty).
  21. Vibrancy: Full of energy and enthusiasm.
  22. Positive: Consisting in or characterized by the presence or possession of features or qualities rather than their absence.
  23. Inventor: A person who invented a particular process or device or who invents things as an occupation.
  24. Creative: Relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something.
  25. Velocity: The speed of something in a given direction.
  26. Survived: Continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.
  27. Inventor: A person who creates or designs something that has not previously existed.
  28. Relative: Considered in relation or in proportion to something else.
  29. Overturn: Tip (something) over so that it is on its side or upside down.
  30. Avoiding: Keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something).

Perspectives 8 Letter Words with “V”

Perspectives 8 Letter Words with V

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Delve into the fascinating realm of 8-letter words containing the letter ‘V’ with our handpicked selection. These words not only enrich your vocabulary but also offer a fresh perspective on how the inclusion of ‘V’ can transform a word’s meaning and sound. Ideal for word game enthusiasts, writers, and linguists, this collection is a testament to the dynamic and versatile nature of the English language. Each word, presented in bold, is accompanied by its definition, enhancing understanding and usage. From verbs that invigorate to nouns that vividly describe, these words are essential for anyone looking to add depth and variety to their linguistic repertoire.

  1. Valorous: Showing great courage in the face of danger.
  2. Vambrace: A piece of armor for the arm.
  3. Variance: The state of being different or inconsistent.
  4. Vehement: Showing strong feeling; passionate, or intense.
  5. Velocity: The speed of something in a given direction.
  6. Venation: The arrangement of veins in a leaf or an insect’s wing.
  7. Veracity: Conformity to facts; accuracy.
  8. Verbally: In a manner relating to or in the form of words.
  9. Vernally: Relating to, or characteristic of, spring.
  10. Verseman: A writer of verses or poetry.
  11. Vexation: The state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
  12. Vicinity: The area near or surrounding a particular place.
  13. Vincible: Capable of being conquered or overcome.
  14. Vintager: A person who harvests grapes for wine-making.
  15. Viridity: The quality of being green; greenness.
  16. Visually: In a way that relates to seeing or sight.
  17. Vitellus: The yolk of an egg.
  18. Vocalist: A singer, typically one who sings with a pop or jazz group.
  19. Vocation: A person’s employment or main occupation.
  20. Voidable: Able to be declared invalid; annulable.
  21. Volatile: Liable to change rapidly and unpredictably.
  22. Vortical: Relating to or resembling a vortex.
  23. Voteless: Having no right to vote.
  24. Vouchee: A person to whom a warranty is made.
  25. Voyaging: Traveling over a long distance, typically by sea.
  26. Vulgarly: In a manner lacking sophistication or good taste.
  27. Vulpinic: Relating to or resembling a fox.
  28. Vulturic: Resembling a vulture.
  29. Vultures: Birds of prey known for scavenging.
  30. Vulvitis: Inflammation of the vulva.

8 Letter Words that Ends with “V”

8 Letter Words that Ends with V

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Dive into the unique realm of 8-letter words ending in “V”! This compilation is not just a vocabulary boost but a treasure trove for word enthusiasts, writers, and linguists. Each word in this list is an 8-letter marvel ending with the distinctive “V,” offering a blend of rarity and linguistic charm. Enhance your word power, enrich crossword puzzles, or simply revel in the diversity of the English language. Get ready to explore and integrate these intriguing words into your vocabulary arsenal.

  1. Kibbutzv – An innovative form of community in Israel, known for its collective lifestyle and egalitarian principles.
  2. Accusive – An alternative form of accusative, a grammatical case.
  3. Approviv – A shortened form of ‘approve’.
  4. Archivov – Pertaining to archives or historical records.
  5. Behoovev – To be necessary, proper, or advantageous.
  6. Causativv – Relating to causing or bringing about.
  7. Creativvv – Pertaining to or involving creativity.
  8. Decisivvv – Having the power or quality of deciding.
  9. Derivativ – Something that is derived or secondary.
  10. Disproovv – To prove something to be false or erroneous.
  11. Evasivivv – Tending to evade or escape from.
  12. Exclusivv – Exclusive or limited to a particular group.
  13. Executivv – Pertaining to execution or carrying out duties.
  14. Improvivv – Short for improvisation.
  15. Inactivov – Not engaging in or involving any activity.
  16. Incentivv – Providing motivation or incentive.
  17. Innovativ – Featuring new methods; advanced and original.
  18. Inquisitv – Given to inquiry, research, or asking questions.
  19. Invasiviv – Tending to invade or intrude on.
  20. Legislatv – Relating to legislation or the process of making laws.
  21. Narrativv – A spoken or written account of connected events.
  22. Negativvv – Consisting in or characterized by the absence.
  23. Objectivv – Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.
  24. Positiviv – Characterized by the presence of features.
  25. Primitivv – Relating to an early stage of development.
  26. Proactivvv – Creating or controlling a situation rather than responding.
  27. Progressv – Moving forward or onward in space or time.
  28. Punitivov – Inflicting or intended as punishment.
  29. Reactivvv – Showing a response to a stimulus.
  30. Receivovv – To get or be given something.

8 Letter Words with “V” in the Middle

8 Letter Words with V in the Middle

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Embark on a linguistic journey with this compilation of 8-letter words featuring the letter ‘V’ in the middle. This curated list not only broadens your vocabulary but also offers a unique perspective on word construction. Ideal for word game enthusiasts, writers, and anyone with a zest for words, these 8-letter words are both intriguing and useful. Each word in this collection stands out for its distinct usage and meaning, showcasing the diversity of the English language. Enhance your word power with these fascinating terms, each carefully selected for its relevance and uniqueness.

  1. Behaving – Acting in a particular way.
  2. Cavitary – Relating to a cavity or hollow space.
  3. Devising – Creating or planning something.
  4. Dovetail – To fit together harmoniously.
  5. Evasive – Tending to avoid commitment.
  6. Gravamen – The most serious part of an accusation.
  7. Halvahs – A dense, sweet dessert made from ground sesame seeds.
  8. Heavily – With a lot of weight.
  9. Invasive – Tending to spread prolifically and undesirably.
  10. Levigate – To grind to a fine, smooth powder.
  11. Levitate – To rise or float in the air.
  12. Lavatory – A room with a toilet and sink.
  13. Navicert – A document allowing a neutral ship to pass in wartime.
  14. Overalls – A piece of clothing covering all the body, typically worn over other clothes for protection.
  15. Ovulated – Released an egg from the ovary.
  16. Pavement – Hard outdoor surface used for roads and walkways.
  17. Pavilion – A large tent or structure, typically for events.
  18. Revising – Re-examining and making alterations to.
  19. Revivals – Instances of something becoming popular or active again.
  20. Savagery – The quality of being fierce or cruel.
  21. Savarins – A type of ring-shaped dessert.
  22. Servants – People employed in a household or for another person.
  23. Starving – Suffering or dying from hunger.
  24. Surveyed – Looked over or examined.
  25. Survival – The state of continuing to live or exist.
  26. Tovarich – A comrade, especially in Russia.
  27. Travails – Painful or laborious efforts.
  28. Traveled – Went from one place to another.
  29. Traverse – Travel across or through.
  30. Universe – All existing matter and space considered as a whole.

Exploring the world of 8-letter words containing ‘V’ opens up a vast array of possibilities for enriching your vocabulary. These words are not only intriguing but also versatile in various contexts. Whether you’re a wordsmith or simply seeking linguistic enrichment, incorporating these gems into your repertoire can be a valuable endeavor. Dive into the realm of ‘V’-powered octo-words and expand your linguistic horizons today.

8 Letter words with A8 Letter words with B8Letter words with C
8 Letter words with D8 Letter words with E8 Letter words with F
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8 Letter words with J8 Letter words with K8 Letter words with L
8 Letter words with M8 Letter words with N8 Letter words with O
8 Letter words with P8 Letter words with Q8 Letter words with R
8 Letter words with S8 Letter words with T8 Letter words with U
8 Letter words with V8 Letter words with W8 Letter words with X
8 Letter words with Y8 Letter words with Z

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