450+ 9 Letter words with V, Meaning, PDF
Dive into the dynamic world of 9-letter words with ‘V’! This unique collection showcases the versatility and vibrancy of the English language. From vivid adjectives to vigorous verbs, each word is a testament to linguistic richness. These terms offer a fascinating blend of complexity and utility, ideal for enhancing vocabulary in creative writing, academic endeavors, and everyday communication. Embrace the power of ‘V’ and discover how these words can invigorate your linguistic arsenal
Most Commonly used 9 Letter words with V - PDF
300 Most Commonly used 9 Letter Words with “V”
Vibrantly | Vanishing | Viewables | Valuating | Vandalize | Vulnerary |
Violently | Valuation | Vibrators | Vulgarize | Vaporizes | Vacuolate |
Vocalists | Vacancies | Victimize | Vulcanize | Vehemence | Vassalage |
Variances | Vagrantly | Vexations | Valiantly | Venograms | Vegetably |
Viewpoint | Vibrating | Venetians | Versatile | Verifiers | Velvetier |
Violating | Vacillate | Vignettes | Vividness | Virulence | Vendettas |
Vigilance | Vandalism | Violators | Virologic | Voidances | Vernacles |
Variables | Venturing | Vizierate | Varieties | Vouchered | Vexillary |
Vagabonds | Vestments | Vocalises | Variously | Vambraces | Victualed |
Validated | Vocalized | Vexatious | Vehicular | Vaporware | Videotape |
Venerated | Velveting | Villagers | Vastitude | Vaultings | Virulency |
Vineyards | Vertebrae | Vouchsafe | Ventilate | Vellicate | Visualize |
Voracious | Volcanoes | Vaccinate | Vestigial | Ventrally | Vocalizer |
Vegetated | Voluntary | Vagueness | Versified | Veracious | Volatiles |
Velveteen | Varnished | Vasectomy | Vibratory | Verandaed | Voodooism |
Viscosity | Vivacious | Ventricle | Volcanism | Vertebral | Vulgarism |
Volleying | Volunteer | Vindicate | Vacuously | Vesicated | Vulturine |
Vaporized | Vitalizes | Violinist | Vigilante | Virginals | Valencies |
Verbalize | Vilifying | Vicarages | Volitions | Visionary | Variegate |
Vivifying | Vuvuzelas | Vinculums | Viciously | Verticals | Vendibles |
9-letter words containing ‘V’ offer a fascinating glimpse into the richness of the English language. These words, ranging from everyday vocabulary to more specialized terms, demonstrate the versatility of ‘V’ in language. They can express actions, like ‘visualize’ or ‘volunteer’, describe qualities such as ‘vibrant’ or ‘virtuous’, or even name entities like ‘vegetable’ or ‘vindicator’. Whether used in creative writing, academic discourse, or casual conversation, these words with ‘V’ add depth and specificity to our expressions.
Most Trending 9 Letter Words with “V”
Discover the dynamic world of 9-letter words with the letter ‘V’! Our carefully curated list brings you the most trending and fascinating words, each packed with unique meanings and usage. Ideal for word enthusiasts, writers, and language learners, this collection is a treasure trove of vocabulary that can enhance your communication skills, boost your capabilities, and enrich your understanding of the English language. From verbs to nouns, each word in this list is a testament to the richness and diversity of English. Dive into this list to find intriguing words that can add flair to your writing, sharpen your word game strategies, or simply expand your vocabulary.
- Vagueness – lack of clarity or distinctness.
- Valiantly – with courage or determination.
- Vaporized – converted into vapor.
- Vehemence – the display of strong feeling; passion.
- Velveteen – a kind of soft cotton fabric.
- Venerable – accorded a great deal of respect.
- Ventricle – a hollow part or cavity in an organ.
- Veracious – speaking or representing the truth.
- Vexatious – causing or tending to cause annoyance.
- Vibrantly – full of energy and life.
- Vicarious – experienced in the imagination through feelings of another.
- Vigilance – the action of keeping careful watch.
- Vilifying – speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner.
- Vindicate – clear of blame or suspicion.
- Violinist – a person who plays the violin.
- Virtuoso – a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
- Viscosity – the state of being thick or sticky; the property of resistance to flow in a fluid.
- Vitalized – give strength and energy to.
- Vividness – the quality of being powerfully bright or detailed.
- Vocalists – singers, especially in popular music.
- Volcanoes – mountains or hills with a crater that can erupt lava.
- Volunteer – a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise.
- Voracious – wanting or devouring great quantities of food.
- Vouchsafe – give or grant in a gracious or condescending manner.
- Vulgarity – the quality of lacking taste or refinement.
- Vulnerable – susceptible to physical or emotional harm.
- Vagrantly – wandering; having no settled home.
- Vivacious – attractively lively and animated.
- Vivifying – enlivening or animating.
- Voyeurism – the practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.
New & Latest Added 9 Letter Words with “V”
Discover the latest addition to our expansive collection of 9-letter words featuring the letter ‘V’. This carefully curated list not only enhances your vocabulary but also serves as an invaluable resource for language enthusiasts, writers, and competitive word gamers. Each entry is meticulously selected to bring you a diverse range of words, from everyday vocabulary to rare gems. Dive into this treasure trove and enrich your linguistic arsenal. Perfect for Scrabble aficionados, crossword puzzle enthusiasts, and anyone with a passion for words. These latest entries are more than just words; they’re keys to unlocking new levels of language mastery. Embrace the challenge and joy of exploring these new verbal vistas!
- Vivacious – Lively and animated in spirit or body.
- Vicarious – Experienced through the feelings or actions of another person.
- Vexatious – Causing annoyance, frustration, or worry.
- Vibrantly – Full of energy and enthusiasm; brightly colored.
- Venerable – Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
- Volunteer – A person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.
- Vanguard – A group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas.
- Vagabond – A person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.
- Valiantly – With courage or determination.
- Vanquish – Defeat thoroughly.
- Vivifying – Enlivening or animating.
- Virtuous – Having or showing high moral standards.
- Vacillate – Alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive.
- Vindicate – Clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.
- Vagueness – The quality of being unclear or ill-defined.
- Valentine – A card or gift given, typically anonymously, on St. Valentine’s Day.
- Videotape – Record on videotape.
- Violinist – A person who plays the violin.
- Volumized – Made to be or appear larger in volume or quantity.
- Vandalize – Deliberately destroy or damage (public or private property).
- Vegetable – A plant or part of a plant used as food.
- Verbalize – Express (ideas or feelings) in words, especially by speaking out loud.
- Vouchsafe – Give or grant (something) to (someone) in a gracious or condescending manner.
- Vocatives – Grammatical forms used for addressing or appealing to someone.
- Vaporware – Computer software or hardware that is announced but never released or indefinitely delayed
- Videogram – A recorded video message, especially one sent overseas.
- Vocalists – Singers, especially those who sing popular music.
- Viverrids – Members of a family of small to medium-sized mammals, mostly of Africa and Asia, which includes the civets and genets.
- Vicennial – Relating to or occurring every twenty years.
- Viviparous – Bringing forth live young that have developed inside the body of the parent.
Noun 9 Letter Words with “V”
Discover the dynamic and diverse world of 9-letter nouns with the letter ‘V’ in our comprehensive guide. Delve into this unique subset of the English language, where each word not only enriches your vocabulary but also provides a fascinating glimpse into a wide range of subjects. Whether you’re a word game enthusiast, a language learner, or simply curious, our collection is tailored to offer you a deep understanding of these specific nouns. Each word is carefully selected for its relevance and rarity, making your linguistic journey both educational and exciting. Enhance your word power for Scrabble, improve your writing, or just explore these verbal treasures for the sheer joy of language. Our guide is , ensuring a smooth and enjoyable learning experience. So, let’s explore these 9-letter nouns with ‘V’ and add a vibrant variety to your vocabulary repertoire!
- Vagueness – the quality of being unclear or uncertain.
- Valentine – a card or gift given on Valentine’s Day.
- Vandalism – deliberate destruction of public or private property.
- Varnisher – one who applies varnish, especially as a profession.
- Vehemence – the display of strong feeling or passion.
- Vegetable – a plant or part of a plant used as food.
- Velveteen – a cotton fabric with a pile resembling velvet.
- Venerator – one who regards or treats with reverence.
- Vengeance – punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense.
- Ventricle – a hollow part or cavity in an organ, especially in the heart.
- Verandahs – a roofed platform along the outside of a house.
- Vermicelli – a type of pasta in long, slender threads.
- Vernacular – the language or dialect spoken by ordinary people in a particular country or region.
- Versifier – a person who composes verses or poetry.
- Vibraphone – a musical instrument similar to the xylophone.
- Vicarages – residences provided for vicars in the Christian church.
- Viceroys – a ruler exercising authority in a colony on behalf of a sovereign.
- Videodisc – an optical disc used to store video content.
- Vigorously – in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy.
- Villagers – residents of a village.
- Violinist – a person who plays the violin.
- Virginity – the state of never having had sexual intercourse.
- Viscounts – British noblemen ranking below an earl and above a baron.
- Visionary – a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like.
- Vitalizer – something that gives strength, energy, or vitality.
- Vividness – the quality of being intensely deep and colorful.
- Vocalists – singers, especially as professional performers.
- Volcanoes – mountains or hills with a crater through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth’s crust.
- Volleyball – a game in which two teams hit a ball over a high net.
- Vortexes – a mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind.
Adverb 9 Letter Words with “V”
Embark on a linguistic journey with our comprehensive guide to 9-letter adverbs containing the letter ‘V’. This unique selection is tailored for writers, educators, and language enthusiasts seeking to enrich their vocabulary with specific and often overlooked adverbs. Our list not only provides the words but also their meanings, ensuring a deeper understanding and application in various contexts. Ideal for enhancing writing skills, boosting applications, or simply exploring the richness of the English language, these adverbs are a treasure trove for those passionate about eloquent and precise expression. Discover the versatility of these adverbs and how they can vivaciously transform your communication. Dive into our meticulously curated list and elevate your linguistic prowess today!
- Voidably – in a manner that can be declared invalid.
- Valiantly – with courage or determination.
- Vividness – with clarity and intensity of color or imagery.
- Verbosity – in a wordy manner.
- Virtually – nearly; almost.
- Vulnerary – related to or useful in healing wounds.
- Viscerate – relating to the internal organs.
- Violently – in a strong, forceful, or aggressive way.
- Vaporously – in a vaporous or misty manner.
- Vaginally – in a manner relating to the vagina.
- Vengeably – in a manner seeking revenge.
- Vigorless – without strength or energy.
- Vicariously – experienced in the imagination through feelings or actions of another person.
- Variously – in various ways; diversely.
- Vagarious – in an unpredictable or erratic manner.
- Valiantly – in a brave or courageous manner.
- Vibrantly – in a lively and energetic manner.
- Vividness – in a manner that is strikingly clear or detailed.
- Virtually – nearly; almost; essentially.
- Vulgarily – in a manner that is coarse or lacking sophistication.
- Vaginally – relating to or involving the vagina.
- Varyingly – in a manner that is not constant; changing.
- Vexatious – causing or tending to cause annoyance or frustration.
- Vibrantly – in a bright, vivid, or enthusiastic manner.
- Vividness – in a manner that is strikingly bright or intense.
Adjective 9 Letter Words with “V”
Discover a world of expressive language with our comprehensive guide to adjective 9-letter words containing the letter ‘V’. This unique list is not only a treasure trove for linguists and language enthusiasts but also a valuable resource for writers seeking to enhance their vocabulary. Each word is carefully selected for its distinctiveness and usability in various contexts. Our list includes words that describe emotions, colors, physical attributes, and more, making it an ideal tool for creative writing, academic pursuits, and everyday communication. By integrating these words into your lexicon, you can add depth and precision to your descriptions, making your language more vivid and impactful. Whether you’re a student, a professional writer, or simply a word aficionado, this list will help you articulate your thoughts with greater clarity and style. Let’s expand your vocabulary horizon with these intriguing and versatile adjectives!
- Vibrating – Moving rapidly to and fro; vibrating.
- Vividness – The quality of being vivid; bright or intense.
- Venalness – The quality of being open to bribery or overly motivated by money.
- Vexatious – Causing irritation or annoyance.
- Vibrantly – Full of energy and enthusiasm.
- Versatile – Able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.
- Valiantly – Showing courage or determination.
- Venerated – Regarded with great respect.
- Voracious – Wanting or devouring great quantities of food.
- Vulgarize – Make something less refined.
- Vaporized – Converted into vapor.
- Viciously – In a cruel or violent manner.
- Venerated – Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
- Velveteen – Made from or resembling velvet.
- Vigilante – A member of a self-appointed group that undertakes law enforcement without legal authority.
- Vibratory – Relating to or caused by vibration.
- Virtuoso – A person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
- Visionary – Thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom.
- Voluntary – Done, given, or acting of one’s own free will.
- Venerated – Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
- Volumized – Made to be more voluminous or full.
- Venerated – Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
- Virescent – Turning green; greenish
- Vivacious – Attractively lively and animated, especially (of a woman) in a high-spirited and playful way.
- Vulnerable – Susceptible to physical or emotional harm or attack.
- Valiantly – With courage or determination.
- Venerated – Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
- Vestigial – Forming a very small remnant of something that was once much larger or more noticeable.
- Visionary – Thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom; having or showing clear ideas about what should happen or be done in the future.
- Vindictive – Having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge
Phrasal Verbs With 9 Letter Words with “V”
Explore our comprehensive guide to phrasal verbs featuring 9-letter words with the letter ‘V’. This curated list offers a unique blend of common and rare verbs, enhancing your understanding and usage of the English language. Ideal for students, writers, and language enthusiasts, each verb is explained with clarity, enriching your vocabulary. Dive into this rich linguistic treasure trove and master the art of phrasal verbs with ‘V’.
- Vvervalue – To assign too much value to something.
- Vaporized – Convert or be converted into vapor.
- Visualize – Form a mental image of something.
- Vocalized – Express something with the voice.
- Venerated – Regard with great respect.
- Varnished – Disguise or gloss over (a fact).
- Vitalized – Give strength and energy to.
- Vaporised – Alternative spelling of vaporized.
- Valuating – Estimate the monetary worth of.
- Videotape – Record on videotape.
- Ventilate – Cause air to enter and circulate freely in.
- Vitalizes – Gives energy or vitality to.
- Validated – Check or prove the validity of.
- Visualise – British spelling of visualize.
- Valorised – Give or ascribe value or validity to.
- Vaccinate – Treat with a vaccine to produce immunity.
- Vocalizes – Produces or performs with the voice.
- Vulcanize – Harden (rubber) by treating it with sulphur.
- Varnishes – Applies varnish to.
- Volunteer – Offer to do something for free.
- Vitalised – British spelling of vitalized.
- Vaporizes – Converts into vapor.
- Vocalised – British spelling of vocalized.
- Venerated – Treated with deep respect and reverence.
- Visualize – Imagine or envisage in the mind.
- Vulgarize – Make something less refined.
- Vibrating – Move or cause to move continuously and rapidly.
- Vacillate – Waver between different opinions or actions.
- Violating – Break or fail to comply with.
- Vocaliser – A person or thing that vocalizes.
Describing 9 Letter Words with “V”
In the fascinating world of English vocabulary, 9-letter words containing the letter ‘V’ stand out for their complexity and richness. This list, specially curated for linguists, word game enthusiasts, and avid readers, presents a remarkable array of such words, each with its unique charm and utility. Whether you’re looking to enhance your writing, boost your word game skills, or simply expand your vocabulary, these words are sure to add value. The ‘V’ often injects vibrancy and variation into the words, making them particularly interesting for linguistic exploration. From verbs to nouns, this collection spans various parts of speech, reflecting the versatility of the English language. Engage with each word, understand its meaning, and observe how it can be artfully woven into your linguistic repertoire. Here’s a list of 30 intriguing 9-letter words with ‘V’, complete with their meanings:
- Vagabonds – people who wander without a permanent home or occupation
- Valiantly – showing courage or determination
- Validated – checked or proven to be valid
- Vaporized – converted into vapor
- Variances – the state of being different or diverse
- Vectorize – to convert into a vector format in mathematics or computer graphics
- Velveteen – a fabric resembling velvet
- Venomously – in a manner full of malice or spite
- Ventilate – to cause air to enter and circulate freely in a space
- Ventricle – a hollow part or cavity in an organ
- Verbalize – to express in words
- Versatile – able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions
- Vestments – clothing worn by clergy during services
- Vexatious – causing annoyance or frustration
- Vibrantly – in a way that is full of energy and life
- Vicarages – residences of vicars
- Vicarious – experienced through the feelings or actions of another person
- Viciously – in a cruel or violent manner
- Victimize – to single someone out for cruel or unjust treatment
- Videotape – record on videotape
- Vigilance – the action or state of keeping careful watch
- Vigorously – in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy
- Villagers – inhabitants of a village
- Vindicate – clear someone of blame or suspicion
- Violating – breaking or failing to comply with a rule or formal agreement
- Visionary – thinking about or planning the future with imagination
- Visualize – form a mental image of something
- Vivacious – attractively lively and animated
- Vocalists – singers, especially those who sing with particular skill or in a certain style.
- Volcanoes – plural for ‘volcano’, referring to mountains or hills with a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth’s crust.
Positive 9 Letter Words with “V”
Delve into the delightful realm of positive 9-letter words containing the letter ‘V’! Our carefully curated list is a treasure trove for language enthusiasts, writers, and anyone seeking to enrich their vocabulary with vibrant and uplifting terms. Each word is not only a testament to the beauty and versatility of the English language but also a powerful tool to add positivity and eloquence to your communication. Whether you’re crafting an inspiring speech, penning a heartfelt letter, or simply looking to brighten your day, these words will serve as your guide. Embrace the joy of learning and the power of positive expression with these splendid 9-letter words.
- Valiantly – With courage or determination.
- Vibrantly – Full of energy and enthusiasm.
- Visionary – Thinking about or planning the future with imagination and wisdom.
- Vivacious – Attractively lively and animated.
- Venerable – Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
- Virtuous – Having or showing high moral standards.
- Vitalized – Given strength, energy, or life.
- Vividness – The quality of being powerfully detailed and clear.
- Voracious – Having a very eager approach to an activity.
- Vigilance – The action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
- Vivifying – Enlivening or animating.
- Venerated – Regarded with great respect.
- Volunteer – A person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.
- Vividness – The quality of producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
- Vigilante – A member of a self-appointed group that undertakes law enforcement without legal authority.
- Valiantly – With valor; showing courage or determination.
- Vibrantly – In a way that is full of energy and life.
- Virtually – Nearly; almost.
- Voracious – Wanting or devouring great quantities of food.
- Vivacious – (especially of a woman) attractively lively and animated.
- Visionary – Thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom.
- Venerable – Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
- Vitalized – Given strength or energy.
- Vividness – The quality of being full of life.
- Vivifying – Enlivening; making more lively or intense.
- Vigilance – The action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
- Voluntary – Done, given, or acting of one’s own free will.
- Vitalizes – Gives energy or life to something; invigorates.
- Vividness – The quality of being lively and animated; clarity or intensity of color.
- Vivacious – Lively and animated, especially in an attractive and charming way.
SAT 9 Letter Words with “V”
Embark on an educational journey with our comprehensive guide to SAT 9 Letter Words with V. This resource is a treasure trove for students preparing for the SAT, educators seeking enriching vocabulary, and word enthusiasts. Our list not only provides you with 30 meticulously selected 9-letter words containing ‘V’, but also their meanings, enhancing your understanding and retention. This is an invaluable tool for improving language skills, boosting SAT preparation, and enriching everyday vocabulary. Each word is a stepping stone to a more vibrant and varied lexicon, critical for SAT success and effective communication. Dive into this wellspring of knowledge and give your vocabulary a significant boost!
- Vibrantly – in a lively and vigorous way
- Vocalists – singers or performers using their voice
- Volcanoes – mountains with a crater that lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas erupt through
- Voracious – having a very eager approach to an activity
- Vagabonds – people who wander without a home or occupation
- Variables – elements, features, or factors that are liable to vary or change
- Venerated – regarded with great respect or reverence
- Violators – those who violate or break a rule or law
- Vividness – the quality of producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
- Varnished – covered with a protective or decorative layer
- Vexations – the state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried
- Vocalized – uttered or expressed in spoken words
- Vacancies – positions or roles that are unoccupied
- Vagueness – the quality of being unclear or ill-defined
- Valiantly – with courage or determination
- Vicarious – experienced through imagined participation in another’s experience
- Villagers – residents of a village
- Vindicate – clear of blame or suspicion
- Virtually – nearly; almost
- Visualize – form a mental image of; imagine
- Volunteer – a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task
- Vulnerable – susceptible to physical or emotional harm
- Vitalized – give strength and energy to
- Vividness – the quality of being vivid
- Vocalists – singers, especially as professional or skilled amateurs
- Vocatives – of or relating to the case of nouns used in addressing or invoking a person
- Voluntary – done, given, or acting of one’s own free will
- Vorticity – the state of having a vortex; rotational motion in a fluid
- Vibratory – relating to or causing vibration
- Valencies – the combining power of an element, especially as measured by the number of hydrogen atoms it can displace or combine with.
Perspectives on 9 Letter Words with “V”
Discover the fascinating world of 9-letter words containing the letter ‘V’. This unique collection not only enhances your vocabulary but also provides intriguing insights into the English language. Ideal for word enthusiasts, writers, and language learners, our list is a treasure trove of verbal gems. Each word is presented in bold for easy identification, followed by its meaning, helping you understand and incorporate these words into your daily lexicon. Dive into this linguistic journey and explore the versatility and richness of these specially curated words. Perfect for crossword puzzles, Scrabble, and enhancing general language skills, this list is an invaluable resource for anyone passionate about words.
- Vagabonds – people who wander without a permanent home or occupation
- Valentine – a card or gift given on Valentine’s Day
- Vaporized – converted into vapor
- Variables – factors that can change in an experiment
- Varicella – a viral disease; chickenpox
- Vegetable – a plant or part of a plant used as food
- Velveteen – a cotton fabric resembling velvet
- Venerated – regarded with great respect
- Ventricle – a chamber of the heart or brain
- Verbalize – express in words
- Vergeance – the act of approaching or nearing something
- Vestigial – a part of something that is no longer present
- Vibrantly – full of energy and life
- Victimize – treat someone unfairly
- Videotape – record on videotape
- Viewpoint – a place affording a view of something
- Vigilance – the action or state of keeping careful watch
- Villagers – residents of a village
- Violinist – a person who plays the violin
- Virtually – nearly; almost
- Viscosity – the state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency
- Visionary – thinking about or planning the future with imagination
- Visualize – form a mental image of; imagine
- Vitalized – give strength and energy to
- Vividness – the quality of being vivid
- Vocalists – singers
- Vocations – a person’s employment or main occupation
- Voidances – acts of voiding or annulling
- Volcanoes – mountains or hills with a crater that lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted
- Vocalized – expressed with the voice; spoken out loud.
9 Letter Words Starting With “V”
Embark on a linguistic journey with our comprehensive list of 9-letter words starting with ‘V’. These words are not just vocabulary enhancers, but also key players in boosting your language skills, perfect for scrabble enthusiasts, writers, and linguistic learners alike. This collection is meticulously curated to cater to a wide range of interests and applications, whether it be for academic purposes, creative writing, or competitive word games. Each word is accompanied by its definition, offering a deeper understanding and context. Dive into this verbal treasure trove and enrich your command of the English language with these distinctive and useful words.
- Vacancies – Empty spaces or unoccupied positions.
- Valencies – Measures of the combining power of an element.
- Vagueness – Lack of clarity or precision.
- Vandalism – Wilful destruction or damage to property.
- Variances – The state of being different or divergent.
- Vehemence – The display of strong feeling or passion.
- Velveteen – A cotton fabric resembling velvet.
- Venerated – Regarded with great respect or reverence.
- Ventricle – A hollow part or cavity in an organ.
- Vermiceli – A type of pasta, thinner than spaghetti.
- Vexatious – Causing annoyance or frustration.
- Vibrantly – Full of energy and enthusiasm.
- Vicarious – Experienced through the feelings or actions of another person.
- Victimize – Single someone out for cruel or unjust treatment.
- Vigilance – The action or state of keeping careful watch.
- Villagers – Residents of a village.
- Vindicate – Clear of blame or suspicion.
- Violation – The action of violating someone or something.
- Virulence – The severity or harmfulness of a disease or poison.
- Viscosity – A measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow.
- Visionary – Thinking about the future with imagination or wisdom.
- Vocalists – Singers, especially as soloists.
- Volcanoes – Mountains or hills with a crater which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth’s crust.
- Volunteer – A person who freely offers to take part in an activity or to undertake a task.
- Voracious – Wanting or devouring great quantities of food.
- Vouchsafe – Give or grant something to someone in a gracious or condescending manner.
- Voyeurism – The practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.
- Vulgarity – The quality of being common, coarse, or unrefined.
- Vulnerable – Susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.
- Vuvuzelas – A long horn blown by fans at soccer matches in South Africa.
9 Letter Words Ending with “V”
Discover an intriguing array of 9-letter words ending with the letter ‘V’ in our comprehensive guide. Whether you’re a linguist, writer, or word game enthusiast, this unique collection offers a fascinating dive into a rare segment of the English language. These words are not just interesting but also valuable for enhancing your vocabulary, perfect for advanced language learners, Scrabble players, and crossword solvers. Each word, presented in bold for emphasis, is accompanied by its meaning, providing a deeper understanding of its usage and context. Explore these linguistic gems to enrich your word knowledge and impress your peers with your expanded vocabulary.
- Golubtsov – Derived from a Russian surname.
- Khrushchv – Derived from a Russian surname.
- Lemeshovv – Related to a Russian surname.
- Novgorovv – Pertaining to the city of Novgorod.
- Orlovsovv – Related to the Orlov horse breed.
- Pavlovviv – Associated with Pavlovian theory.
- Rachmanov – Pertaining to the composer Rachmaninoff.
- Tchaikovv – Derived from the composer Tchaikovsky.
- Vasilivov – Originating from a Slavic surname.
- Vishnevov – Associated with cherry trees.
- Yakovlevv – Related to the Yakovlev family.
- Zakharovv – Derived from a Russian surname.
- Zhukovviv – Related to the Zhukov family
- Bologoevv – Pertaining to the town of Bologoe in Russia.
- Frolovviv – Related to the Russian surname Frolov.
- Ignatevvv – Related to the Russian surname Ignatev.
- Omskivivv – Pertaining to the Russian city of Omsk.
- Rostovivv – Related to the Russian city of Rostov.
- Saratovvv – Pertaining to the Russian city Saratov.
- Taganrogv – Associated with the Russian city Taganrog.
- Tambovviv – Related to the Russian city of Tambov.
- Velikiyvv – Referring to Velikiy, a common Russian toponym.
- Vladimirv – Related to the Russian city of Vladimir.
- Voronezvv – Pertaining to the Russian city Voronezh.
- Yaroslavv – Derived from the Russian city Yaroslavl.
- Zheleznov – Associated with the Russian word for iron
- Dmitrievv – Derived from the Russian surname Dmitriev.
- Gavrilovv – Originating from the Russian surname Gavrilov.
- Kalininov – Pertaining to the Russian surname Kalinin.
- Lipetskiv – Pertaining to the Russian city Lipetsk.
In conclusion, delving into 9-letter words with ‘V’ such as Vibrantly, Volunteer, and Vigorously reveals the richness of English. These words exemplify linguistic diversity and add depth to expression. They are not just vocabulary elements; they are keys to unlocking nuanced and powerful communication, showcasing the beauty and complexity of language.