“AU” Words

Last Updated: April 15, 2024

“AU” Words


To create unique and high-clickable meta descriptions focusing on “AU” words, we need to understand the context in which “AU” is being used. “AU” can stand for various things, such as “Alternate Universe” in fanfiction, “Gold” in the periodic table (from its Latin name ‘Aurum’), or “Australia” (as an abbreviation). Without specific context, I’ll provide examples that cover these interpretations. The aim is to engage the reader with intriguing summaries that prompt clicks, while seamlessly incorporating “AU” words.

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150+  Most Commonly Used “AU” Words


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Author Autumn Audience Auction Authorization
August Auspicious Authentic Autonomy Automatic
Automobile Auxiliary Austerity Auditorium Augment
Audition Auscultation Auteur Authoritarian Audible
Audit Augury Auricle Aught Aubergine
Audacity Aural Augmenting Auditor Augustly
Au Pair Auk Aunty Auctioneer Aurally
Auburn Audiology Augur Autistic Autopsy
Autocrat Autograph Automation Autotroph Autumnal
Austerity Authorize Autoclave Autodidact Auxin
Auditorium Autobiography Autoimmune Autograft Autogenous
Autarky Austerely Autarchy Authorship Auslander
Augmented Augmentative Aurochs Aureole Auspicate
Autotomic Autonomic Autosomes Auxiliaries Autolysis
Autocracy Autecology Authorial Autotelic Autoclaved
Autodidacts Autogamy Autolytic Autobahns Autobuses
Autogiros Autoharps Automaker Autotypes Autunite
Auxotrophs Autotelism Autarkies Autacoids Autochthons
Autocycles Autogamies Autogenics Autolysate Autolysins
Autolyzing Autophytes Autophobias Autopilots Autopsists
Autostrada Autostrade Autotomies Autotomize Autotrophs
Auxochrome Auxotrophy Auxospores Auxanometer Auteurism
Auks Aurally Auralities Aurorean Auroras
Auscultators Ausform Auspex Auspices Aussies
Austenite Australes Autarchs Autarkic Authoress
Authorings Authorisms Authorless Authotype Autoecisms
Autogeneses Autogenous Autografts Autographs Autography
Autoguiders Autoimmune Autointoxication Autokinetic Autolysates
Autoimmune Autolyse Autoecious Autotelism Autotheism
Autotrophic Auxesis Auxiliaries Aurorean Auspiciously
Authenticity Authoritative Automatize Autonomously Autotomous

3 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Exploring three-letter words with “AU” is a fantastic way to enhance vocabulary and understanding of word patterns. These compact words are not only essential for early language learners but also serve as building blocks for more complex word formations. Teachers can introduce these to students, enriching their word bank and aiding in their linguistic development. Here’s a curated list for educational purposes.

  1. Tau – A Greek letter.
  2. Sau – An old word for ‘sow’ or female pig.
  3. Auk – A type of seabird.
  4. Aua – A fish found in Pacific regions.
  5. Eau – French for ‘water’, used in English in certain contexts.
  6. Gau – A religious amulet or symbol in Tibet.
  7. Vau – A variant of ‘vav’, the sixth letter of many Semitic alphabets.
  8. Fau – An archaic spelling for ‘foul’.
  9. Cau – A variant spelling for ‘cow’.
  10. Dau – An abbreviation for ‘daughter’.

4 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Four-letter words with “AU” are perfect for expanding vocabulary in a meaningful way. These words often represent more complex concepts and can be used to challenge students to think critically about language and its usage. Teachers can incorporate these words into lessons, games, and quizzes to make learning more interactive and fun.

  1. Aura – A distinctive atmosphere or quality.
  2. Paul – A common given name.
  3. Saul – A Hebrew king’s name.
  4. Maul – To injure by beating.
  5. Faun – A mythical half-human, half-goat creature.
  6. Daub – To smear or coat unskillfully.
  7. Haul – To pull or drag with effort.
  8. Laud – To praise or extol.
  9. Saut – A cooking term, from ‘sauté’.
  10. Gaud – A showy ornament or trinket.

5 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Five-letter words containing “AU” offer a richer layer of vocabulary for students to explore, often encompassing a broader range of meanings and applications. These words can help students in constructing more nuanced sentences and understanding the intricacies of English. Teachers can use these words to stimulate discussions, encourage creative writing, and enhance comprehension skills.

  1. Fault – A defect or imperfection.
  2. Sauce – A liquid or semi-liquid substance served with food.
  3. Laugh – To express mirth audibly.
  4. Gauge – A measurement standard or instrument.
  5. Cause – A reason or motive for an action.
  6. Sauna – A small room used as a hot-air or steam bath.
  7. Vault – A secure room or chamber for storage.
  8. Beaut – Slang for a beautiful person or thing.
  9. Fauna – The animals of a particular region or period.
  10. Caulk – To make watertight by filling in cracks.

6 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Dive into the world of six-letter words featuring “AU” to broaden your vocabulary and enhance linguistic skills. These words, rich in diversity, offer a fantastic opportunity for teachers to introduce a variety of concepts and spellings to students, making learning both fun and educational. Here’s a list of carefully selected words for classroom use.

  1. Caught – Captured or seized, especially after a pursuit.
  2. Mauled – Attacked or injured by scratching and tearing.
  3. Launch – To start or set in motion.
  4. Glaucy – Having a powdery or waxy coating that gives a frosted appearance.
  5. Causal – Relating to cause and effect.
  6. Beauty – A combination of qualities that pleases the senses.
  7. Faulty – Having defects; imperfect.
  8. Paunch – A large or protruding abdomen or stomach.
  9. Saucer – A small shallow dish for holding a cup.
  10. Hauler – A person or thing that hauls or transports.

7 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Exploring seven-letter words with “AU” can significantly enhance vocabulary, providing students with a broader range of expression and comprehension. These words can be instrumental in developing sophisticated linguistic skills. Ideal for classroom activities, these words encourage deeper engagement with the language.

  1. Graupel – Soft, small pellets of ice formed when supercooled water droplets coat a snowflake.
  2. Clauses – Individual provisions or sections in a legal document.
  3. Goulash – A spicy stew of meat and vegetables, originating in Hungary.
  4. Tautens – Makes or becomes tense or tight.
  5. Jauntly – Done with a lively and cheerful manner.
  6. Mausole – An alternative spelling for mausoleum, a large tomb.
  7. Sautoir – A long, thin piece of jewelry that hangs down to the waist.
  8. Faubour – Short for faubourg, meaning a suburb of a French city.
  9. Laundry – Clothes or linens that need to be or have been washed.
  10. Applaud – To show approval or praise by clapping.

8 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Eight-letter words with “AU” are perfect for expanding students’ vocabulary and understanding of complex word structures. These words are suitable for advanced learners, offering challenges in spelling, pronunciation, and usage. Incorporating these into lessons can significantly enhance linguistic proficiency.

  1. Caulking – Sealing a gap or seam to make it watertight.
  2. Squabble – A noisy quarrel about something petty or trivial.
  3. Gaudiest – Excessively showy or ornamented.
  4. Saucepan – A deep cooking pan with a handle and often a lid.
  5. Vaulting – Arching or leaping as in gymnastics or architecture.
  6. Beautify – To make beautiful or enhance in appearance.
  7. Faulting – The process of fracturing or the occurrence of fractures in a rock.
  8. Traumata – The plural of trauma, referring to emotional or physical injuries.
  9. Graupels – The plural form of graupel, referring to multiple instances of the weather phenomenon.
  10. Auditory – Related to the sense of hearing.

9 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Embark on a journey with nine-letter words featuring “AU” to enrich your vocabulary and language skills. These words, with their complexity and variety, offer an excellent opportunity for educators to challenge students and enhance their understanding of English. Incorporating these words into teaching materials can stimulate critical thinking and language proficiency.

  1. Beauteous – Possessing beauty; beautiful.
  2. Sauceboat – A boat-shaped vessel for serving sauce or gravy.
  3. Traumatic – Relating to or causing physical or emotional trauma.
  4. Autoclave – A strong, heated container used for chemical reactions and sterilizing equipment.
  5. Cauldrons – Large metal pots for cooking or boiling.
  6. Fraudster – Someone who commits fraud, especially in a business context.
  7. Gaudiness – The state or quality of being extravagantly bright or showy.
  8. Laundress – A woman employed to wash clothes.
  9. Squawking – Making a loud, harsh noise.
  10. Vaultings – Arched structures or the act of leaping or springing.

9 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Embark on a journey with nine-letter words featuring “AU” to enrich your vocabulary and language skills. These words, with their complexity and variety, offer an excellent opportunity for educators to challenge students and enhance their understanding of English. Incorporating these words into teaching materials can stimulate critical thinking and language proficiency:

  1. Beauteous – Possessing beauty; beautiful.
  2. Sauceboat – A boat-shaped vessel for serving sauce or gravy.
  3. Traumatic – Relating to or causing physical or emotional trauma.
  4. Autoclave – A strong, heated container used for chemical reactions and sterilizing equipment.
  5. Cauldrons – Large metal pots for cooking or boiling.
  6. Fraudster – Someone who commits fraud, especially in a business context.
  7. Gaudiness – The state or quality of being extravagantly bright or showy.
  8. Laundress – A woman employed to wash clothes.
  9. Squawking – Making a loud, harsh noise.
  10. Vaultings – Arched structures or the act of leaping or springing.

10 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Delve into ten-letter words containing “AU” to further develop linguistic capabilities and vocabulary. These words are perfect for expanding the horizons of students and educators alike, offering depth in understanding and application of the English language. These words not only enhance spelling but also aid in comprehension and usage.

  1. Beautifuls – Plural form of beautiful, indicating more than one person or thing possessing beauty.
  2. Cauliflowe – A misspelling of cauliflower, a type of vegetable.
  3. Gaudilying – Adorning in a showy or tastelessly garish manner.
  4. Sauerkraut – Fermented cabbage, a traditional German dish.
  5. Traumatize – To cause someone to experience severe emotional distress.
  6. Autoclaved – Past tense of autoclave, indicating something that has been sterilized.
  7. Caulkingly – Pertaining to the act of sealing a joint or seam.
  8. Fraudulent – Deceitful or dishonest.
  9. Laundrette – A place where clothes are laundered, especially a self-service laundry.
  10. Squabbling – Engaging in a petty quarrel or dispute.

11 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Explore eleven-letter words with “AU” to deepen your understanding of language structure and vocabulary. These words are excellent for advanced learners, offering a challenge in terms of spelling, pronunciation, and usage. Ideal for educational settings, these words can help in crafting more sophisticated language lessons and exercises.

  1. Beautifying – Making something beautiful or enhancing its beauty.
  2. Cauliflower – A vegetable with a white, flower-like head surrounded by green leaves.
  3. Gaudinesses – The plural form of gaudiness, indicating multiple instances of being showy or flashy.
  4. Sauerkrauts – Plural of sauerkraut, indicating more than one batch or type of fermented cabbage.
  5. Traumatized – Past tense of traumatize, indicating someone who has been severely distressed.
  6. Autoclaving – Present participle of autoclave, indicating the process of sterilizing.
  7. Caulkingman – Someone who applies caulking to seams and joints.
  8. Fraudulence – The quality or state of being fraudulent.
  9. Laundrettes – Plural of laundrette, indicating more than one self-service laundry place.
  10. Squabblings – Plural of squabbling, indicating multiple instances of petty quarrels.

12 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Venture into the realm of twelve-letter words featuring “AU” to expand your vocabulary and enhance your command of the English language. These words, with their intricate structures and diverse meanings, provide a rich resource for educators looking to introduce advanced vocabulary to students. By incorporating these words into lessons, educators can foster a deeper understanding of language nuances, improve spelling skills, and stimulate intellectual curiosity.

  1. Beauticians – Professionals specializing in cosmetic treatments for the skin, hair, and nails.
  2. Sauerkrautes – Plural form of sauerkraut, referring to more than one type of this fermented cabbage dish.
  3. Gaudinessess – The state of being excessively showy or brightly colored to an unpleasant degree.
  4. Laughterless – Lacking laughter, joy, or mirth.
  5. Cauliflowers – Plural for cauliflower, indicating more than one of this type of vegetable.
  6. Authoritativ – Exhibiting authority, often in a commanding and confident manner.
  7. Beauteousnes – The quality of being beautiful or aesthetically pleasing.
  8. Slaughterhou – A facility where animals are killed for consumption as food products.
  9. Traumatising – British spelling for traumatizing, meaning causing emotional or physical trauma.
  10. Vaudevillian – Relating to the style of variety entertainment popular in the early 20th century.

13 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Delve into the intricate world of thirteen-letter words featuring “AU” to broaden linguistic horizons and enhance vocabulary. These words, with their complexity and varied meanings, are excellent tools for educators aiming to challenge students and deepen their understanding of English nuances. Introducing these words in educational settings can promote advanced language skills, critical thinking, and a love for the richness of language.

  1. Authoritative – Commanding and self-confident; likely to be respected and obeyed.
  2. Vaudevillians – Performers who participated in vaudeville, a type of entertainment popular in the early 20th century.
  3. Exhaustivenes – The quality of being thorough and complete.
  4. Gourmandizing – Indulging in good eating; eating greedily or voraciously.
  5. Autocatalyses – The process of a chemical reaction being catalyzed by one of its own products.
  6. Autoexposures – Camera settings that automatically adjust the exposure based on the lighting conditions.
  7. Automobilists – Individuals who drive or are enthusiasts of automobiles.
  8. Autorickshaws – Motorized three-wheeled vehicles used as taxis in some countries.
  9. Automatically – Occurring or functioning without conscious thought or deliberate action.
  10. Autocatalyzed – A reaction that has been catalyzed by one of its own products or by a product of a very similar reaction.

14 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Embark on an exploration of fourteen-letter words containing “AU” to expand your linguistic repertoire and challenge your understanding of the English language. These words, rich in complexity and diversity, are perfect for educators seeking to introduce advanced vocabulary to students, thereby enhancing their communication skills and deepening their appreciation for language nuances. Integrating these words into lessons can foster a more profound engagement with English, promoting both critical thinking and a passion for linguistic exploration:

  1. Automatization – The process of making an action or process automatic through the use of technology or machinery.
  2. Autobiographer – A person who writes their own biography, telling the story of their life.
  3. Auscultationis – A medical professional skilled in auscultation, the act of listening to the internal sounds of the body.
  4. Authentication – The process of verifying the authenticity or validity of something.
  5. Autoinfections – The process of infecting oneself with pathogens originating from one’s own body.
  6. Autopolyploidy – A condition in which an organism has more than two sets of chromosomes derived from a single species.
  7. Cautiousnesses – The quality of being careful, prudent, or wary in one’s actions or decisions.
  8. Claustrophobes – Individuals who suffer from claustrophobia, an irrational fear of confined spaces.
  9. Slaughterhouse – A facility where animals are killed for their meat
  10. Aurora Borealis – The natural light display in the Earth’s sky, predominantly seen in high-latitude regions around the Arctic and Antarctic.

15 Letter Words Containing “AU”

Dive into the world of fifteen-letter words with “AU” to expand and enrich your vocabulary. These specific words are excellent for educational purposes, offering students and educators alike the opportunity to explore complex linguistic structures and meanings. Introducing such words in a learning environment can enhance language skills, promote advanced vocabulary usage, and stimulate an appreciation for the nuances of English.

  1. Audiometrically– Pertaining to the measurement of hearing acuity.
  2. Autocorrelation – A statistical measure of how well a series of values correlates with a lagged version of itself.
  3. Auxotrophically – Relating to auxotrophy, a condition where an organism requires additional nutritional substances for growth.
  4. Autocatalytical – Pertaining to autocatalysis, a reaction in which one of the products acts as a catalyst for the reaction
  5. Astronautically – Pertaining to astronautics, the science and technology of space travel.
  6. Audaciousnesses – The qualities of being audacious, showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks.
  7. Superbureaucrat – A highly efficient or powerful administrator, especially one who is perceived as excessively concerned with procedural correctness at the expense of people’s needs.
  8. Faultlessnesses – The states of being without any faults, flaws, or imperfections
  9. Radioautography – A photographic process used to detect radioactive materials, where photographic film is exposed to radioactive substances.
  10. Autocorrelation – A statistical measure of the degree of similarity between a given time series and a lagged version of itself over successive time intervals.

“AU” Words for Kids


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Introducing “AU” words to kids is a delightful way to expand their vocabulary and spark their interest in language. Words with the “AU” sound can be fascinating due to their unique pronunciation and the variety of concepts they represent. From animals to everyday objects, these words are perfect for engaging young minds in the wonders of language. Teachers can use this list to create interactive and educational activities that help students understand and use these words in their communication, enhancing both their vocabulary and phonetic skills.

  1. Author – A person who writes books or stories.
  2. Autumn – The season of the year between summer and winter.
  3. Audio – Sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced.
  4. Aunt – The sister of one’s father or mother or the wife of one’s uncle.
  5. Auras – A distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, place, or thing.
  6. Augur – (Historical) A religious official in ancient Rome who interpreted omens.
  7. Fault – A mistake or error.
  8. Sauce – A liquid or semi-liquid substance served with food to add moisture and flavor.
  9. Launch – To start or set in motion.
  10. Pause – A temporary stop or rest.

“AU” Words with Phonics


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Teaching “AU” words through phonics is an excellent strategy for educators to enhance students’ reading and pronunciation skills. Phonics focuses on the relationship between sounds and their spellings, making it easier for children to decode words. The “AU” sound is a distinctive diphthong that can be found in various words, providing a fun and engaging way for kids to learn new vocabulary. By incorporating “AU” words into phonics lessons, teachers can help students improve their auditory discrimination and spelling abilities, laying a strong foundation for literacy. Here’s a list of “AU” words, perfect for phonics practice.

  1. Auction (/ˈɔ:k.ʃən/) – A public event where items are sold to the highest bidder.
  2. August (/ˈɔ:.gəst/) – The eighth month of the year, typically associated with the height of summer.
  3. Laundry (/ˈlɔ:n.dri/) – Clothing, linens, or other fabrics that need to be washed or have just been washed.
  4. Applaud (/əˈplɔ:d/) – To show approval or praise by clapping hands.
  5. Auspice (/ˈɔ:.spɪs/) – Protection or support; often used in the plural form “auspices” to mean guidance or patronage.
  6. Taut (/tɔ:t/) – Pulled tight, with no slack.
  7. Gaudy (/ˈgɔ:.di/) – Bright and showy in a way that lacks taste.
  8. Maul (/mɔ:l/) – To attack or handle someone or something roughly.
  9. Haunt (/hɔ:nt/) – A place often visited by a particular person or group.
  10. Caution (/ˈkɔ:.ʃən/) – Care taken to avoid danger or mistakes; the act of warning someone.

“AU” Perspective Words


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Exploring “AU” perspective words offers a unique angle to understand how certain words shape our perception and communication. These words, embedded with the “AU” sound, carry meanings that can influence viewpoints, express opinions, or describe observations. Teachers can use this list to encourage students to think critically about language and its power in conveying different perspectives. By integrating these words into lessons, educators can enhance students’ vocabulary, enrich their expression, and foster a deeper understanding of how language can shape thoughts and dialogues.

  1. Authoritative – Carrying the weight of authority; commanding and confident.
  2. Audacious – Showing a willingness to take bold risks; daring.
  3. Auspicious – Conducive to success; favorable or fortunate.
  4. Autonomous – Having the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs.
  5. Auditorium – A large room or hall designed for public gatherings, typically for performances or speeches.
  6. Austere – Severe or strict in manner or attitude.
  7. Authentic – Of undisputed origin; genuine and true.
  8. Cautionary – Serving as a warning to prevent mistakes or dangers.
  9. Plausibility – The quality of seeming reasonable or probable.
  10. Audibility – The quality of being able to be heard.

Starting “AU” Words


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Focusing on words that start with “AU” is an engaging way to enhance students’ vocabulary and phonetic awareness. These words, beginning with the distinctive “AU” sound, span various categories and meanings, from everyday objects to complex concepts. Teachers can incorporate these words into spelling, reading, and writing activities, making learning both fun and educational. By familiarizing students with these words, educators can help them recognize patterns, improve pronunciation, and expand their language skills, which are essential for effective communication:

  1. Auburn – A reddish-brown color, often used to describe hair.
  2. Audible – Able to be heard; loud enough to hear.
  3. August – The eighth month of the year, named after Augustus Caesar.
  4. Aurora – A natural light display in the sky, particularly in high-latitude regions, caused by the collision of solar wind and magnetospheric charged particles.
  5. Auteur – A filmmaker whose personal influence and artistic control over a movie are so significant that they are regarded as the author of the movie.
  6. Auction – A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
  7. Audit – An official inspection of an individual’s or organization’s accounts, typically by an independent body.
  8. Auspice – A sign or portent, particularly one that is used to predict the future; often used in the plural form “auspices” to mean guidance or protection.
  9. Autumn – The season after summer and before winter, when leaves fall from the trees.
  10. Author – A person who writes books, articles, or any literary piece.

Ending “AU” Words


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Delving into words that end with “AU” offers a unique opportunity to explore a less common but intriguing aspect of English vocabulary. These words, while fewer in number, are rich in diversity, touching on various subjects from geography to personal adornments. Teachers can use these distinctive words to enhance students’ spelling abilities, enrich their vocabulary, and introduce them to the phonetic and structural variety within the English language. Here’s a curated list of words ending in “AU” for educational use:

  1. Bureau – An office or agency, especially one providing services or information.
  2. Chateau – A large French country house or castle.
  3. Plateau – An area of relatively level high ground.
  4. Beau – A boyfriend or male admirer.
  5. Tableau – A group of models or motionless figures representing a scene.
  6. Pommeau – A type of French alcoholic drink made by mixing apple juice with apple brandy.
  7. Porteau – A water passage or strait, especially in the name of specific locations.
  8. Reseau – A network; used specifically in astronomy and photography to refer to a grid of fine lines on a glass plate.
  9. Tonneau – The rear seating compartment of an early type of automobile.
  10. Sureau – A European elder or elderberry plant.

In conclusion, “AU” words present a fascinating aspect of English vocabulary, spanning from everyday terms to more specialized language. Whether starting with “AU” or ending with it, these words enhance linguistic diversity and enrich communication. Educators can leverage these words to broaden students’ horizons, making learning both engaging and comprehensive.



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AU Words for Kids

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AU Perspective Words