450+ Blending Words, Meaning, PDF


Blending words, a linguistic phenomenon where elements of two or more words are combined to create a new word, plays a significant role in the evolution of language. These blended words, often born out of convenience or the need for new terminology, enrich our vocabulary by providing concise, novel ways to express complex concepts. This introduction aims to explore various examples of blending words, shedding light on how they are formed and their impact on modern English. From “brunch” (breakfast + lunch) to “smog” (smoke + fog), blending words showcase the dynamic and creative nature of language, making them an exciting aspect of linguistic study for students, writers, and language enthusiasts alike.

Download Most Commonly used Blending Words - PDF

Most Commonly used Blending Words

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Brunch Infomercial Smog Motel
Blog Email Frenemy Glamping
Brexit Sitcom Webinar Brangelina
Ginormous Mockumentary Cosplay Bromance
Workaholic Newscast Textpectation Frappuccino
Fashionista Gaydar Pixel Fanfiction
Chocoholic Hacktivism Greenwash Screenager
Rockumentary Faction Infomaniac Sportainment
Vlog Labradoodle Listicle Meme
Workcation Spork Emoticon Webzine
Fantabulous Chillax Shopaholic Botox
Bitmoji Frugality Glitterati Mankini
Vape Webinar Sitcom Bromance
Edutainment Infotainment Screenager Faction
Telecommute Workaholic Brunch Smog
Guesstimate Spanglish Webisode Cybercrime
Chillax Staycation Cineplex Sportainment
Shopaholic Telethon Transmedia Motel
Carjack Autotune Mockbuster Guesstimate

Blending Words for Kids

Blending Words for Kids

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  1. Brunch: A meal that combines breakfast and lunch, usually eaten in the late morning.
  2. Motel: A hotel providing travelers with lodging and free parking, typically by the highway.
  3. Guesstimate: An estimate made without using adequate or complete information, based on a mix of guess and estimate.
  4. Infomercial: A television program that promotes a product in an informative and supposedly objective way.
  5. Sitcom: A television series that involves a continuous story in a series of comedy situations (situation comedy).
  6. Newscast: A broadcast of news on the radio or television.
  7. Edutainment: Content that is designed to educate and to entertain.
  8. Mockumentary: A film or television show depicting fictional events but presented as a documentary.
  9. Blog: A regularly updated website or web page, typically run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
  10. Webinar: An online seminar or workshop where participants can interact.

Blending Sound Words

Blending Sound Words

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  1. Smog: A mix of smoke and fog, reducing visibility.
  2. Brunch: A late morning meal that combines breakfast and lunch.
  3. Motel: A roadside hotel designed primarily for motorists, typically having the rooms arranged in a low building with parking directly outside.
  4. Infomercial: A television program that combines information and a commercial to advertise or promote a product.
  5. Sitcom: A genre of comedy centered around a fixed set of characters who carry over from episode to episode.
  6. Newscast: A television or radio broadcast of news reports.
  7. Edutainment: Media designed to educate through entertainment.
  8. Mockumentary: A type of movie or television show depicting fictional events but presented as a documentary.
  9. Blog: A personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis.
  10. Webinar: An interactive seminar conducted over the Internet.

Short Blending Words

Short Blending Words

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  1. Smog: Air pollution typically consisting of smoke and fog.
  2. Brunch: A meal eaten late in the morning, combining breakfast with lunch.
  3. Blog: A regularly updated personal website or web page.
  4. Motel: A hotel for motorists, with parking spaces near the rooms.
  5. Vlog: A blog in which the postings are primarily in video form.
  6. Email: Messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network.
  7. Sitcom: Short for situational comedy, a genre of comedy centered on a fixed set of characters.
  8. Webinar: A seminar conducted over the Internet.
  9. Mocktail: A cocktail without alcohol.
  10. Infomercial: A television program that promotes a product in an informative manner.

Long Blending Words

Long Blending Words

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  1. Infotainment: Broadcasting material that is intended both to inform and to entertain.
  2. Docudrama: A dramatized television movie based on real events.
  3. Edutainment: Content designed both to educate and to entertain, especially designed for children.
  4. Mockumentary: A film or television series presented as a documentary but about fictitious events.
  5. Telethon: A lengthy television program to raise funds for a charity.
  6. Agrihood: A planned community that integrates agriculture into a residential neighborhood.
  7. Fashionista: A person who designs, sells, or is very interested in clothing fashions.
  8. Workaholic: A person who compulsively works hard and long hours.
  9. Shopaholic: A person who is addicted to shopping.
  10. Chocoholic: A person who is excessively fond of chocolate.

Blending Words in Phonics

Blending Words in Phonics

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  1. Blend – /blɛnd/ To mix a substance with another substance.
  2. Clip – /klɪp/ To cut or trim with scissors or shears.
  3. Crash – /kræʃ/ To collide violently with something.
  4. Flick – /flɪk/ To propel (something) with a sudden sharp movement, especially of the fingers.
  5. Glint – /ɡlɪnt/ A small flash of light, especially as reflected from a shiny surface.
  6. Plunk – /plʌŋk/ To set down heavily or abruptly.
  7. Sprint – /sprɪnt/ To run at full speed over a short distance.
  8. Squish – /skwɪʃ/ To compress, crush, or squeeze something, making a soft squelching sound.
  9. Twirl – /twɜːrl/ To spin or rotate rapidly.
  10. Whisk – /wɪsk/ To take or move (someone or something) in a particular direction suddenly and quickly.

Ending Words in Blending

Ending Words in Blending

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  1. Astound: To shock or greatly surprise.
  2. Confound: To cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by acting against their expectations.
  3. Enthrall: To capture the fascinated attention of.
  4. Rebound: To recover in value, amount, or strength after a previous decrease or decline.
  5. Resound: To fill a place with sound; to echo.
  6. Impound: To seize and take legal custody of something, especially a vehicle, goods, or documents.
  7. Compound: To mix or combine.
  8. Surround: To enclose on all sides.
  9. Expound: To present and explain (a theory or idea) systematically and in detail.
  10. Confound: To mix up (something) with something else so that the individual elements become difficult to distinguish

Blending words enrich our language, offering a creative avenue to fuse meanings and sounds into new, vibrant expressions. They reflect linguistic innovation and adaptability, showcasing how language evolves with culture and technology. Understanding and using blending words enhances communication, making it more dynamic and engaging. Embrace these linguistic gems to add depth and flair to your vocabulary, and explore the endless possibilities of language.


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