Faulty Analogy

Last Updated: July 12, 2024

Faulty Analogy

Faulty analogies can lead readers astray, making it crucial to recognize and avoid them. Our guide provides insights into identifying misleading comparisons and refining your argumentative skills. Learn to spot the difference between valid analogies and faulty logic, enhancing your critical thinking and writing prowess.

What is Faulty Analogy? – Definition

A faulty analogy occurs when a comparison is made between two things that are not sufficiently alike in relevant aspects, leading to a misleading or invalid argument. It’s a common logical fallacy that can weaken your writing if not identified and corrected.

What is the Best Example of Faulty Analogy?

The best example of a faulty analogy is often found in oversimplified comparisons that ignore crucial differences. For instance, equating a business to a family disregards the complex economic and legal relationships in a corporate environment, misleadingly simplifying the dynamics of a company’s operation.

100 Faulty Analogy Examples

Faulty Analogy Examples
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Explore the intricate world of logical fallacies with our comprehensive list of 100 faulty analogy examples. Each example is crafted to help you identify and understand the pitfalls of poor comparisons, enhancing your analytical and persuasive writing. Avoid the common mistakes that can undermine your arguments and learn to argue with precision and insight.

  1. Education and Cooking: Saying education is like cooking a meal because both follow a set of steps is a faulty analogy. It overlooks the complexity and individuality of the learning process.
  2. Books and Fast Food: Comparing books to fast food because both can be consumed quickly ignores the depth and engagement books offer versus the transient satisfaction of fast food.
  3. Computers and Brains: Equating computers to human brains because both process information fails to account for the emotional and conscious experiences unique to humans.
  4. Trees and Family Trees: Suggesting a family tree can grow like a real tree if nurtured with love is a faulty analogy, as it conflates biological growth with genealogical records.
  5. Cars and Organisms: Saying a car is like a living organism because both require fuel (food) and expel waste (exhaust) ignores the fundamental differences between mechanical and biological systems.
  6. Government and Parents: Equating a government to parents because both provide for people’s needs simplifies the complex socio-political dynamics and the role of citizens in governance.
  7. Music Streaming and Radio: Comparing music streaming services to radio because both play music neglects the user control and personalization available with streaming services.
  8. Economy and Balloon: Saying an economy inflates like a balloon with investment overlooks the multifaceted nature of economic growth and the factors that contribute to it.
  9. School and Prison: Equating school to prison because students must follow rules and can’t leave during the day is a faulty analogy that ignores the purpose and benefits of education.
  10. Marriage and Business Partnership: Comparing marriage to a business partnership because both involve agreements between parties disregards the emotional and personal aspects of marriage.
  11. Sleep and Battery Charging: Suggesting that sleeping is like charging a battery because both involve re-energizing ignores the restorative biological processes unique to sleep that batteries do not undergo.
  12. Running a Marathon and Project Management: Equating running a marathon to managing a project because both require planning and endurance overlooks the physical versus intellectual skills and resources involved.
  13. Fishing and Internet Browsing: Comparing fishing in a lake to browsing the internet for information because both require searching and patience fails to consider the digital versus physical nature of the activities.
  14. Saving Money and Losing Weight: Saying saving money is like losing weight because both involve restraint and goal-setting ignores the different psychological and physical disciplines each activity requires.
  15. Reading a Book and Watching a Movie: Equating reading a book to watching a movie because both tell stories disregards the active imagination and interpretation required for reading versus the visual and auditory delivery of movies.
  16. Growing a Garden and Building a Business: Suggesting that growing a garden is like building a business because both start small and require nurturing overlooks the economic, social, and technical complexities of running a business.
  17. Weather and Emotions: Comparing weather patterns to human emotions because both can change rapidly fails to acknowledge the scientific predictability of weather versus the subjective nature of emotions.
  18. Playing Chess and Conducting Diplomacy: Saying playing chess is like international diplomacy because both involve strategic moves simplifies the real-world unpredictability and the stakes of global relations.
  19. Cleaning a Room and Writing an Essay: Equating cleaning a room to writing an essay because both involve organizing items (or ideas) ignores the cognitive processes of composition and the physical labor of cleaning.
  20. Riding a Bike and Managing Finances: Suggesting that riding a bike is like managing finances because both can be learned and involve balance fails to consider the different types of knowledge and consequences each activity entails.
  21. The Internet and a Superhighway: Saying the internet is like a superhighway because both involve high-speed travel ignores the digital nature of the internet and the physical reality of a highway.
  22. A Library and the Internet: Comparing a library to the internet because both store information overlooks the interactive, dynamic nature of the internet versus the static physical collection of a library.
  23. A Heart and a Pump: Equating the human heart to a mechanical pump because both move fluid (blood or water) fails to recognize the biological complexities and regulatory functions of the heart.
  24. A School and a Factory: Suggesting a school is like a factory because both have schedules and produce ‘products’ (students or goods) ignores the educational and developmental purposes of schools versus the economic output of factories.
  25. A Company and a Ship: Comparing a company to a ship because both have leaders (CEOs or captains) neglects the organizational structure and market dynamics that influence a company’s direction.
  26. A Movie and a Book: Saying a movie is like a book because both can be about the same story disregards the sensory experience of watching versus the imaginative experience of reading.
  27. A Political Campaign and a Race: Equating a political campaign to a race because both involve competition simplifies the complex social, economic, and ideological factors at play in elections.
  28. A Computer Virus and a Biological Virus: Suggesting a computer virus is like a biological virus because both ‘infect’ hosts overlooks the literal biological replication of pathogens versus the metaphorical ‘infection’ of computers.
  29. A Mind and a Computer: Comparing the human mind to a computer because both can ‘process information’ fails to account for consciousness, emotion, and the non-binary nature of human thought.
  30. A Judge and a Referee: Saying a judge is like a referee because both enforce rules ignores the legal authority and societal impact of a judge’s decisions versus the game-focused role of a referee.
  31. A Smartphone and a Swiss Army Knife: Suggesting a smartphone is like a Swiss Army knife because both are multipurpose tools overlooks the digital capabilities and connectivity of smartphones versus the physical utility of a knife.
  32. A Political Debate and a Boxing Match: Comparing a political debate to a boxing match because both involve opponents facing off simplifies the intellectual exchange of ideas to mere physical confrontation.
  33. A Classroom and a Jail Cell: Equating a classroom to a jail cell because students are required to stay inside during lessons ignores the purpose of education and the freedom to learn.
  34. A Pen and a Sword: Suggesting the pen is mightier than the sword as a direct comparison overlooks the metaphorical power of writing versus the physical force of violence.
  35. A Candle and a Light Bulb: Comparing a candle to a light bulb because both provide light fails to consider the technological advancements and efficiency of electric lighting.
  36. A Doctor and a Mechanic: Saying a doctor is like a mechanic because both fix ‘systems’ (bodies or cars) disregards the complexity of human biology and the personal aspects of healthcare.
  37. A Team and a Machine: Equating a sports team to a machine because both require coordination ignores the human elements of teamwork, such as motivation and morale.
  38. A Symphony and a Company: Suggesting a symphony orchestra is like a company because both involve people working together overlooks the artistic and interpretive nature of music versus the profit-driven goals of a business.
  39. A River and a Road: Comparing a river to a road because both lead to destinations fails to acknowledge the natural, self-guiding flow of a river versus the constructed, directed path of a road.
  40. A Salad and a Painting: Saying a salad is like a painting because both involve mixing elements (ingredients or colors) ignores the culinary purpose of a salad versus the aesthetic creation of art.
  41. A Clock and Time: Suggesting a clock is synonymous with time because both measure moments fails to recognize that time is a continuous, universal constant beyond the mechanical representation of a clock.
  42. A Computer and a Human Employee: Comparing a computer’s work to that of a human employee because both can perform tasks overlooks the creativity, emotional intelligence, and ethical judgment humans bring to their roles.
  43. A Book and a Friend: Equating a book to a friend because both can offer comfort and escape ignores the reciprocal, emotional, and social dynamics of friendship.
  44. A Garden and a Child’s Growth: Suggesting that raising a child is like tending a garden because both require care and attention fails to capture the complexity and unpredictability of human development.
  45. A Puzzle and a Relationship: Comparing a relationship to a puzzle because both can be complex and require fitting pieces together simplifies the emotional depth and interpersonal dynamics of human connections.
  46. A Bank Account and a Lake: Saying a bank account is like a lake because both can ‘dry up’ if not ‘replenished’ overlooks the economic principles of finance versus the natural water cycle.
  47. A Theater Play and a Business Presentation: Equating a theatrical performance to a business presentation because both involve an audience fails to distinguish between the artistic expression of theater and the informative goals of a presentation.
  48. A Fire and Anger: Suggesting that anger is like a fire because both can be destructive ignores the complex psychological roots of emotions compared to the physical chemical reaction of combustion.
  49. A Diet and a Budget: Comparing managing a diet to maintaining a budget because both involve restrictions overlooks the differences between nutritional needs and financial management.
  50. A Library and the Internet: Saying a library is like the internet because both are sources of information disregards the tactile experience and curated knowledge of libraries versus the vast, unfiltered expanse of the internet.
  51. A Key and Knowledge: Suggesting that knowledge is like a key because both unlock potential fails to acknowledge the depth and breadth of understanding that knowledge encompasses, far beyond the simple action of unlocking.
  52. A Seed and an Idea: Comparing an idea to a seed because both have the potential to grow overlooks the abstract, intangible nature of ideas in contrast to the biological growth of a seed.
  53. A Storm and a Problem: Equating a storm to a problem because both can be disruptive simplifies the complexity of personal or societal issues and the natural, meteorological phenomenon of a storm.
  54. A Recipe and a Plan: Suggesting that following a recipe is like following a plan because both lead to a result ignores the creativity and adaptability often required in planning versus the precise measurements in cooking.
  55. A Mirror and Praise: Comparing praise to a mirror because both reflect something back to us fails to consider the emotional impact and subjective nature of receiving praise versus the objective reflection in a mirror.
  56. A Lighthouse and a Guide: Saying a lighthouse is like a guide because both lead the way disregards the passive, fixed signal of a lighthouse compared to the active, responsive role of a personal guide.
  57. A Bridge and Communication: Equating a bridge to communication because both connect points overlooks the dynamic, complex nature of human interaction versus the static structure of a bridge.
  58. A Volcano and Anger: Suggesting that anger is like a volcano because both can erupt suddenly simplifies the psychological aspects of anger management and the geological processes of a volcano.
  59. A Quilt and a Community: Comparing a community to a quilt because both are made of different pieces fails to capture the social bonds and interactions that form the fabric of a community.
  60. A Flashlight and Knowledge: Saying knowledge is like a flashlight because both illuminate the darkness ignores the depth and transformative power of knowledge compared to the simple function of a light source.
  61. A Battery and Motivation: Suggesting motivation is like a battery because both provide energy overlooks the complex psychological factors that drive motivation, unlike the straightforward chemical reactions in a battery.
  62. A Map and Education: Comparing education to a map because both guide you overlooks the personal growth and development that education fosters, beyond the directional assistance a map provides.
  63. A Telescope and Ambition: Equating ambition to a telescope because both allow us to see far ahead simplifies the drive and determination of ambition to the mere function of magnification.
  64. A Foundation and Basics: Suggesting that understanding the basics is like a foundation because both are starting points fails to capture the ongoing process of learning and building upon those basics.
  65. A Chef and a Scientist: Comparing a chef to a scientist because both experiment overlooks the artistic and sensory elements of cooking, distinct from the systematic and hypothesis-driven nature of science.
  66. A Symphony and Teamwork: Saying teamwork is like a symphony because both require harmony ignores the individual roles and contributions that create the collective success in a team.
  67. A Shadow and Influence: Equating influence to a shadow because both follow you simplifies the active and often intentional nature of influence compared to the passive occurrence of a shadow.
  68. A Fountain and Creativity: Suggesting creativity is like a fountain because both spring forth spontaneously fails to consider the thoughtful and sometimes painstaking process behind creative work.
  69. A Lock and Security: Comparing security to a lock because both protect overlooks the comprehensive and multi-layered approach to security, beyond the physical barrier of a lock.
  70. A Drum and Communication: Saying communication is like a drum because both can be used to send messages ignores the nuances and complexities of human language and interaction compared to the simple beats of a drum.
  71. A Compass and Moral Values: Suggesting moral values are like a compass because both guide decisions fails to acknowledge the deep cultural, spiritual, and personal roots of morality, unlike the magnetic directionality of a compass.
  72. A Mosaic and Society: Comparing society to a mosaic because both are made up of varied pieces overlooks the dynamic interactions, relationships, and complexities of a social structure.
  73. A Tapestry and History: Equating history to a tapestry because both are woven from many threads simplifies the vast, interconnected events and impacts of historical developments.
  74. A Filter and Critical Thinking: Suggesting critical thinking is like a filter because both sift through information fails to capture the active, analytical engagement of the mind in critical thought.
  75. A Ship and Life’s Journey: Comparing life’s journey to a ship because both navigate through waters simplifies the personal choices and unpredictable nature of life’s path.
  76. A Sculpture and Personal Growth: Saying personal growth is like a sculpture because both are shaped over time ignores the internal, self-reflective process of personal development, unlike the external crafting of a sculpture.
  77. A Laboratory and a Classroom: Equating a classroom to a laboratory because both are places of learning fails to distinguish between the experimental, research-focused environment of a lab and the broader educational setting of a classroom.
  78. A Network and Relationships: Suggesting relationships are like a network because both connect individuals overlooks the emotional depth and personal bonds that form relationships, unlike the more utilitarian connections in a network.
  79. A Seedling and Potential: Comparing potential to a seedling because both need nurturing to grow fails to consider the unpredictable and unique ways in which potential can manifest and develop.
  80. A Beacon and Inspiration: Saying inspiration is like a beacon because both signal direction or hope ignores the personal, often internal source of inspiration, unlike the external and fixed position of a beacon.
  81. A Roadmap and a Career Path: Suggesting a career path is like a roadmap because both offer direction overlooks the personal aspirations, unexpected opportunities, and challenges that shape a professional journey, unlike the predetermined routes of a roadmap.
  82. A Kaleidoscope and Cultural Diversity: Comparing cultural diversity to a kaleidoscope because both display a variety of patterns fails to capture the deep meanings, traditions, and values inherent in cultural expressions.
  83. A Relay Race and Team Projects: Equating team projects to a relay race because both involve passing tasks simplifies the collaborative and iterative nature of team projects, unlike the sequential and fixed roles in a relay race.
  84. A Library and Memory: Suggesting memory is like a library because both store information fails to consider the reconstructive and often fallible nature of memory, unlike the static preservation in a library.
  85. A Satellite and Communication: Comparing communication to a satellite because both transmit signals overlooks the emotional and linguistic complexities of human communication, unlike the technical transmission of a satellite.
  86. A Chameleon and Adaptability: Saying adaptability is like a chameleon because both change in response to the environment simplifies the conscious and strategic changes people make in adaptability, unlike the instinctive responses of a chameleon.
  87. A Quill and Tradition: Equating tradition to a quill because both are from the past ignores the living, evolving nature of traditions, unlike the obsolete use of a quill.
  88. A Symphony and a Community: Suggesting a community is like a symphony because both involve different parts working together fails to capture the individual agency and complex social dynamics within a community.
  89. A Spider Web and the Internet: Comparing the internet to a spider web because both connect points simplifies the vast, human-driven creation and maintenance of the internet, unlike the instinctual, patterned web of a spider.
  90. A Seed Bank and Knowledge Preservation: Saying knowledge preservation is like a seed bank because both safeguard vital resources overlooks the active dissemination and application of knowledge, unlike the passive storage of seeds.
  91. A Clock and Routine: Suggesting a routine is like a clock because both follow a pattern fails to capture the flexibility and personal choice involved in creating daily routines, unlike the rigid, unchanging cycle of a clock.
  92. A Puzzle and Problem-Solving: Comparing problem-solving to completing a puzzle because both require fitting pieces together overlooks the creative and often non-linear thinking involved in solving complex problems, unlike the static shapes of puzzle pieces.
  93. A Garden and Creativity: Equating creativity to a garden because both require cultivation simplifies the spontaneous and unpredictable bursts of creative insight, unlike the methodical care of a garden.
  94. A Symphony and a Business: Suggesting a business is like a symphony because both require coordination fails to consider the competitive and profit-driven nature of business, unlike the collaborative creation of music.
  95. A Pen and Expression: Comparing expression to a pen because both leave a mark fails to acknowledge the depth of emotional and intellectual impact that personal expression can have, unlike the superficial mark of a pen.
  96. A Ladder and Progress: Saying progress is like a ladder because both involve ascending steps simplifies the complex and sometimes non-linear nature of personal and societal advancement.
  97. A River and Life: Equating life to a river because both flow and change course fails to recognize the conscious decisions that shape an individual’s life, unlike the natural forces that direct a river’s flow.
  98. A Cookbook and Learning: Suggesting learning is like following a cookbook because both involve following instructions overlooks the exploratory and often self-directed nature of learning, unlike the prescriptive steps in a cookbook.
  99. A Compass and Ethics: Comparing ethics to a compass because both provide guidance simplifies the complex dilemmas and moral reasoning involved in ethical decisions, unlike the straightforward pointing of a compass.
  100. A Spotlight and Fame: Saying fame is like a spotlight because both draw attention fails to consider the transient and sometimes burdensome aspects of fame, unlike the controlled illumination of a spotlight.

Faulty Fallacy Analogy Example

Faulty fallacy analogies mislead by drawing parallels that are logically unsound or based on flawed reasoning. These analogies are often used to persuade or convince by oversimplification or misrepresentation. Understanding these can sharpen critical thinking and argumentative skills, especially in academic and professional debates.

  1. A Tree and a Family Tree: Suggesting a family tree works like a botanical tree because both have branches ignores the complexity of human relationships.
  2. A Computer Virus and a Cold: Comparing a computer virus to catching a cold oversimplifies the intricacies of digital security threats.
  3. A Library and the Internet: Equating the internet to a library because both contain information overlooks the vastness and unregulated nature of the internet.
  4. A Car and a Roller Coaster: Suggesting driving a car is like riding a roller coaster because both can speed up and slow down fails to consider the control one has over a car versus the controlled track of a roller coaster.
  5. A Movie and a Dream: Comparing a dream to watching a movie because both involve visual experiences ignores the personal, subconscious nature of dreams.
  6. A Book and a Movie: Equating a book to its movie adaptation because both tell stories overlooks the depth of literature and the visual storytelling of cinema.
  7. A Key and Knowledge: Suggesting knowledge is like a key because both unlock potential fails to acknowledge the ongoing, evolving nature of learning.
  8. A Chef and a Painter: Comparing a chef to a painter because both create fails to distinguish between the sensory experiences of taste and sight.
  9. A Marathon and a Career: Equating a career to running a marathon because both are long-term commitments overlooks the many paths and changes a career can take.
  10. A Wheel and Innovation: Suggesting innovation is like reinventing the wheel because both involve creation ignores the novelty required in innovation, unlike the established design of a wheel.

Faulty Analogy Examples in Advertising

Advertising thrives on creating catchy comparisons, but sometimes these analogies are misleading, promising more than the product can deliver. By understanding these faulty analogies, consumers can make more informed choices, seeing beyond the persuasive facade of advertisements.

  1. A Razor and a Surgeon’s Scalpel: Suggesting a razor shaves as precisely as a surgeon’s scalpel exaggerates its capabilities.
  2. A Dish Soap and a Miracle: Advertising dish soap as a “miracle for your dishes” implies an effectiveness that may not be realistic.
  3. A Weight Loss Pill and a Magic Potion: Equating a weight loss pill to a magic potion creates false expectations of effortless results.
  4. A Toothpaste and a Makeover: Suggesting toothpaste can transform your life like a makeover overstates its impact on one’s lifestyle.
  5. A Laundry Detergent and a Time Machine: Comparing laundry detergent to a time machine because it ‘restores clothes’ is an overstatement.
  6. A Sports Drink and Endless Stamina: Advertising a sports drink as the key to endless stamina is misleading about its actual benefits.
  7. A Financial Service and a Life Coach: Equating a financial service to a life coach oversimplifies financial planning and personal growth.
  8. A Hair Dye and a Fountain of Youth: Suggesting hair dye can reverse aging like a fountain of youth is an unrealistic comparison.
  9. A Snack and a Feast: Comparing a snack to a feast because it satisfies is an exaggeration of its fulfilling capacity.
  10. A Bug Spray and a Force Field: Advertising bug spray as a force field against insects oversimplifies its effectiveness.

Faulty Analogy Examples in Politics

In politics, analogies can be a powerful tool to simplify complex issues, but they can also mislead by oversimplifying or distorting reality. Recognizing these can help voters understand the nuances of political discourse.

  1. A Nation and a Boat: Suggesting a nation can change direction as easily as a boat overlooks the complexity of governance.
  2. A Politician and a Superhero: Comparing a politician to a superhero sets unrealistic expectations about their power and capabilities.
  3. A Policy and a Silver Bullet: Equating a new policy to a silver bullet implies it can solve problems instantly, which is rarely the case.
  4. A Government Budget and a Household Budget: Suggesting a government budget can be balanced like a household budget ignores the scale and complexity of national economics.
  5. A State and a Machine: Comparing a state to a machine that just needs fine-tuning simplifies the dynamic nature of societies.
  6. A Political Rally and a Family Reunion: Equating a political rally to a family reunion overlooks the diversity and potential conflicts within a political constituency.
  7. A Tax Cut and a Gift: Suggesting a tax cut is like receiving a gift ignores the trade-offs and complexities of fiscal policy.
  8. A Democracy and a Marketplace: Comparing democracy to a marketplace because both involve choice simplifies the principles and practices of governance.
  9. A Vote and a Lottery Ticket: Equating a vote to a lottery ticket diminishes the civic responsibility and impact of voting.
  10. A Political Debate and a Game Show: Suggesting a political debate is like a game show trivializes the importance of political discourse and the issues at stake.

Why are Faulty Analogies Misleading?

Faulty analogies are misleading because they draw comparisons that are superficially similar yet fundamentally different in critical aspects. They often oversimplify complex situations or attributes, leading to misconceptions and flawed reasoning. By equating two unrelated items, faulty analogies can persuade individuals to accept a line of reasoning that, upon closer examination, doesn’t hold up. This can result in poor decision-making, as the true nature of the comparison is obscured by the apparent similarity presented by the analogy. In essence, they exploit the persuasive power of similarities while ignoring significant differences.

What is an Example of a False Analogy Ad?

A classic example of a false analogy ad is the comparison of a brand of toothpaste to professional dental treatment. The ad might claim that using the toothpaste is akin to getting a professional whitening treatment at the dentist. While the toothpaste may improve whiteness to some degree, it cannot match the results of professional treatment, which involves different substances and procedures. This false analogy misleads consumers into expecting dramatic results from a simple product.

What is a Modern Example of Faulty Analogy?

A modern example of a faulty analogy is the comparison of internet service to water supply. Some ads suggest that choosing an internet service provider (ISP) is like choosing a water supplier that promises the purest water. However, unlike water purity, which can be objectively measured and has direct health implications, internet service quality is multifaceted, involving speed, reliability, customer service, and more. This analogy misleads by suggesting that all ISPs deliver a product as fundamental and uniform as water, which is not the case.

Why Shouldn’t You Use Faulty Analogies?

Faulty analogies should be avoided because they can distort understanding and lead to erroneous conclusions. They often mask the complexities of a subject, misleading audiences into oversimplified and generalized thinking. In critical thinking, education, and decision-making, relying on such analogies can result in a lack of depth in reasoning and a failure to recognize important nuances. In persuasive writing or speaking, while they may initially sway opinions, they can damage credibility once the flawed logic is exposed.

How Do You Write Faulty Analogy? – Step by Step Guide

  1. Identify the Comparison: Choose two subjects that share a superficial similarity.
  2. Highlight the Similarity: Emphasize the common trait between the two subjects to establish a connection in the reader’s mind.
  3. Omit Key Differences: Ignore or downplay the significant differences that undermine the comparison’s validity.
  4. Craft the Message: Develop your statement or argument using the chosen analogy to persuade your audience.
  5. Test the Analogy: Check if the analogy stands up to scrutiny by considering potential counterarguments.

Tips for Using Faulty Analogy

  1. Understand the Purpose: Recognize that faulty analogies are often used in satire or to illustrate the flaws in an argument.
  2. Use with Caution: If used in persuasive writing, be aware that savvy readers may recognize the flaw and question your credibility.
  3. Educational Tool: Employ faulty analogies to teach students about logical fallacies and critical thinking skills.
  4. Be Ethical: Ensure that any use of faulty analogies does not mislead or deceive intentionally.
  5. Clarify Intent: If using a faulty analogy for effect, make it clear to your audience that the comparison is not to be taken at face value.

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