450+ Words Starting with V List, Meaning, PDF
The vocabulary of words starting with “V” unveils a vivid and varied collection, from the vibrant and vivacious to the venerable and virtuous. This letter introduces a veritable volume of terms that can vitalize dialogue and verse alike. Whether it’s the velocity of a verb or the vision of a noun, “V” words possess the versatility to convey a vast array of values and visuals, making them invaluable for enriching English expression and comprehension.
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300+ Most Commonly used Words that Start with “V”
Value | Very | Visit | View | Voice | Various |
Version | Volume | Victory | Vision | Vehicle | Village |
Violent | Variety | Vote | Vital | Victim | Vessel |
Visible | Vacation | Venture | Valid | Video | Vast |
Validity | Vary | Vulnerable | Vocabulary | Virtue | Venue |
Vitamin | Violation | Veteran | Visitor | Victory | Village |
Virtually | Verify | Vest | Violate | Vacant | Vocal |
Variation | Variable | Valid | Vacation | Vent | Vicious |
Visual | Viable | Vice | Vacuum | Verse | Validity |
Venture | Victim | Volume | Villa | Violently | Valuable |
Variety | Vibration | Vintage | Virus | Velvet | Vapor |
Vague | Varying | Valuable | Vivid | Vigorous | Versatile |
Vogue | Vibrant | Vacancy | Vigilant | Valuation | Voluntary |
Vulnerability | Vocalize | Vex | Versus | Ventilation | Valiant |
Vividly | Vanity | Vaporize | Vein | Vault | Vicinity |
Veneration | Viciously | Veto | Viewpoint | Versification | Versatility |
Vitality | Vanity | Voracious | Vagabond | Versed | Vivacious |
Visually | Ventriloquist | Volcanic | Vexation | Velocity | Vista |
Veil | Vantage | Visceral | Viability | Vacationer | Volley |
Volleyball | Vastness | Vividness | Vulnerable | Vehicle | Verse |
Verdict | Victimize | Visitor | Violin | Vile | Varnish |
Viscosity | Ventilate | Volcano | Void | Vigor | Validate |
Variable | Vessel | Vaulted | Vibrancy | Vacation | Volleyball |
Viewer | Vividly | Vagrant | Vapor | Veer | Vegetation |
Veteran | Villain | Vagueness | Vow | Voodoo | Vibration |
Versatile | Velocity | Vex | Vexing | Vaporize | Vintage |
Vise | Valedictorian | Vigilance | Valedictory | Varnish | Venture |
Vivacious | Vindicate | Vastly | Valuable | Vexation | Vagabond |
Vain | Vocalize | Vigorous | Vile | Veneration | Volition |
Villainous | Vow | Vigilant | Visionary | Viral | Vibrate |
Varsity | Vegetarian | Vibrant | Voucher | Vanity | Vindication |
Vanish | Voluntary | Visitation | Violinist | Veil | Viable |
Volume | Vigil | Vividness | Ventilation | Vent | Validate |
Vocalist | Vastly | Vortex | Vibration | Versification | Volatile |
Vagrant | Viewer | Vibrato | Vicinity | Vagabond | Vengeance |
Vicarious | Vowels | Visualize | Vulture | Victorious | Virtuoso |
Veneration | Volley | Volatile | Volatility | Virtually | Vivacity |
Vestige | Voracious | Valuables | Vortex | Verify | Visibly |
Vividly | Vouch | Vivacity | Vanquish | Veritable | Ventilate |
Vicar | Violently | Vessel | Veto | Vocalization | Viciousness |
Voluptuous | Voluminous | Vividly | Vagueness | Vulnerability | Ventriloquist |
Virulent | Van | Venom | Vanilla | Variability | Vendetta |
Verge | Veil | Vivid | Volcano | Verify | Vacuum |
Valiance | Vitality | Vitally | Venue | Vigorously | Veer |
Visionary | Voltage | Vexing | Ventilation | Vortex | Veneration |
Vagabond | Veracity | Vexation | Vengeance | Vial | Vanish |
Voraciously | Vibrato | Verbose | Valuable | Verify | Vanity |
Vagabond | Vexing | Villager | Victory | Vaginal | Vine |
Vessel | Versatile | Vibrant | Virtually | Visibly | Virtue |
Velocity | Vessel | Vanguard | Vicious | Vacate | Vile |
Most Trending Words that Starts with “V”
In the dynamic landscape of the English language, certain words gain prominence and become trending. Our curated list of Most Trending Words that Start with “V” offers a fascinating glimpse into contemporary language trends. Incorporating Rhyming Words and Daily Use English Words, these 30 words are not only popular but also rich in meaning and usage. Ideal for educators and students, this list will help enhance vocabulary and understanding of current linguistic patterns, making it a valuable resource for those looking to stay connected with the evolving nature of language.
- Vegan – Someone who does not eat or use animal products.
- Vlog – A blog in which the postings are primarily in video form.
- Viral – An image, video, piece of information, etc., that is circulated rapidly on the Internet.
- Virtual – Not physically existing but made by software to appear so.
- Vaccine – A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against diseases.
- Vortex – A mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind.
- Vivacious – Attractively lively and animated (typically used of a woman).
- Voyager – A person who goes on a long and sometimes dangerous journey.
- Volatile – (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures; liable to change rapidly and unpredictably.
- Virtuoso – A person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
- Vernacular – The language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
- Vanguard – A group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas.
- Vehement – Showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
- Vicarious – Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.
- Vindicate – Clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.
- Vex – Make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
- Viable – Capable of working successfully; feasible.
- Vista – A pleasing view, especially one seen through a long, narrow opening.
- Verbose – Using or expressed in more words than are needed.
- Vestige – A trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
- Vibrant – Full of energy and enthusiasm.
- Vicinity – The area near or surrounding a particular place.
- Vindictive – Having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.
- Virtue – Behavior showing high moral standards.
- Vitriolic – Filled with bitter criticism or malice.
- Venerable – Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
- Vagrant – A person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place.
- Voluminous – Occupying or containing much space; large in volume.
- Vaudeville – A type of entertainment popular chiefly in the US in the early 20th century, featuring a mixture of specialty acts.
- Vehicular – Relating to, or designed for vehicles.
New & Latest Added Words that Starts with “V”
As language evolves, new words emerge, reflecting changes in technology, culture, and society. Our selection of New & Latest Added Words that Start with V showcases these fresh additions, offering valuable insights into modern expressions. This list is perfect for teachers and students looking to stay updated with the latest linguistic developments and enhance their communication skills with new vocabulary.
- Vlogosphere – The world of vlogs and vloggers.
- Vaxxer – A person who advocates for vaccination.
- Virtualling – Engaging in virtual activities or environments.
- Vaporing – Speaking in a boastful or conceited way.
- Vape – To inhale and exhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device.
- Vibing – Enjoying and resonating with something, especially music.
- Voluntourism – A form of tourism in which travelers participate in voluntary work.
- Veganize – To make a dish or diet vegan.
- Vloggable – Suitable for being the subject of a vlog.
- Virtuocrat – A person who believes in or advocates the supremacy of moral virtue.
- Vegangelist – A person who is enthusiastic about promoting veganism.
- Virtuosity – Great skill or ability.
- Virusphere – The entire range of viruses.
- Vibes – The mood or atmosphere of a place, situation, or piece of music.
- Vaxhole – A person who flaunts their vaccinated status.
- Vocaloid – A singing voice synthesizer.
- Voom – Move rapidly and smoothly.
- Volumize – Make something more voluminous, especially hair.
- Vexillology – The study of flags.
- Veganuary – An annual event that encourages people to follow a vegan lifestyle for the month of January.
- Virtuignal – Relating to virtual signaling.
- Velo – A bicycle or cycling.
- Visagism – The practice of creating a personal image.
- Volumizer – A product used to add volume, especially to hair.
- Vaxxident – An accident or problem attributed to vaccination.
- Vlogumentary – A documentary presented in the form of a vlog.
- Vaguebooking – Posting vague status updates on social media to elicit attention or sympathy.
- Vaxxie – A selfie taken during or after getting vaccinated.
- Virtuignorance – Ignorance or lack of understanding of virtual environments.
- Vapologist – A person skilled in the art of making vape juice or operating vapes.
Noun that Starts with “V”
Discover the richness of the English language with our list of Nouns that Start with ‘V’. This compilation, enriched with essential Dictation Words, is not just a vocabulary expansion tool but also a window into various fields and contexts. Each word is a nugget of knowledge, perfect for teachers and students aiming to deepen their understanding of nouns beginning with the letter ‘V’. Dive into this treasure trove and explore a range of nouns, each with its unique meaning and usage, broadening your linguistic horizon and enhancing your command of the language.
- Vacation: A period of time spent away from home or business in travel or recreation.
- Vaccine: A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against diseases.
- Velocity: The speed of something in a given direction.
- Village: A group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town.
- Virtue: A quality considered morally good or desirable in a person.
- Vista: A pleasing view, especially one seen through a long, narrow opening.
- Voyage: A long journey involving travel by sea or in space.
- Volcano: A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth’s crust.
- Veto: A constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a law-making body.
- Valley: A low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it.
- Vertex: The highest point; the top or apex.
- Vessel: A ship or large boat.
- Varnish: A resinous paint used to coat things for protective or decorative purposes.
- Vanity: Excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements.
- Volume: The amount of space that a substance or object occupies.
- Vulture: A large bird of prey with the head and neck more or less bare of feathers, feeding chiefly on carrion.
- Vicinity: The area near or surrounding a particular place.
- Vanguard: The foremost part of an advancing army or naval force.
- Virtuoso: A person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
- Vicar: A representative or deputy of a bishop.
- Veranda: A roofed platform along the outside of a house, level with the ground floor.
- Vortex: A whirling mass of fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind.
- Vendor: A person or company offering something for sale.
- Vaccine: A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against diseases.
- Vault: A large room or chamber used for storage, especially an underground one.
- Vector: A quantity having direction as well as magnitude.
- Vestige: A trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
- Vicissitude: A change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
- Voyeur: A person who gains sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.
- Veneer: A thin decorative covering of fine wood applied to a coarser wood or other material.
Adverb that Starts with “V”
Dive into the diverse world of adverbs beginning with “V” to vivify your vocabulary. In this guide, we focus on adverbs starting with “V”, a key component in adding nuance and depth to sentences. These adverbs words can modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, bringing vividness and clarity to your expression. Ideal for teachers and students, this list is a valuable tool for enriching English language skills. Understand and use these adverbs for more dynamic and effective communication.
- Valiantly – in a brave or heroic manner
- Vastly – to an exceedingly great extent or degree
- Verbally – in a manner relating to or consisting of words
- Vertically – in an up and down direction
- Viciously – in a cruel or violent manner
- Vigorously – in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy
- Vividly – in a manner that produces powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
- Vocally – in a way relating to the human voice
- Voluntarily – done, given, or acting of one’s own free will
- Voraciously – in a way that shows an eager approach to consuming great amounts of food
- Vulnerably – in a way that can be easily physically or emotionally hurt
- Vaguely – in a way that is uncertain, indefinite, or unclear
- Vainly – in a way that produces no result; unsuccessfully
- Valuably – in a manner worth a great deal of value
- Vanishingly – so as to disappear or cease to exist
- Vapidly – in a dull or uninspiring manner
- Variably – in a manner that is not consistent or having a fixed pattern
- Vastly – to an exceedingly great extent
- Vehemently – in a forceful, passionate, or intense manner
- Velvety – in a smooth, soft manner, resembling velvet
- Venomously – in a manner full of malice or spite
- Veraciously – in a manner conforming to or in accordance with the truth
- Veritably – in a way that is true or real
- Vexatiously – in a manner causing annoyance or frustration
- Vibrantly – in a bright, vivid, or striking manner
- Vicariously – experienced through imagined participation in another’s experience
- Victoriously – in a manner of having won a victory; triumphantly
- Vindictively – in a manner showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge
- Viscerally – in an emotional, rather than intellectual way
- Visibly – in a way that can be seen
Adjective that Starts with “V”
Exploring adjectives starting with “V” is vital for vivid and vibrant communication. These adjective words add value, clarity, and emphasis, enriching both spoken and written language. Perfect for teachers aiming to enhance their students’ vocabulary, this list of “V” adjectives is an excellent resource. Understanding their meanings and usage will empower students to express themselves more effectively and creatively in English.
- Valiant – possessing or showing courage or determination
- Vast – of very great extent or quantity; immense
- Verbal – relating to or in the form of words
- Vertical – at right angles to a horizontal plane; in a standing position
- Vicious – deliberately cruel or violent
- Vigorous – strong, healthy, and full of energy
- Vivid – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
- Vocal – relating to the human voice
- Voluntary – done, given, or acting of one’s own free will
- Voracious – wanting or devouring great quantities of food
- Vulnerable – susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm
- Vague – of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning
- Vain – producing no result; useless
- Valuable – worth a great deal of money or having a lot of value
- Vanishing – disappearing or ceasing to exist
- Vapid – offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging; bland
- Variable – not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change
- Vehement – showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense
- Velvety – resembling velvet; soft and smooth
- Venomous – full of malice or spite
- Veracious – speaking or representing the truth
- Veritable – used as an intensifier, often to qualify a metaphor
- Vexatious – causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry
- Vibrant – full of energy and life
- Vicarious – experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person
- Victorious – having won a victory; triumphant
- Vindictive – having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge
- Visceral – relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect
- Visible – able to be seen
- Volatile – liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse
Phrasal Verbs that Starts with “V”
Phrasal verbs starting with “V” are versatile tools in the English language, offering nuanced ways of expression. Ideal for teachers and students, this guide focuses on these dynamic verb phrases, incorporating Praising Words to uplift and Ness Words to explore states or qualities, enhancing language learning. Understanding and using these phrasal verbs can vastly improve communication skills, providing clearer and more engaging ways to convey messages. They are key in making English more vivid and can be a fun and interesting part of language learning, enriching the educational experience with their depth and variety.
- Vent out – to express strong emotions or opinions freely or loudly
- Veg out – to relax completely; to be idle
- Vamp up – to improve the appearance of something; to make it more attractive
- Voice over – to add a voice narration to a film or broadcast
- Vote down – to defeat a proposal or motion by voting against it
- Vote in – to elect by voting
- Vote out – to remove from power or office by voting
- Vote up – to show approval or support by voting favorably
- Vouch for – to guarantee the truth or quality of something
- Veer off – to change direction suddenly
- Venture out – to go somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers
- Vie for – to compete eagerly with someone in order to achieve something
- Vise up – to fix or hold something firmly in a vise
- Verge on – to be very close or similar to something
- Vocalize on – to express opinions or feelings openly
- Vouchsafe to – to give or grant something to someone in a gracious manner
- Vacate for – to leave a place for someone or something else
- Veer towards – to change direction gradually towards something
- Vault over – to jump over something in a single leap
- Vibrate against – to shake or move continuously and rapidly against something
- Vouch against – to speak or act against someone or something
- Vacillate between – to alternate or waver between different opinions or actions
- Vocalize against – to speak out against something
- Vanish into – to disappear suddenly and completely into something
- Veer away from – to change direction to avoid something
- Venture into – to dare to do something or go somewhere new or risky
- Vibrate along – to cause to shake or move along a path
- Vie against – to compete against someone
- Vote against – to vote in opposition to something
- Vouch within – to affirm or guarantee within a certain context
Describing Words that Starts with “V”
Dive into the vivid world of English vocabulary with our compilation of describing words that start with “V.” This valuable resource is crafted for teachers and students alike, aiming to enhance their linguistic arsenal with versatile and vivid adjectives. These describing words are not only essential for enriching language but also for painting more detailed and colorful pictures in writing and speech. Our list includes 30 descriptive ‘V’ words, each with meanings, perfect for classroom discussions, writing exercises, and expanding one’s vocabulary in an engaging way.
- Vibrant – full of energy and life
- Vast – of very great extent or size
- Venerable – commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity
- Volatile – liable to change rapidly and unpredictably
- Vivid – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
- Vexing – causing annoyance, frustration, or worry
- Virtuous – having or showing high moral standards
- Verbose – using more words than needed
- Vain – producing no result; useless
- Valiant – possessing or showing courage or determination
- Vapid – offering nothing stimulating or challenging; bland
- Venomous – capable of injecting venom; poisonous
- Versatile – able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities
- Vigilant – keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
- Vengeful – seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury
- Vintage – denoting something of high quality from a past era
- Viable – capable of working successfully
- Virtuoso – highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit
- Vociferous – expressing or characterized by vehement opinions
- Venerated – regarded with great respect
- Voracious – wanting or devouring great quantities of food
- Vainglorious – excessively proud of oneself or one’s achievements
- Vocational – relating to an occupation or employment
- Vexatious – causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry
- Victorious – having won a victory; triumphant
- Vitriolic – filled with bitter criticism or malice
- Venerable – accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character
- Variable – not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change
- Vicarious – experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person
- Virtuous – having or showing high moral standards
Positive Words that Starts with “V”
Enhance your positive vocabulary with our selection of inspiring words that start with “V.” Tailored for educators and students, this list is perfect for invigorating lessons with optimism and positivity, incorporating Sight Words for foundational learning and Funny Words to add a touch of humor. Each word is a gem, packed with potential to uplift and motivate. Understanding and using these words can significantly impact communication, adding a layer of positivity to interactions. Here’s a list of 30 positive ‘V’ words, complete with meanings, to brighten up your vocabulary and spread cheer in your writing and speech.
- Vibrant – full of energy and enthusiasm
- Valuable – of great importance, use, or service
- Venerable – deserving of respect because of age, wisdom, or character
- Victorious – having won a victory; triumphant
- Virtuous – having or showing high moral standards
- Valid – having a sound basis in logic or fact; reasonable
- Viable – capable of working successfully; feasible
- Versatile – able to adapt to many different functions or activities
- Vivacious – attractively lively and animated
- Valiant – possessing or showing courage or determination
- Venerated – regarded with great respect
- Visionary – thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom
- Vigorous – strong, healthy, and full of energy
- Virtuoso – a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit
- Vigilant – keeping careful watch for possible dangers or difficulties
- Vital – absolutely necessary; essential
- Voluptuous – relating to or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure
- Venerated – accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character
- Vocal – expressing opinions freely or loudly
- Vibrant – pulsating with vigor and energy
- Vast – of very great extent or size; immense
- Virtuous – having or showing high moral standards
- Vigilant – keeping careful watch for possible dangers or difficulties
- Vivid – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
- Valued – held in high esteem; appreciated
- Victorious – having won a victory; triumphant
- Venerable – commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity
- Validated – recognized as valid or legitimate
- Vibrant – full of energy and life
- Vivid – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
SAT Words that Starts with “V”
Preparing for the SAT? Boost your vocabulary with our list of SAT words beginning with “V.” This list is an essential tool for teachers and students aiming to excel in the SAT’s verbal section. Each word is not only academically relevant but also enriches your everyday vocabulary, making it a double win for learners. Here are SAT Words-level ‘V’ words, complete with meanings, to help you prepare effectively and expand your command of the English language.
- Vicissitude – a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant
- Vituperate – to blame or insult someone in strong or violent language
- Vilify – to speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner
- Veracity – conformity to facts; accuracy
- Vociferous – expressing feelings or opinions in a very loud or forceful way
- Venerate – to regard with great respect; revere
- Venal – showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery
- Vexation – the state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried
- Volatile – liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse
- Verbose – using or expressed in more words than are needed
- Vestige – a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists
- Vapid – offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging; bland
- Voracious – wanting or devouring great quantities of food
- Venerable – accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character
- Visceral – relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect
- Vindicate – to clear (someone) of blame or suspicion
- Vicarious – experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person
- Vigilant – keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
- Viable – capable of working successfully; feasible
- Vacillate – to alternate or waver between different opinions or actions
- Vitriolic – filled with bitter criticism or malice
- Vex – to make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried
- Virtuoso – a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit
Perspectives Words that Starts with “V”
the diverse and dynamic world of perspective words starting with “V”. These words, rich in meaning and depth, offer unique angles and viewpoints, essential for nuanced communication. Incorporating Vowel Words to emphasize phonetic variety and Encouraging Words to inspire and uplift, this list is ideal for educators and students. It not only enriches vocabulary but also enhances understanding of varied perspectives. Each word is a tool for expressing insights and opinions, crucial in both written and spoken English. Discover these ‘V’ words that shape perception and foster critical thinking, broadening the horizons of learners and communicators alike.
- Vantage: a place or position affording a good view.
- Viewpoint: a particular attitude or way of considering a matter.
- Visionary: thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom.
- Vista: a pleasing view.
- Validate: check or prove the validity or accuracy of.
- Venerate: regard with great respect.
- Versatile: able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.
- Viable: capable of working successfully; feasible.
- Vicarious: experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.
- Vigilant: keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
- Vindicate: clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.
- Virtuous: having or showing high moral standards.
- Vision: the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.
- Vivid: producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
- Volatile: liable to change rapidly and unpredictably.
- Vortex: a whirling mass of fluid or air.
- Vulnerable: susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.
- Vanguard: a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas.
- Variegated: exhibiting different colors, especially as irregular patches or streaks.
- Vast: of very great extent or quantity; immense.
- Veracity: conformity to facts; accuracy.
- Verbose: using or expressed in more words than are needed.
- Vex: make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
- Viable: capable of working successfully; feasible.
- Vicinity: the area near or surrounding a particular place.
- Vindictive: having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.
- Virtuoso: a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
- Visceral: relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect.
- Vociferous: vehement or clamorous.
- Volition: the faculty or power of using one’s will.
Compound Words Starting with “V”
Uncover the fascinating world of compound words beginning with “V”. These words, formed by combining two or more words, offer rich meanings and add depth to language comprehension and usage. Ideal for teaching and learning, they are pivotal in expanding vocabulary and understanding of word formation. Each compound word in this list not only aids in linguistic development but also enhances creativity in expression. Dive into these ‘V’ compound words, each a unique linguistic construct.
- Voiceover: a piece of narration in a film or broadcast, not accompanied by an image of the speaker.
- Viewport: a window or other viewing area on a screen.
- Videophone: a telephone with a video screen.
- Vaporware: computer software or hardware that is announced but is not yet available.
- Vice-president: an official or executive ranking below and deputizing for a president.
- Volume-control: a control for adjusting the volume of sound.
- Voodooism: a religious cult practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries.
- Volcanology: the scientific study of volcanoes and volcanic phenomena.
- Volunteerism: the use or involvement of volunteer labor.
- Voltage-regulator: a device designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level.
- Ventriloquism: the art of producing vocal sounds that appear to come from somewhere else.
- Videodisc: a disc on which video and a data are stored in digital form.
- Viewfinder: a device on a camera showing the field of view of the lens.
- Veggie-burger: a vegetarian burger.
- Vacuum-cleaner: an electrical appliance that cleans by suction.
- Vocabulary-building: the process of improving one’s set of known words.
- Visiting-hours: designated hours during which visitors are allowed.
- Validation-code: a code used for confirming the validity of something.
- Vital-statistics: important personal details.
- Vineyard-worker: a person who works in a vineyard.
- Vibration-proof: resistant to vibration.
- Velocity-meter: a device for measuring speed.
- Variable-rate: a rate that varies or changes.
- Vanilla-flavor: a flavor resembling vanilla.
- Vapour-trail: a visible trail left in the sky by an aircraft.
- Valve-positioner: a device used to control the position of a valve.
- Victim-blaming: the act of blaming the victim of a crime.
- Voting-booth: a booth in which a person can vote in privacy.
- Vacation-time: time allocated for a vacation.
- Vocal-cord: either of two folds of tissue that form the margins of the glottis and vibrate to produce the voice.
Words that Start with “V” for Kids
This delightful list of ‘V’ words, specially tailored for kids. These words are not only fundamental to building a strong foundation in English but also fun and easy to learn, steering clear of Difficult Words to ensure accessibility for young minds. Ideal for teachers and parents, this compilation aids children in expanding their vocabulary in a playful and educational manner. Each word is chosen for its simplicity and relevance to a child’s world, making learning both enjoyable and effective, fostering a positive and engaging early educational experience
- Van: a medium-sized motor vehicle, typically without side windows in the rear part, used for transporting goods or people.
- Vase: a decorative container without handles, typically made of glass or china and used as an ornament or for displaying cut flowers.
- Vegetable: a plant or part of a plant used as food.
- Visit: go to see and spend time with (someone) socially.
- Velvet: a closely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or nylon, with a thick short pile on one side.
- Violet: a small plant with purplish-blue flowers.
- Vacation: an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or traveling.
- Volleyball: a game in which two teams of six players use their hands to hit a ball over a net and try to make it land on the opposing team’s part of the court.
- Vest: a close-fitting waist-length garment, typically having no sleeves or collar and buttoning down the front.
- Vroom: the sound made by an engine, especially a car engine, when it is running fast.
- Vine: a climbing or trailing woody-stemmed plant of the grape family.
- Valley: a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it.
- Volcano: a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth’s crust.
- Viking: a member of the seafaring Scandinavian people who raided and settled in many parts of northwestern Europe in the 8th–11th centuries.
- Video: the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images.
- Vanilla: a substance extracted from vanilla beans or produced artificially and used to flavor food or to impart a fragrant scent.
- Vote: give or register a vote.
- Vase: a decorative container used for displaying flowers.
- Village: a group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, situated in a rural area.
- Vineyard: a plantation of grapevines, typically producing grapes used in winemaking.
- Vulture: a large bird of prey with the head and neck more or less bare of feathers, feeding chiefly on carrion.
- Vacuum: a space entirely devoid of matter.
- Velcro: a fastener for clothes or other items, consisting of two strips of fabric, one with tiny hooks and the other with tiny loops, which stick together when pressed.
- Venture: a risky or daring journey or undertaking.
- Vivid: producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
- Virtue: behavior showing high moral standards.
- Vixen: a female fox.
- Vex: make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
- Vibrant: full of energy and life.
- Vaccinate: treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease.
In conclusion, exploring words starting with “V” offers a valuable and versatile addition to any vocabulary. From vivid verbs to vibrant nouns, these words enhance both written and oral communication, fostering a deeper understanding of the English language. For educators and learners, this journey through ‘V’ words is not just an exercise in language expansion, but also a step towards more expressive and effective communication.
Words that Start with A-Z
450+ Words Starting with V List, Meaning, PDF
The vocabulary of words starting with “V” unveils a vivid and varied collection, from the vibrant and vivacious to the venerable and virtuous. This letter introduces a veritable volume of terms that can vitalize dialogue and verse alike. Whether it’s the velocity of a verb or the vision of a noun, “V” words possess the versatility to convey a vast array of values and visuals, making them invaluable for enriching English expression and comprehension.
Download Most Commonly used Words that Start with V - PDF
300+ Most Commonly used Words that Start with “V”
Value | Very | Visit | View | Voice | Various |
Version | Volume | Victory | Vision | Vehicle | Village |
Violent | Variety | Vote | Vital | Victim | Vessel |
Visible | Vacation | Venture | Valid | Video | Vast |
Validity | Vary | Vulnerable | Vocabulary | Virtue | Venue |
Vitamin | Violation | Veteran | Visitor | Victory | Village |
Virtually | Verify | Vest | Violate | Vacant | Vocal |
Variation | Variable | Valid | Vacation | Vent | Vicious |
Visual | Viable | Vice | Vacuum | Verse | Validity |
Venture | Victim | Volume | Villa | Violently | Valuable |
Variety | Vibration | Vintage | Virus | Velvet | Vapor |
Vague | Varying | Valuable | Vivid | Vigorous | Versatile |
Vogue | Vibrant | Vacancy | Vigilant | Valuation | Voluntary |
Vulnerability | Vocalize | Vex | Versus | Ventilation | Valiant |
Vividly | Vanity | Vaporize | Vein | Vault | Vicinity |
Veneration | Viciously | Veto | Viewpoint | Versification | Versatility |
Vitality | Vanity | Voracious | Vagabond | Versed | Vivacious |
Visually | Ventriloquist | Volcanic | Vexation | Velocity | Vista |
Veil | Vantage | Visceral | Viability | Vacationer | Volley |
Volleyball | Vastness | Vividness | Vulnerable | Vehicle | Verse |
Verdict | Victimize | Visitor | Violin | Vile | Varnish |
Viscosity | Ventilate | Volcano | Void | Vigor | Validate |
Variable | Vessel | Vaulted | Vibrancy | Vacation | Volleyball |
Viewer | Vividly | Vagrant | Vapor | Veer | Vegetation |
Veteran | Villain | Vagueness | Vow | Voodoo | Vibration |
Versatile | Velocity | Vex | Vexing | Vaporize | Vintage |
Vise | Valedictorian | Vigilance | Valedictory | Varnish | Venture |
Vivacious | Vindicate | Vastly | Valuable | Vexation | Vagabond |
Vain | Vocalize | Vigorous | Vile | Veneration | Volition |
Villainous | Vow | Vigilant | Visionary | Viral | Vibrate |
Varsity | Vegetarian | Vibrant | Voucher | Vanity | Vindication |
Vanish | Voluntary | Visitation | Violinist | Veil | Viable |
Volume | Vigil | Vividness | Ventilation | Vent | Validate |
Vocalist | Vastly | Vortex | Vibration | Versification | Volatile |
Vagrant | Viewer | Vibrato | Vicinity | Vagabond | Vengeance |
Vicarious | Vowels | Visualize | Vulture | Victorious | Virtuoso |
Veneration | Volley | Volatile | Volatility | Virtually | Vivacity |
Vestige | Voracious | Valuables | Vortex | Verify | Visibly |
Vividly | Vouch | Vivacity | Vanquish | Veritable | Ventilate |
Vicar | Violently | Vessel | Veto | Vocalization | Viciousness |
Voluptuous | Voluminous | Vividly | Vagueness | Vulnerability | Ventriloquist |
Virulent | Van | Venom | Vanilla | Variability | Vendetta |
Verge | Veil | Vivid | Volcano | Verify | Vacuum |
Valiance | Vitality | Vitally | Venue | Vigorously | Veer |
Visionary | Voltage | Vexing | Ventilation | Vortex | Veneration |
Vagabond | Veracity | Vexation | Vengeance | Vial | Vanish |
Voraciously | Vibrato | Verbose | Valuable | Verify | Vanity |
Vagabond | Vexing | Villager | Victory | Vaginal | Vine |
Vessel | Versatile | Vibrant | Virtually | Visibly | Virtue |
Velocity | Vessel | Vanguard | Vicious | Vacate | Vile |
Most Trending Words that Starts with “V”
In the dynamic landscape of the English language, certain words gain prominence and become trending. Our curated list of Most Trending Words that Start with “V” offers a fascinating glimpse into contemporary language trends. Incorporating Rhyming Words and Daily Use English Words, these 30 words are not only popular but also rich in meaning and usage. Ideal for educators and students, this list will help enhance vocabulary and understanding of current linguistic patterns, making it a valuable resource for those looking to stay connected with the evolving nature of language.
Vegan – Someone who does not eat or use animal products.
Vlog – A blog in which the postings are primarily in video form.
Viral – An image, video, piece of information, etc., that is circulated rapidly on the Internet.
Virtual – Not physically existing but made by software to appear so.
Vaccine – A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against diseases.
Vortex – A mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind.
Vivacious – Attractively lively and animated (typically used of a woman).
Voyager – A person who goes on a long and sometimes dangerous journey.
Volatile – (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures; liable to change rapidly and unpredictably.
Virtuoso – A person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
Vernacular – The language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
Vanguard – A group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas.
Vehement – Showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
Vicarious – Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.
Vindicate – Clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.
Vex – Make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
Viable – Capable of working successfully; feasible.
Vista – A pleasing view, especially one seen through a long, narrow opening.
Verbose – Using or expressed in more words than are needed.
Vestige – A trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
Vibrant – Full of energy and enthusiasm.
Vicinity – The area near or surrounding a particular place.
Vindictive – Having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.
Virtue – Behavior showing high moral standards.
Vitriolic – Filled with bitter criticism or malice.
Venerable – Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
Vagrant – A person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place.
Voluminous – Occupying or containing much space; large in volume.
Vaudeville – A type of entertainment popular chiefly in the US in the early 20th century, featuring a mixture of specialty acts.
Vehicular – Relating to, or designed for vehicles.
New & Latest Added Words that Starts with “V”
As language evolves, new words emerge, reflecting changes in technology, culture, and society. Our selection of New & Latest Added Words that Start with V showcases these fresh additions, offering valuable insights into modern expressions. This list is perfect for teachers and students looking to stay updated with the latest linguistic developments and enhance their communication skills with new vocabulary.
Vlogosphere – The world of vlogs and vloggers.
Vaxxer – A person who advocates for vaccination.
Virtualling – Engaging in virtual activities or environments.
Vaporing – Speaking in a boastful or conceited way.
Vape – To inhale and exhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device.
Vibing – Enjoying and resonating with something, especially music.
Voluntourism – A form of tourism in which travelers participate in voluntary work.
Veganize – To make a dish or diet vegan.
Vloggable – Suitable for being the subject of a vlog.
Virtuocrat – A person who believes in or advocates the supremacy of moral virtue.
Vegangelist – A person who is enthusiastic about promoting veganism.
Virtuosity – Great skill or ability.
Virusphere – The entire range of viruses.
Vibes – The mood or atmosphere of a place, situation, or piece of music.
Vaxhole – A person who flaunts their vaccinated status.
Vocaloid – A singing voice synthesizer.
Voom – Move rapidly and smoothly.
Volumize – Make something more voluminous, especially hair.
Vexillology – The study of flags.
Veganuary – An annual event that encourages people to follow a vegan lifestyle for the month of January.
Virtuignal – Relating to virtual signaling.
Velo – A bicycle or cycling.
Visagism – The practice of creating a personal image.
Volumizer – A product used to add volume, especially to hair.
Vaxxident – An accident or problem attributed to vaccination.
Vlogumentary – A documentary presented in the form of a vlog.
Vaguebooking – Posting vague status updates on social media to elicit attention or sympathy.
Vaxxie – A selfie taken during or after getting vaccinated.
Virtuignorance – Ignorance or lack of understanding of virtual environments.
Vapologist – A person skilled in the art of making vape juice or operating vapes.
Noun that Starts with “V”
Discover the richness of the English language with our list of Nouns that Start with ‘V’. This compilation, enriched with essential Dictation Words, is not just a vocabulary expansion tool but also a window into various fields and contexts. Each word is a nugget of knowledge, perfect for teachers and students aiming to deepen their understanding of nouns beginning with the letter ‘V’. Dive into this treasure trove and explore a range of nouns, each with its unique meaning and usage, broadening your linguistic horizon and enhancing your command of the language.
Vacation: A period of time spent away from home or business in travel or recreation.
Vaccine: A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against diseases.
Velocity: The speed of something in a given direction.
Village: A group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town.
Virtue: A quality considered morally good or desirable in a person.
Vista: A pleasing view, especially one seen through a long, narrow opening.
Voyage: A long journey involving travel by sea or in space.
Volcano: A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth’s crust.
Veto: A constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a law-making body.
Valley: A low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it.
Vertex: The highest point; the top or apex.
Vessel: A ship or large boat.
Varnish: A resinous paint used to coat things for protective or decorative purposes.
Vanity: Excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements.
Volume: The amount of space that a substance or object occupies.
Vulture: A large bird of prey with the head and neck more or less bare of feathers, feeding chiefly on carrion.
Vicinity: The area near or surrounding a particular place.
Vanguard: The foremost part of an advancing army or naval force.
Virtuoso: A person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
Vicar: A representative or deputy of a bishop.
Veranda: A roofed platform along the outside of a house, level with the ground floor.
Vortex: A whirling mass of fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind.
Vendor: A person or company offering something for sale.
Vaccine: A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against diseases.
Vault: A large room or chamber used for storage, especially an underground one.
Vector: A quantity having direction as well as magnitude.
Vestige: A trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
Vicissitude: A change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
Voyeur: A person who gains sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.
Veneer: A thin decorative covering of fine wood applied to a coarser wood or other material.
Adverb that Starts with “V”
Dive into the diverse world of adverbs beginning with “V” to vivify your vocabulary. In this guide, we focus on adverbs starting with “V”, a key component in adding nuance and depth to sentences. These adverbs words can modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, bringing vividness and clarity to your expression. Ideal for teachers and students, this list is a valuable tool for enriching English language skills. Understand and use these adverbs for more dynamic and effective communication.
Valiantly – in a brave or heroic manner
Vastly – to an exceedingly great extent or degree
Verbally – in a manner relating to or consisting of words
Vertically – in an up and down direction
Viciously – in a cruel or violent manner
Vigorously – in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy
Vividly – in a manner that produces powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
Vocally – in a way relating to the human voice
Voluntarily – done, given, or acting of one’s own free will
Voraciously – in a way that shows an eager approach to consuming great amounts of food
Vulnerably – in a way that can be easily physically or emotionally hurt
Vaguely – in a way that is uncertain, indefinite, or unclear
Vainly – in a way that produces no result; unsuccessfully
Valuably – in a manner worth a great deal of value
Vanishingly – so as to disappear or cease to exist
Vapidly – in a dull or uninspiring manner
Variably – in a manner that is not consistent or having a fixed pattern
Vastly – to an exceedingly great extent
Vehemently – in a forceful, passionate, or intense manner
Velvety – in a smooth, soft manner, resembling velvet
Venomously – in a manner full of malice or spite
Veraciously – in a manner conforming to or in accordance with the truth
Veritably – in a way that is true or real
Vexatiously – in a manner causing annoyance or frustration
Vibrantly – in a bright, vivid, or striking manner
Vicariously – experienced through imagined participation in another’s experience
Victoriously – in a manner of having won a victory; triumphantly
Vindictively – in a manner showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge
Viscerally – in an emotional, rather than intellectual way
Visibly – in a way that can be seen
Adjective that Starts with “V”
Exploring adjectives starting with “V” is vital for vivid and vibrant communication. These adjective words add value, clarity, and emphasis, enriching both spoken and written language. Perfect for teachers aiming to enhance their students’ vocabulary, this list of “V” adjectives is an excellent resource. Understanding their meanings and usage will empower students to express themselves more effectively and creatively in English.
Valiant – possessing or showing courage or determination
Vast – of very great extent or quantity; immense
Verbal – relating to or in the form of words
Vertical – at right angles to a horizontal plane; in a standing position
Vicious – deliberately cruel or violent
Vigorous – strong, healthy, and full of energy
Vivid – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
Vocal – relating to the human voice
Voluntary – done, given, or acting of one’s own free will
Voracious – wanting or devouring great quantities of food
Vulnerable – susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm
Vague – of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning
Vain – producing no result; useless
Valuable – worth a great deal of money or having a lot of value
Vanishing – disappearing or ceasing to exist
Vapid – offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging; bland
Variable – not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change
Vehement – showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense
Velvety – resembling velvet; soft and smooth
Venomous – full of malice or spite
Veracious – speaking or representing the truth
Veritable – used as an intensifier, often to qualify a metaphor
Vexatious – causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry
Vibrant – full of energy and life
Vicarious – experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person
Victorious – having won a victory; triumphant
Vindictive – having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge
Visceral – relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect
Visible – able to be seen
Volatile – liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse
Phrasal Verbs that Starts with “V”
Phrasal verbs starting with “V” are versatile tools in the English language, offering nuanced ways of expression. Ideal for teachers and students, this guide focuses on these dynamic verb phrases, incorporating Praising Words to uplift and Ness Words to explore states or qualities, enhancing language learning. Understanding and using these phrasal verbs can vastly improve communication skills, providing clearer and more engaging ways to convey messages. They are key in making English more vivid and can be a fun and interesting part of language learning, enriching the educational experience with their depth and variety.
Vent out – to express strong emotions or opinions freely or loudly
Veg out – to relax completely; to be idle
Vamp up – to improve the appearance of something; to make it more attractive
Voice over – to add a voice narration to a film or broadcast
Vote down – to defeat a proposal or motion by voting against it
Vote in – to elect by voting
Vote out – to remove from power or office by voting
Vote up – to show approval or support by voting favorably
Vouch for – to guarantee the truth or quality of something
Veer off – to change direction suddenly
Venture out – to go somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers
Vie for – to compete eagerly with someone in order to achieve something
Vise up – to fix or hold something firmly in a vise
Verge on – to be very close or similar to something
Vocalize on – to express opinions or feelings openly
Vouchsafe to – to give or grant something to someone in a gracious manner
Vacate for – to leave a place for someone or something else
Veer towards – to change direction gradually towards something
Vault over – to jump over something in a single leap
Vibrate against – to shake or move continuously and rapidly against something
Vouch against – to speak or act against someone or something
Vacillate between – to alternate or waver between different opinions or actions
Vocalize against – to speak out against something
Vanish into – to disappear suddenly and completely into something
Veer away from – to change direction to avoid something
Venture into – to dare to do something or go somewhere new or risky
Vibrate along – to cause to shake or move along a path
Vie against – to compete against someone
Vote against – to vote in opposition to something
Vouch within – to affirm or guarantee within a certain context
Describing Words that Starts with “V”
Dive into the vivid world of English vocabulary with our compilation of describing words that start with “V.” This valuable resource is crafted for teachers and students alike, aiming to enhance their linguistic arsenal with versatile and vivid adjectives. These describing words are not only essential for enriching language but also for painting more detailed and colorful pictures in writing and speech. Our list includes 30 descriptive ‘V’ words, each with meanings, perfect for classroom discussions, writing exercises, and expanding one’s vocabulary in an engaging way.
Vibrant – full of energy and life
Vast – of very great extent or size
Venerable – commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity
Volatile – liable to change rapidly and unpredictably
Vivid – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
Vexing – causing annoyance, frustration, or worry
Virtuous – having or showing high moral standards
Verbose – using more words than needed
Vain – producing no result; useless
Valiant – possessing or showing courage or determination
Vapid – offering nothing stimulating or challenging; bland
Venomous – capable of injecting venom; poisonous
Versatile – able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities
Vigilant – keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
Vengeful – seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury
Vintage – denoting something of high quality from a past era
Viable – capable of working successfully
Virtuoso – highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit
Vociferous – expressing or characterized by vehement opinions
Venerated – regarded with great respect
Voracious – wanting or devouring great quantities of food
Vainglorious – excessively proud of oneself or one’s achievements
Vocational – relating to an occupation or employment
Vexatious – causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry
Victorious – having won a victory; triumphant
Vitriolic – filled with bitter criticism or malice
Venerable – accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character
Variable – not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change
Vicarious – experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person
Virtuous – having or showing high moral standards
Positive Words that Starts with “V”
Enhance your positive vocabulary with our selection of inspiring words that start with “V.” Tailored for educators and students, this list is perfect for invigorating lessons with optimism and positivity, incorporating Sight Words for foundational learning and Funny Words to add a touch of humor. Each word is a gem, packed with potential to uplift and motivate. Understanding and using these words can significantly impact communication, adding a layer of positivity to interactions. Here’s a list of 30 positive ‘V’ words, complete with meanings, to brighten up your vocabulary and spread cheer in your writing and speech.
Vibrant – full of energy and enthusiasm
Valuable – of great importance, use, or service
Venerable – deserving of respect because of age, wisdom, or character
Victorious – having won a victory; triumphant
Virtuous – having or showing high moral standards
Valid – having a sound basis in logic or fact; reasonable
Viable – capable of working successfully; feasible
Versatile – able to adapt to many different functions or activities
Vivacious – attractively lively and animated
Valiant – possessing or showing courage or determination
Venerated – regarded with great respect
Visionary – thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom
Vigorous – strong, healthy, and full of energy
Virtuoso – a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit
Vigilant – keeping careful watch for possible dangers or difficulties
Vital – absolutely necessary; essential
Voluptuous – relating to or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure
Venerated – accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character
Vocal – expressing opinions freely or loudly
Vibrant – pulsating with vigor and energy
Vast – of very great extent or size; immense
Virtuous – having or showing high moral standards
Vigilant – keeping careful watch for possible dangers or difficulties
Vivid – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
Valued – held in high esteem; appreciated
Victorious – having won a victory; triumphant
Venerable – commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity
Validated – recognized as valid or legitimate
Vibrant – full of energy and life
Vivid – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
SAT Words that Starts with “V”
Preparing for the SAT? Boost your vocabulary with our list of SAT words beginning with “V.” This list is an essential tool for teachers and students aiming to excel in the SAT’s verbal section. Each word is not only academically relevant but also enriches your everyday vocabulary, making it a double win for learners. Here are SAT Words-level ‘V’ words, complete with meanings, to help you prepare effectively and expand your command of the English language.
Vicissitude – a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant
Vituperate – to blame or insult someone in strong or violent language
Vilify – to speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner
Veracity – conformity to facts; accuracy
Vociferous – expressing feelings or opinions in a very loud or forceful way
Venerate – to regard with great respect; revere
Venal – showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery
Vexation – the state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried
Volatile – liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse
Verbose – using or expressed in more words than are needed
Vestige – a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists
Vapid – offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging; bland
Voracious – wanting or devouring great quantities of food
Venerable – accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character
Visceral – relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect
Vindicate – to clear (someone) of blame or suspicion
Vicarious – experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person
Vigilant – keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
Viable – capable of working successfully; feasible
Vacillate – to alternate or waver between different opinions or actions
Vitriolic – filled with bitter criticism or malice
Vex – to make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried
Virtuoso – a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit
Perspectives Words that Starts with “V”
the diverse and dynamic world of perspective words starting with “V”. These words, rich in meaning and depth, offer unique angles and viewpoints, essential for nuanced communication. Incorporating Vowel Words to emphasize phonetic variety and Encouraging Words to inspire and uplift, this list is ideal for educators and students. It not only enriches vocabulary but also enhances understanding of varied perspectives. Each word is a tool for expressing insights and opinions, crucial in both written and spoken English. Discover these ‘V’ words that shape perception and foster critical thinking, broadening the horizons of learners and communicators alike.
Vantage: a place or position affording a good view.
Viewpoint: a particular attitude or way of considering a matter.
Visionary: thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom.
Vista: a pleasing view.
Validate: check or prove the validity or accuracy of.
Venerate: regard with great respect.
Versatile: able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.
Viable: capable of working successfully; feasible.
Vicarious: experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.
Vigilant: keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
Vindicate: clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.
Virtuous: having or showing high moral standards.
Vision: the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.
Vivid: producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
Volatile: liable to change rapidly and unpredictably.
Vortex: a whirling mass of fluid or air.
Vulnerable: susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.
Vanguard: a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas.
Variegated: exhibiting different colors, especially as irregular patches or streaks.
Vast: of very great extent or quantity; immense.
Veracity: conformity to facts; accuracy.
Verbose: using or expressed in more words than are needed.
Vex: make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
Viable: capable of working successfully; feasible.
Vicinity: the area near or surrounding a particular place.
Vindictive: having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.
Virtuoso: a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
Visceral: relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect.
Vociferous: vehement or clamorous.
Volition: the faculty or power of using one’s will.
Compound Words Starting with “V”
Uncover the fascinating world of compound words beginning with “V”. These words, formed by combining two or more words, offer rich meanings and add depth to language comprehension and usage. Ideal for teaching and learning, they are pivotal in expanding vocabulary and understanding of word formation. Each compound word in this list not only aids in linguistic development but also enhances creativity in expression. Dive into these ‘V’ compound words, each a unique linguistic construct.
Voiceover: a piece of narration in a film or broadcast, not accompanied by an image of the speaker.
Viewport: a window or other viewing area on a screen.
Videophone: a telephone with a video screen.
Vaporware: computer software or hardware that is announced but is not yet available.
Vice-president: an official or executive ranking below and deputizing for a president.
Volume-control: a control for adjusting the volume of sound.
Voodooism: a religious cult practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries.
Volcanology: the scientific study of volcanoes and volcanic phenomena.
Volunteerism: the use or involvement of volunteer labor.
Voltage-regulator: a device designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level.
Ventriloquism: the art of producing vocal sounds that appear to come from somewhere else.
Videodisc: a disc on which video and a data are stored in digital form.
Viewfinder: a device on a camera showing the field of view of the lens.
Veggie-burger: a vegetarian burger.
Vacuum-cleaner: an electrical appliance that cleans by suction.
Vocabulary-building: the process of improving one’s set of known words.
Visiting-hours: designated hours during which visitors are allowed.
Validation-code: a code used for confirming the validity of something.
Vital-statistics: important personal details.
Vineyard-worker: a person who works in a vineyard.
Vibration-proof: resistant to vibration.
Velocity-meter: a device for measuring speed.
Variable-rate: a rate that varies or changes.
Vanilla-flavor: a flavor resembling vanilla.
Vapour-trail: a visible trail left in the sky by an aircraft.
Valve-positioner: a device used to control the position of a valve.
Victim-blaming: the act of blaming the victim of a crime.
Voting-booth: a booth in which a person can vote in privacy.
Vacation-time: time allocated for a vacation.
Vocal-cord: either of two folds of tissue that form the margins of the glottis and vibrate to produce the voice.
Words that Start with “V” for Kids
This delightful list of ‘V’ words, specially tailored for kids. These words are not only fundamental to building a strong foundation in English but also fun and easy to learn, steering clear of Difficult Words to ensure accessibility for young minds. Ideal for teachers and parents, this compilation aids children in expanding their vocabulary in a playful and educational manner. Each word is chosen for its simplicity and relevance to a child’s world, making learning both enjoyable and effective, fostering a positive and engaging early educational experience
Van: a medium-sized motor vehicle, typically without side windows in the rear part, used for transporting goods or people.
Vase: a decorative container without handles, typically made of glass or china and used as an ornament or for displaying cut flowers.
Vegetable: a plant or part of a plant used as food.
Visit: go to see and spend time with (someone) socially.
Velvet: a closely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or nylon, with a thick short pile on one side.
Violet: a small plant with purplish-blue flowers.
Vacation: an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or traveling.
Volleyball: a game in which two teams of six players use their hands to hit a ball over a net and try to make it land on the opposing team’s part of the court.
Vest: a close-fitting waist-length garment, typically having no sleeves or collar and buttoning down the front.
Vroom: the sound made by an engine, especially a car engine, when it is running fast.
Vine: a climbing or trailing woody-stemmed plant of the grape family.
Valley: a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it.
Volcano: a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth’s crust.
Viking: a member of the seafaring Scandinavian people who raided and settled in many parts of northwestern Europe in the 8th–11th centuries.
Video: the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images.
Vanilla: a substance extracted from vanilla beans or produced artificially and used to flavor food or to impart a fragrant scent.
Vote: give or register a vote.
Vase: a decorative container used for displaying flowers.
Village: a group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, situated in a rural area.
Vineyard: a plantation of grapevines, typically producing grapes used in winemaking.
Vulture: a large bird of prey with the head and neck more or less bare of feathers, feeding chiefly on carrion.
Vacuum: a space entirely devoid of matter.
Velcro: a fastener for clothes or other items, consisting of two strips of fabric, one with tiny hooks and the other with tiny loops, which stick together when pressed.
Venture: a risky or daring journey or undertaking.
Vivid: producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
Virtue: behavior showing high moral standards.
Vixen: a female fox.
Vex: make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
Vibrant: full of energy and life.
Vaccinate: treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease.
In conclusion, exploring words starting with “V” offers a valuable and versatile addition to any vocabulary. From vivid verbs to vibrant nouns, these words enhance both written and oral communication, fostering a deeper understanding of the English language. For educators and learners, this journey through ‘V’ words is not just an exercise in language expansion, but also a step towards more expressive and effective communication.