Multiples of 108

Team Maths -
Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: May 31, 2024

Multiples of 108

Multiples of 108 are numbers obtained by multiplying 108 with integers. In mathematics, these multiples are integral parts of the study of multiplication, which involves producing numbers through repeated addition. Each multiple of 108 is a product of 108 and another whole number, making them essential in understanding the relationship between divisors, factors, and multiples. For instance, 216, 324, and 432 are all multiples of 108, illustrating how the base number interacts with different integers. These multiples play a significant role in various mathematical concepts and applications.

What are Multiples of 108?

Multiples of 108 are numbers obtained by multiplying 108 by integers such as 1, 2, 3, etc. In mathematics, these multiples are part of number theory, showing the repeated addition of 108. Each multiple of 108 is a product that can be evenly divided by 108.

Prime Factorization of 108: 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 First 10 Multiples of 108 are 108, 216, 324, 432, 540, 648, 756, 864, 972, 1080.

For example, 324, 540, 864 and 972 are all multiples of 108, 1111 is not a multiple of 108 for the following reasons:

324324÷108 = 3324 is a multiple of 108 because it divides evenly.0
540540÷108 = 5540 is a multiple of 108 because it divides evenly.0
864864÷108 = 8864 is a multiple of 108 because it divides evenly.0
972972÷108 = 9972 is a multiple of 108 because it divides evenly.0
11111111÷108 = 101111 is not a multiple of 108 because it does not divide evenly.31

List of First 100 Multiples of 108 with Remainders

108108 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 1 = 1080
216216 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 2 = 2160
324324 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 3 = 3240
432432 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 4 = 4320
540540 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 5 = 5400
648648 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 6 = 6480
756756 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 7 = 7560
864864 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 8 = 8640
972972 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 9 = 9720
10801080 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 10 = 10800
11881188 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 11 = 11880
12961296 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 12 = 12960
14041404 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 13 = 14040
15121512 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 14 = 15120
16201620 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 15 = 16200
17281728 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 16 = 17280
18361836 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 17 = 18360
19441944 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 18 = 19440
20522052 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 19 = 20520
21602160 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 20 = 21600
22682268 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 21 = 22680
23762376 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 22 = 23760
24842484 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 23 = 24840
25922592 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 24 = 25920
27002700 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 25 = 27000
28082808 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 26 = 28080
29162916 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 27 = 29160
30243024 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 28 = 30240
31323132 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 29 = 31320
32403240 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 30 = 32400
33483348 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 31 = 33480
34563456 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 32 = 34560
35643564 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 33 = 35640
36723672 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 34 = 36720
37803780 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 35 = 37800
38883888 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 36 = 38880
39963996 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 37 = 39960
41044104 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 38 = 41040
42124212 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 39 = 42120
43204320 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 40 = 43200
44284428 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 41 = 44280
45364536 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 42 = 45360
46444644 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 43 = 46440
47524752 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 44 = 47520
48604860 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 45 = 48600
49684968 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 46 = 49680
50765076 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 47 = 50760
51845184 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 48 = 51840
52925292 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 49 = 52920
54005400 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 50 = 54000
55085508 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 51 = 55080
56165616 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 52 = 56160
57245724 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 53 = 57240
58325832 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 54 = 58320
59405940 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 55 = 59400
60486048 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 56 = 60480
61566156 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 57 = 61560
62646264 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 58 = 62640
63726372 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 59 = 63720
64806480 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 60 = 64800
65886588 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 61 = 65880
66966696 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 62 = 66960
68046804 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 63 = 68040
69126912 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 64 = 69120
70207020 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 65 = 70200
71287128 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 66 = 71280
72367236 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 67 = 72360
73447344 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 68 = 73440
74527452 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 69 = 74520
75607560 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 70 = 75600
76687668 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 71 = 76680
77767776 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 72 = 77760
78847884 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 73 = 78840
79927992 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 74 = 79920
81008100 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 75 = 81000
82088208 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 76 = 82080
83168316 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 77 = 83160
84248424 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 78 = 84240
85328532 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 79 = 85320
86408640 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 80 = 86400
87488748 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 81 = 87480
88568856 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 82 = 88560
89648964 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 83 = 89640
90729072 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 84 = 90720
91809180 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 85 = 91800
92889288 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 86 = 92880
93969396 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 87 = 93960
95049504 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 88 = 95040
96129612 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 89 = 96120
97209720 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 90 = 97200
98289828 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 91 = 98280
99369936 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 92 = 99360
1004410044 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 93 = 100440
1015210152 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 94 = 101520
1026010260 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 95 = 102600
1036810368 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 96 = 103680
1047610476 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 97 = 104760
1058410584 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 98 = 105840
1069210692 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 99 = 106920
1080010800 is a multiple of 108 because 108 × 100 = 108000

Read More About Multiples of 108

Table of 108

Important Notes

Definition of Multiples

  • Multiples of 108 are numbers that can be divided by 108 without leaving a remainder.
  • They are generated by multiplying 108 by whole numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.).

First Few Multiples

  • The first few multiples of 108 are: 108, 216, 324, 432, 540, 648, 756, 864, 972, and 1080.
  • These multiples can be found by sequentially adding 108 or multiplying 108 by the integers 1 through 10.

Properties of Multiples

  • Divisibility: All multiples of 108 are divisible by 108.
  • Even Numbers: Since 108 is even, all its multiples are also even numbers.
  • Common Multiples: 108 shares common multiples with other numbers. For instance, 216 is a common multiple of 108 and 54.

Finding Multiples

  • To find if a number NNN is a multiple of 108, check if N÷108 results in an integer.
  • Example: 540 is a multiple of 108 because 540÷108 = 5, which is an integer.

Application of Multiples

  • Least Common Multiple (LCM): Multiples of 108 are useful when calculating the LCM of two or more numbers.
  • Real-World Uses: Multiples of 108 can appear in scenarios involving repeated cycles or intervals, such as time intervals, packaging, and resource allocation.

Examples on Multiples of 108

Examples of Multiples of 108

First Ten Multiples of 108:

  • 108 × 1 = 108
  • 108 × 2 = 216
  • 108 × 3 = 324
  • 108 × 4 = 432
  • 108 × 5 = 540
  • 108 × 6 = 648
  • 108 × 7 = 756
  • 108 × 8 = 864
  • 108 × 9 = 972
  • 108 × 10 = 1080

Properties and Patterns:

Additive Property: The sum of two multiples of 108 is also a multiple of 108.

Example: 216 + 324 = 540 (both 216 and 324 are multiples of 108, and so is 540).

Subtracting Property: The difference between two multiples of 108 is also a multiple of 108.

Example: 864 – 540 = 324 (both 864 and 540 are multiples of 108, and so is 324).

Real-world Applications:

Scheduling: If an event occurs every 108 days, the schedule can be determined using multiples of 108.

Example: If an event starts on January 1st, the next occurrence will be on April 19th (108 days later), then on August 5th (216 days later), and so on.

Bulk Quantities: In manufacturing, ordering parts in multiples of 108 can help in inventory management.

Example: If a factory orders bolts in batches of 108, ordering 5 batches means they receive 540 bolts (5 × 108).

Large Multiples:

  • 108 × 20 = 2160
  • 108 × 50 = 5400
  • 108 × 100 = 10800
  • 108 × 500 = 54000

Practical Example in Measurements:

Distance: If a train travels 108 miles in one trip, then over multiple trips, the distance covered can be calculated using multiples of 108.

Example: Over 3 trips, the train travels 324 miles (108 × 3 = 324).

Summary Table of First 20 Multiples of 108

MultiplierMultiple of 108


What makes 108 a significant number in various cultures and religions?

Explore the spiritual significance of 108 in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other belief systems.

How many multiples of 108 are there between 1 and 1000?

Calculate the number of multiples and understand their distribution within this range.

Are there any interesting mathematical properties of multiples of 108?

Delve into the mathematical patterns or unique characteristics that multiples of 108 exhibit.

How can multiples of 108 be useful in everyday life or practical applications?

Discover real-world scenarios where multiples of 108 play a role, such as time measurements or geometric calculations.

Do multiples of 108 have any connections to astronomy or celestial phenomena?

Explore any astronomical connections, such as the significance of 108 in relation to celestial bodies or events.

Are there any cultural or historical reasons behind the choice of 108 for various practices?

Investigate the cultural or historical origins that led to the prominence of 108 in rituals, traditions, or customs.

Can multiples of 108 be expressed in unique mathematical sequences or series?

Explore how multiples of 108 fit into different mathematical sequences, such as Fibonacci or Lucas numbers.

What role do multiples of 108 play in meditation, yoga, or mindfulness practices?

Understand the significance of 108 in practices like mantra recitation, meditation bead counts, or yoga poses.

Are there any interesting facts or trivia related to multiples of 108?

Discover fascinating tidbits or lesser-known facts about multiples of 108 from various cultures or disciplines.

How do multiples of 108 compare to multiples of other numbers in terms of their properties or significance?

Compare and contrast the properties, cultural significance, and mathematical attributes of multiples of 108 with those of other numbers.

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