Instantly convert seconds to days and vice versa at Just input your data for fast and precise conversions every time.

s to d

Formula: Time in days(d) = Time in seconds(s) 86400

Seconds :

Days :

*values cannot be zero

d to s

Formula: Time in seconds(s) = Time in days(d)x 86400

Days :

Seconds :


Time Converters to Second (s)

Nanosecond to SecondMicrosecond to SecondMillisecond to Second
Minute to SecondHour to SecondDay to Second
Week to SecondMonth to SecondCalendar Year to Second
Decade to SecondCentury to Second

Time Converters to Day (d)

Nanosecond to DayMicrosecond to DayMillisecond to Day
Second to DayMinute to DayHour to Day
Week to DayMonth to DayCalendar Year to Day
Decade to DayCentury to Day

Conversion Factors

  • Seconds to Days: 1 day = 86,400 seconds
  • Days to Seconds: 1 second = 1/86,400 days

How to Convert Seconds to Days

To convert seconds to days, divide the number of seconds by 86,400.



Convert 200,000 seconds to days.

Days=200,000/86,400=2.3148 days

How to Convert Days to Seconds

To convert days to seconds, multiply the number of days by 86,400.



Convert 3 days to seconds.

Seconds=3×86,400=259,200 seconds

Seconds to Days Conversion Table

1 sec1.1574e-5 days
2 sec2.3148e-5 days
3 sec3.4722e-5 days
4 sec4.6296e-5 days
5 sec5.7870e-5 days
6 sec6.9444e-5 days
7 sec8.1019e-5 days
8 sec9.2593e-5 days
9 sec1.0417e-4 days
10 sec1.1574e-4 days
20 sec2.3148e-4 days
30 sec3.4722e-4 days
40 sec4.6296e-4 days
50 sec5.7870e-4 days
60 sec6.9444e-4 days
70 sec8.1019e-4 days
80 sec9.2593e-4 days
90 sec1.0417e-3 days
100 sec1.1574e-3 days

sec to d Conversion Chart

Days to Seconds Conversion Table

Days (d)Seconds (sec)
1 d8.64e+4 sec
2 d1.728e+5 sec
3 d2.592e+5 sec
4 d3.456e+5 sec
5 d4.32e+5 sec
6 d5.184e+5 sec
7 d6.048e+5 sec
8 d6.912e+5 sec
9 d7.776e+5 sec
10 d8.64e+5 sec
20 d1.728e+6 sec
30 d2.592e+6 sec
40 d3.456e+6 sec
50 d4.32e+6 sec
60 d5.184e+6 sec
70 d6.048e+6 sec
80 d6.912e+6 sec
90 d7.776e+6 sec
100 d8.64e+6 sec

d to sec Conversion Chart

Difference Between Seconds to Days

DefinitionA unit of time equal to 1/60th of a minuteA unit of time equal to 24 hours
Symbolsec or sday or d
Base UnitFundamental unit of time in the SI systemNot a fundamental unit in the SI system
LengthShort durationLong duration
UsageUsed for precise and short time measurementsUsed for daily and long-term measurements
Conversion Factor1 second = 1/86,400 days1 day = 86,400 seconds
Practical ExamplesMeasuring intervals in sports, scientific experimentsMeasuring days, scheduling events
PrecisionHigh precision for short intervalsLow precision for short intervals
Common ContextUsed in contexts requiring exact timingUsed in contexts requiring understanding of daily cycles

1. Solved Examples on Converting Seconds to Days

Example 1:

Convert 100,000 seconds to days.:

Days=100,000 seconds/86,400=1.1574 days

Example 2:

Convert 250,000 seconds to days.

Days=250,000 seconds/86,400=2.8935 days

Example 3:

Convert 500,000 seconds to days.

Days=500,000 seconds/86,400=5.7870 days

Example 4:

Convert 1,000,000 seconds to days.

Days=1,000,000 seconds/86,400=11.5741 days

Example 5:

Convert 86,400 seconds to days.

Days=86,400 seconds/86,400=1 day

2. Solved Examples on Converting Days to Seconds

Example 1:

Convert 1.5 days to seconds.

Seconds=1.5 days×86,400=129,600 seconds

Example 2:

Convert 2.75 days to seconds.

Seconds=2.75 days×86,400=237,600 seconds

Example 3:

Convert 0.5 days to seconds.

Seconds=0.5 days×86,400=43,200 seconds

Example 4:

Convert 10 days to seconds.

Seconds=10 days×86,400=864,000 seconds

Example 5:

Convert 0.25 days to seconds.

Seconds=0.25 days×86,400=21,600 seconds

Are there any tools or calculators available for converting seconds to days?

Yes, there are many online converters and calculators that can quickly convert seconds to days. You can also use the conversion formula in spreadsheet software like Excel.

Are leap seconds considered in the conversion from seconds to days?

Leap seconds are not usually considered in basic time conversions because they are rare and only added to keep atomic time in sync with astronomical time. Standard conversions use the 86,400 seconds per day approximation.

What is a common mistake to avoid when converting seconds to days?

A common mistake is forgetting to divide by 86,400, which is the correct conversion factor. Always ensure you use the right divisor.

How does daylight saving time affect converting seconds to days?

Daylight saving time affects the clock time but not the actual duration of seconds in a day. The conversion factor of 86,400 seconds per day remains constant.

What are some practical applications of converting seconds to days?

Applications include scheduling, time tracking in projects, understanding durations in scientific experiments, and calculating the age of historical events or artifacts in days.

Is there a quick way to remember the conversion from seconds to days?

Yes, remember that 86,400 seconds equal one day. So, for quick estimates, you can round to 86,000 or 87,000 if precision is not critical.