Easily convert square feet to hectares and vice versa on Examples.com. Input your measurements for instant, accurate conversions.

sq ft to hectare

Formula: Length in hec = Length in square foot × 0.0000092903

Square Foot:


Square FootHectareExponential

hectare to sq ft

Formula: Length in square foot = Length in hec ÷ 0.0000092903


Square Foot:

HectareSquare FeetExponential

Area Converters to Square Foot (sq ft)

Square foot to Square kilometerSquare foot to Square meterSquare foot to Square mile
Square foot to Square yardSquare foot to Square inchSquare foot to Hectare
Square foot to Acre

Area Converters to Hecatare

Hectare to Square kilometerHectare to Square meterHectare to Square mile
Hectare to Square yardHectare to Square footHectare to Square inch
Hectare to Acre

Conversion Factors:

  • Square Feet to Hectares: 1 hectare = 10,763.91 square feet
  • Hectares to Square Feet: 1 square foot = 1/10,763.91 hectares

How to Convert Square Feet to Hectares:

To convert square feet to hectares, divide the number of square feet by 10,763.91.

Hectares=Square Feet×0.000092903

Here, 0.0000929030 is the conversion factor representing how many hectares are in one square foot, derived from the reciprocal of the conversion ratio where 1 hectare = 10,763.91 square feet.

Example: To convert 20,000 square feet to hectares:

Hectares=20000×0.000092903≈1.858 hectares

How to Convert Hectares to Square Feet:

To convert hectares to square feet, multiply the number of hectares by 10,763.91.

Square Feet=Hectares/0.000092903

Here, 0.0000929030 is the reciprocal of the number of square feet in one hectare (which is 10,763.91). Thus, dividing hectares by this small number will yield the same result as multiplying by 10,763.91.

Example: To convert 2 hectares to square feet:

Square Feet=2/0.000092903=21527.82 square feet

Square Feet to Hectare Conversion Table

Square Feet (sq ft)Hectares (ha)
1 sq ft9.2903e-6 ha
2 sq ft1.8581e-5 ha
3 sq ft2.7871e-5 ha
4 sq ft3.7161e-5 ha
5 sq ft4.6451e-5 ha
6 sq ft5.5742e-5 ha
7 sq ft6.5032e-5 ha
8 sq ft7.4322e-5 ha
9 sq ft8.3612e-5 ha
10 sq ft9.2903e-5 ha
20 sq ft1.8581e-4 ha
30 sq ft2.7871e-4 ha
40 sq ft3.7161e-4 ha
50 sq ft4.6451e-4 ha
60 sq ft5.5742e-4 ha
70 sq ft6.5032e-4 ha
80 sq ft7.4322e-4 ha
90 sq ft8.3612e-4 ha
100 sq ft9.2903e-4 ha

sq ft to hectare Conversion Chart

Hectare to Square Feet Conversion Table

Hectares (ha)Square Feet (sq ft)
1 ha107,639 sq ft
2 ha215,278 sq ft
3 ha322,917 sq ft
4 ha430,556 sq ft
5 ha538,195 sq ft
6 ha645,834 sq ft
7 ha753,473 sq ft
8 ha861,112 sq ft
9 ha968,752 sq ft
10 ha1,076,391 sq ft
20 ha2,152,782 sq ft
30 ha3,229,173 sq ft
40 ha4,305,564 sq ft
50 ha5,381,955 sq ft
60 ha6,458,346 sq ft
70 ha7,534,737 sq ft
80 ha8,611,128 sq ft
90 ha9,687,519 sq ft
100 ha10,763,910 sq ft

hectare to sq ft Conversion Chart

Difference Between Square Feet to Hectare

AspectSquare FeetHectares
Unit TypeA measure of area, primarily used in the United States.A metric measure of area, commonly used internationally.
UsageTypically used for smaller land areas such as homes.Commonly used for measuring larger tracts of land.
SizeOne square foot is quite small, at 0.0929 square meters.One hectare is much larger, equivalent to 10,000 square meters.
Conversion FactorSmaller number in conversions, typically needs thousands to represent a hectare.Larger number in conversions, one hectare is 10,763.91 square feet.
PrecisionOften used when precise, small-scale measurements are needed.Less precise for small scales, more suited for large areas.
Real EstateMore common in residential and small-scale commercial real estate.More common in agricultural and large-scale environmental planning.
ScaleSuited for detailed and interior planning.Suited for broader geographic and land use planning.
Cultural ContextPredominantly used in the United States and some other parts of the world using Imperial units.Widely used globally, especially in countries using the metric system.

1. Solved Examples on Converting Square Feet to Hectare

Example 1

Square Feet: 500 sq ft
Formula: Hectares = Square Feet × 0.000092903
Calculation: 500 × 0.000092903 = 0.04645 hectares
Result: 500 square feet is approximately 0.04645 hectares.

Example 2

Square Feet: 1,000 sq ft
Formula: Hectares = Square Feet × 0.000092903
Calculation: 1,000 × 0.000092903 = 0.092903 hectares
Result: 1,000 square feet is approximately 0.092903 hectares.

Example 3

Square Feet: 2,500 sq ft
Formula: Hectares = Square Feet × 0.000092903
Calculation: 2,500 × 0.000092903 = 0.2322575 hectares
Result: 2,500 square feet is approximately 0.2322575 hectares.

Example 4

Square Feet: 10,000 sq ft
Formula: Hectares = Square Feet × 0.000092903
Calculation: 10,000 × 0.000092903 = 0.92903 hectares
Result: 10,000 square feet is approximately 0.92903 hectares.

Example 5

Square Feet: 15,000 sq ft
Formula: Hectares = Square Feet × 0.000092903
Calculation: 15,000 × 0.000092903 = 1.393545 hectares
Result: 15,000 square feet is approximately 1.393545 hectares.

2. Solved Examples on Converting Hectare to Square Feet

Example 1

Hectares: 0.1 ha
Formula: Square Feet = Hectares × 10,763.91
Calculation: 0.1 × 10,763.91 = 1,076.391 sq ft
Result: 0.1 hectare is approximately 1,076.391 square feet.

Example 2

Hectares: 0.5 ha
Formula: Square Feet = Hectares × 10,763.91
Calculation: 0.5 × 10,763.91 = 5,381.955 sq ft
Result: 0.5 hectare is approximately 5,381.955 square feet.

Example 3

Hectares: 1 ha
Formula: Square Feet = Hectares × 10,763.91
Calculation: 1 × 10,763.91 = 10,763.91 sq ft
Result: 1 hectare is approximately 10,763.91 square feet.

Example 4

Hectares: 2 ha
Formula: Square Feet = Hectares × 10,763.91
Calculation: 2 × 10,763.91 = 21,527.82 sq ft
Result: 2 hectares are approximately 21,527.82 square feet.

Example 5

Hectares: 3 ha
Formula: Square Feet = Hectares × 10,763.91
Calculation: 3 × 10,763.91 = 32,291.73 sq ft
Result: 3 hectares are approximately 32,291.73 square feet.

Where can I find a tool to convert square feet to hectares?

Conversion tools can be found online through various calculators that provide instant conversions, or you can manually calculate it using the conversion factor mentioned above.

What types of projects might require converting square feet to hectares?

Projects involving international real estate, environmental research, large-scale land planning, and agriculture often require converting square feet to hectares to align with metric system standards.

What common mistakes should be avoided when converting square feet to hectares?

Common mistakes include not using the correct conversion factor, rounding off too early in the calculation process, and not double-checking results with a reliable calculator.

How relevant are conversions between square feet and hectares in daily life?

For most people in countries using the imperial system, daily relevance is low unless they are dealing with international property, studying, or working in fields that use the metric system extensively.

Can this conversion be used for any type of property?

Yes, the conversion from square feet to hectares can be used for any property or land measurement, regardless of its use—residential, commercial, agricultural, or industrial.

How accurate do I need to be with conversions in real estate?

Accuracy is crucial in real estate transactions. It’s important to use precise conversion factors and possibly consult with a professional surveyor to ensure that all measurements comply with local regulations and are accurate for contractual purposes.

What types of projects might require converting square feet to hectares?

Projects involving international real estate, environmental research, large-scale land planning, and agriculture often require converting square feet to hectares to align with metric system standards.

For legal documents, it’s advisable to use officially certified conversion tools or services and possibly consult with a land surveyor to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.