Square & Square Root of 136

Team Maths - Examples.com
Created by: Team Maths - Examples.com, Last Updated: June 10, 2024

Square & Square Root of 136

Square of 136

136² (136×136) = 18,496

The square number of 136 is 18,496. This number represents the result of multiplying 136 by itself. It signifies the area of a square with a side length of 136 units. In mathematics, squaring a number is the process of multiplying it by itself.

Square Root of 136

√136 = 11.6619037897


√136 = 11.661 up to three places of decimal

The square root of 136 is approximately 11.662. It is an irrational number, implying it cannot be expressed as a simple fraction.

Square Root of 136: 11.6619037897

Exponential Form: 136^½ or 136^0.5

Radical Form: √136

Is the Square Root of 136 Rational or Irrational?

The square root of 136 is an irrational number

The square root of 136 is approximately 11.662. This means it cannot be expressed as a simple fraction or ratio of two integers. Its decimal expansion is non-repeating and non-terminating. The proof of its irrationality lies in its prime factorization, where 136 does not have a perfect square factor other than 1. Therefore, there is no integer that, when squared, equals 136. This property distinguishes it from rational numbers, which can be expressed as the quotient of two integers. The square root of 136 is a prime example of an irrational number in mathematics.

A rational number is any number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers, where the denominator is not zero. It can be written in the form a/b, where a and b are integers.

Examples: 5/4,3/1

An irrational number is a real number that cannot be expressed as a simple fraction or ratio of two integers. Its decimal representation is non-repeating and non-terminating, making it impossible to express precisely as a fraction.

Examples: 2,3.

Methods to Find Value of Root 136

There are several methods to find the value of the square root of 136:

  1. Prime Factorization: Decompose 136 into its prime factors and extract the square roots of perfect square factors.
  2. Estimation: Use approximation techniques like Newton’s method to iteratively approach the square root of 136.
  3. Calculator: Utilize a scientific calculator or online tools to directly compute the square root of 136.
  4. Table Lookup: Refer to mathematical tables or reference materials containing square roots of various numbers.
  5. Algorithms: Employ algorithms like the Babylonian method or continued fractions to approximate the square root of 136 iteratively.

Square Root of 136 by Long Division Method


Step 1: Write 136 as 136.000000. Now, look at the number in pairs from the right. “36” is a pair, while “1” stands alone.

Step 2: Find a quotient that matches the divisor. Multiply 1 by 1 to get 1. Then, subtract the result from 1.

Step 3: Double the quotient from step 2, which gives us 2. Now, the new divisor is 2x. Bring down “36” as a pair, making it the new dividend.

Step 4: Find a number for 2x times x that’s less than or equal to 36. We find 21 times 1 equals 21. Subtract this from 36 to get a remainder of 15.

Step 5: Place a decimal after the quotient “11” and bring down two zeros, making the dividend 1500. The new divisor is 11 times 2, which equals 22x.

Step 6: Find a number for 22x times x that’s less than or equal to 1500. We find 226 times 6 equals 1356. Subtract this from 1500 to get a remainder of 144.

Step 7: Repeat the process until we achieve three decimal places in the quotient.

Is 136 Perfect Square root or Not

136 is not a perfect square

No, because its Perfect square root is an irrational number, approximately equal to 11.662. A perfect square is the result of multiplying an integer by itself, and since 136 cannot be expressed in this form, it is not a perfect square.


How to convert √ 135?

To convert √135, you can use methods like prime factorization or estimation techniques to find an approximate value.

What are the factors of 136?

The factors of 136 are the numbers that can evenly divide into 136 without leaving a remainder. These factors include 1, 2, 4, 8, 17, 34, 68, and 136. In other words, 136 can be divided by each of these numbers without any remainder.

What is 136 divisible by?

To find out what numbers 136 is divisible by, you can start by dividing 136 by small numbers, like 2, 3, 4, and so on, until you find one that divides evenly. If a number divides evenly, it means there’s no remainder. So, you keep trying until you find all the numbers that divide 136 without leaving any remainder.

What is the square root of 136 by prime factorization?

The square root of 136 can be found by breaking it down into its prime factors: 2 × 2 × 2 × 17. Then, pairing the factors, we get 2 × √34, which is the simplest form of the square root of 136.

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