Easily convert nanoseconds to seconds and vice versa on Examples.com. Just input your measurements for quick and precise results.

ns to s

Formula: Time in seconds (s) = Time in nanoseconds(ns) 1000000000

Nanosecond :

Second :


s to ns

Formula: Time in nanoseconds (ns) = Time in seconds (s) x 1000000000

Second :

Nanosecond :


Time Converters to Nanosecond (nm)

Microsecond to NanosecondMillisecond to NanosecondSecond to Nanosecond
Minute to NanosecondHour to NanosecondDay to Nanosecond
Week to NanosecondMonth to NanosecondCalendar Year to Nanosecond
Decade to NanosecondCentury to Nanosecond

Time Converters to Second (s)

Nanosecond to SecondMicrosecond to SecondMillisecond to Second
Minute to SecondHour to SecondDay to Second
Week to SecondMonth to SecondCalendar Year to Second
Decade to SecondCentury to Second

Conversion Factors:

  • Nanoseconds to Seconds: 1 second = 1e+9 nanoseconds
  • Seconds to Nanoseconds: 1 nanosecond = 1e-9 seconds

How to Convert Nanoseconds to Seconds:

To convert nanoseconds to seconds, divide the number of nanoseconds by 1,000,000,000.



Convert 2,000,000,000 nanoseconds to seconds.

Seconds=2,000,000,000/1,000,000,000=2 seconds

How to Convert Seconds to Nanoseconds:

To convert seconds to nanoseconds, multiply the number of seconds by 1,000,000,000.



Convert 3 seconds to nanoseconds.

Nanoseconds=3×1,000,000,000=3,000,000,000 nanoseconds

Nanosecond to Second Conversion Table

Nanoseconds (ns)Seconds (s)
1 ns1e-9 s
2 ns2e-9 s
3 ns3e-9 s
4 ns4e-9 s
5 ns5e-9 s
6 ns6e-9 s
7 ns7e-9 s
8 ns8e-9 s
9 ns9e-9 s
10 ns1e-8 s
20 ns2e-8 s
30 ns3e-8 s
40 ns4e-8 s
50 ns5e-8 s
60 ns6e-8 s
70 ns7e-8 s
80 ns8e-8 s
90 ns9e-8 s
100 ns1e-7 s

ns to s Conversion Chart

Second to Nanosecond Conversion Table

Seconds (s)Nanoseconds (ns)
1 s1e+9 ns
2 s2e+9 ns
3 s3e+9 ns
4 s4e+9 ns
5 s5e+9 ns
6 s6e+9 ns
7 s7e+9 ns
8 s8e+9 ns
9 s9.e+9 ns
10 s1e+10 ns
20 s2e+10 ns
30 s3e+10 ns
40 s4e+10 ns
50 s5e+10 ns
60 s6e+10 ns
70 s7e+10 ns
80 s8e+10 ns
90 s9e+10 ns
100 ss to ns Conversion Chart ns

s to ns Conversion Chart

Difference Between Nanosecond to Second

Unit Symbolnss
DefinitionOne billionth of a second (10^-9 s)Base unit of time in the SI system
UsageUsed for extremely small time intervals, such as in computing and telecommunicationsUsed for everyday time measurement, events, and durations
Measurement ScaleNanoscopic scaleMacroscopic scale
ExamplesTime taken for light to travel 1 footDuration of a heartbeat
ApplicationsHigh-speed electronics, quantum physics experimentsClocks, timekeeping, scheduling
Conversion1 ns = 1e-9 s1 s = 1e+9 ns
PrecisionIndicates high precision in timing measurementsUsed for less precise time intervals compared to nanoseconds

1. Solved Examples on Converting Nanoseconds to Seconds

Example 1:

Problem: Convert 5,000,000,000 nanoseconds to seconds.

Solution: Seconds=Nanoseconds/1,000,000,000

Seconds=5,000,000,000/1,000,000,000=5 seconds

Example 2:

Problem: Convert 250,000,000 nanoseconds to seconds.

Solution: Seconds=Nanoseconds/1,000,000,000

Seconds=250,000,000/1,000,000,000=0.25 seconds

Example 3:

Problem: Convert 1,000,000 nanoseconds to seconds.

Solution: Seconds=Nanoseconds/1,000,000,000

Seconds=1,000,000/1,000,000,000=0.001 seconds

Example 4:

Problem: Convert 12,000,000,000 nanoseconds to seconds.

Solution: Seconds=Nanoseconds/1,000,000,000

Seconds=12,000,000,000/1,000,000,000=12 seconds

Example 5:

Problem: Convert 75,000,000 nanoseconds to seconds.

Solution: Seconds=Nanoseconds/1,000,000,000

Seconds=75,000,000/1,000,000,000=0.075 seconds

2. Solved Examples on Converting Seconds to Nanoseconds

Example 1:

Problem: Convert 5 seconds to nanoseconds.

Solution: Nanoseconds=Seconds×1,000,000,000

Nanoseconds=5×1,000,000,000=5,000,000,000 ns

Example 2:

Problem: Convert 0.25 seconds to nanoseconds.

Solution: Nanoseconds=Seconds×1,000,000,000

Nanoseconds=0.25×1,000,000,000=250,000,000 ns

Example 3:

Problem: Convert 0.001 seconds to nanoseconds.

Solution: Nanoseconds=Seconds×1,000,000,000

Nanoseconds=0.001×1,000,000,000=1,000,000 ns

Example 4:

Problem: Convert 12 seconds to nanoseconds.

Solution: Nanoseconds=Seconds×1,000,000,000

Nanoseconds=12×1,000,000,000=12,000,000,000 ns

Example 5:

Problem: Convert 0.075 seconds to nanoseconds.

Solution: Nanoseconds=Seconds×1,000,000,000

Nanoseconds=0.075×1,000,000,000=75,000,000 ns

How can I quickly convert nanoseconds to seconds without a calculator?

You can quickly convert nanoseconds to seconds by remembering that you need to move the decimal point nine places to the left. For example, 3,000,000,000 nanoseconds is 3 seconds.

Are nanoseconds commonly used in everyday time measurements compared to seconds?

No, nanoseconds are not commonly used in everyday time measurements. They are typically used in high-precision fields such as computing, telecommunications, and scientific research, whereas seconds are used for general timekeeping.

Can you convert back from seconds to nanoseconds?

Yes, to convert seconds back to nanoseconds, multiply the number of seconds by 1,000,000,000. The formula is: Nanoseconds=Seconds×1,000,000,000

What is the role of nanoseconds to seconds conversion in telecommunications?

In telecommunications, converting nanoseconds to seconds is essential for synchronizing data transmission and ensuring accurate timing for signal processing and communication.

Are there any tools available for converting nanoseconds to seconds?

Yes, there are many online calculators and conversion tools that can instantly convert nanoseconds to seconds and vice versa. These tools are convenient and reduce the risk of manual calculation errors.

How small is a nanosecond compared to a second?

A nanosecond is one billionth of a second. It is an extremely small unit of time used to measure very short intervals.