Use our accurate Percentage Calculator on to effortlessly calculate percentages. This tool is perfect for quickly determining the percentage of a number, the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers, and more. Whether you’re checking homework, managing finances, or just curious about numbers, our calculator provides the precise answers you need.

Percentage Calculator

Formula: Percentage = (Value / Total Value ) × 100

% of


Percentage Calculator in Common Phrases

what is

% of what?


is what percent of


what is the percentage of increase/decrease from



Percentage Difference Calculator

Formula: Percentage Difference = abs(One Value - Another Value) / abs((One Value + Another Value) / 2) × 100

Percentage Change Calculator

Formula: Percentage Change = End Value - Start Value /Start Value×100

Percentage Error Calculator

Formula: Percentage Error = Experimental Value - Theoretical Value / Theoretical Value × 100

Add or Subtract Percentage

Formula: Adding a percentage : New Value = Original Value * ( 1 + percentage / 100)

Formula: Subtracting a percentage : New Value = Original Value * ( 1 - percentage / 100)

Percent to Fraction to Decimal and Decimal to Fraction to Percent

Formula: Percent to Decimal : Decimal = Percent / 100

Formula: Decimal to Percent : Percent = Decimal * 100

Formula: Percent to Fraction : Fraction = Percent / 100

Formula: Fraction to Percent : Percent = Numerator / Denominator * 100

% =


Add or Substract Percentage CalculatorRatio To Percent CalculatorDecimal To Percent Calculator
Fraction To Percent CalculatorPercentage Change CalculatorPercentage Difference Calculator
Percentage Calculator in Common PhrasesPercent to Fraction to Decimal Calculatorpercent increase calculator
percent decrease calculatorpercent off calculatorpercent error calculator
Percent Composition Calculator

How to Use Percentage Calculator

Using a percentage calculator simplifies the process of calculating the percentage values between two numbers, percentage increases, decreases, and other related calculations. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a basic percentage calculator:

Step 1: Identify Your Calculation Type

  • Decide whether you need to find a percentage of a number, calculate what percentage one number is of another, determine a percentage increase or decrease, or perform another percentage-related calculation.

Step 2: Input the Numbers

  • For a simple percentage of a number: Enter the percentage you want to find and the number you are calculating the percentage of.
  • Example: To find 25% of 200, you would enter 25 and 200.
  • For finding out what percentage one number is of another: Enter the part number and the whole number.
  • Example: To find out what percentage 50 is of 200, enter 50 (part) and 200 (whole).
  • For calculating percentage increase or decrease: Enter the original number and the new number.
  • Example: To calculate the increase from 100 to 120, enter 100 (original) and 120 (new).

Step 3: Perform the Calculation

  • Click the “Calculate” button or similar command on the calculator. The percentage calculator will process the inputs according to the specified calculation type.

Step 4: View the Result

  • The result will be displayed on the calculator screen. This could be the percentage value, the percentage increase/decrease, or the percentage of a number.

Step 5: Clear or Reset

  • If you wish to perform another calculation, use the “Clear” or “Reset” button to clear the previous entries and start fresh.

How to find the percentage

Finding the percentage of one number in relation to another is a basic mathematical task that can be performed with a simple formula. Here are the steps to calculate the percentage:

Step 1: Identify the Numbers

  • Determine the part (the number you have) and the whole (the total or original number).

Step 2: Write the Formula

  • The formula to find the percentage is:Percentage=(Part/Whole)×100

Step 3: Plug in the Numbers

  • Substitute the values of the part and the whole into the formula.
  • Example: If you want to find out what percentage 25 is of 200, the “part” is 25 and the “whole” is 200.

Step 4: Perform the Calculation

  • Divide the part by the whole and then multiply the result by 100.
  • Using the example above:Percentage=(25/200)×100=12.5%

Step 5: Interpret the Result

  • The result is the percentage that the part represents of the whole.
  • In the example, 25 is 12.5% of 200.

Percentage Formula

The percentage formula is a simple mathematical expression used to calculate the proportion of one value relative to another, expressed as a percentage. Here’s how it’s defined:



  • Part: The amount or portion of the total you are focusing on.
  • Whole: The total amount, which the part is a fraction of.

Examples of Percentage Calculator

Example 1: Calculating a Discount on a Price

Original Price: $120
Discount Rate: 25%
Calculation: Discount Amount=(25/100)×120=$30
Result: The discounted price is $90.

Example 2: Determining a Test Score as a Percentage

Total Points Possible: 80
Points Scored: 64
Calculation: Percentage Score=(64/80)×100=80%
Result: The score is 80%.

Example 3: Calculating Percentage Increase in Sales

Sales Last Year: $1,500
Sales This Year: $1,800
Calculation: Percentage Increase=(1800−1500/1500)×100=20%
Result: Sales increased by 20% from last year.

Example 4: Finding What Percentage One Number is of Another

Total Employees: 250
Female Employees: 125
Calculation: Percentage=(125/250)×100=50%
Result: 50% of the employees are female.

Example 5: Calculating Body Fat Percentage

Total Weight: 150 lbs
Fat Mass: 30 lbs
Calculation: Body Fat Percentage=(30/150)×100=20%
Result: The body fat percentage is 20%.

Can a Percentage Calculator help in calculating discounts?

Yes, a Percentage Calculator can calculate discounts by finding the percentage of the original price. This amount is then subtracted from the original price to determine the discounted price.

Is there a difference between percentage increase and percentage decrease?

Yes, percentage increase measures how much a number has gone up, while percentage decrease indicates how much it has gone down, both relative to the original number.

Are percentage calculators accurate?

Percentage calculators are highly accurate as long as the inputted data is correct. However, rounding errors may occur with very small or very large numbers.

Where can I find a reliable online percentage calculator?

Reliable online percentage calculators can be found on educational websites, financial advisory sites, and apps that include mathematical tools.

Can a percentage calculator be used in health and fitness?

Yes, percentage calculators are useful in health and fitness for calculating body fat percentage, weight loss percentage, or the percentage of macro-nutrients in a diet plan.

How can I use a percentage calculator to manage my budget?

You can use it to calculate what percentages of your income are spent on different expenses, helping you understand and manage your financial allocations better.

How do I handle decimals when using a percentage calculator?

Enter decimals just as you would whole numbers. The calculator will correctly handle the decimal values to compute the percentage. Always ensure the decimal point is placed correctly for accurate results.

Why percentages matter?

Percentages are crucial because they provide a way to compare different values on a consistent scale, helping interpret data regardless of size. They are essential in finance, education, and health for measuring changes, assessing performance, and understanding proportions effectively in everyday situations.