Calculate percentages in common phrases with the Percentage Calculator. Easily determine percentage values.

Percentage Calculator in Common Phrases

what is

% of what?


is what percent of


what is the percentage of increase/decrease from



How to Use Percentage Calculator in Common Phrases

To use the percentage calculator for common phrases on the website, follow these simple steps:

1. Calculating a Basic Percentage:

  • Step 1: In the first input box under “what is _ % of what?”, enter the percentage you want to find (e.g., 5).
  • Step 2: In the adjacent box, enter the base number (e.g., 9).
  • Step 3: The result will automatically display in the box on the right (e.g., 0.45).

2. Determining What Percentage One Number is of Another:

  • Step 1: In the first box under ” _ is what percent of _ ?”, enter the part number (e.g., 2).
  • Step 2: In the next box, enter the whole number (e.g., 7).
  • Step 3: The result, showing what percentage the first number represents of the second, will appear automatically (e.g., 28.57%).

3. Calculating Percentage Increase or Decrease:

  • Step 1: Under “what is the percentage of increase/decrease from _ to _ ?”, enter the original number in the first box (e.g., 11).
  • Step 2: Enter the new number in the following box (e.g., 12).
  • Step 3: The result showing the percentage change will automatically display (e.g., 9.09%).

Examples of Percentage Calculator in Common Phrases

Example 1: Calculating a Percentage of a Number

What is 25% of 200?


25% of 200 is 50.

Example 2: Determining What Percentage One Number is of Another

What percentage is 50 of 200?


50 is 25% of 200.

Example 3: Calculating Percentage Increase

What is the percentage increase from 150 to 200?


There is a 33.33% increase from 150 to 200.

Example 4: Calculating Percentage Decrease

What is the percentage decrease from 500 to 400?


There is a 20% decrease from 500 to 400.

Example 5: Finding a Percent of a Percent

What is 10% of 50% of 200?

First, find 50% of 200: 50/100×200=100

Then, find 10% of 100: 10/100×100=10

10% of 50% of 200 is 10.

What does it mean when a calculator shows a negative percentage?

A negative percentage result indicates a decrease. For example, if calculating the percentage change in revenue from one year to the next and the result is negative, it means there was a reduction in revenue.

How can a percentage calculator be useful in real life?

Percentage calculators are commonly used in financial planning, shopping (calculating discounts and taxes), health-related metrics (like body fat and weight loss goals), and education (grading and score improvements).

Are online percentage calculators reliable for academic use?

Online calculators are generally reliable for straightforward calculations but always verify with manual calculations or use academic-approved calculators for exams or official assignments.

What should I check if my percentage calculations seem wrong?

Always ensure you’ve entered the correct numbers in the right order. Also, check if the calculator settings are appropriate for the type of calculation you are doing (e.g., increase vs. decrease).

How do I use a percentage calculator for interest rates?

To calculate interest earned with a percentage calculator, enter the principal amount and the interest rate, then apply the formula for simple interest or compound interest as required.

What is the best way to compare percentage results from different data sets?

Ensure consistency in how you calculate percentages across different data sets. Compare results by normalizing the data to the same scale or time frame for accurate comparisons.

How do I handle large numbers or very small decimals in a percentage calculator?

Most calculators automatically handle large numbers and decimals. However, ensure you enter the correct number of decimal places for accuracy, especially in financial calculations.

Which function is used to calculate percentage?

To calculate percentages, use the division function. Divide the part by the whole and then multiply by 100 to convert the result into a percentage, effectively applying the formula: partwhole×100%wholepart​×100%.

How do you express percentages without a calculator?

Express percentages by converting the fraction of two numbers to a decimal and then multiplying by 100. For example, to find what percentage 25 is of 50, divide 25 by 50 to get 0.5, then multiply by 100 to get 50%.

What is the easiest way to do percentages?

The easiest way to handle percentages is to remember the basic formula: partwhole×100%wholepart​×100%. This method simplifies finding percentages of quantities and can be easily estimated by rounding numbers for mental calculations.