Use our Percentage Difference Calculator on for quick and accurate calculations of percentage differences between two numbers.

Percentage Difference Calculator

Formula: Percentage Difference = abs(One Value - Another Value) / abs((One Value + Another Value) / 2) Γ— 100

How to Use Percentage Difference Calculator

Step 1: Access the Tool

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the Percentage Difference Calculator on the website.

Step 2: Input the Values

  • Locate the two input boxes on the calculator interface. These are labeled for the numbers between which you wish to calculate the percentage difference.
  • Enter the first number in the first input box.
  • Enter the second number in the second input box.

Step 3: Review the Calculation

  • The calculator automatically computes the percentage difference once the numbers are entered. You do not need to press any button to execute the calculation.
  • The formula used for the calculation is displayed above the input boxes and is as follows:
  • Percentage Difference=abs(One Value – Another Value)/abs((One Value + Another Value) / 2)Γ—100

Step 4: View the Result

  • The result of the calculation is displayed in a box to the right of the input boxes. In the example provided in your screenshot, with the numbers 9 and 4 entered, the calculator displays a percentage difference of 76.92%.

Step 5: Clear or Reset

  • If you need to perform another calculation, click the “Clear” button to reset the input fields. This will allow you to enter new values without refreshing the entire page.

Step 6: Use the Results

  • You can use the calculated percentage difference for your analysis, comparisons, reports, or any other necessary evaluations.

How to find the percentage difference?

Finding the percentage difference between two values is a straightforward process that helps you understand how much two numbers vary relative to their average. Here’s how you can calculate it step-by-step:

Step 1: Identify the Two Numbers

  • Determine the two numbers between which you want to calculate the percentage difference. Let’s call them 𝐴and 𝐡.

Step 2: Calculate the Absolute Difference

  • Find the absolute difference between the two numbers. This is done by subtracting the smaller number from the larger number to ensure a positive value. The formula is:βˆ£π΄βˆ’π΅βˆ£
  • For example, if A=9 and B=4, then βˆ£π΄βˆ’π΅βˆ£=∣9βˆ’4∣=5

Step 3: Calculate the Average of the Two Numbers

  • Compute the average (mean) of the two numbers. This is the sum of the numbers divided by two:
  • Average=𝐴+𝐡/2​
  • Continuing the example, 9+4/2=6.5

Step 4: Divide the Absolute Difference by the Average

  • Divide the absolute difference by the average value calculated in the previous step:
  • βˆ£π΄βˆ’π΅βˆ£Average​
  • In the example, 5/6.5=0.7692

Step 5: Convert to Percentage

  • To convert the result into a percentage, multiply by 100:
  • (βˆ£π΄βˆ’π΅βˆ£/Average)Γ—100
  • Thus, 0.7692Γ—100=76.92%

Step 6: Interpret the Result

  • The result tells you how much the two numbers differ as a percentage of their average. A higher percentage indicates a greater disparity between the two numbers.

Percentage Difference Formula

The percentage difference formula is a mathematical calculation used to determine the relative difference between two values in terms of a percentage. This formula is particularly useful in comparing two numbers to assess how much they differ from each other as a proportion of their average value. Here’s how the percentage difference is calculated:

Formula for Percentage Difference

The percentage difference between two values, 𝐴A and 𝐡B, is given by:

Percentage Difference=(βˆ£π΄βˆ’π΅βˆ£βˆ£π΄+𝐡∣2)Γ—100

Explanation of the Formula

  • |A – B|: This represents the absolute difference between the two values. The absolute value is used to ensure the difference is a positive number, regardless of which value is larger.
  • ∣𝐴+𝐡∣/2∣A+B∣/2: This calculates the average (or mean) of the two values, 𝐴A and 𝐡B. Using the absolute value here ensures the average is always positive, which is particularly relevant in certain contexts where 𝐴A or 𝐡B could be negative.
  • Multiplying by 100: This step converts the fraction into a percentage, which makes it easier to interpret.

When is the Percentage Difference Useful?

  1. Comparing Different Scales:
    It allows for meaningful comparisons between values that have different magnitudes or scales.
    Example: Comparing revenue increases between a small business and a multinational corporation.
  2. Standardizing Measurements:
    Helps standardize the differences across data sets, facilitating more accurate comparisons.
    Example: Comparing test score improvements across schools with different class sizes.
  3. Analyzing Relative Change:
    Useful for evaluating the relative change or impact, especially when absolute values are less intuitive.
    Example: Examining changes in pollution levels before and after a policy implementation in different cities.
  4. Financial Analysis:
    In finance, percentage difference is essential for comparing percentage changes in various financial metrics like prices, costs, or returns over time.
    Example: Analyzing the percentage difference in yearly returns between two investment portfolios.
  5. Quality Control:
    It helps quantify variations in product specifications or performance in a relative manner.Example: Comparing the variability in thickness of batches of sheet metal from different suppliers.
  6. Market Research:
    Useful in market research to compare consumer preferences or behaviors in different demographic or geographic segments.
    Example: Comparing the percentage difference in preference for a product feature between two consumer groups.
  7. Performance Reviews:
    Evaluates performance changes over time or between different entities or departments.
    Example: Assessing the improvement in service delivery times before and after a process enhancement.

When Can Percentage Difference Be Confusing?

  1. When Values are Close to Zero:
    If one or both numbers are close to zero, the percentage difference can be misleadingly high.
    Example: If a company’s profit changes from $1 to $2, the percentage difference is 100%, which might imply a more dramatic change than is practically significant.
  2. Negative Values:
    When dealing with negative values, the interpretation of percentage differences can be non-intuitive.
    Example: If profits move from -$100 to $100, the percentage difference calculation might not reflect the practical economic reality.
  3. Ignoring Base Effects:
    Percentage difference doesn’t account for the base value, potentially leading to misleading conclusions.
    Example: A change from 10 to 15 is a 33.33% increase, as is a change from 10,000 to 15,000, but the practical implications of these changes can be vastly different.
  4. Overemphasis on Outliers:
    Extreme values can skew the percentage difference, giving undue emphasis to outliers.
    Example: In income data, a few high earners can skew the percentage differences, making average income appear higher than it practically is for most people.
  5. Lack of Directional Information:
    Percentage difference measures absolute difference and does not indicate which of the two numbers is higher.
    Example: A percentage difference of 50% does not tell you whether it increased or decreased, just the magnitude of change relative to the average of the two numbers.

Examples of Percentage Difference Calculator

Example 1: Comparing Prices of Gadgets

  • Initial Price: $350 (Price of Gadget A)
  • Final Price: $400 (Price of Gadget B)
  • Percentage Difference:
  • Percentage Difference=∣400βˆ’350∣350+400/2Γ—100=13.79%

Example 2: Evaluating Weight Change

  • Initial Weight: 150 lbs (Weight in January)
  • Final Weight: 140 lbs (Weight in June)
  • Percentage Difference:
  • Percentage Difference=∣140βˆ’150∣150+140/2Γ—100=6.67%

Example 3: Measuring Sales Growth

  • Initial Sales: $5200 (Sales in 2022)
  • Final Sales: $6200 (Sales in 2023)
  • Percentage Difference:
    Percentage Difference=∣6200βˆ’5200∣5200+6200/2Γ—100=18.18%

Example 4: Comparing Exam Scores

  • Initial Score: 82 points (Midterm Exam)
  • Final Score: 94 points (Final Exam)
  • Percentage Difference:
    Percentage Difference=∣94βˆ’82∣82+94/2Γ—100=13.64%

Example 5: Analyzing Temperature Fluctuations

  • Initial Temperature: 68Β°F (Morning Temperature)
  • Final Temperature: 75Β°F (Afternoon Temperature)
  • Percentage Difference:
    Percentage Difference=∣75βˆ’68∣68+75/2Γ—100=9.86%

Is percentage difference equal to percentage change?

No, percentage difference and percentage change are not the same. Percentage difference compares two values symmetrically without direction, while percentage change measures the directional difference from an initial value to a final value, indicating an increase or decrease.

When is the percentage difference equal to 100%?

The percentage difference between two numbers is equal to 100% when one of the numbers is zero and the other is a non-zero number. This indicates a complete difference, as the values are as disparate as possible relative to their sum.

Can I use a percentage difference calculator for any type of data?

Yes, it can be used for any numerical data where relative comparison is needed.

Where can I find a percentage difference calculator online?

Many mathematical and statistical websites provide online tools to calculate percentage difference, or you can use a standard calculator to apply the formula manually.

Can percentage difference be negative?

No, percentage difference is always positive or zero because it measures absolute difference.