Effortlessly convert joules to British Thermal Units (BTU) and vice versa with Examples.com. Enter your data for quick, accurate conversions.

J to BTU

Formula: Energy in BTUs (BTU) = Energy in Joules (J) * 0.000947817

Joule :



BTU to J

Formula: Energy in Joules (J) = Energy in BTUs (BTU) x 1055.06


Joule :


Energy Converters to Joule

Joule to KilojouleJoule to Gram CalorieJoule to Kilocalorie
Joule to Watt hourJoule to Kilowatt-hourJoule to Electronvolt
Joule to British thermal unitJoule to US ThermJoule to Foot-pound

Energy Converters to British Thermal Unit

British thermal unit to JouleBritish thermal unit to KilojouleBritish thermal unit to Gram Calorie
British thermal unit to KilocalorieBritish thermal unit to Watt hourBritish thermal unit to Kilowatt-hour
British thermal unit to ElectronvoltBritish thermal unit to US ThermBritish thermal unit to Foot-pound

Conversion Factors:

  • Joules to BTU: 1 BTU = 1,055.06 joules
  • BTU to Joules: 1 joule = 1/1,055.06 BTU

How to Convert Joules to BTU:

To convert joules to BTU, divide the number of joules by 1,055.06.

BTU = Joules (J)/1,055.06

Example: Convert 5,000 joules to BTU.

BTU=5,000 J/1,055.06 = 4.74 BTU

How to Convert BTU to Joules:

To convert BTU to joules, multiply the number of BTU by 1,055.06.

Joules (J)=BTU×1,055.06

Example: Convert 10 BTU to joules.

Joules=10 BTU×1,055.06 = 10,550.6 J

Joule to British Thermal Unit Conversion Table

Joules (J)BTU
1 J0.00095 BTU
2 J0.00190 BTU
3 J0.00284 BTU
4 J0.00379 BTU
5 J0.00474 BTU
6 J0.00569 BTU
7 J0.00664 BTU
8 J0.00758 BTU
9 J0.00853 BTU
10 J0.00948 BTU
20 J0.01897 BTU
30 J0.02845 BTU
40 J0.03793 BTU
50 J0.04741 BTU
60 J0.05689 BTU
70 J0.06637 BTU
80 J0.07585 BTU
90 J0.08533 BTU
100 J0.09482 BTU

J to BTU Conversion Chart

British Thermal Unit to Joule Conversion Table

BTUJoules (J)
1 BTU1,055.06 J
2 BTU2,110.12 J
3 BTU3,165.18 J
4 BTU4,220.24 J
5 BTU5,275.30 J
6 BTU6,330.36 J
7 BTU7,385.42 J
8 BTU8,440.48 J
9 BTU9,495.54 J
10 BTU10,550.60 J
20 BTU21,101.20 J
30 BTU31,651.80 J
40 BTU42,202.40 J
50 BTU52,753.00 J
60 BTU63,303.60 J
70 BTU73,854.20 J
80 BTU84,404.80 J
90 BTU94,955.40 J
100 BTU105,506.00 J

BTU to J Conversion Chart

Difference Between Joule to British Thermal Unit

AspectJoules (J)British Thermal Units (BTU)
Unit of MeasurementJoule is a unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI).BTU is a unit of energy used in the United States and some other countries.
SymbolRepresented by “J”.Represented by “BTU”.
Conversion Factor1 joule = 0.000947817 BTU.1 BTU = 1,055.06 joules.
Common UseWidely used in scientific contexts to measure energy, work, and heat.Commonly used to measure energy in heating and cooling systems.
Global PreferencePreferred worldwide in scientific and engineering fields due to SI standardization.Primarily used in the United States and in contexts related to HVAC systems.
Energy ExpressionExpresses energy in joules, where 1 joule is the energy transferred when applying a force of one newton over one meter.Expresses the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.
Practical ExampleUsed in physics, chemistry, and engineering calculations.Used in calculating the energy consumption of air conditioners, heaters, and other HVAC equipment.
Historical ContextPart of the International System of Units (SI), which was developed during the 19th century.Originates from the British Imperial system and has historical significance in measuring heat energy.

1. Solved Examples on Converting Joule to British Thermal Unit

Example 1:

Convert 500 joules to BTU.

BTU=Joules (J)/1,055.06

Calculation: BTU = 500 J/1,055.06 = 0.474 BTU

Example 2:

Convert 1,200 joules to BTU.

Calculation: BTU = 1,200 J/1,055.06 = 1.137 BTU

Example 3:

Convert 3,000 joules to BTU.

Calculation: BTU = 3,000 J1,055.06 = 2.843 BTU

Example 4:

Convert 7,500 joules to BTU.

Calculation: BTU = 7,500 J/1,055.06 = 7.109 BTU

Example 5:

Convert 10,000 joules to BTU.

Calculation: BTU = 10,000 J/1,055.06 = 9.478 BTU

2. Solved Examples on Converting British Thermal Units to Joules

Example 1:

Convert 1 BTU to joules.

Joules (J) = BTU×1,055.06

Calculation: Joules = 1 BTU×1,055.06 = 1,055.06 J

Example 2:

Convert 3 BTU to joules.

Calculation: Joules = 3 BTU×1,055.06 = 3,165.18 J

Example 3:

Convert 5 BTU to joules.

Calculation: Joules = 5 BTU×1,055.06 = 5,275.30 J

Example 4:

Convert 7 BTU to joules.

Calculation: Joules = 7 BTU×1,055.06 = 7,385.42 J

Example 5:

Convert 10 BTU to joules.

Calculation: Joules = 10 BTU×1,055.06 = 10,550.60 J

Why do we use joules and BTU for measuring energy?

Joules are used as the standard unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI), commonly used in scientific contexts. BTU is a unit of energy used primarily in the United States for measuring heat energy, especially in heating and cooling systems.

Are joules and BTU used interchangeably?

While both units measure energy, they are used in different contexts. Joules are widely used in scientific and engineering fields, while BTU is often used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) applications.

How accurate is the conversion between joules and BTU?

The conversion is accurate based on the defined conversion factor: 1 BTU = 1,055.06 joules. Calculations using this factor are precise and reliable.

Can I find online tools for converting joules to BTU?

Yes, there are many online calculators and conversion tools available that can quickly and accurately convert between joules and BTU, making it convenient for users

What are some practical applications of converting joules to BTU?

Practical applications include comparing the energy content of different fuels, understanding the energy requirements of heating and cooling systems, and converting scientific measurements to more commonly used units in certain regions.