Solid Deformation

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Created by: Team Physics -, Last Updated: August 28, 2024

Solid Deformation

Solid Deformation

Solid deformation refers to the alteration in the shape or size of a solid material under the influence of external forces. This process can result in changes such as stretching, compressing, bending, or twisting. Depending on the nature of the material and the magnitude of the applied forces, the deformation can be either elastic (reversible) or plastic (permanent). Hooke’s Law of Elasticity describes elastic deformation, stating that the strain in a solid material is proportional to the applied stress, as long as the material’s elastic limit is not exceeded. In contrast, Newton’s Law of Viscosity describes the flow behavior of fluids, not solids. Elastic deformation occurs when the material returns to its original shape after the removal of the force, while plastic deformation involves a permanent change in shape.

What is Solid Deformation?

Solid deformation refers to the change in shape, size, or volume of a solid material when subjected to external forces or stresses. This deformation can be temporary, where the material returns to its original form upon the removal of the force (elastic deformation), or permanent, where the material retains its deformed shape even after the force is removed (plastic deformation).

Solid Deformation Formula

The deformation of a solid under stress can be described using various formulas depending on the type of stress and the resulting strain. Here are some key formulas:

Hooke’s Law for Linear Elastic Deformation:

σ = E⋅ϵ

Where σ is the stress, E is the Young’s modulus, and ϵ is the strain.

Bulk Modulus:


​Where K is the bulk modulus, ΔP is the change in pressure, V is the original volume, and
ΔV is the change in volume.

Shear Modulus (Modulus of Rigidity):


Where τ is the shear stress, G is the shear modulus, and γ is the shear strain.

Examples of Solid Deformation

Examples of Solid Deformation
  1. Stretching a Rubber Band: When you pull on a rubber band, it elongates. Upon releasing, it returns to its original shape, demonstrating elastic deformation.
  2. Bending a Metal Rod: Applying a force to bend a metal rod causes it to deform. If the force is within the elastic limit, the rod will return to its original shape once the force is removed. Exceeding the elastic limit results in plastic deformation, where the rod remains bent.
  3. Compressing a Sponge: Squeezing a sponge reduces its volume. When the pressure is released, the sponge regains its original shape, showcasing elastic deformation.
  4. Crushing a Soda Can: Applying sufficient force to a soda can causes it to collapse. This deformation is permanent, illustrating plastic deformation.
  5. Twisting a Wrench: Using a wrench to apply torque to a bolt involves shearing stress, leading to deformation of the bolt’s material. If within elastic limits, the bolt returns to its original form; otherwise, it deforms permanently.
  6. Pressing Clay: Molding clay with your hands deforms it. Since clay does not return to its original shape, this is an example of plastic deformation.
  7. Flexing a Plastic Ruler: Bending a plastic ruler causes it to deform. If the force is removed within the elastic limit, the ruler returns to its original shape. Beyond this limit, it can break or permanently bend.
  8. Dent in a Car Body: A collision or impact can cause a dent in a car’s body, demonstrating plastic deformation as the metal retains the dented shape.
  9. Stretching a Spring: Pulling on a spring causes it to elongate. Releasing the force allows the spring to return to its original shape, exhibiting elastic deformation.
  10. Tensile Stress in Cables: The cables of a suspension bridge experience tensile stress and deform slightly under the weight of the bridge. This deformation is elastic, and the cables return to their original shape once the load is removed.
  11. Bending a Plastic Straw: When you bend a plastic straw, it deforms. If bent gently, it can return to its original shape (elastic deformation). If bent too far, it will crease or break (plastic deformation).
  12. Hammering a Nail: Driving a nail into wood causes the nail to deform. The nail compresses and bends as it is driven in, demonstrating both elastic and plastic deformation.
  13. Squeezing a Ball of Dough: When you press a ball of dough, it deforms under the pressure of your hands. This is an example of plastic deformation, as the dough maintains its new shape.
  14. Forming Metal Sheets: In industrial processes, metal sheets are pressed or rolled to form various shapes. This process often involves plastic deformation where the metal does not return to its original shape.
  15. Stretching a Wire: Pulling on a wire stretches it. If the tensile force is within the elastic limit, the wire will return to its original length. Beyond this limit, it will undergo plastic deformation and remain stretched.
  16. Bending a Credit Card: If you bend a credit card, it deforms. Small bends may return to the original shape (elastic deformation), but significant bends will create a permanent crease (plastic deformation).
  17. Pressing Foam: When you press on memory foam, it deforms under the pressure. Upon releasing the pressure, it slowly returns to its original shape, demonstrating elastic deformation.
  18. Crushing Ice: When ice is crushed, it deforms and breaks apart. This is an example of plastic deformation, as the ice pieces do not return to their original shape.
  19. Forming Clay Pots: In pottery, clay is molded into different shapes. This involves plastic deformation since the clay retains its new shape once formed.
  20. Dent in a Bicycle Frame: If a bicycle frame hits a hard surface, it can dent. This dent represents plastic deformation as the frame does not return to its original shape.

Stress and Strain Factor


Stress is the internal force per unit area within a material that arises from externally applied forces. It quantifies the intensity of internal forces acting within a deformable body. Stress is defined as:

σ = F / A

Where: σ is the stress, F is the applied force, A is the cross-sectional area.
Types of Stress:
Tensile Stress: Occurs when forces act to stretch a material.
Compressive Stress: Occurs when forces act to compress a material.
Shearing Stress: Occurs when forces act parallel to the surface, causing layers to slide against each other.


Strain is the measure of deformation representing the displacement between particles in the material body relative to a reference length. It is a dimensionless quantity and is defined as:

ϵ = ΔL/L0

Where: ϵ epsilonϵ is the strain. ΔL is the change in length. L is the original length.
Types of Strain:
Longitudinal Strain: Occurs when the deformation is along the length of the material. It can be tensile (stretching) or compressive (shortening).
Shear Strain: Occurs when the deformation is due to forces causing one layer to slide over another.

Factors Influencing Stress and Strain

  1. Material Properties: Different materials respond differently to stress and strain. Elastic materials return to their original shape, while plastic materials undergo permanent deformation.
  2. Elastic Moduli: These are constants that measure the stiffness of a material. Key elastic moduli include:
    • Young’s Modulus (E): Measures the tensile stiffness.
    • Shear Modulus (G): Measures the shear stiffness.
    • Bulk Modulus (K): Measures the resistance to uniform compression.
  3. Poisson’s Ratio (ν\nuν): This ratio relates the transverse strain to the axial strain in a material subjected to axial stress. It helps in understanding the volumetric changes in the material.
  4. Temperature: Changes in temperature can affect the stress and strain relationship, as materials expand or contract with temperature variations.
  5. Rate of Loading: The speed at which loads are applied can influence the stress-strain behavior. Rapid loading can lead to different deformation characteristics compared to slow loading.
  6. History of Loading: Previous loads and deformations can impact how a material responds to new loads, especially in materials that exhibit plastic deformation.
  7. Size and Shape of the Material: The geometry of the material can affect how stress and strain are distributed within it.

Types of Deformation of Solids

1. Permanent Deformation (Plastic Deformation)

Permanent deformation, also known as plastic deformation, is the irreversible change in shape or size of a material after the applied force is removed. This type of deformation occurs when the material is stressed beyond its elastic limit, causing permanent alterations in its internal structure. Unlike elastic deformation, plastic deformation does not follow Hooke’s Law and does not revert to the original shape once the force is removed.
Irreversible: The material does not return to its original shape after the removal of the force.
Permanent change in shape or size. Occurs when the material exceeds its elastic limit. For Example: Bending a metal rod permanently.

2. Temporary Deformation (Elastic Deformation)

Temporary deformation, also known as elastic deformation, is the reversible change in shape or size of a material when subjected to an external force. This type of deformation occurs within the elastic limit of the material, meaning the material returns to its original shape once the force is removed. Elastic deformation follows Hooke’s Law, where the stress is directly proportional to the strain.
Reversible: The material returns to its original shape after the removal of the force. Temporary change in shape or size. Occurs within the elastic limit of the material. For Example, Stretching a rubber band and having it return to its original length.

Properties of Solid Deformations

  1. Elasticity
    • Elastic Limit: The maximum stress that allows a material to return to its original shape.
    • Young’s Modulus (E): Stiffness measure; higher values indicate stiffer materials.
  2. Plasticity
    • Yield Strength: Stress at which plastic deformation begins.
    • Plastic Deformation: Irreversible change in shape after force removal.
  3. Ductility
    • Ability to undergo significant plastic deformation before rupture.
    • Measured by percentage elongation or reduction in area before fracture.
  4. Brittleness
    • Tendency to break or shatter without significant plastic deformation.
    • Examples: Glass, ceramics, cast iron.
  5. Toughness
    • Ability to absorb energy and deform plastically before fracturing.
    • Measured by the area under the stress-strain curve.
  6. Hardness
    • Resistance to permanent deformation, scratching, cutting, or abrasion.
    • Measured using scales like Mohs, Vickers, and Brinell.
  7. Resilience
    • Ability to absorb and release energy upon unloading when deformed elastically.
    • Measured by the area under the elastic portion of the stress-strain curve.
  8. Malleability
    • Ability to withstand deformation under compressive stress, forming thin sheets.
    • Examples: Gold, silver, aluminum.


What causes solid deformation?

External forces such as tension, compression, and shear stress can cause solid deformation.

What is Hooke’s Law?

Hooke’s Law states that the strain in a solid is directly proportional to the applied stress within the elastic limit.

What is the elastic limit?

The elastic limit is the maximum stress that a material can withstand without permanent deformation.

What is Young’s modulus?

Young’s modulus is a measure of the stiffness of a material, defined as the ratio of stress to strain in the elastic region.

What is shear deformation?

Shear deformation is a change in shape caused by forces acting parallel to the surface, causing layers to slide past each other.

What is tensile deformation?

Tensile deformation occurs when a material is stretched, causing an increase in length.

What is compressive deformation?

Compressive deformation occurs when a material is compressed, leading to a decrease in length or volume.

What is a stress-strain curve?

A stress-strain curve is a graphical representation showing the relationship between stress and strain for a material under load.

What is strain hardening?

Strain hardening is the process by which a material becomes stronger and more resistant to deformation through plastic deformation.

What factors influence solid deformation?

Material properties, temperature, the magnitude of the applied force, and the rate at which the force is applied all influence solid deformation.

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