Units of Inductance

Last Updated: April 24, 2024

Units of Inductance

What is Inductance?

Inductance is a property of electrical circuits where a change in electric current generates an opposing electromotive force through a magnetic field. Typically observed in coils and inductors, it plays a crucial role in the operation of transformers, motors, and various types of electronic equipment. The unit of inductance is the Henry (H), named after Joseph Henry, who discovered the phenomenon. Inductance is essential for controlling and stabilizing current flows in circuits, making it fundamental to much of modern electrical engineering and technology.

Units of inductance formula

𝐿 = Φ/𝐼

Here, 𝐿 is the inductance in henries (H), Φ is the magnetic flux in webers (Wb), and 𝐼 is the current in amperes (A). Thus, the Henry is defined such that an inductor has an inductance of one Henry when a change of one ampere per second in current through the coil produces an electromotive force of one volt across the coil.

What are the Units of Inductance?

The primary unit of inductance is the Henry (H), named after the American scientist Joseph Henry who discovered self-inductance. One Henry is defined as the inductance of a circuit in which a change in current at the rate of one ampere per second results in an electromotive force of one volt. This unit is integral to understanding how inductors behave in electrical circuits, particularly in how they store energy and oppose changes in current flow through the creation of a magnetic field.

In addition to the Henry, smaller units such as the millihenry (mH) and microhenry (µH) are commonly used, especially in electronics, where large inductances are rare. These subdivisions help in precise measurements and specifications for components like inductors and transformers used in various devices, from power supplies to radio transmitters. Each millihenry equals one-thousandth of a Henry, and each microhenry is one-millionth of a Henry, allowing for detailed descriptions of the inductive properties of smaller or more finely tuned circuits.

SI Unit of Inductance

SI unit of inductance : Henry (H)

CGS Unit of Inductance

CGS unit of inductance : abhenry

List of Units of Inductance

UnitSymbolEquivalent to
HenryH1 H = 1 volt second per ampere
MillihenrymH1 mH = 0.001 H
MicrohenryµH1 µH = 0.000001 H
NanohenrynH1 nH = 0.000000001 H
AbhenryabH1 abH = 10^(-9) H (used in the CGS system)

Inductance, a key parameter in electrical circuits, particularly those involving coils and transformers, is measured in various units depending on the application’s scale and precision needs. Below is an overview of the primary units used to measure inductance along with their conversions, ensuring clarity for engineering, design, and educational purposes.

Henry (H)

1 H = 1 volt second per ampere

The fundamental SI unit of inductance, the Henry is defined as the inductance of a circuit in which a change in current of one ampere per second results in an induced voltage of one volt. It’s the standard unit used in most scientific and engineering applications.

Millihenry (mH)

1 mH = 0.001 H

A subunit of the Henry, one millihenry is equal to one-thousandth of a Henry (1 mH = 0.001 H). This unit is commonly used in electronic circuits where smaller inductance values are typical.

Microhenry (µH)

1 µH = 0.000001 H

Further scaling down, the microhenry is one-millionth of a Henry (1 µH = 0.000001 H). It’s widely used in radio frequency (RF) applications and small inductors within electronic devices.

Nanohenry (nH)

1 nH = 0.000000001 H

At the smaller end of the spectrum, one nanohenry equals one-billionth of a Henry (1 nH = 0.000000001 H). This unit is crucial in high-frequency electronic applications, including mobile phones and GPS systems.

Abhenry (abH)

1 abH = 10^(-9) H (used in the CGS system)

Used primarily within the CGS system, one abhenry is equivalent to 10^(-9) Henrys. Although less common today, it’s occasionally referenced in specific scientific research and historical contexts.

Conversion of Units of Inductance

Conversion of Units of Inductance
From UnitTo UnitConversion Factor
Henry (H)Millihenry (mH)1 H = 1,000 mH
Millihenry (mH)Microhenry (µH)1 mH = 1,000 µH
Microhenry (µH)Nanohenry (nH)1 µH = 1,000 nH
Nanohenry (nH)Picohenry (pH)1 nH = 1,000 pH
Picohenry (pH)Nanohenry (nH)1 pH = 0.001 nH

From Henry (H) to Millihenry (mH)

1 H = 1,000 mH

One Henry is equivalent to one thousand Millihenries. This conversion is crucial for understanding and working with inductance in various applications, particularly in electronic circuits where smaller units are commonly used.

From Millihenry (mH) to Microhenry (µH)

1 mH = 1,000 µH

One Millihenry is approximately equal to one thousand Microhenries. This allows for precise measurements and specifications in more finely-tuned electronic components.

From Microhenry (µH) to Nanohenry (nH)

1 µH = 1,000 nH

One Microhenry converts to one thousand Nanohenries, facilitating detailed work in high-frequency electronic applications like signal processing and RF engineering.

From Nanohenry (nH) to Picohenry (pH)

1 nH = 1,000 pH

One Nanohenry is equivalent to one billionth of a Henry, used for precise calculations in advanced technological applications and theoretical physics.

From Picohenry (pH) to Nanohenry (nH)

1 pH = 0.001 nH

Converting from Picohenries to Nanohenries involves multiplying by 0.001, enabling precise calculations in advanced technological applications and theoretical physics.


What is the purpose of inductance?

The purpose of inductance is to resist changes in current flow in an electrical circuit, storing energy in a magnetic field. It’s essential for filtering, energy storage, and electromagnetic compatibility.

What is the difference between inductance and inductor?

Inductance is a property of a circuit component, measuring its ability to store energy in a magnetic field, while an inductor is the physical component itself, such as a coil or solenoid, exhibiting inductance.

What is the difference between inductance and frequency?

Inductance is a property related to a component’s ability to resist changes in current flow, whereas frequency refers to the rate of oscillation or repetition of a periodic event in a circuit. They are fundamentally different concepts in electronics.

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