10+ Travel Log Examples to Download
A travel log is a sheet which contains a record of a traveler’s record. Initially, it was only used for non-formal purposes i.e. by travelers to record their experiences. But today, many companies and individuals establish a travel log for their professional records. A personal travel log can help one plan a trip and write about the memories. Adding pictures and writing about one’s own self can make travel log unique and personalized. Professional or business related travel log helps one in maintaining a record of their travel and in preparing an accurate expense report for reimbursement. Travel logs help companies in preparing a sheet of traveling expense incurred by them in a specific period.
This article will cover templates, examples, and samples of different types of travel log used around the globe in day-to-day life.
Travel Log Examples & Templates
1. Sample Travel Log
It becomes essential for organizations to maintain an accurate record of the trips conducted through company vehicles. Such records help in preventing the misuse of the service and in obtaining a clear expense record. This file is an example of the Travel Log format by the Motor Fleet Management Division, Raleigh for permanently assigned vehicles. It is a one-page document capturing information about the individual responsible for the vehicle, agency supervisor, and other details about the vehicle. The log is divided into three sections viz. trip dates, office travel, and mileage. Sufficient space is provided to enter trip details for an entire month and convenient calculation options are provided at the bottom to summarize the log.
2. Daily Travel Log Sample
A daily travel log is a sheet maintained by an individual to record details about the personal/professional trips. Such travel logs help an individual in maintaining a record of the miles traveled by his/her own car and in keeping an exact track of the total time spent in traveling. This file is a blank general template of daily travel log available for download free of cost in PDF format. The log is divided into three sections viz. Mileage reading, number of miles, and purpose of the trip. It is a one-page log and can easily accommodate travel data for an entire month.
3. Vehicle Travel Log
The above file is an example of the vehicle travel log issued by the St. Louis Area Regional Response System. It is required to be filled and submitted on a semi-annually basis by the owners who have vehicle purchased with funding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. One must enter basic details like department, VIN Number, License Number, and vehicle details at the beginning before entering information in the log. It captures information like date of travel, operator, the purpose of the trip, destination, beginning & ending miles, gasoline purchased, and miscellaneous remarks. It is a three-page blank log sheet which is sufficient enough to accommodate travel details for 90 days.
4. College Supervisor Travel Log
College and universities have a systematic process of reimbursing the travel expenses to student interns. Such processes are strictly monitored and recorded by intern supervisors to promote transparency. This file is one such example of the travel log of the student intern. The information capturing log sheet is divided into three sections viz. Date, School Travelled to & from, and Mileage. The log also includes instructions at the end of the sheet for supervisors on guiding them about the procedure for filing a reimbursement to the management. One can download this travel log and use it as a reference to prepare a similar log.
5. Travel Card Log Sheet
This file is a general template of a purchase/travel card log. It is neatly designed and the formatting is basic. It is a one-page editable PDF file with top section allotted for general purchases and the bottom section for travel expenses. One must provide information about the card and the card holder in the space provided at the extreme top and the bottom of the document. One can download this file and explore the formatting style and standard pattern of a travel card log.
6. Student Team Travel Log Expenses
Universities fund the traveling & food expenses of a sports team representing the college at different competitions. For reimbursement of the expenses a student team travel log expenses is issued by the university which has to be filled and submitted along with relevant receipts to demand a claim. This file is one such example of the student team travel log issued by the University of Nevada, Reno.
7. Occupational License Travel Log
Officials often demand travel logs from the occupation license holder during the renewal of their existing license or in the suspension investigation case of their regular license. This file is an example of the travel log for occupation license holders. It is a one-page PDF document available for download free of cost. It can capture information like date, start time, end time, reason, from, and destination.
8. Automobile Travel Expenses Log
Travel costs are paid by an organization for a political or marketing campaign of a company. It demands a travel expense log from the drivers or executives who have initially paid for the same, and then initiate a reimbursement. This file is a similar example of an automobile travel expense log sheet. The entire sheet is divided into two sections i.e. travel expense and repayment. The sheet can capture information about both the travel expense and payment records.
9. Guardian Travel Log
This file is a one-page general PDF log sheet for recording the guardian/parent travel details. One can add travel information up to five trips in this sheet. The sheet can include details like date, destination & purpose, mileage, and amount. The total reimbursement demanded is subjected to approval from the director of special services as mentioned in the sheet.
10. Monthly Travel Log Sheet
This file is an example of the monthly travel log issued by a university to be filled up respectively by assigned drivers to certify that the mileage driven by the vehicle was for official university purpose only. The log is designed in a standard format and can easily capture required information related to tracking the travel of a vehicle.
11. Travel Log Form Sample
The above file is a general blank template of travel log form available for download free of cost in PDF format. It can include information like date, the location from, location to, number of miles, and purpose of travel. It can be instantly downloaded to record the travel details for personal or professional purpose.
10+ Travel Log Examples to Download
A travel log is a sheet which contains a record of a traveler’s record. Initially, it was only used for non-formal purposes i.e. by travelers to record their experiences. But today, many companies and individuals establish a travel log for their professional records. A personal travel log can help one plan a trip and write about the memories. Adding pictures and writing about one’s own self can make travel log unique and personalized. Professional or business related travel log helps one in maintaining a record of their travel and in preparing an accurate expense report for reimbursement. Travel logs help companies in preparing a sheet of traveling expense incurred by them in a specific period.
This article will cover templates, examples, and samples of different types of travel log used around the globe in day-to-day life.
Travel Log Examples & Templates
1. Sample Travel Log
File Format
Size: 551 KB
It becomes essential for organizations to maintain an accurate record of the trips conducted through company vehicles. Such records help in preventing the misuse of the service and in obtaining a clear expense record. This file is an example of the Travel Log format by the Motor Fleet Management Division, Raleigh for permanently assigned vehicles. It is a one-page document capturing information about the individual responsible for the vehicle, agency supervisor, and other details about the vehicle. The log is divided into three sections viz. trip dates, office travel, and mileage. Sufficient space is provided to enter trip details for an entire month and convenient calculation options are provided at the bottom to summarize the log.
2. Daily Travel Log Sample
File Format
Size: 4 KB
A daily travel log is a sheet maintained by an individual to record details about the personal/professional trips. Such travel logs help an individual in maintaining a record of the miles traveled by his/her own car and in keeping an exact track of the total time spent in traveling. This file is a blank general template of daily travel log available for download free of cost in PDF format. The log is divided into three sections viz. Mileage reading, number of miles, and purpose of the trip. It is a one-page log and can easily accommodate travel data for an entire month.
3. Vehicle Travel Log
File Format
Size: 17 KB
The above file is an example of the vehicle travel log issued by the St. Louis Area Regional Response System. It is required to be filled and submitted on a semi-annually basis by the owners who have vehicle purchased with funding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. One must enter basic details like department, VIN Number, License Number, and vehicle details at the beginning before entering information in the log. It captures information like date of travel, operator, the purpose of the trip, destination, beginning & ending miles, gasoline purchased, and miscellaneous remarks. It is a three-page blank log sheet which is sufficient enough to accommodate travel details for 90 days.
4. College Supervisor Travel Log
File Format
Size: 278 KB
College and universities have a systematic process of reimbursing the travel expenses to student interns. Such processes are strictly monitored and recorded by intern supervisors to promote transparency. This file is one such example of the travel log of the student intern. The information capturing log sheet is divided into three sections viz. Date, School Travelled to & from, and Mileage. The log also includes instructions at the end of the sheet for supervisors on guiding them about the procedure for filing a reimbursement to the management. One can download this travel log and use it as a reference to prepare a similar log.
5. Travel Card Log Sheet
File Format
Size: 58 KB
This file is a general template of a purchase/travel card log. It is neatly designed and the formatting is basic. It is a one-page editable PDF file with top section allotted for general purchases and the bottom section for travel expenses. One must provide information about the card and the card holder in the space provided at the extreme top and the bottom of the document. One can download this file and explore the formatting style and standard pattern of a travel card log.
6. Student Team Travel Log Expenses
File Format
Size: 16 KB
Universities fund the traveling & food expenses of a sports team representing the college at different competitions. For reimbursement of the expenses a student team travel log expenses is issued by the university which has to be filled and submitted along with relevant receipts to demand a claim. This file is one such example of the student team travel log issued by the University of Nevada, Reno.
7. Occupational License Travel Log
File Format
Size: 148 KB
Officials often demand travel logs from the occupation license holder during the renewal of their existing license or in the suspension investigation case of their regular license. This file is an example of the travel log for occupation license holders. It is a one-page PDF document available for download free of cost. It can capture information like date, start time, end time, reason, from, and destination.
8. Automobile Travel Expenses Log
File Format
Size: 58 KB
Travel costs are paid by an organization for a political or marketing campaign of a company. It demands a travel expense log from the drivers or executives who have initially paid for the same, and then initiate a reimbursement. This file is a similar example of an automobile travel expense log sheet. The entire sheet is divided into two sections i.e. travel expense and repayment. The sheet can capture information about both the travel expense and payment records.
9. Guardian Travel Log
File Format
Size: 50 KB
This file is a one-page general PDF log sheet for recording the guardian/parent travel details. One can add travel information up to five trips in this sheet. The sheet can include details like date, destination & purpose, mileage, and amount. The total reimbursement demanded is subjected to approval from the director of special services as mentioned in the sheet.
10. Monthly Travel Log Sheet
File Format
Size: 14 KB
This file is an example of the monthly travel log issued by a university to be filled up respectively by assigned drivers to certify that the mileage driven by the vehicle was for official university purpose only. The log is designed in a standard format and can easily capture required information related to tracking the travel of a vehicle.
11. Travel Log Form Sample
File Format
Size: 202 KB
The above file is a general blank template of travel log form available for download free of cost in PDF format. It can include information like date, the location from, location to, number of miles, and purpose of travel. It can be instantly downloaded to record the travel details for personal or professional purpose.